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1、六年级英语下册听力材料小学英语六年级下册单元作业听力材料Unit 1、听一听,选出与所听内容相符的图片。1. Whose tail is longer?2、 Whose ears are shorter?3. Which animal is taller?4、 Which one is heavier?5.Which tiger is smaller?二、听-一听,选出您所听到的单词1、I ' m taller than him2、He is stronger than her、3、Which monkey is thinner?4、How old are you?5、The tige

2、r is bigger than the cat、三、听-一听,选择正确的答语并标号。1、How are you?2、How heavy are you?3、How big are your feet?4、How tall are you?5、Who is taller than you?四、听一听,把句子补充完整A: How tall are you ?B: I ' m60cm tall,And you?A: I don ' t know,But look,I taller than you 、I think I ' m about162cmtall B: Yes,A

3、ll the people in my family are very thin 、A: Your legs are longer than my legs、B: Yes、 My arms are longer,too、 But you are younger than meUnit 2一、听一听,选出与所听内容相符的图片。A、 I feel very tiredB、 I failed my English test、 I am sadC、 The book is boring、 I feel bored、 D、 I ' m angry E、 I ' m going to ha

4、ve a trip I ' m excited二、听一听,选择您所听到的单词。1、What' s the matter? I have a fever、2、How does Amy feel?She' ssad、3、I have a headache、4、I ' m excited I ' m going on a big trip5、How heavy are you? I ' m 48 kg三、听一听,选择正确的答语。1、What do you do when you have the flu?2、How do you feel?3、How

5、tall are you,Tom?4、How does Sarah feel?5、 She' s so happy,why?四、听对话填空。Doctor: Hello, Mike 、 How are you today?Mike:I don ' t feel wellDoctor: What s tmeatter with you?Mike:My throat is sore, My nose hurts 、Doctor: Don t worry Take some medicine, and you will be better soon、 Mike: Thanks 、 Si

6、r、Unit 3一、听一听,选出与所听内容相符的图片。1、Chen Jie is helpful at home、She cleaned the bedroom last weekend、2、Wu Yifan visited his grandparents yesterday afternoon 、3、Amy and John went hiking on their holiday 、4、Liu Yun and her parents went to the park last Sunday 、5、John did homework last weekend 、二、听一听,选择正确的问句。

7、1、Yes, I did、2、I am watering the flowers 、3、Mike usually goes to the park on foot 、4、She went shopping last weekend、5、The cat can see the mouse三、听一听,把句子补充完整。Mike was busy last weekend、 He visited grandparents on Saturday morning 、 It was his grandpa s birthdayhey cooked noodles together、 In the afte

8、rnoon,they watched TV、On Saturday evening, he did homework、 On Sundaymorning, he cleaned the room with his grandpa 、 In the afternoon, he went home and washed the clothes、Unit 4一、听一听,选出与所听内容相符的图片。1、I went fishing on my holiday 、2、Did you go skiing? Yes, I did、3、I took many pictures on my holiday 、5、

9、 I rowed a boat yesterday、4、 What did you do yesterday? I read a book二、听一听,选择您所听到的单词。1、When did you go?2、 John climbed a mountain last weekend 、3、We had math class yesterday、4、 My mother bought a cat 、5、He saw the doctor yesterday evening、三、听一听,选择正确的答语。1、What did you do yesterday evening?2、Did Amy s

10、ee elephants last weekend?3、Where did you go on your holiday?4、When did you go?5、How did you go there?四、听一听,把句子补充完整。Mike:Where did you go on your holiday?John:I went to Xinjiang 、Mike:What did you do there?John:I sang and danced、Mike:Did you eat good food?John:Yes,I did、期中作业一、听一听,选出与所听内容相符的图片1、My do

11、g is bigger and stronger than yours,Which is my dog?2、My mom is taller than me 、 I ' m shorter than my siste、 Which am I?3、My pencil is shorter、 Which is my pencil?4、I like the thinner book 、5、My jacket is longer、 Can you find it?二、听一听,选出您所听到的单词1、What s the matter with you?2、How does Amy feel ?

12、She s、red3、What did you do yesterday? I washed clothes 、4、I like cooking dinner 、5、I failed the math test、三、听一听,选择正确的答语。1 、 How do you feel?2、Where did you go yesterday?3、How did you go to Shanghai on your holiday?4、Did he play football last weekend?5、What did you do last weekend?四、听一听,把句子补充完整。Dear

13、John,How are you? I was very busy last weekend 、 I did my homework and washed the clothes on Saturday morning、 In the afternoon, I went fishing with my parents、 I visited my grandparents with my parents on Sunday morning 、 I helped them clean their room What about you?Recycle 1一、听一听,选出与您所听到的内容相符的图片。

14、1、Amy bought some presents for her friends 、2、She has a sore throat、3、My bag is heavier than Chen Jie 、' s4、Sarah went skiing last weekend、5、I sang and danced with my new friends 、二、听一听,选出您所听到的单词或短语。1、160 cm2、ball3、 bigger4 cleaned the room5、 have a toothache三、听一听,选择正确的答语。1、What was the weather

15、like yesterday?2、How did you go to Harbin last week?3、What did your brother do yesterday evening?4、What s your father like?5、Where are you going on your holiday?四、听一听,把句子补充完整。1、I went ice-skating last Friday 、2、What s the matter? I have a headache、3、You' re much taller and stronger than my frien

16、d 、4、My mother bought a present for me yesterday 、5、On Saturday,he went hiking with his parents 、Recycle 2一、听一听,选出与所听内容相符的图片。1、The monkey s head is bigger2、I have a headache、3、My P、E、teacher is happy、4、They are going to watch TV this evening 、5、Go straight for six minutes 、二、听一听,选择您所听到的单词。1、There ar

17、e many places、2、I like fruits very much 、3、He skied with his friends yesterday 、4、Her mother worked in a hospital 、5、I went shopping with my parents 、三、听录音,选择合适的答语1、What did you do yesterday morning?2、What can you do ?3、What s your sister obbs?i4、How many people are swimming now?5、What is Amy going

18、to do tomorrow?四、听一听,把句子补充完整。1、What can you do? I can sing the songs、2、I will learn Chinese next weekend 、3、Wu Yifan likes making kites 、4、He lives next to school、5、 Don t besad、 We will give you a surprise、期末作业、听一听选出与所听内容相符的图片。A、What are you going to do tomorrow?I ngoing to clean theroom、B、What'

19、; s the matter with you?I have a toothache、C、I have a new math teacher, he s very strongD、What did you do yesterday? I washed the clothes、E、What' s your hobby? I like taking pictures 、F、Did you go hiking last weekend? No, I didn 、 twent fishing、二、听一听,选择您所听到的单词。1、RIY2、Tom cleaned the room yesterd

20、ay morning、3、Look! The shirt is very expensive 、4、I want to buy a comic book、5、-What can Zoom do? -He can read newspapers、三、听一听,选择正确的答语。1、How heavy are you?2、How did you go to Jinan?3、Where did you go?4、Are there any trees in the park?5、Did you learn English last Sunday?四、听一听,把句子补充完整。1、Mike is heavi

21、er than Zhang Peng 、2、Tom read a newspaper last Sunday、3、-What does your father do? -He' s a TN/eporter、4、I like flying kites 、5、I learned Chinese yesterday morning 、生管理制度1总则1.1为了加强公司的环境卫生管理,创造一个整洁、文明、温馨的购物、办公环境,根据公共场所卫生管理条例的要求,特制定本制度。1.2集团公司的卫生管理部门设在企管部,并负责将集团公司的卫生区域详细划分到各部室,各分公司所辖区域卫生由分公司客服部负责

22、划分,确保无遗漏。2卫生标准2.1室内卫生标准2.1.1地面、墙面:无灰尘、无纸屑、无痰迹、无泡泡糖等粘合物、无积水,墙角无灰吊、无蜘蛛网。2.1.2门、窗、玻璃、镜子、柱子、电梯、楼梯、灯具等,做到明亮、无灰尘、无污迹、无粘合物,特别是玻璃,要求两面明亮。2.1.3柜台、货架:清洁干净,货架、柜台底层及周围无乱堆乱放现象、无灰尘、无粘合物,货架顶部、背部和底部干净,不存放杂物和私人物品。2.1.4购物车(筐)、直接接触食品的售货工具(包括刀、叉等) :做到内外洁净,无污垢和粘合物等。购物车(筐)要求每天营业前简单清理,周五全面清理消毒;售货工具要求每天消毒,并做好记录。2.1.5商品及包装:商品及外包装清洁无灰尘(外包装破损的或破旧的不得陈列)。2.1.6收款台、服务台、办公橱、存包柜:保持清洁、无灰尘,台面和侧面无灰尘、无灰吊和蜘蛛网。桌面上不得乱贴、乱画、乱堆放物品,用具


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