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1、浙江大学硕士学位论文高中英语教师课堂指令话语研究A Study of Instructional Language in High School English ClassesDing LinA thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Master of Educationin EnglishSupervised byMa BosenSchool of InternationaI Studies, Zhej iang UniversityMarch,2014浙江大学硕士学位论文高中英语教师课堂

2、指令话语研究 论文作者签名:二刍二圈k 指导教师签名:论文评阅人1:挂渲扬评阅人2:堂建匮评阅人3:鱼塞空评阅人4:评阅人5:答辩委员会主席:委员1:委员2:委员3:委员4:委员5:浙江大学硕士学位论文高中英语教师课堂指令话语研究 .SchoolEnglish Classes.AuthorS signature:Supervisor7S signature:Thesis reviewer 1:鱼些i垡09垒DgThesis reviewer 2:圣b垒凸gj垒凸田jDThesis reviewer 3:H皇巡皇D圣bQ凸gThesis reviewer 4: Thesis reviewer 5

3、-Chair:鱼坐i垡QgY坌凸g(Committee of oradefenceCommitteeman 1:鱼些i垡凸gY垒凸gCommitteeman 2-ZhanR JianminCommitteeman 3-Zhao HongqinCommitteeman 4:He WenzhonRCommitteeman 5-He HuibinDate of oral defence:丛鱼Y三】:!,至Q】垒浙江大学硕士学位论文高中英语教师课堂指令话语研究 论文独创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得 的研究成果。据我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中

4、不包 含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得逝望盘鲎或其他 教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的 任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示谢意。学位论文作者签名:j听 签字日期:纠垆年6月/加 学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解 逝鎏盘堂有关保留、使用学位论文的规 定,有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和磁盘,允许论文被 查阅和借阅。本人授权逝望盘堂可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有 关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编学位论 文。(保密的学位论文在解密后适用本授权书学位论文作者签名:签字日期硼l中年

5、 3北6月(膳导师签名:签字日期:年 月 日学位论文作者毕业后去向:浙;I.,:i:-fiOi lj学位沦艾。:诞i“敦lJ|j课掌指令衍i再-101:5 Ackn owledgm en tsThere ale quite a few people to whonl this study and thesis owes a great deal FilSt of all?1would like to give 111y special thanks to ProfessolMa Bosen?nly supervisor,who initiated both my interest and au

6、thentic expireation ofthe study. During the process of writing this thesis,he provided me with detailed suggestions about the structure and data analysis of this study.Without his insightful guidance, critical comments and valuable suggestions,the completion of the thesis would never have been possi

7、ble.Im greatly indebted to the teachers during my study in Zhejiang University, Wu Zongj ie,Zhang Jiarmain and He Huibin,from whose illuminating courses,I deepened my understanding of how to conduct research in education.Im grateful to Ms:Zheng Zhilian in Zhej iang Normal University,who encouraged m

8、e tocontinue my research and offered me great help.My sincere thanks also go to those teachers who allowed me the privilege to record their lessons.They became my study subjects and their generosity inproviding firsthand data greatly facilitated my study.Finally,1would like to acknowledge my dear hu

9、sband and daughter for theirsupport and love throughout theprocessof conducting this studyHowever,I alone am responsible for all the errors that may occur in this thesis V浙江J、?!圳!卜?1t沦艾l:。川涎m教JfJ嘿:纠斤令IlTig-I,Jl。允AbstractAs an impollant palt of teacher talk,teacheiSinsti。uctional language is the disc

10、ourse used by teacheiS in the classroom to peiform teaching functions.and isthe speech act in the classroom toget students todo somethingThis thesis makes an attempt to find out the characteristics of instructional language in high school classrooms by way of classroom obseivation,interview, and dat

11、a analysis.Four demonstration classes are recorded and transcribed.By drawing Oil speech act theory,comprehensible input theory,second language acquisition theory and relevance theory,the thesis puts its emphasis on the distribution,vocabulary characteristics,syntactic structures and language functi

12、ons of instructional language in high school English classes.In order to find out intervieweesassessments mad expectations of instructional language,twenty students and five teachers from each lesson are surveyed randomly.Finally,the author puts forward some suggestions on how to apply effective ins

13、tructional language to teaching practice.The findings are as follows.Generally speaking,from the aspect of speech act, the number of direct instructional language surpasses that of indirect instructional language in high school English classes.Most of the instructional language serves the purpose of

14、 transition,followed by explanation and management.As for syntactic characteristics,imperative sentences top the list and next come declarative sentences and interrogative sentences.As for language functions,commands take the lead followed by request and suggestion.It can be concluded from the study

15、 that teachers play a maj or role in communication in class,whose instructional language focuses on teaching procedure and teaching content.The survey shows that both teachers and students attach importance to instructional language,holding the view that it helps in teaching and learning.HoweveL wha

16、t students need is an appropriate amount of effective instructional language while teachers,as a matter of fact,tend to give more instructional language than enough.According tO the results of this research,this thesis gives some suggestions tOiJii_j、:!I薯ft沦艾,:VI,il:半tlIIlIiI!:#扑i令i.ilflill:。ii Engl

17、ishleachelS.Based 011careful examination of the students aS well as the teaching context.teachers should try to give as much indirect instructional language as possible.whichmeanwhile ought to be pol itej clear and appropriate.Besides, teachers should learn and do more research on instructional lang

18、uage,which will definitely contribute to lemlning and teachingKey words:instructional language,speech act,language folIllS,language functions V1l摘 要教师课掌指令语是教师课堂话语的一个重要部分,是教师在课堂上所使用 的,为了实现教学目标,让学生去做某事的一种言语行为,也包括用来解释教 学内容,推进教学过程和管理课堂的言语行为。本文试图通过具体的课堂观察、访谈和数据分析寻找高中英语教师课章指 令语的特征。本文选取了四节公丌课的录音进行转写,在言语行为理

19、论,可理 解输入,二语习得和关联理论的基础上,着重研究课堂指令语的数量,直接和 旬接指令语的数量和所占比例,课堂指令语的词汇特征和教学功能、课堂指令 语的句型结构和语言功能,在每个听课班随机抽取了20位学生和5位听课老 师进行问卷调查,了解受访者对于课堂指令语的态度和期望,并对课堂指令语 在教学中的使用提出了建议。研究发现:从言语行为角度看,高中教师课堂指令语中,直接指令语的数 量大于间接指令语,过渡功能的指令语最多,与教学内容相关的次之,管理功 能的指令语最少。从形式上看,祈使句最多,陈述句次之,疑问句最少;从功 能来看,命令多,请求建议少。研究结果表明,当前高中英语课堂交流仍以教 师为主导

20、,教师精力主要放在教学过程的推进和教学内容的传授上。问卷调查 结果显示,教师和学生都认为教师课堂指令语重要,有助于学习,但是学生希 望老师给出适量的、有效的指令语,而教师往往给出了过多的课堂指令语。 基于上述发现,作者针对课堂指令语的使用,给高中英语教师提出了一些 建议,教师要在充分了解学生的情况下,根据教学任务的不同给出清楚的、适 当的指令,尽量礼貌地运用间接指令,教师本身也要加强交流和学习,以便更 好地运用课堂指令促进教学。关键词:课堂指令语、 言语行为、语言形式、语言功能浙t1人:享坝10f辽沦丈I:jJ中诞ill-敦tlIli限1:t旨令iiMOli,j Contents湘i江人学fj

21、;ft论迁-:_t|1.焚if;敦0iJi架葺ij旨令i/iifif Jf了i4102d厍沮:人学埘!lj!f近沦艾I:t|l-埏i敦州Ji抬:t斤令ii7iL Chapter 1Introduction1.i Research backgroundWhen obsmving othmteachelS,the author noticed nlally teachers tend to repeat theil instructions although nlost students have begun to callY out tim tasks.When giving lessons.t

22、im author found herself doing the same disturbing thing for fear that her students will have difficulty in understanding her instructions.The author began to wonder whether it is a conlnlon problem among English teachers.As a teacher,the author is usually troubled by a lack of appropriate instructio

23、nal language.All those basic instructions she learned as a student and as a student teacher are far from satisfactory and make little sense.In our daily talk there some complaints that students dont seem to appreciate teachershard work and are not active enough to carry out tasks,in spite of what ha

24、s been devoted to the teaching plan.Students,on the other hand,sometimes complain that they are j ust forced to do that.The confusion leads to curiosity in English teachersinstructional language and evokes reflections on teachersinstructional language in English classes,hereinafter referred to as TI

25、L,an essential part of teacher talk.It has been more than ten years since the implementation of the new curriculum reform in 2001.The new curriculum reform advocates learnercentered classes.Since English class is where most learning takes place, the quality of the classroom teacher talk is closely r

26、elated to the Success or failure of a lesson.Therefore,research on teacher talk has a wide range of practical significance in the field of education and teaching.At present,there is a growing concern on teacher talk among scholars at home and abroad.Teachersdiscourse analysis has spread from academi

27、c fields to social field,mainly manifested in the teacher talk with foreign language teaching and teacher talk with language acquisition,etc.Teacher talk”refers to all language teachers used to teach lessons and organize teaching activities in classroom teaching。Teacher talk plays the dual function

28、of teaching language knowledge and monitoring classroom.It is not only the tool for teachers to carry out the teaching plan,but also an important source of studentslanguage input.It can produce important influence 011the studentslanguage acquisition.Hakanssonjii J:人!fl!I。孚:童i“12.艾I:V11延1H款1JIlj L宋jj

29、彳o I111器ii(1986.8398pointed out that.the quantity and quality ol、teacheil talk will influence and even detmmine tile success Ollhilme of tile classl00nl teaching.In tile lllanyfactols that influence tile effect of English teaching.tile fulictiorihlg of teacheitalk is palticulmly impoitant.In the act

30、ual teaching piocess,ateacherS instiuction is a11important part of teacher discourse.and it is also all important method for teachmS to impart knowledge. organize teaching and sustain the classroom.The effectivenessof teachersinstruction directly affects studentscomprehension and completion ofclass_

31、Ioonl activities and tasks. Therefore,the research on TIL in English classes plays all impoitant role in teaching practice and the improvement of new curriculum reform.1.2Research purpose and significanceUnder the framework of second language acquisition theory,this thesis tries to understand the cu

32、rrent situation of teacherS instructional language in English classes through classroom observation and interview.Andthis paper aims to find out the common linguistic and functional featuresof TIL in English classes.The author hopes to conclude the key factors influencing the teacherS selection of i

33、nstructional language.This thesis also analyses why teachers choose different TIL and discusses the studentspotential attitude to teachers.At last,the author puts forward some suggestions to help teachers better understand instructional language.This thesis attempts to provide the answers to the fol

34、lowing questions:1What are the linguistic and functional features of teachersinstructional language in high school English classes?2What are teachers and studentsresponses to teachersinstructional language used in high school English classes?In recent years,the focus of the study of teachersinstruct

35、ional language by domestic and foreign scholars is mainly on the method of how teachers give effective instructions or the classification and function of teachersinstructional language.Westernscholars researches were mainly based on the basic theories of input theory and intermediary theorv.However,

36、domestic scholars in our country mostly did i.esearches on teachers instructional language in university classes.The number of researches 011the middle school classroom was relatively small,and researches of tllis kind by nleans ofclassroom observation were rare.As a matter of fact,it is an urgent t

37、ask to improve the effectivenessTherefol。e.the significance of this study is tO make the teacheiS focus 011their own instructional language.help the teacheiS to adjust and regulate theiiOWll language and organize the class z00nl teaching and promote tile students。language lealning.1ustlike the point

38、 of Williams and Burden(1997:62.how teachers adjust their own language effectively decides whether they call provide studentswith sufficient comprehensible input,and also decides whether they can lead students tomake comprehensible output Good instructional language can not only make students unders

39、tand the task program easily,but also can stimulate the studentsmotivation to executetasks and learn language 1.3Structure of the thesisThis paper consists of six chapters.The first chapter states the research background,research purpose and significance of the research briefl y.The second chapter r

40、eviews the theoretical point of the research of teachers instructional language,and analyzes the form of teachersinstructional language,how to make effective teachers。instructional language,the relationship between teachers instructional language and language learning and the relationship between te

41、achers instructional language and real communication.And through the indepth analysis of teachers。instructional language,the author makes clear the research framework in the third chapter.The third chapter introduces the theories of this study:speech act theory,relevance theory,second language acqui

42、 sition theory and comprehensible input theory.The fourth chapter expounds the design of the research on teachersinstructional language in high school English classes,which includes research purpose,participants, research methods and data collection and analysis.The fifth chaptmshows the main resear

43、ch achievements,and discusses the results in detail.Based on the results,the author gets the linguistic features,functional features, behavior characteristics of teachers。instructional language in high school English classes, and explores some of the factors affecting the teacherschoice of TILd“;1.人

44、、乎f-贝Ij学ft沦艾.:-I,谈i玎敦0lf幔:Xj旨令ir,iliqi;l:,iTim sixth chapte r1makes a conclusion ol、the I.esealch lesult.points out the imitations of the study.and puts forwald reasonable suggestions to the latelresealch in this aleaHH江人掌:倾I.学战论文“一hIl:!:m救Jllii粜章彳令汛il,i Chapter 2Literature reVlew2.1Lfnderstanding t

45、eachersinstructional language(TILMany language resealchers began to study teacher talk since the 1970s.According to Ellis(1986:143,interest in the language of classroom has grown steadily in recent years “by rejection of language teaching methods as the principal determinant of successfld learning”.

46、Many scholars(Allwright,D.&Bailey,K.,1991;19-21;Kathleen,M.&Nunan, D.1996:5355;Ellis,R.,1994:561565carried out a more detailed study of teachers language and behavior in the language classroom.Chaudron(t 982:l 70180made a preliminary induction and classification for teacher talk from a linguistic po

47、int of view, revealing the characteristics of teacher talk in phonology,syntax and discourse.These studies showed the importance of teacher-student interaction and teacher talk as comprehensible input in language class,and they emphasized that teacher talk should guide students to actively participa

48、te in classroom activities,provide the opportunity for the expression of language and ideas for learners and promote them to increase the understanding and mastery of the language through interactionand negotiation of meamngWhat this study focuses on is the teachersinstructional language of teacher

49、talk in high school English classes.There are a lot ofi.IJii。I:久学坝I“孚位论文f确|I英i,q-敦帅【牝剐旨兮【tdlH01Land the language ffulCtiOn of instluctional language.ask students to do something in the class.From tile theoretical aspect of speech act,from TsuiS(1994:129130research, ”instructional language is usually

50、 made by those who have tile right to make tilehearer follow,and the right usually depends on his authority to tilehearer”.This definition is true in the classroom,where the teacher has the right to controlthe behavior of students through the instructional language.Justlike what Bussmann(1996:218sai

51、dj instructional language is a speech act,and its main purpose is to let the hearer implementa partic,ularbehavior.In view of the above,we can conclude that instructional language is given by the people who have the right to makeobedient people follow.And Zhu Donghua(2000 pointed out that instructio

52、nal language canbe used as a very important tool in the classroom management for teachers.Teachersinstructional language usuallyhas organization and management functions.It usuallyconsists of three kinds of language functions:commands,requests and suggestions.Ur(1996:227229defined teachersinstructio

53、n language as”the instructions which are used to put forward learning task”,and”itwill lead to the independent behavior of students”.According to this definition,we cantake teachersinstructional language as the interpretation of the procedure of class activities.AndZhu Donghua(2000:1l一14pointed out

54、that explanatory instructionsof tasks had an interactive function.In an Engl ishas.foreignlanguage(EFLclass,when designedfor an interactive purpose, instructions are used to express the intention of the teacher.That means making instructions is a speech act with explanative and interactive purposes.

55、To sunl up,we call induce a general definition:teachersinstruction languageis tiledo sonlething.It call be used to indicate tile behavior of students.and also Call be used to explain tile content and opelating plocedul。es Ielated to classl00111activitiesTile transmitting of instructions has many lan

56、guage functions.Hughes(1993:59 thought tile most important language functions of instructional languageare:(1 commands,(2requests and(3suggestions.Ill the normal social contacts,the choice of these three ways depends on the social status,role and speaking scenarios of the speaker However,in tile cla

57、ssroom,tile choice of different language features can reflect the potential attitude of teachers to students,and this potentialattitude also affects students state of mind and learning outcomes.This research will carry out a contrastive study for teachers using a different expression to achieve diff

58、erent language functionsSome researchers (Parrott, 1993:100102; Ur, 1996:227229; Bachman, 1996:159164;Harmer,1998:4;Zhu D.H.,2000believe that,in order to give effective instructions,the instructions must be clear and simple.Teachers can use the methods of interpretation and repetition.If it is necessary,teachers also can quote examples or interp


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