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1、 Lesson 13 Be careful, Danny!Match the words with the correct meanings decorate A. needed, required hang B. a vehicle for taking people to and from the hospital safety C. serious attention to what you are doing, in order to avoid harm ceiling D. suspend, if it hangs somewhere, it doesnt touch the gr

2、ound serious E. no danger, the state of being safe from danger ambulance F. important, causing people to be worried or afraid necessary G. the top part inside a room careful H. make something more attractive(吸引人的) by adding things to it.HDEGBACFRead the lesson and answer the questions.1. What were D

3、anny, Jenny and Brian doing?2. What did Danny climb onto?3. Did Brian need an ambulance?4. Who is Jenny going to call?About the accident1. Why did Danny climb the chair?2. Was he careful?3. Why didnt Danny use a ladder?4. Did Danny hurt himself?5. Why did Danny land on top of Brian?6. Is Brian hurt?

4、Retell the story Danny was going to _ a star from the ceiling. He thought he was tall _ and didnt need a ladder. Danny _down from the ladder. Brian tried to _ Danny, but Danny _on top of him. Dannys tail hurt a little, but it was not _. Brians _hurt, too. enoughlandedarmhangcatchfellseriousLanguage

5、notes1. Im going to hang it from the ceiling over the desk. hang - hung- hung v. 悬挂; 垂下. 既是及物动词,也是不及物动词。 Im hanging this picture on the wall. 我正在把这幅画挂到墙上。 hang 作“悬挂”讲时, 可以表示被悬挂到哪 或 “悬挂” 的状态。 比较: My coat is hung over there. 我的外套被挂到了那里。 My coat is hanging over there. 我的外套正挂在那里。 The picture hanging on

6、the wall is painted by jenny. 挂在墙上的那幅画是詹妮画的。现在分词hanging表达正在进行着的动作。表示现在的状态,还在外面挂着,是一个持续的状态。 过去分词hung表示被动或完成的动作。表示衬衫被挂在了外面,主要是强调,衬衫被挂在外面这个动作,并且已经完成了这个动作。2. Danny cant reach the ceiling, so he climbs onto Mr. Jones chair. reach在本句的意思是“伸手(或臂、足等)及到,够到”。那本书放在书架上很高的地方,我够不到。 The book is too high on the shel

7、f, I cant reach it.Language notes3. I think Im tall enough.enough作形容词作定语时,可修饰可数名词或不可数名词,可放在被修饰的名词前或后。There are enough seats(seats enough)for them all.I have enough time(time enough)to finish the work. enough用作副词,充当形容词或副词的修饰语,但必须后置。He walks slowly enough. This article is difficult enough to write.Lan

8、guage notes4. He sees Danny lying on the floor. 他正躺在地板上。 lie vi. 躺,平放 过去式lay,过去分词lain,现在分词lying 他正躺在树荫下。 He _ in the shade of the tree. 他感到疲劳,所以去躺下休息了。 He felt tired, so he went and _down for a rest. lie vi.说谎,过去式lied,过去分词lied,现在分词lying 他没讲实话,他又撒谎了。/ 他在撒谎。 He wasnt telling the truth. He _again. / He

9、 was_. lie n.谎话. 他试图使我相信他丢失了钱夹的谎言。 He tried to tell me a lie about losing his wallet. 5. My tail hurts a little, but its not serious.我的尾巴有点疼,但不厉害。 hurt vi.( hurt, hurt)痛,受痛苦。如: His head hurts. 他头痛。 Are you hurt? 你疼吗? hurt vt. (hurt, hurt)弄痛,使受伤;使伤心. 如: 迄今为止,那位牙医还未弄痛过一个病人。 The dentist has never hurt

10、a patient so far. 他的话伤了妈妈的心。 His words hurt his mother. hurt n.痛苦,伤害。如: 他受过什么痛苦吗? Did he suffer any hurt?Is lyinglayliedlyingLanguage notes6. I tried to catch you, but you landed on top of me.catch vt. 接住. 我传给你球时请接住。Please catch the ball when I pass you. 赶上(公共汽车,飞机,火车等) 今天早上他赶上早班车了吗? Did he catch th

11、e early bus this morning? 捕捉 猫捉老鼠. Cats catch mice. 遇上,受感染 我怕是感冒了. Im afraid Ive caught a cold.land vi. 落下,跌落 突然一本书落到了我头上. A book landed on my head suddenly. 降落,登陆 飞机终于安全降落了. The plane landed safely in the end. n. 陆地,土地, 国家 farm land 农田 mother land 祖国7. Help! 救命!help在此是感叹词是呼救用语. 是祈使句。一条毒蛇在追我,救命呀! A

12、snake is after me. Help!Tick the correct answers1. _always comes first.a. Safe b. Safety c. Safely2. Mum always tells me to be _.a. careful b. carefully c. careless3. When I came in, I saw the boy _ on the floor.a. lie b. lay c. lying4. Look, the kite is _ on the wall.a. hang b. hangs c. hanging5. The little boy stood on the chair_ his toy car.a. Reach b. to reach c. reachingbaccbFill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.1. There is a beautiful painting _on the wall.2. Its


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