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1、高考英语全真模拟卷题号IIIIIIIVV总分得分一、阅读理解(本大题共 10 小题,共 25.0 分)AThe 13th of June , 1325, I left Tangier , my birthplace , with the intention of making the pilgrimage to Mecca (去麦加朝圣) to leave all my friends , to abandon my home as birds abandon their nests So begins an old manuscript in a library in Paris - the

2、 travel diary of Ibn Battuta Almost two centuries before Columbus , this young Moroccan set off for Mecca , returning home three decades later as one of historys great travelersDriven by curiosity , he journeyed to remote corners of the Islamic world , traveling through 44 modern countries , three t

3、imes as far as Marco PoloLittle celebrated in the West , his name is well known among Arabs In his hometown of Tangier , a square, a hotel, a cafe, a ferry boat, and even a hamburger are named after him Ibn Battuta stayed in Mecca as a student for several years , but the urge to travel soon took ove

4、r In one adventure, he traveled to India seeking profitable employment with the sultan - the Muslim ruler of Delhi On the way , he described his group being attacked in the open country by 80 men on foot , and two horsemen: I was hit by an arrow and my horse by another, but God in his grace preserve

5、d me In Delhi , the sultan gave him the position of judge , based on his previous study at Mecca But the sultan had an unpredictable character, and Ibn Battuta looked for an opportunity to leave When the sultan offered to finance a trip to China , he agreed Ibn Battuta set off in three ships, but mi

6、sfortune struck while he was still on the shore A sudden storm grounded and broke up two ships, scattering ( 散播) treasure and drowning many people and horses As he watched, the third ship, with all his belongings and slaves - one carrying his child - was carried out to sea and never heard from again

7、After a lifetime of amazing adventures , Ibn Battuta was finally ordered by the Sultan of Morocco to return home to share his wisdom with the world Fortunately , he agreed and wrote a book that has been translated into numerous languages, allowing people everywhere to read about his unparalleled jou

8、rneys 1. What can we learn about Ibn Battuta from the passage ? A. He had great interest in the Islamic world B. He returned to his homeland to write a book C. His journeys were less important than Marco Polos D. His journeys were very common for people of that time 2. The Sultan of Delhi gave Ibn B

9、attuta a position of judge because A. Ibn Battuta had studied in MeccaB. Ibn Battuta had been a judge beforeC. Ibn Battuta had been popular with ArabsD. Ibn Battuta had traveled to many countries3. Which is the best title for the passage ? A. The Learned Ibn Battuta B. A Visitor to MeccaC. The Trave

10、ls of Ibn BattutaD. Desire for AdventuresBA food chain is a simple way of explaining how each living thing gets its food For example , a simple African food chain might consist of three parts : first , trees and bushes; second, giraffes ; and third, lions Each link in a food chain is food for the ne

11、xt link Food chains always start with plants and end with animals Plants are at the bottom of the food chain Scientists call them producers , because they use light energy from the sun to produce food from carbon dioxide and water through photosynthesis (光合作用) Animals , unlike plants , cant produce

12、their own food Instead, they must eat plants or other animals This is why scientists call them consumersConsumer animals fall into three categories Herbivores eat only plants Carnivores eat only other animals Omnivores eat both plants and animals In addition to producers and consumers, there are als

13、o decomposers (分解者) These organisms, such as bacteria and fungi , feed on decaying matter They help the food chain by speeding up the decaying process that releases minerals back into the soil to be absorbed by plants as nutrients Most food chains have only four or five links in them As you go up a

14、food chain, the amount of energy at each level diminishes , because some of the energy is lost in the form of waste or is used up by the organism at the level That is why it takes many plants , for example , to feed a few giraffes who in turn feed one lion Most animals are part of many different foo

15、d chains ,because they must eat more than one type of food to satisfy their energy needs All of these interconnected food chains form a more complex structure called a food web Humans, for example , are at the center of a very complex food web , because we tend to eat many different types of plants

16、and animals 4. Which of the following tells us about the African food chain ? A. Trees, giraffes and lions live on one another B. Giraffes eat lions and lions feed on bushes C. Lions live on giraffes and giraffes eat trees D. Bushes live on lions and lions eat giraffes 5. The underlined word diminis

17、hes ( in Paragraph 4) probably means A. changesB. decreasesC. disappearsD. increases6. Those that may lie in the center of the food chain are A. omnivoresB. decomposersC. herbivoresD. carnivoresCI grew up in an age when I had to wait for almost everything. Classic movies were shown ontelevision. And

18、, of course, one had to be home at the appointed time to watch them. “ The Wizard of Oz ” for example, was broadcast only once a year. The steadily heightening sense of expectation as the broadcast date approached was almost too much for my 10-year-old heart to bear. And then there was money. The ba

19、nks did business on weekdays only. They opened at 9 and closed at 4.You needed money but didnt make it to the bank on time? Well, check under the sofa cushions or borrow from family or friends.Such was the world as recently as the 1970s. Everything seemed to operate on a strict clock, and the words

20、“ on demand” had no meaning. This was the way things worked, and it was all we knew.And then, seemingly overnight, everything changed. It suddenly seemed as if I never had to be anywhere at an appointed time, because everything was available all the time. The changed times, on the other hand, have e

21、ncouraged nothing less than a constant sense of urgency, which is ironic (讽刺性 ): If we can have anything we want anytime we want it, shouldn?t we be less hurried? The answer is that an “ on demand” lifestyle has created an appetite for speed: If I can have something this fast, why can?t I have it fa

22、st er? Recently I read a book that has “ FSTR ” (get it? )written across its cover. One of its metaphors (隐喻) was telling: First there was the fresh-squeezed lemon; then there was the lemonade mix; now we just buy the lemonade by the gallon( 加仑) .And so, on this hot day, I went to the supermarket an

23、d bought three fresh lemons. I squeezed them into a tall glass. Then I filled the glass with cold water, ice, and a teaspoon of sugar. Fresh lemonade in hand, I went outside, sat in my lawn chair, and looked out over the river.Yes, time passes quickly. But, now and then, it doesn?t have to.7. How di

24、d the young author feel about watching The Wizard of Oz?A. ExcitedB. SurprisedC. Touched.D. Worried8. What s the author s attitude toward the concept conveyed in book he read recently?A. Positive.B. Optimistic.C. Cautious.D. Opposing.9. What does the author try to convey by making lemonade himself?A

25、. His pride in making the most tasty juice.B. His satisfaction of making use of modern technology.C. His disapproval of the demands of a hurried age.D. His disappointment at the lemonade in the supermarket.10. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. How do we balance speed and work?B. We waited

26、, and it was worth it.C. Why does time pass quickly now?D. We worry, but it makes no sense.二、阅读七选五(本大题共 5 小题,共 10.0 分)As well as contributing to weight gain , a new study has suggested that snacking late at night could increase your risk of diabetes and heart disease Researchers from the Perelman Sc

27、hool of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania found that eating late at night raises glucose (葡 萄糖) and insulin(胰岛素) levels, both of which are causes of type 2 diabetes They also found evidence that poor timing of meals can also increase the risk of a heart attack This isnt the first time a stu

28、dy has suggested that late night snacking could be detrimental to your health (1)It can affect your memory (2) The study , from the University of California , found that eating at irregular hours such as late at night had the potential to impact cognitive functions It makes you have weird dreams : I

29、n 2015 , a pair of Canadian psychologists investigated whether peoples eating habits can have a negative effect on sleep patterns and dreaming (3) After a period , they found that 18 percent believed food has the ability to render their dreams more bizarre or disturbing (4) Experts have found that e

30、ating dinner after 7pm could increase the risk of suffering high blood pressure Researchers from Dokuz Eyl l University assessed more than 700 adults with high blood pressure They found that eating dinner late at night had the most significant impact on overnight blood pressure while eating with two

31、 hours of going to sleep did more damage than indulging in a high salt content diet It makes you hungrier the next day (5) When you wake up the next morning , your pancreas releases the insulin after a meal This is in turn produces more glucose which causes a hormone called ghrelin (饥饿素) , responsib

32、le for triggering hunger A It increases the risk of high blood pressure B Your stomach needs a few hours to empty after a meal C Eating late at night can have you feeling hungrier than usualD Eating with two hours of going to sleep did more damage E Here we round up 4 reasons why you should avoid ea

33、ting late at night F They asked 400 university students about the diet , sleep and dream experiencesG According to American researchers , snacking late at night could negatively affect your memory 11.A. AEB. BC. CD. DEF. FG. G12.A. AB. BC. CD. DEEF. FG. G13.A. AB. BC. CD. DEEF. FG. G14.A. AB. BC. CD

34、. DEEF. FG. G15.A. AB. BC. CD. DEEF. FG. G三、完形填空(本大题共20 小题,共 30.0 分)Once , I met a taxi driver in his late 10s He (16) and drove me to my destination On the way , I asked him how his (17) was He told me briefly that it was just fine , but the cost of gas was (18) hurting his bottom line We then ente

35、red into a spirited discussion about the (19) environment He told me that he had (20) while hunting for another type of work because of his background I am a (21) criminal , he said straightforwardly People look at my record and then Im toast (完蛋了), he (22) I know I (23) but Ive turned my life aroun

36、d and have been (24) for several years , he went on to explain It is never (25) to start a new life , I said, but the most important thing is that you are starting and that you have (26) The driver seemed (27) as he looked back Like what ? he asked You can go back to (28) , even part-time , if you d

37、ont want to drive a taxi for the rest of your life , so you can (29) for a trade you are interested in I replied I felt a moment of pain for him because he is still in a type of (30) each day I have met many other people like him over the years - the only (31) is that they have never committed crime

38、s These are people who already have good jobs and good reputations but are totally (32) with their lives The daily prison they go to is one where work is(33) , where each day is full of worry wishing for something better This is a prison of the(34) If this is your daily life , know that there is alw

39、ays an opportunity to(35) your life The decision is yours and yours alone 16.A. took me awayC. dropped me offB. picked me upD. sent me back17.A. healthB. familyC. businessD. study18.A. possiblyB. reallyC. hardlyD. merely19.A. jobB. officeC. financeD. security20.A. motivationB. experienceC. confidenc

40、eD. difficulty21.A. dangerousB. professionalC. formerD. escaped22.A. warnedB. criticizedC. threatenedD. complained23.A. messed upB. broke upC. hurried upD. woke up24.A. hopefulB. cleanC. toughD. quiet25.A. worthwhileB. usefulC. possibleD. easy26.A. strengthsB. experiencesC. choicesD. friends27.A. wo

41、rriedB. surprisedC. relievedD. satisfied28.A. schoolB. jailC. normalD. court29.A. careB. askC. qualifyD. account30.A. fantasyB. jobC. prisonD. game31.A. advantageB. limitationC. requirementD. difference32.A. dissatisfiedB. patientC. unfamiliarD. delighted33.A. appreciatedB. hatedC. expectedD. envied

42、34.A. fortuneB. fameC. hopeD. mind35.A. changeB. acceptC. protectD. devote四、语法填空(本大题共1 小题,共 15.0 分)36. People who have spent time in other cultures often talk about reverse culture shock If you leave your country for more than a short tourist trip and then go back home, you may feel (1) What is reve

43、rse culture shock ? Well , imagine the following : You have adjusted to a new culture and have come (2) ( enjoy ) life in it You have made new friends and have had (3) great variety of new experiences Then , (4) ( sad) enough, its time to leave, but you are also very excited about (5) ( go ) home Ar

44、riving home is wonderful-seeing all the friends and relatives you havent seen , eating all the special foods, reading the newspapers (6) hearing music you havent heard in such a long time But then after a few weeks, perhaps, things may not seem so wonderful You may become critical of your home count

45、ry (7) you have grown up You may not like certain things or ideas (8) some extent, in your eyes, either you or your home country (9) ( change)This is the process of readjustment Its a difficult period , and many people experience it after the (10) ( excite ) of coming home has worn off Fortunately ,

46、 it doesnt usually last as long as adjustment to a new culture does五、书面表达(本大题共 2 小题,共 40.0 分)37. 假定你是李华, 你的同班同学王刚的家乡遭受台风彩虹(Typhoon Mujigae ) 袭击,洪水毁坏了家园,你作为班长代表班级给正在抗洪的他写一封慰问信,要点如下: 1 对该同学表示关心;2 向其提供一些帮助,如捐助和补习;3 表达希望和对其重建家园的信心;1 词数 80 左右2 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯3 开头已给,不计入词数Dear Wang Gang ,Were so sorry to h

47、ear that a severe Typhoon Mujigae hit your hometown , leaving your house in ruins Yours sincerely ,Li Hua38. On Wednesday night, it was the closing time of the mall.But there was an hours work,at least, to get everything cleaned up. It would be 11 : 00 pm before I finally got home. I hadnt even had

48、time to have dinner. I was starving.My feet ached. My whole body was filled with tiredness. I couldnt wait to go to bed. But it would be only 6 hours before the alarm went off at 5:00 am for my day job.Things had been tight for over a year now. My husband Pauls business had taken a huge hit. I have

49、a full-time job at a day care center and somehow do my homework for my college class too. Then I had to work nights at the mall.Without me taking my second job, there wouldnt be enough money to pay the bills, let alone buy any Christmas presents for our 15-year-old daughter, Marie. No one wanted to

50、wake up on Christmas morning to an empty tree.I barely even saw Paul and Marie anymore.Marie was growing up, but a teenage girl still needs her mom.I worried about her, about us.Was she eating enough? Keeping up with her schoolwork? I wasnt afraid of sacrifices. Everyone was having to work hard for

51、the family.I knew I was blessed to have two jobs, when millions of people couldnt find one.How I hoped to quit my job at the day care center and obtain a full-time degree. Id dropped down to one class a term. If I quit that, there was no way Id find the willpower to try again.Besides, wasnt I always

52、 telling Marie to keep hoping and never give up?My mind went back to the conversation Id had with Marie earlier.Paul had dropped her off at the mall, where she was getting picked up for a babysitting job. Remember were going Christmas shopping this night, she said. Now Ill even have my own money. Se

53、e you later.The floor was nearly done. The boss asked me to leave.注意: (1)所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;(2) 至少使用 5 个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;(3) 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;(4) 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:I opened the back door of the mall and saw Marie outside with a bag of food, smiling.Paragraph 2:I pulled her tight aga

54、inst me.第 16 页,共 12 页答案和解析小题 2】 A小题 3】 C1. 【答案】【小题 1】 A【解析】 AAC1 A 细节理解题 根据第二段中 Driven by curiosity , he journeyed to remote corners of the Islamic world 以及He had great interest in the Islamic world 可知伊本 ?白图泰的 旅行是出于对伊斯兰世界的好奇,他对伊斯兰世界有极大兴趣,故答案选A 2 A 细节理解题 根据第三段中 the sultan gave him the position of jud

55、ge , based on his previous study at Mecca 可知国王赐予伊本 ?白图泰法官的职务是因为伊本?白图泰在麦加的求学经历故答案选 A 3 C主旨大意题 本文主要介绍了伊本 ?白图泰的旅行经历并赞美了伊本?白图泰举世无双的成就,所以最合适的题目应为 The Travels of Ibn Battuta 故选 C 本文介绍了旅行家伊本 ?白图泰,以及他在游历过程中的一些经历最后在摩洛哥苏丹 王的要求下,伊本 ?白图泰将自己的游历写成一本书,向世人介绍他那无与伦比的旅行 经历做阅读题时,首先需要通读全文,把握文章的主旨大意;其次,快速浏览后面的题目, 并结合问题到文

56、中相应的段落去寻找答案;另外,在平时的阅读训练中,要学会找文章 的中心段,或段落的中心句,并加以概括,从而提炼出文章或段落的主旨大意4.【答案】【小题 1】 C【小题 2】B【小题 3】 A【解析】 答案: 1-3 CBA1C细节理解题根据倒数第二段 That is why it takes many plants , for example , to feed a few giraffes who in turn feed o ne lion 这就是为什么要用许多植物来喂养几只长颈鹿,而这些长颈鹿又反过来喂养一 头狮子可知非洲食物链是狮子长颈鹿为生,长颈鹿靠吃树为生故选 C 2B词义猜测根据第四段As you go up a food chain , the amount of energy at each level diminishes , because some of the energy is lost in the form of waste or is used up by the organism at the level 当你向上 走一条食物链时,每一层的能量量都会减少,因为有些能量以废物的形式流失,或者被 生物消耗殆尽可知是下降的含义,故选B3A细节理解题根据文章第三段,


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