1、口语秘诀:在家练口语改进发音的技巧“通常情况下我晚上需要工作,有时周末也工作,所以我没办法按时参加雅思的备考课程。这样的话,我自己如何能在家提高口语水平呢?我在哪里可以找到一些实用的考试题呢? 该如何提高我的发音和流畅水平呢?”以下是我的回复:你需要进行大量的口语练习,并在考试前做好一切准备。要一直地说,各种不同的话题都要涉及-比如:关于你自己、你的国家、你的思想和观点等话题都可以用来练习口语。这会使你的口语表达更加自然并为你为在口语测试中遇到的任何突如其来的话题做好准备。不管有无错误,如果你不进行大量口语练习,你就不会在口语水平上取得真正的进步。你练习得越多,口语就会变得越容易。 如果你尽可
2、能多地练习口语,你的口语水平很快就会得到迅速提高。理想的情况是与母语为英语的人练习口语,这样他们就会给你提一些建议,比如:如何扩大词汇量、如何学习语法,如何进行发音等等。如果那个人对雅思口语测试非常了解,将会对你有很大帮助。如果你不能与母语为英语的人的谈话也不必担心。 你也可以自己独自练习口语。 虽然独自练习口语的时候没有人回应你的谈话,但是只要开口练习,你就能有机会去尝试用不同的方式来说话,而这也将增强你的信心。同时这也会弥补你在词汇量和语法上的缺点,让你以这种集中的方式学习新的单词和语法结构。以下是供你能单独练习的一些话题: ?描述自己所见到的周围的事物;在旅途中所看到的、经历的事情。?
3、早晨的时候可以想象接下来的一天将要发生的事情,晚上的时候再回顾今天发生的事情。?当你逛超市时,告诉自己你需要什么,为什么需要。? 阅读一篇关于任何话题报纸文章,并给出简短的摘要。改进发音发音是发出正确的英文读音。当然,应该首先确保你的语调和节奏是正确的-不仅仅是各自单独的发音,还有他们在一起时的发音。改进发音最重要的方法就是练习听力。通常,语言学习者在领会到各个发音的区别之前,都想尝试发出正确的读音。如何能够听出这些发音的区别呢?一种方法就是对广播或电视节目(如:新闻)录音30秒。 然后自己重述,以此来对比自己的发音与广播电视节目里发音的不同。要连续不断地练习这是一个缓慢的过程,在你可以正确地
4、发音之前,可能会需要重复多次很困难的发音。当你练习发音时,学习如何连读尤其困难。当一个单词是以辅音结束而下一个单词是以元音开始的时候,这时两个单词可以连读。 在“jumps over”中,第一个单词的结尾辅音应与下一个单词的元音连读。 例如,“She works in an old office”听起来的发音应该是“She work-si-na-nol-doffice.”当听英语时,单词连读可能会产生一个很棘手的问题。一个基本的听力技能就是能够听出单词,并且能够理解单词发音在哪里开始和结束。英文连读时发音都连在一块儿,这样听力的难度就会加大。幸运的是,随着你发音的改进,你的听力理解能力也会大有
5、进步。一旦你能够区分相似发音或学会连读,理解英语口语就只是小菜一碟了!真的不掉线吗?、?提高流利程度从根本上来说,流利指的是毫不费力地叙述一件事情。如果一个人说话比较顺畅连续,少停顿或是不停顿,说话时没有重复和更改现象,这就可以称为说话流利。与是否可以正确发音比起来,流利程度与心理因素有更多关系。 要做到流利,你需要对自己的词汇量以及将每个单词以合乎语法的顺序组合起来有足够的信心。换句话说, 流利就是非常自信地用英语表达自己。 为有效增加自信和提高流利程度,你需要通过大量工作来提高你的词汇量和语法知识。以下是适用于提高口语测试第2部分(二分钟谈话)的一种方法:? 利用盒式录音机或MP3播放器,
6、自备一个话题,然后对此话题进行一至两分钟的陈述并同时录音。? 录音完毕后再听录音。 你的英文听起来流利吗? 你能否找出单词或语法错误?应该如何改正?? 接下来,重复同一话题2分钟的谈话。 这一次,尽量试着不要停顿,更改或者重复。? 再次听录音。注意听本次录音与前次录音的不同之处以及你在口头表达所取得的进步。? 第三次就同一话题进行陈述并分析。但是也不要对同一个话题练习太多遍,否则你可能会将话题内容背诵下来了!进行录音的次数越多,你就会越自信、流利,并且听起来也会比较自然。你会发现你还能增加更多细节。我的一个学生利用这个方法,口语能力有了很大提高。 他还扮演考官来问自己第1、3部分的问题,然后自
7、己再作为考生来回答问题。他对第1、3部分的问题和答案进行了录音,然后又找出了语法和措辞的不当之处。当对第3部分进行练习时,他还针对回答提出了后续问题。在第3部分的练习中提出后续问题,是模拟考官思维的一种很好的方式。 因为在对考官的问题进行预测时,你会得到更大的提高,你会开始对第三部分没有被提及的问题给出更多的信息。而且,随着答案变得更加详细,你在流利程度,连贯性,语法,词汇量和发音等方面的成绩都会得到提高。最后,当你进行口语测试时,不要只是考虑单个单词的发音,所有音都要一一发出来。你应该考虑单词群组整体的意义,从而进行流利快速的发音。 真的不掉线吗?、?资源与评价初中英语八上答案Module
8、1Unit1基础过关I. 15 translate, mistakes,excellent, messages, advice,610 punctuations, meaning, spelling, correct, grammarII. 1115 BAABB 1620 AACAAIII. 21. about, saving 22. Why, did23. not, write 24. Lets, have 25. Dont, toIV. 26. Could you give me some advice on how to remember English words?或Could you
9、 tell me how to remember English words?27. write down / make28. use flashcards to help me29. put the translation on the back / read it / learn it / study it30. else / is the most important thing to remember wordsV. 31. are having 32. is telling 33. to learn 34. to speak 35. spelling36. to check 37.
10、have 38. will e39. not to translate 40. learningVI. A. 4145 TFFTTB. 46. When he got to England, he started working hard on it.47. Engels did.48. Because he found it important to study some things in Russian.49. Six months.50. We should not translateeverything into our own languages.Unit2 基础过关I. 1. i
11、mproving 2. basic 3. real4. watching 5. takes/took/will take6. ourselves 7. breath 8.conversation 9. time 10.guess11. accents 12. advises/advised 13.list 14. piece 15. atII. 16. to talk 17. spend much 18. not count 19. enjoy yourself 20. to look21. meaning of 22. good at 23. advises/asks/tells, to 2
12、4. begin/have,breathIII. 2529 CABCA 3034 ABACBIV. 3540 English, but, to, American, accents, wishesV. A. 4145 增加,研究,输入,乐趣,磁带B. 4650 FTTFTUnit3 基础过关I.(答案不唯一)1. ask that policeman 2. make it a little later3. should use flashcards to help you4. about traveling by train 5. to smile6. go there by plane 7.
13、 about reading some English every day8. to know the color of your shoes 9. you listen to some songs in English10. go out to play basket ballII. 1115 BACCB 1620 ABACAIII. 21. Whats the time / What time isit now 22. What are you doing23. I am sorry / Im afraid I cant. 24. Why not climb the hill / What
14、 about going cycling真的不掉线吗?、?25. Good idea / OK / All right 26. What about two oclock / half past two27. Why dont / Shall 28. Lets make it29. Where shall we meet then 30. See youIV. 31. dont 32. speak, 33. saying34. asking 35. make36. not 37.about 38. to 39. time 40. toV. 4145 TFFTTVI 4650 ABCCA能力提升
15、I. 15 ACBCA 610 BBCAC 1115 ABAABII. 1620 CBABC 2125 ABBAC III. A) 2630 TFTTFB) 31 After the host serves everyone.32. I should ask someone to pass it to me.33. For dabbing(轻拍) my lips34. No, it isnt.35. No, I shouldnt.C) 36. puters, English 37. translate, any 38. another, language39. right, wrong 40.
16、 yourself, learningIV. 41. lying 42. visiting 43. will study 44. carries 45. is going tohave/ will have46. was 47. tried 48.enjoyed 49. listen 50. helpV. A) 51. newspapers 52. language 53. idea/way 54.Radio 55. forgetB) 56. teacher 57. actor/teacher58.excellent 59. teaching 60.listeners/class/studen
17、tsVI. I keep a vocabulary notebook. When I learn a new word, I write it down in my notebook. I also write down a sentence next to it. I make flashcards to study new words. On one side of the cards, I write the English word, on the other side of it I write the Chinese meaning. I use the new words ver
18、y often. I think the best way to learn andremember the new words is to use them often.Module 2Unit1 基础过关I. 1. captain 2. passengers3. landed 4. Airport 5. ever.II. 6. The first prize 7. todays newspaper 8. will take off 9. cabin stewards10. dreamed aboutIII. 11. has visited 12.have traveled 13. have
19、 watched14. hasentered 15. Have visitedIV. 16. Have you invited anyone to stay with you yet? Yes, I have.17. Has she enjoyed your messages about your life here in Beijing? No, she hasnt.18. Has she always wanted to go to the USA and Europe? Yes, she has.19. Have you never visited the USA? No, I have
20、nt20. Have they entered a singing petition? Yes, they have.V. 21. Tom hasnt arrived in Beijing Capital Airport.22. We havent decided to travel by plane.23. My father hasnt decorated our house yet.24. I havent learned to ride a bike. 真的不掉线吗?、?25. My mother hasnt washed the clothes. VI. 2630 BCAAB 313
21、5 BCACBVII. 36. whats your pen friends name37. No, she hasnt. 38. Yes, I have.39. Have you looked at todays newspaper?40. Have you ever entered a petition?VIII. TFFTTUnit2基础过关I. A) 1.Have you ever been to China? /Have you ever traveled all over China?2.Whats your favorite place?B). 3.Have you ever b
22、een to SanFrancisco? 4.How often do you go to seethem?C). 5.Have you ever tried western food?6.Where did you have it?D). 7.Have you ever been to Liu Huansconcerts? 8. Where did you go to hisconcert?E). 9.Have you ever seen a film?10. Where was it on?II. 1115 JDBHF 1620 AIECGIII. 21. have, seen, was,
23、 were 22. have, visited, went, have, been 23. have, had, was, met24. have, flown, have, traveled,will fly/am flying 25. have, been, went, stayedIV. 2630 ABBAA 3135 CBCCAV. 3640 BABBCVI. 4145 TTFFFUnit3基础过关I. 15 CBBAC 610 BABCA 1115 BACBBII. 16. have never/not 17. Why hasnt18. have, bought 19. havent
24、, yet 20. has been22. Has your father tried western food? Yes, he has.23. How many times has Bob been abroad? Only once.24. How did they travel to Beijing last year? They took a plane there.25. Is his new song popular all over China now? Yes, it is.IV. 26. many, has, been, United 27. has gone, anoth
25、er, by 28. has, more than, cities29. has written an, in 30. will, take, at, CapitalV. 3135 TTFTTVI. 36. Disneyland 37. Hong Kong Island 38. New Territories39. International Airport 40.Kowloon能力提升I. 15 BCAAB 610 ABCAB 1115 ACBBCII. 1620 ABCAA 2125 BAAACIII. A) 2630 TTFTF B) 3135 ABCABC) 36. The first
26、 modern Olympic Games was held in Athens in 189637. When people hold the Olympic Games, they always make an emblem(会徽).38. The message the Athens Olympic Games wants to give is “peace”.39 It means the capital of China.40. The spirit of the Beijing Olympic Games is faster , higher and stronger.IV. 41
27、45 countries/cities, before, Someone/Somebody, kind, anywhere4650 beside, yet, Palace, climbing, taken真的不掉线吗?、?V. 51. have, seen, saw 52. Have, been, have been 53. Have, eaten, will try 54. has, e, is55. was, has bee 56. Has, mended, is,mending 57. Have, you, am, reading58. Did, see, have, seen 59.
28、Have, traveled, traveling 60. have, lived, movedVI. 61. Whats the weather liketoday?/What do you think of theweather/snow?62. How long have you been here63. You have learned skiing from him/You have skied before.64. Have you ever been to65. Would you like to have a try? VII. Daqing is my hometown. I
29、t is inHeilongjiang. It is in the north of China. I remember when I was a child, there were no buildings, no wide roads and no green trees in my hometown. Now it has changed a lot. We have built many tall and beautiful buildings. We have many wide new roads and new bridges. My hometown is now like a
30、 beautiful park. There are trees and flowers everywhere. Every neighborhood has a beautiful garden. We can do sport, walk and play in it. I love my hometown very much.Module 3Unit1基础过关I.1. station 2. recently 3. model4. several/ some 5. discovered 6. panic7. latest 8. Mars 9. shuttle 10. showII.11.
31、have traveled 12. has tried13. has made 14. found15. will work / worked /has worked 16. Has .e 17. will/are going to translate18. buys 19. has e 20. have builtIII.21. What is the boy doing?22. What have they decided to do?23. How many times have you heard from your father this month?24. She hasnt ju
32、st gone to the book shop.25. What have you borrowed from him?26. Who has sent a spacecraft to Mars?27. What homework hasnt the girl finished yet?28. What has Tom already done?IV. 2933 ACBBC 3440 ABBBCCA V. 41. Yuri Gagarin was born in a town west of Moscow42. He graduated from his school, heentered
33、a military flight training school.43. Gagarin was selected as a cosmonaut for the space program.44. He made history because of hismagnificent flight45. He died in a plane crash because of bad weather.Unit2基础过关I. 1. alone 2. solar systems 3. None4. environment 5. galaxy 6. billion 7. universe 8. beyo
34、nd 9. light 10. preferII. 11. millions 12. goes 13. called14. to understand 15. to reach 16. plas17. flying 18. cost 19. entrance 20. businessIII. 2125 BCAAB 2628 ABCIV. 29. has sent message 30. notonly/more than 31. has taken to reach32. with spacecraft 33.billion called Milky Way 34. Somescientist
35、s think that life on our pla came from other plas and there might be other types of life there, looking like us. 35. 真的不掉线吗?、?Yes, they have. 36. A picture of the Milky Way with the Earth within it. 37. People should think carefully beforesending out our position to outer space. 38. No. they havent.
36、 /Never.Unit3基础过关I. 1. secret 2. Jupiter 3. explored4. Unmanned 5. Even 6. Diary 7. real8. mission 9. twice 10. safelyII. 11. have gone 12. hasnt seen, is going 13. has stopped 14. lost, hasnt got 15. havent finished, are having 16.has been 17. has known 18. has returned19. has fallen 20. has improv
37、edIII. 2125 ABBAC 2630 ACBCC IV. 31. 200 billion 32. Because of space dust. 33. The sun. 34. Itstemperature. 35. Its energy has begun to fade. 36. 幸运的是,那要过很长时间才要我们去考虑那个问题。能力提升I. 1. alone 2. secret 3. several 4. plas 5. discovered 6. billion 7. universe8. beyond 9. messages 10. returnII. 11. washing
38、12. latest 13. safely14. recently 15. ever 16. real 17. manned 18. discovery 19. landing 20.namedIII. 2125 BACCC 2630 CACACIV. 31. heard 32. havent 33. what34. sent 35. space 36. astronauts 37. have 38. to 39.missions 40. How 41. long 42. stay 43. for 44. Will 45. walk 46. only 47. later 48. hope 49
39、. return 50 safelyV. 5155 BAACC 5660 BACBCVI.61 Because earthmen need oxygen to breathe but there is almost no oxygen on Mars.62. Because there would be little air on Mars.63. Because there is carbon on Mars, and it is a kind of material found in all plants and animals on the earth. 64. It could be
40、a kind of plant life changing color with theseasons. 65. Going to Mars.66. She saw it in a field not far from her home. 67. She saw two people wearing silver suits get out. 68. They usedsomething to examine the ground. 69. Because they did not want others to laugh at their daughter. 70. When they hy
41、pnotized Gaynor, she was able to tell her story again and even draw a picture of the UFOVII. We can usually see the sun, the moon and the stars in the sky. The sun is only one of the stars. There are more than 200 billion stars in our galaxy. The earth is a pla and it goes around the sun with the ot
42、her seven other plas. The sun and its plas are called the solar system. Its a small part of our galaxy. Scientists have discovered many other galaxies in the universe. They are too far away. Its hard to understand how largethe universe is.Scientists have sent lots ofspacecrafts to the other plas in
43、our solar system and some have reached beyond the solar system. However, no one has discovered any life in space yet.Module 4Unit1基础过关I. 1. heard 2. since 3. still 4. difficult/ dangerous 5. poor 6. sounds7. study 8. education 9. foreign 10. worldII. 11. for 12. since 13. for 14. for 15. since 16. s
44、ince 17. since 18. for 19. since 20. for真的不掉线吗?、?III. 2125 ABBAC 2630 BABAB IV. 31. A When-How long 32. B gone-been 33. B to-for 34. B left-been away35. B borrowed-keptV. 3640 BBCCBUnit2基础过关I. 1. describe 2. drop 3. raised 4. education 5. electricity 6. ill 7. trained 8. important 9. countryside 10.
45、 PerhapsII. 11. have posted 12. speaks 13. is raining 14. climbed 15. went 16. havent finished 17. will make 18. Has arrived 19. talking 20. have plantedIII. 2125 BBBAB 2630 BCCBA IV. 31. an eleven-year-old 32.had drop out of school at age 33. with the help of 34. In last, has raised, paid for educa
46、tion million 35. Mostpeople have heard of have given money36. the last book in EnglishV. 3741 ACCCCUnit3基础过关I. 1. heard 2. paid 3. Luckily 4. Province 5. abroad 6. since 7. HealthOrganization 8. leaflet 9. nearly 10. pointII. 11. describe 12. importance 13. areas 14. dropped 15. is training 16. rais
47、ed 17. Thousands 18. luck 19. Perhaps 20. illnessIII. 21. How long have you studied English? 22. How long have they known each other? 23. How long hasnt she seen her mother? 24. When did his father die? 25. How long has he worked in the factory? 26. Who did you visit last night? 27. They liked the c
48、ity, too. 28. What has the teacher done? 29. My brother doesnt do his homework every day. 30. Did Mary do any washing this morning?IV. 31. has been in 32. havekept since ago 33. has had a cold 34.has been awake 35. has been on for 36. has been openV. 37. By bus. 38. From TV.39. No. They had it in th
49、e morning.40. Mrs. Smith. 41. An hour.能力提升I. 1. language 2. sounds 3. Perhaps4. Luckily 5. paid 6. electricity 7. still 8. health 9.descriptions 10. droppedII. 11. healthy 12. carelessly 13. importance 14. education 15. lucky 16. sent 17. Thousands 18. more 19. better20. nearlyIII. 2125 CCBCA 2630 C
50、ACBAIV. 31. piece 32. back 33. together34. Who 35. helped 36. so 37. build 38. trained 39. With 40. whyV. 4145 BACCB 4650 ABCCBVI. 5155 CBCBC56. She was one of the first women doctors. 57. She was born in England and grew up in New York and she learned medicine in a medical school in Europe. 58. The
51、y wouldnt let her in the wards, and she had very few patients. 59. Because herhospital helped the poor and she opened a medical school for women. 60. Because she wanted to help more women bee doctor.真的不掉线吗?、?VII. I began to learn English in Grade 1 of primary school. Since then I have learned Englis
52、h for about seven years. With the teachers help, I have known a lot of English. I have learned a lot of words and expressions. They have helped me a lot. Now I can read books in easy English. Since we started middle school, our English teacher has trained our speaking and writing. We have done bette
53、r than before. She has also taught us a lot of grammar and all of us have improved our writing because of fewer mistakes. Now I can write passages inEnglish and our teacher often says that I have done a good job. I will work harder at it and try my best to learn it.Module 5Unit 1 基础过关I. 1. of 2. in,
54、 of 3. through4. on 5. of 6. to 7. Germans8. orchestra 9. fans 10. country11. serious 12. classical 13. lively14. musicians 15. best 16.traditional 17. noisier 18. has writtenII. 19. A 20. A 21. B 22. C23.B 24. C 25. B 26. A 27. B 28. AIII. 29. has he 30. didnt he 31. will you 32. do we 33. can they
55、/he34. havent they 35. isnt there36. wasnt she 37. shall we 38. doesntheIV. 39. I 40. C 41. H 42. B 43. J 44. E 45. A 46. D 47. G 48. FV. 49. B 50. C 51. B 52. A 53.D 54. B 55. C 56. D 57. B 58. BVI. 59. C 60. C 61. B 62. C 63. B64. birds 65. angry 66. suggested 67. died 68. talked 69. movedVII. 70.
56、 Our headmaster is a very lively woman.71. Give us a break.72. Im a fan of rap.73. He wants to learn to play the techno.74. His music is beautiful and dramatic.75. Your cousin likes classical music, doesnt he?Unit 2 基础过关I. 1. capital 2. European 3. musician 4. concerts 5. traditional6. of 7. for 8. for9. over 10.in11. of 12. for 13. successful 14. called 15. has been dead16. was born 17. pieces 18. most importantII. 19. C 20. B 21. C 22. A23. C 24. B 25. A26. B 27. C 28. A 29. B30. AIII. 31. faster than the others32. w
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