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1、TheM o n s t e rKey to the ExercisesText comprehensionI. Decide which of the following best states the author's purpose of writing.II.Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true orfalse.1.T (Refer to Paragraphs 2?.)2.F (Refer to Paragraph 5, which suggests he was emot

2、ionally unstable.)3.F (Refer to Paragraph 7, which states he was responsible for large sumsof debt.)4.T (Refer to Paragraph 8. A lot of women came into his life as a result of hispursuit, and were abandoned by him in the end.)5. T (Refer to Paragraph 12.)III. Answer the following questions.1. Refer

3、to Paragraph 1. He had a short stature with a disproportionately largehead. And he had skin diseases.2. Refer to Paragraph 2. He believed he was one of the greatest men in the world,a great composer, a great thinker and a great dramatist combined into one. A manof such arrogance cannot help but take

4、 himself to be the center of conversations.3. Refer to Paragraph 3. If anyone showed slight disagreement with him, he wouldmakea lengthy and aggressive speech for hours to prove himself to be in the right.This would force his dazed and deafened hearer to surrender.4. Refer to Paragraph 5. He was emo

5、tionally capricious like a child. Rapture inhim could easily turn into extreme melancholy. He was heartless and callous to afrighteningdegree on some occasions. Moreover, his emotional states always foundoutward expression.5. Refer to Paragraphs 11 and 12. The author says that Wagnerwas amongthe gre

6、atestdramatists, the greatest thinkers and the most tremendous musical geniuses in ourworld. His immortal works far exceeded in value the tortures his arrogance inflictedupon others and the debts he owed.6. Refer to Paragraph 13. The tremendous creative power, which propelled him toproduce so many m

7、emorable works in his lifetime, could have crushed his poor brainand body. However, he miraculously survived and made all the immortalaccomplishments. In this sense he was a monster rather than a human being.IV.Explain in your own words the following sentences.1.He almost had no sense of responsibil

8、ity.2.He wrote large numbers of letters begging for money. In some letters he wasservile without shame, and in other letters he loftily offered his targetedIf the recipient refusedbenefactor the privilege of contributing to his support.to accept his offer, i.e. refused to lend him money, he would fl

9、y into a rage.3. He would use his influence on as many people as possible in order to meet some admirer of his who was only too glad to offer him his help.4. Since Wagner was driven by such tremendous forces, it is no surprise that he didn't behave like a normal human being.Structural analysis o

10、f the textIn the first 10 paragraphs, we can find the following words and expressions used to describe Richard Wagneras a monster of conceit: delusions of grandeur / a monster of conceit / believed himself to be one of the greatest dramatists in the world, one of the greatest thinkers, and one of th

11、e greatest composers / the most exhausting conversationalist / proved himself right in so manyways / had theories about almost any subject under the sun / almost innocent of any sense of responsibility / an endless procession of women.In the remaining paragraphs, we can find the following words and

12、expressions used to describe him as a great genius: right all the time / one of the world's greatest dramatists / a great thinker / one of the most stupendous musical geniuses / owe him a living.Rhetorical features of the textThe repetitive use of the third person pronoun he creates suspense in

13、the reader's mind. This is one of the effective ways to hold the reader's attention and makehim read on.Vocabulary exercisesI.Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.1.person with extremely excessive self-pride2.with all their talents combined in him3.in a bad temper;

14、unwell or annoyed4.without5.use as much influence of his as possible (from behind the scenes)6.make concessionII.Fill in the blank in each sentence with a phrase from the box in itsappropriate form.1.pulled wires2.be content with3.rolled into one4.between the lines of5.sink into6.innocent of7.out of

15、 sorts8.lay my hands onIII.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.1.callousness2. tormentor3.inconceivable4.arrogantly5.gloomy6. tragedy7.delusion8. loftyIV.Choosethe word that can replace the underlined part in each sentence withoutchanging its original meaning.1. A 2. B 3

16、. C 4. A5. C 6. B 7. A 8. DV. Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in thesense it is used.1.Antonym: humbleness (modesty)2.Synonym: amazing (stunning, miraculous)3.Synonym: cold-blooded (inhumane, merciless)4.Synonym: void5.Antonym: ethical (moral, principled, scrupul

17、ous)6.Synonym: parody (caricature)7.Antonym: exhilaration (bliss, ecstasy)8.Synonym: proudly (self-importantly)VI.Explain the meaning of the underlined part in each sentence.1. company 2. controlled3. imprecise 4. out of fashion5. immediately6. coverI.Grammar exercisesComplete the following sentence

18、s with prepositions.1.at2.on3.to4.at5.from6. of7.in, for, at 8.on, of, of9.over10.on, under, out ofII.Fill in the blank in each sentence with the choice you think the mostappropriate.1. C2. A3. B4. C5. D6. D7. B8. DIII.Rewrite the following paragraph, using appropriate coordinators so as to make it

19、more concise.Both John and I wanted to go to the movies, but we could not agree on which picture we should go to see. A new picture was showing at the Palace and another at theGlobe. Neither John nor I had seen either of these pictures. I wanted to see the one at the Globe, but John didn't.IV. J

20、oin the sentences in each group into one without using and, but or so.1. My cousin, John, who has a beautiful tenor voice, is appearing at the RoyalFestival Hall, where I am going to meet him after the concert.2. The roller coaster, which madeits appearance in 1884, is still one of the most exciting

21、 rides in an amusement park.3. As I could not find a British-made ballpoint pen, I bought a French one, which was expensive although it was an extremely simple pen.4. Everybody who is interested in brass rubbings should visit our village church because it contains some beautiful brasses which date f

22、rom the 14th century.5. Despite free medical treatment being available to everybody in the country, there are still a number of private hospitals, which are mostly patronized by foreign visitors who do not want to wait for a bed in a National Health Servicehospital.6. Crochet, which used to be a fav

23、ourite pastime in Victorian times, is back infashion because clothes have becomeso expensive that it is worthwhile to makethem.7. Clanging its bell, the empty cable car approaches, swaying as though slightlydrunk.8. We arrived by plane from Denver, a 16-minute flight thatculminated in abreathtaking

24、touchdown at a tiny airport tucked in among the Rocky Mountains.V.Replace the underlined parts by infinitive phrases.1.The child is lonely; he would be happier if he had someone to play with.2.I have some letters to write.3.He was the first man to leave the burning building.4.The pilot was the only

25、man to survive the crash.5.The last one to leave the room must turn out the lights.6.That is the largest ship to be built.7.My files are all over the place. I wish I had a box to keep them in.8.I don't much care for cooking for myself; if I had a family to cook for I'dbe more interested.VI.

26、Make sentences of your own after the sentences given below, keeping theunderlined structures in your sentences.(Reference version)1. Work interests him to such a degree that he thinks about nothing else.2. What if they do not come?Translation exercisesI. Translate the following sentences into Chines

27、e.1. 任何人只要有一丝半点的不同意见,即使再微不足道,也足够让他高谈阔论几个钟头, 用他那十分累人的雄辩从多方面论证自己是正确的,结果是他的听众听得目瞪口呆,两耳 震聋,为了息事宁人,只好顺从他。2. 他发出了几十封哀求信,甚至不知廉耻地向人献媚,有时他又会将对自己的支持作为 某种特权高傲地赏赐给他希望得到的资助人,一旦这份荣耀被人拒绝,他又会深感被人冒 犯。3. 如果有人仰慕他的作品,能够并且愿意为他所用,他就会动用各种关系,想尽办法见 上一面;可是他又会因为表示出某种愚蠢的、毫无意义的傲慢和无礼而树立死敌。4. 这简直就是一个让人难以言表的奇迹,他那可怜的大脑和身体竟然没有在如此强大的

28、 创造力的折磨下崩溃,这个恶魔挣扎着,抓挠着要挣脱出来,撕扯着,尖叫着,想要他把II.内心的音乐谱写出来。Translate the following sentences into English, using the word and phrases given in brackets.1. For the sake of your family, you should look before you leap and not take so many risks.2. I feel a bit out of sorts after last night's heavy drink

29、.3. His father pulled endless wires and got him a position in an inflated government department.4. If you read his letter carefully, you can find his real intention between the lines.5. I knew I was downright rude to him, but I found excuses for myself.6. Many of the outstanding figures of the past

30、were exceptionally versatile men.Leonardo da Vinci, for instance, rolled a painter and an inventor into one.7. He finally killed himself after being under the torment of insomnia for many years.8. He was dumb with amazement.III. Translate the following passage into Chinese.2001年7月 7日,耶路撒冷举行的一场音乐会在以色

31、列引起了轩然大波。世界着名指挥家 Daniel Barenboim 率领德国管弦乐团在以色列艺术节上正在演奏瓦格纳的音乐,而瓦 格纳是一个反犹太的德国作曲家,也是希特勒最欣赏的音乐家。建国以来的五十多年里, 以色列一直都有这么一条不成文的禁忌不公开演出瓦格纳的任何作品。因为对许多犹太 人和大屠杀幸存者来说,瓦格纳的音乐是和希特勒政权紧紧联系在一起的。尽管瓦格纳的 作品在全世界范围内广为人知并到处演出,但在以色列只要一提起瓦格纳就会激起人们的愤怒和谴责。但巴伦博伊姆坚持认为,瓦格纳的反犹太主义思想既不能忽视,也不可简单地把它等 同于他的音乐。他的音乐是由于它所具有的艺术价值而值得人们欣赏 , 一个民主的社会不 应当阻止人们欣赏这样的作品。Exercises for integrated skil


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