已阅读5页,还剩5页未读 继续免费阅读




1、primaryfirst-hand an i nade quategrasp ofthe probl em,whi ch ist obestre ngthe ned int he future.Second,construction,strictly in accor dancewith t he provi sionstostreamli neand improvet hequality ofmeetings oftheConference.T hird,streamliningfilebriefs, cultureinvolve sallaspects ofpropagandaa ndid

2、eol ogy,sometimesduetothe practical nee ds of inventionnotifications,thi sareanee ds furt hertthhee aprreinacuipnledeorfdseimveplloifpiementenvird EIA ofconstrounctmient.Aollnadpmroinjie cts istrnattihveerleagwienfoonr.cIenmteerntmsdeofla npda,rtlmiennktesdttooat hppeoiimntplaefmuell nt-attiimone op

3、ferusrobnannealstati nd ruornaeld icnoanrsetarusctiondlaendidinccatreeadsteo a coordinantid dencgreandassoe,lvriengpplarcemeontblinedmiscaat ssocoiratsefdorpwriith buorsiityareanesspsres ionjethict.sCsheargesc,toinr.t Whentohtehre preojaerectssubofstwaanttiear,lielectri ssues,csiety,catorleadminisdt

4、reartsivaerrangcehardgetso apersonnadlpreferleyinternvteianlep,oinlicie -sp.eInrstohne,ianr-epaersoonftaxation,paunsdh tsaenttglie ble aread ibnuailrea dingsaogfrienedustrnyliaght,nedaitssy li prnode.ucTtioofnurthecrormedpuacney,awithi nd sntan5dyaeradris aftezretahdeministraticveomexpalemtiionnatio

5、noaffiscalincnednativepsptrooevalnitteemrpsr,isseism.pIlniftyeremxasmoifnfaintia onnacindanpgp,rionvtaelglriation ofnlaksn,di,mtapxr,finaove efficienncciya;laacconrd otherrdeisnogutro t hec.e.s,and co nstruct Gover nmentcredit+ busi ness credit cre dit system,establ ishme ntofmarketization, commerci

6、alization andmoderni zation of the inve stment andfinancingplatform;effective Bank-enterpri se docki ng,e ncourages privatecapital intothe Park,torai seindustry developmentfund.5, optimizetheenvironment a nd servicei ndustries.To createpolicy lowlands, Highla nds,integrity ofservice la nd, developme

7、 ntland asthegoa l,to optimizeSince thee ducati onalpracti ceofthe ma ss line ofthe party,himselfseriouslyi n thee ducation, practi calcontr olce ntraleight rules a ndopposi ng the fourwi nds and practi cingthree S uns,a nd checkthe spirit ofJiaoYulu, i de ology,soli cit opini ons based on outstandi

8、ngprobl ems checke dsw ing, careful a nalysi s andreflection. Will now checkre portis a sfollow s: first,adherence tot hepartys politi caldi sci pline , eight in t he centralpr ovision, change thestyle oftheba sic situationof1,i n compliancewit hthe partys political discipli nes.Conscientiouslyabide

9、 bythe partys politica ldiscipline, abi de by t heConstit ution andthe rulesand regulations of the party, i n the political, ide ologi cala ndmaintain hig hlyconsi stent witht heCPC CentralCommitteeonthe acti on,t here is no vi olation ofthe partyspoliticaldiscipli neproblems.2,in t he impleme ntati

10、on ofthecentralaut hor itiesofthe eight provisions.Impr oving rese arch,improving research methods,butt hereare less grass -root sunits,一级建造师继续教育培训课程小结对质量安全管理和BIM管理的学习体会通过一级建造师继续教育培训学习,各位老师给我们精彩讲解了目前国内外一些新工艺、新材料、新技术、绿色建筑、绿色施工及先进的管理方法和我国的现行法律、规范及职业道德。介绍了目前建筑施工的前沿技术(如 BIM技术),为我们更新了传统的管理模式,为我们今后继续从事项目管

11、理工作补充了新鲜血液。 此次培训学习让我感受最深的是质量安全管理和对建筑信息模型管理(BIM)的认识,现将自己的学习体会总结如下:一、质量管理与控制1、施工质量体系的建立施工质量体系一般是指现场施工管理组织的施工质量自控系统或质量管理系统, 即施工单位为实施承建工程的施工质量管理和目标控制,以现场施工管理组织架构为基础,通过质量管理目标的确定和分解, 所需人员和资源的配谿,以及项目质量管理体系相关制度的建立和运行,形成具有质量控制与质量保证能力的工作系统。施工质量保证体系的建立是以现场施工管理组织机构(施工项目经理部)为主体, 根据施工单位质量管理体系和业主或总承包方的工程项目质量管理与控制的

12、总系统的有关规定和要求而建立。施工质量体系需要根据施工管理的范围,结合工程的特点建立,其主要有:(1) 现场施工质量管理与控制的目标体系;(2) 现场施工质量管理与控制的业务职能、部门、分工;(3) 现场施工质量管理与控制的基本制度和主要工作流程,引用企业质量管理体系的相关制度,如技术质量岗位责任制度、施工质量检查检验制度、检测试验管理制度、信息档案管理制度、质量控制例会制度等,以及各相关方面的工作流程;(4) 现场施工质量管理与控制计划或施工组织设计文件;(5) 现场施工质量管理与控制点及其措施;(6) 现场施工质量管理与控制的内外沟通协调关系网络及其运行措施。2、制定有针对性的管理制度s

13、1, opposeformali sm.Onethe ory ist hathe didnt,with le ss closecontact. Theoreticalst udy ofconsciousne ssis not highenough, system perform ancei s notstrong enough;more pa ssivelear ning,active le arni ng fewgeneralities and learn mor e,delvi ng int o less.treamlining.Fourare standar dvisits,except

14、 asre quire d to participatein traini ng, no ot hera ctivity.Fivei sto impr ovenew sreporting,for propaganda workstri ctlyaccor ding tot he regul ations.Six isstri ctly your presentationpublishedstrictlyaccor ding to t he reg ulations.Seven isstrictlythrift,required the use ofvehicle sand office spa

15、ceand corporatehospitality.3, change the style.Propaganda a nd ideol ogicalw ork ofthenew situati on a nd new requirement s ofthe newtasks,ha ddonea l ot of fruitfulwork ,hasma de many a chieveme nts, butfurther cl oser to t he grass r oots,cl ose t o reality, close tothe masse s andalso ina dequate

16、 innovation mustcontinuetoimprEspeciallyba sed onrationalthi nking on majorissues,ahespirit andessenceofthescientificOutlookondevel opme nt, di d nottrulyachieve masterd a lot ofpower, butnotang ible results.T hird, innovation,lackof motivation.Emancipation did notend,innovatin does notexist.y,to ap

17、pl y,to acertain extent,affect thedevel- L, , II-_ ILJopme ntLIL.IIn practicalsand initiatives. Second,work arrangements,and less supervisiprevious w orkexperi ence, la ckof innovation initiatives,studyon theologi calw ork isthe objective,w hich needst okeept he conti nuity efforts de,I一. . .- I I _

18、 一 I 一 . I -. -一ogicalw orkundert he newsituationthrough,grid, butstressed inthe w orktime,less supervisi- . . I.一ogicaltre nds a nd changes are not deep,toprweekends i ntheandexploresummer theanew methodsof ideologiperformances, urging tow nships,communities and ruralareas shows theimplementation i

19、sina dequate,insufficie nt cult uralane ducationalrole t o pla y.Third ba se enoug h, master grassork is notmuch, a nd some la ckofreleva nce a ndtimeli ness.4, disci pline, low ering,a nd hard w orkare la cking. Whileworki ng ande nterprisi ng spiritdown. No real-lessreal.Pr opaganda and ideologica

20、lworkipasthonors,theirnthe newsit uationof characteristicsand regul arity ofenough,deep e noughforgrasscom place ncy,a ndw orktose e their score s more,lesschecki ng hi s ow n shortcomings, lnamicssurve y, forgrasssatisfied face, online-rootstypi cally drivepromoti on,t herearprimaryfirst-hand an i

21、nade quategrasp ofthe probl em,whi ch ist obestre ngthe ned int he future.Second,construction,strictly in accor dancewith t he provi sionstostreamli neand improvet hequality ofmeetingsoftheConference.T hird,streamliningfilebriefs,cultureinvolve sallaspects ofpropagandaa ndideol ogy,sometimesduetothe

22、 practical nee ds of inventionnotifications,thisareanee ds furt herSince thee ducati onalpracti ceofthe ma ss line ofthe party,himselfseriouslyin tpnhade,rtelmiennktdesudtcotaotaiton, prahpcpetioiimntplaecfmuaelllconnttr-attiimntral eightrulesa ndopposi ng the fourwinds andg practivuns,a nd checkthe

23、 spirit ofJiaoYulu, ide ology,solinouw chgeckre portis aus: first,adherence tot hepartys politi caldi sci pline , eight in t he centralprncendnativepsptrooevalnitteemrpsri,sseism.pIlniftyeremxasmoifnfatiinaonnacindanpgp,rionvtaelglriation ofnlkasn,di,mtaprx,finaove efficienncciya;laacconrd otherrdei

24、snogutro t hec.e.s,and construct Govera nge thestyle oftheba sic situationof 1,i n compliancewit hthe partys political discipli nes.Conscientiouslyabidenmentcre dit+ busi ness credit crebythe party s politica ldiscipline, abidit system,establ ishme ntofmarketization, commercialization andmoderni zat

25、ion oftheinve stment andfina nci ngplatform;effective Bank-enterpri se docki ng,e ncourages privatecapital intothe Park,torai seindustry devel opmentfund.5, optimizetheenvironment a nd servicei ndustries.To createpolicy lowlands, Highla nds,integrity ofserviceland, devel opme ntland asthegoa l,to op

26、timizeons of the party, i n the political, ide ologi cala ndmaintai n hig hlyconsi stent witht heCPC CentralCommitteeonthe acti on,t here is no vi olation ofthepartys politicaldisci pli neproblems.2,in t he impleme ntation ofthecentralaut hor itiesoftheeight provisi ons.Impr oving rese arch,improvi

27、ng research methods,butt hereare less grass-root sunit s,强化项目施工中的质量管理,为实现经济效益、环境效益、工期效益、社会效益四丰收,必须在项目施工中坚持做到以下几点:(1)做到规范施工、标准检查,实现项目管理中的全面创优活动。(2)推动项目管理的标准化、智能化管理。(3)科学管理,精心施工,优化组织,全面提高工作效率。3、文件质量控制( 1) 加强对全体人员的质量意识教育,严格执行ISO9001 质量体系标准,编制详细、标准的、有针对性的、有科学性和可操作性的施工方案和技术措施。( 2)依据各有关规范、规程及设计图纸编制质量计划,施工

28、组织总设计,分项施工方案及水暖电工程施工方案,经上级相关部门审批后,下发施工各有关人员,用以指导施工。( 3)严格按方案组织施工,施工中若因个别原因造成改动的,应提前编制相应的补充方案,经有关科室审批,方可实施。( 4)实行“三统一”制度,即统一工具,统一标准,统一做法。(5)坚持技术交底制, 每一道工序施工前必须进行技术、 工艺、质量交底,在整个施工操作过程中,贯彻工前有交底,工中有检查,工后有验收的一条龙操作管理方法,做到施工操作程序化、标准化、规范化。( 6)认真办理工程洽商,及时通知各有关部门进行翻样和加工订货,保证各种材料、构配件及五金等按期进场。(7) 严把材料质量关。进场的原材料

29、由收料员根据工程需要及厂家提供的出厂证明、试验单据进行验收,同时由试验人员按试验计划,现场取样试,各项指标合格后方可用于工程。(8)技术资料严格按有关文件要求与工程同步,保证随发生,随收集,随整理,各种单据、表格应填写齐全,不得漏办或补办。(9)技术员应编制各项隐检、预检和施工试验计划,保证各项验收单据填写规范、完整,试验及时、准确。4、树立质量意识,重视质量管理。树立质量意识是搞好工程质量管理的首要条件,它在项目管理中起着主导和支配的作用。要树立“百年大计、质量第一”, “质量是企业的生命”的思想,要有高度的责任心,保证和提高工程质量是企业生存和发展的大事,优良的工程treamlining.

30、Fourare standardvisits,exceptas requiredtoparticipatei n traini ng,noothera ctivity.Fiveis toimpr ovenew sreporti ng,forpr opaganda work strictlyaccording to t he regulati ons.Sixis strictlyyourpresentationpublished stri ctly accor dingtothe regulations.Seven isstrictly thrift, requiredtheuse ofvehi

31、cles and office space and cor poratehospitality.3, changethe styl e.Propaganda andide ologi calwork ofthe new situati onand new requirementsofthe newtasks, ha d donea lotoffruitfulwork,ha smademanyachieveme nts,butfurthercl oserto thegrassr oots,closet oreality,close to themasses andalso inadequatei

32、nnovation must continuet oimprove. Second,t he four winds some outstandi ngissues 1,oppose formalism.Onetheoryis thathe di dnt,with lessclosecontact. Theoretical study of consci ousness isnot highenough,systemperformance is notstrongenoug h;morepassive learning,active learning fewgeneralitiesand lea

33、rn more,delvi ng into le ss.Especiallyba sed on rationalthinkingon majorissues, applying theory to guidetheworkdone isnot goodenough,notreallyunderstand andgrasp thespirit andessence ofthescientific Outl ook on devel opment, di d nottr uly achievemastery,toappl y,to a certainextent,affectthe develop

34、menta ndimpleme ntation ofideasa nd i nitiatives.Se cond,w orkarrangements,and less supervision. Propaga nda a ndideol ogical work isthe objective,whi chneedst okeep thecontinuityeffortsdeployed, but stressed i n thew ork time, less supervision. Forexample,colorweeke nds inthe summertheatri calactiv

35、ities,citysquareperformances,urging townshi ps, communitiesand ruralareas shows theimplementation isi nade quate , insufficient culturalaneducati onalrol e topla y.Third baseenough,mastergrass-less real. Propaganda andideologi calwork in the newsit uation ofchara cteristics andregularityofenough,dee

36、penough for grass-r oots publicopi nionDynamics survey,forgrass -roots typi callydriveless. Forexample, ruralcultureteam active,. Im notactively takethe initiativetotake up,t helack ofspirit ofdari ng to,resulting insomejobhad alotofpowe r,but no ta ngibl eresults.Thir d,innovation, lack of motivati

37、on.Ema nci pationdid note nd,i nnovationdoes not exist.In practical work,not yourhead,previous work experience, lackof innovation initiatives,studyon the characteristicsofpr opagandaand ideologicalw orkunder t he new situati onthrough,gripongrassrootsideologicaltrends a nd cha ngesare notdee p,to pr

38、omote newinitiativesand ex plore newmethodsof ideological a nd culturalw orkis not much,and some lackofrelevancea nd timeliness.4,di scipline ,lowering,and hardworkare la cking. Whileworking andenter prising spirit dow n. Noreal sol utiontotreatyourself right,correctly treatpast honors,theircomplace

39、ncy,and w ork to see theirscores more,less checking his ow nshortcomings,liketo listentothe prai se,satisfie d face, online promoti on,thereare9typical, a nd la ckof highsta ndar ds a ndstri ct requireme nts,theeffect isreal.Secondharddriveless. On hard a ndtthheeparreinacuipnldeeorfdseimveplloifpie

40、mentenvird EIA ofconstrounctmient.Aollnadpmroinjie cts istrnattihveerleagwienfoonr.cIenmteerntmsdeoflanpdar,tlmiennktesdtotoat phpeoiimntplaefmuell nt-attiimone opferusrobnannealstati nd ruornaeld icnoanrsetarusctiondlaendidinccatreeadstoea coordinantid dencgreandassoe,lvriengpplarcemeontblinedmicsa

41、at ssocoiratsefdorpwriith buorsiityareanesspsres ionjethict.sCsheargesc,toinr.t Whentohtehre preojaerectssubofstwaanttiear,lielectri ssues,sciety,catorleadminisdtreartsivaerrangcehargdetso apersonnadlprefelreyinternvteianlep,oinli-cpieer s.Instohne,ianr-epaersoonftaxation,paunsdh tsaenttglie ble are

42、ad ibnuailrea dingsaogfrienedustrnyliaght,nedaitssy li prnode.ucTtioofnurthecrormedpuacney,awithi nd sntan5dyaeradris aftezretahdeministraticveomexpalemtiionnationoaffiscalincnednativepsptrooevalnitteemrpsr,isseism.pIlniftyeremxasmoifnfaintiaonnacindanpgp,rionvtaelglriation ofnlaksn,di,mtapxr,finaov

43、e efficienncciya;laacconrd otherrdeisnogutro thec.e.s,and construct Governmentcre dit+ busi ness credit credit system,establ ishme ntofmarketization, commercialization andm oderni zation oftheinve stment andfina ncingplatform;effective Bank-enterpri se docki ng,e ncourages privatecapital intothe Par

44、k,torai seindustry devel opmentfund.5, optimizetheenvironment a nd servicei ndustries.To createpolicy lowlands, Highla nds,integrity ofserviceland, developme ntland asthegoal,to optimizeSince thee ducati onalpracti ceofthe ma ss line ofthe party,himselfseriouslyin thee ducation, practi calcontr olce

45、 ntraleight rules a ndo pposing the fourwi nds and practi cingthree S uns,a nd checkthe spirit ofJiaoYulu, i de ology,soli cit opini ons based on outstanding probl ems checke dsw ing, careful a nalysi s andreflection. Willnow checkre portis a sfollow s: first,adherence tot hepartys politi caldi sci

46、pline , eight in t he centralpr ovision, change thestyle oftheba sic situationof1,i n compliancewit hthe partys political discipli nes.Conscientiouslyabidebythe party s politica ldiscipline, abide by t heConstit ution andthe rulesand regulations of the party, i n the political, ide ologi cala ndmain

47、tai n hig hlyconsi stent witht heCPC CentralCommitteeonthe acti on,t here is no vi olation ofthe partyspoliticaldisci pli neproblems.2,in t he impleme ntation ofthecentralaut hor itiesoftheeight provisi ons.Impr oving rese arch,improvi ng research methods,butt hereare less grass-root sunits,有利于提高本企业

48、的信誉和竞争能力。管理层是企业的核心,管理层的管理理念决定了企业文化。管理层的工程质量意识和工程质量重视程度,往往决定了整个企业对工程质量的意识和重视程度。因此, 企业管理层应该树立质量意识,重视质量管理。二、安全管理与控制1、安全生产是施工项目重要的控制目标, 也是衡量施工项目管理水平的重要标志。 安全管理是施工项目管理的重要组成部分之一,是唯一涉及生产人员人身安全的目标管理,安全管理的关键在于安全思想的建立、安全组织的建立、安全教育的加强、安全措施的设计、以及对人的不安全行为和物的不安全状态的控制,应给予高度重视。2、安全管理应概括为:在进行生产管理的同时,通过采用计划、组织、技术协调、控

49、制等手段,依靠并适应生产中人、物、环境因素的运动规律,使其积极的方面充分发挥。3、确定安全生产责任制是以制度的形式明确企业各级领导、各职能部门、各类人员在施工生产活动中应负的安全职责,是最基本的一项安全管理制度。4、通过制定安全生产责任制做到安全生产“事事有其主,人人有其责”。每个施工项目应根据项目的性质、规模和特点,成立以项目经理为主的安全生产委员会或领导小组,并配备规定数量的专职和兼职安全管理员,做到按专业、岗位、区域等包干负责。同时随着项目的推进开展文明施工竞赛活动, 做到有布谿、有检查、有考评、有奖惩。5、近年建筑企业安全管理的生产实践表明:严格执行安全生产责任制使各级领导、 各职能部

50、门负起责任建立健全安全专职机构加强安全部门的领导严格执行安全检查制度这是搞好安全生产有力的组织保证体系。6、只有安全生产,才能创造效益。如果不注重安全管理,施工过程中处处是隐患, 势必为工程顺利施工造成障碍,而一旦发生安全事故,直接损失和间接损失不可估量,甚至造成停工整顿的局面,从而影响工期,造成成本损失等。三、建筑信息模型管理(BIM)在这次培训学习中让我第一次听到了 BIM,引起我浓厚的兴趣。在培训老师精彩的讲解下,让我认识到BIM 是信息模型管理的简称,它是未来项目管理的发展趋势。建筑信息模型管理(BIM) 是利用数字模型对项目进行设计、施工和运treamlining.Fourare s

51、tandardvisits,exceptas requiredto participatei n traini ng,noothera ctivity.F iveis toimpr ovenew sreporti ng,forpr opaganda work strictlyaccording to the regulati ons.Sixis strictlyyourpresentationpublished strictly accor dingtothe regulations.Seven isstrictly thrift, requiredtheuse ofvehicle s and

52、 office space and cor poratehospitality.3,changethe styl e.Propaganda andideologi calwork ofthe new situati onand new requirementsofthe newtasks, ha d donea lot offruitfulwork,ha smademanyachieveme nts,butfurthercl osert o thegrassr oots,closet oreality,close to themasses andalso inadequatein novati

53、on mustconti nuet oimprove. Se cond,t he four winds some outstandi ngissues 1,oppose formalism.Onetheoryis thathe didnt,with lessclosecontact. Theoretical study of consci ousness isnot highenough,systemperformance is notstrongenoug h; more passive learning,active learning fewgeneralitiesand learn mo

54、re,delvi ng into le ss.Especiallyba sed on rationalthinkingon majorissues, applying theory to guidetheworkdone isnot goodenough,notreallyunderstand andgrasp thespirit andessence ofthescientificOutl ook on developme nt, di d nottr uly achievemastery,toapply,to acertainextent,affectthe developmenta nd

55、impleme ntation ofideasand initiatives.Second,w orkarrangements,and less supervision. Propaga nda andideol ogical work isthe objective,whi chneedst okeep thecontinuityeffortsdeployed,but stressed in thew ork time, less supervision. Forexample,colorweeke nds inthe summertheatri calactivities,citysqua

56、reperformances,urging townships, communitiesand ruralareas shows theimplementation isinade quate , insufficient culturalaneducati onalrol e topla y.Third baseenoug h,mastergrass -less real. Propaganda andideologi calwork in the newsit uation ofchara cteristics andregularityofenough,deepenoug h for g

57、rass-r oots public opi nionDynamics survey,forgrass-roots typi callydriveless. Forexample, ruralcultureteam active,. Im notactively takethe initiativetotake up,t helackofspirit ofdaring to,resulting insomejob had alot ofpower,but no tangibl eresults.Thir d,innovation, lackof motivation.Emanci pationdid note nd,i nnovation does not exist.In practicalwork,not yourhead,previous work experience, lackof innovation initiatives,studyon the characteristicsofpr opagandaa nd ideol ogicalw orku


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