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1、Computer English (Fourth Edition)Unit 2 Computer ArchitectureSection A Computer Hardware 厦门理工学院厦门理工学院 陈丹波陈丹波Computer HardwareIntroductionMonitor 监视器,显示器监视器,显示器Floppy disk 软盘软盘Laser 激光激光Speaker 扬声器扬声器Computer HardwareIntroductionI. IntroductionComputer hardware is the equipment involved in the functi

2、on of a computer and consists of the components that can be physically handled. The function of these components is typically divided into three main categories: input, output, and storage. Components in these categories connect to microprocessors, specifically, the computers central processing unit

3、 (CPU), the electronic circuitry that provides the computational ability and control of the computer, via wires or circuitry called a bus. Consist of 由组成 typically 一般地Category 种类 computational 计算的Via: 通过,经过I.引言引言 计算机硬件是计算机运行所需要的设备,由可进行物理计算机硬件是计算机运行所需要的设备,由可进行物理处理的元件处理的元件组成组成。这些元件的功能。这些元件的功能一般一般分为分为3

4、个主要个主要类别类别:输入、:输入、输出和存储。这些类别的元件与微处理器相连接,特别是与计算机输出和存储。这些类别的元件与微处理器相连接,特别是与计算机的中央处理器相连接,而后者的中央处理器相连接,而后者是通过被称之为总线的线路或电路来是通过被称之为总线的线路或电路来提供提供计算计算能力和对计算机进行控制的能力和对计算机进行控制的电子电路。电子电路。Computer HardwareIntroduction Software, on the other hand, is the set of instructions a computer uses to manipulate data, su

5、ch as a word-processing program or a video game. These programs are usually stored and transferred via the computers hardware to and from the CPU. Software also governs how the hardware is utilized; for example, how information is retrieved from a storage device. The interaction between the input an

6、d output hardware is controlled by software called the Basic Input/Outhput System (BIOS) software. Video 视频视频Govern 控制控制Retrieve 检索,找回检索,找回Interation 交互,互动交互,互动 另一方面另一方面,软件是计算机用来处理数据的一套指令,如文字处,软件是计算机用来处理数据的一套指令,如文字处理程序或者理程序或者电子电子(视频视频)游戏游戏。这些程序通常被存储起来,并由计算。这些程序通常被存储起来,并由计算机硬件调入和调出中央处理器。软件也机硬件调入和调出中央

7、处理器。软件也控制着控制着硬件如何使用;例如,硬件如何使用;例如,如何从存储设备中如何从存储设备中检索检索信息信息。输入与输出硬件的。输入与输出硬件的交互交互作用是由基本作用是由基本输入输入/输出系统(输出系统(BIOS)软件控制的。)软件控制的。Computer HardwareIntroduction Although microprocessors are still technically considered to be hardware, portions of their function are also associated with computer software. S

8、ince microprocessors have both hardware and software aspects they are therefore often referred to as firmware. Portions 部分部分Refer 涉及,指涉及,指Firmware 固件固件 尽管微处理器在技术上仍被认为是硬件,其尽管微处理器在技术上仍被认为是硬件,其部分部分功能也与计算机软件有关系。既然微处理器同时具有功能也与计算机软件有关系。既然微处理器同时具有硬件与软件方面的特征,硬件与软件方面的特征,它们因此经常被它们因此经常被称作固件称作固件Computer Hardwar

9、eInput HardwareII.Input Hardware Input hardware consists of external devicesthat is, components outside of the computers CPUthat provide information and instructions to the computer.定语从句II.输入硬件输入硬件 输入硬件输入硬件由由给计算机提供给计算机提供信息信息和指令的外和指令的外部部设备设备亦即计算机中央处理器以外的元件亦即计算机中央处理器以外的元件组成组成。 A light pen is a stylus

10、with a light sensitive tip that is used to draw directly on a computers video screen or to select information on the screen by pressing a clip in the light pen or by pressing the light pen against the surface of the screen. The pen contains light sensors that identify which portion of the screen it

11、is passed over. Light pen 光光 stylus 输入笔输入笔Clip 夹子夹子 sensor 传感器传感器Pass over 经过,路过经过,路过 光笔光笔是具有光敏端头的是具有光敏端头的输入笔输入笔,用来在计算机屏幕上直接写,用来在计算机屏幕上直接写画,或者通过按光笔上的画,或者通过按光笔上的夹子夹子或用光笔接触屏幕来在屏幕上选或用光笔接触屏幕来在屏幕上选择信息。这种笔含有光择信息。这种笔含有光传感器传感器,能够识别屏幕上笔,能够识别屏幕上笔经过经过的部分。的部分。 Computer HardwareInput Hardware A mouse is a pointi

12、ng device designed to be gripped by one hand. It has a detection device (usually a ball) on the bottom that enables the user to control the motion of an on-screen pointer, or cursor, by moving the mouse on a flat surface. As the device moves across the surface, the cursor moves across the screen. To

13、 select items or choose commands on the screen, the user presses a button on the mouse.Grip 抓握抓握Pointer 指针指针Cursor 光标光标Flat 平的,平坦平的,平坦 鼠标是为一只手鼠标是为一只手抓握抓握而设计的指示设备。它在底部有一个检而设计的指示设备。它在底部有一个检测装置(通常是一个圆球),使用户通过在一个测装置(通常是一个圆球),使用户通过在一个平平面上移动鼠标能面上移动鼠标能够控制屏幕上够控制屏幕上指针指针或或光标光标的运动。当鼠标滑过平面的时候,光标随的运动。当鼠标滑过平面的时候,

14、光标随着在屏幕上移动。要在屏幕上选择项目或命令,用户就点击鼠标上着在屏幕上移动。要在屏幕上选择项目或命令,用户就点击鼠标上的按钮。的按钮。Computer HardwareInput HardwareA joystick is a pointing device composed of a lever that moves in multiple directions to navigate a cursor or other graphical object on a computer screen.Joystick 操纵杆操纵杆 lever 杆子杆子 , 直杆直杆Navigate 操纵,导

15、航操纵,导航 graphical 图形的图形的操纵杆操纵杆是由一根是由一根杆子杆子组成的指示设备,该杆以向多个方组成的指示设备,该杆以向多个方向移动来向移动来操纵操纵计算机屏幕上的光标或者其他计算机屏幕上的光标或者其他图形图形对象。对象。 Computer HardwareInput HardwareA keyboard is a typewriter-like device that allows the user to type in text and commands to the computer. Some keyboards have special function keys o

16、r integrated pointing devices, such as a trackball or touch-sensitive regions that let the users finger motions move an on-screen cursor.Keyboard 键盘键盘Typewriter 打字机打字机Trackball 轨迹球轨迹球Touch-sensitive 触敏的触敏的键盘键盘是一个像是一个像打字机打字机的设备,它使用户得以向计算的设备,它使用户得以向计算机键入文本和命令。有些键盘有特殊功能键或集成机键入文本和命令。有些键盘有特殊功能键或集成的指示设备,如

17、的指示设备,如轨迹球轨迹球或者可以让用户通过手指的或者可以让用户通过手指的移动来移动屏幕上光标的移动来移动屏幕上光标的触敏触敏区。区。 Computer HardwareInput Hardware An optical scanner uses light-sensing equipment to convert images such as a picture or text into electronic signals that can be manipulated by a computer. For example, a photograph can be scanned into

18、 a computer and then included in a text document created on that computer. The two most common scanner types are the flatbed scanner, which is similar to an office photocopier, and the hand-held scanner, which is passed manually across the image to be processed.Scanner 扫描仪扫描仪Convert into 转变成转变成Flatb

19、ed 平板式平板式Hand-held 手持式手持式Photocopy 复印机复印机 光光扫描仪扫描仪利用光感应设备将图片或文本等形式的图像利用光感应设备将图片或文本等形式的图像转换成转换成计计算机能够处理的电子信号。例如,一张照片能够被扫入一台计算机,算机能够处理的电子信号。例如,一张照片能够被扫入一台计算机,然后包括在该计算机建立的文本文件中。最常见的两种扫描仪类型然后包括在该计算机建立的文本文件中。最常见的两种扫描仪类型是是平板式扫描仪平板式扫描仪和和手持式扫描仪手持式扫描仪,前者类似一台办公,前者类似一台办公复印机复印机,后者,后者用手动的方式从要处理的图像上扫过。用手动的方式从要处理的

20、图像上扫过。Computer HardwareInput HardwareA microphone is a device for converting sound into signals that can then be stored, manipulated, and played back by the computer. A voice recognition module is a device that converts spoken words into information that the computer can recognize and process.Play b

21、ack 回放回放Module 模块模块麦克风是将声音麦克风是将声音转换成转换成可被计算机存储、处理和可被计算机存储、处理和回放回放的的信号的设备。语音识别信号的设备。语音识别模块模块是将说的话转换成计算机能是将说的话转换成计算机能够识别和处理的信号的设备。够识别和处理的信号的设备。 Computer HardwareInput HardwareA modem, which stands for modulator-demodulator, is a device that connects a computer to a telephone line and allows informatio

22、n to be transmitted to or received from another computer. Each computer that sendsor receives information must be connected to a modem. 调制解调器代表调制器调制解调器代表调制器解调器解调器,是将计算机与电话,是将计算机与电话线连接、允许信息传给或接自另一台计算机的设备。线连接、允许信息传给或接自另一台计算机的设备。每台发送或接收信息的计算机都必须与调制解调器相每台发送或接收信息的计算机都必须与调制解调器相连接。连接。 Modem 调制解调器调制解调器 Stan

23、d for 代表代表Modulator 调制器调制器 Demodulator 解调器解调器Computer HardwareInput HardwareThe information sent from one computer is converted by the modem into an audio signal,which is then transmitted by telephone lines to the receiving modem, which converts the signal into information that the receiving compute

24、r can understand.Audio 音频,声音音频,声音计算机发送的信息由调制解调器转换成计算机发送的信息由调制解调器转换成音频音频信号,然后信号,然后通过电话线传送到接收调制解调器上,由其将信号转换通过电话线传送到接收调制解调器上,由其将信号转换成接收计算机能够理解的信息。成接收计算机能够理解的信息。Computer HardwareOutput HardwareIII. Output Hardware Output hardware consists of external devices that transfer information from the computers

25、CPU to the computer user. A video display, or screen, converts information generated by the computer into visual information.Transferinto 传送给传送给 Display 显示器显示器Visual 可见,可视的可见,可视的III. 输出硬件输出硬件 输出硬件输出硬件由由将信息从计算机中央处理将信息从计算机中央处理器器传给传给计算机用户的外部设备计算机用户的外部设备构成构成。视频显示器视频显示器或屏幕或屏幕将计算机生成的信息转换成将计算机生成的信息转换成可视可视信

26、息。信息。 Computer HardwareOutput HardwareDisplays commonly take one of two forms: a video screen with a cathode ray tube (CRT) or a video screen with a liquid crystal display (LCD). A CRT-based screen, or monitor, looks similar to a television set. Information from the CPU is displayed using a beam of

27、electrons that scans a phosphorescent surface that emits light and creates images.Cathode ray tube 阴极射线管阴极射线管Liquid crystal display 液晶显示液晶显示Beam 束,扎束,扎Phosphorescen 发磷光的发磷光的显示器一般有两种形式:显示器一般有两种形式:阴极射线管阴极射线管视频屏幕和视频屏幕和液晶显示液晶显示视频屏幕视频屏幕.基于阴极射线管的屏幕或监视器看起来就像一基于阴极射线管的屏幕或监视器看起来就像一台电视机。从中央处理器输出的信息,使用电子台电视机。从中

28、央处理器输出的信息,使用电子束束显示出显示出来,其过程是电子束扫描来,其过程是电子束扫描荧光荧光屏,而荧光屏则发出光并产屏,而荧光屏则发出光并产生图像。生图像。Computer HardwareOutput HardwareAn LCD-based screen displays visual information on a flatter and smaller screen than a CRT-based video monitor. LCDs are frequently used in laptop computers.Monitor 监视器监视器Laptop 膝上型膝上型基于液晶

29、显示器的屏幕将可视信息显示在比基于阴基于液晶显示器的屏幕将可视信息显示在比基于阴极射线管的视频极射线管的视频监视器监视器更平、更小的屏幕上。液晶更平、更小的屏幕上。液晶显示器常常用于显示器常常用于膝上型膝上型计算机。计算机。 Computer HardwareOutput Hardware Printers take text and image from a computer and print them on paper. Dot-matrix printers use tiny wires to impact upon an inked ribbon to form characters

30、. Laser printers employ beams of light to draw images on a drum that then picks up fine black particles called toner. The toner is fused to a page to produce an image. Inkjet printers fire droplets of ink onto a page to form characters and pictures.Dot-matrix 点阵点阵 Impact upon 打击,冲击打击,冲击Ribbon 带带 dru

31、m 鼓,鼓,Toner 色粉色粉 fuse 熔化,保险丝熔化,保险丝 Inkjet 喷墨喷墨 droplet 小墨滴小墨滴打印机将计算机输出的文本和图像打印在纸上。打印机将计算机输出的文本和图像打印在纸上。点阵点阵打印机使用打印机使用细小的金属丝细小的金属丝打击打击色色带带,从而形成字符。激光打印机使用光束在,从而形成字符。激光打印机使用光束在磁鼓磁鼓上画图像,然后由磁鼓吸起被称之为上画图像,然后由磁鼓吸起被称之为色粉色粉的微小黑粒。色粉的微小黑粒。色粉熔凝熔凝到纸上,形成图像。到纸上,形成图像。喷墨喷墨打印机将打印机将小墨滴小墨滴喷射到纸上,形成喷射到纸上,形成字符和图像。字符和图像。Com

32、puter HardwareStorage HardwareIV. Storage hardware Storage hardware provides permanent storage of information and programs for retrieval by the computer. The two main types of storage devices are disk drives and memory. There are several types of disk drives: hard, floppy, magneto-optical, and compa

33、ct.Disk drive 磁盘驱动器磁盘驱动器Floppy 软的软的Magneto-optical 磁光的磁光的Compact 紧密的紧密的IV. 存储硬件存储硬件为计算机检索提供信息和程序存储硬件存储硬件为计算机检索提供信息和程序的永久性存储。两种主要的存储设备是的永久性存储。两种主要的存储设备是磁盘驱动器磁盘驱动器和存储和存储器。磁盘驱动器有几种类型:硬盘、器。磁盘驱动器有几种类型:硬盘、软软盘、盘、磁光磁光盘和光盘和光(紧密紧密)盘。盘。Computer HardwareStorage HardwareHard disk drives store information in magn

34、etic particles embedded in a disk. Usually a permanent part of the computer, hard disk drives can store large amounts of information and retrieve that information very quickly.Permanent 永久的,固定的永久的,固定的Large amounts of 大量的大量的硬盘驱动器将信息存储在盘中嵌入的磁性颗粒中。硬硬盘驱动器将信息存储在盘中嵌入的磁性颗粒中。硬盘驱动器通常是计算机的盘驱动器通常是计算机的固定固定部分,能存

35、储部分,能存储大量的大量的信信息并对其进行快速的检索。息并对其进行快速的检索。 Computer HardwareStorage HardwareFloppy disk drives also store information in magnetic particles embedded in removable disks that may be floppy or rigid. Floppy disks store less information than a hard disk drive and retrieve the information at a much slower r

36、ate. Floppy disk drive 软盘驱动器软盘驱动器Rigid 硬的,坚固的硬的,坚固的软盘驱动器软盘驱动器也将信息存储在磁性颗粒中,但这些颗粒也将信息存储在磁性颗粒中,但这些颗粒是嵌入在可移动的盘中,而这些盘既可能是软的也可是嵌入在可移动的盘中,而这些盘既可能是软的也可能是能是硬硬的。软盘比硬盘存储的信息少,检索该信息的的。软盘比硬盘存储的信息少,检索该信息的速度也慢得多。速度也慢得多。 Computer HardwareStorage HardwareMagneto-optical disc drives store information on removable disc

37、s that are sensitive to both laser light and magnetic fields. They can typically store as much information as hard disks but have slightly slower retrieval speeds.Magnetic field 磁场磁场磁光盘驱动器将信息存储在对激光和磁光盘驱动器将信息存储在对激光和磁场磁场都敏感的可移都敏感的可移动盘上。它们可存储的信息通常与硬盘一样多,但检索动盘上。它们可存储的信息通常与硬盘一样多,但检索速度稍微慢一点。速度稍微慢一点。 Compu

38、ter HardwareStorage HardwareCompact disc drives (CD-ROM) store information on pits burned into the surface of a disc of reflective material. The information stored onCD-ROMs cannot be erased or overwritten with new information. They can store about as much information as a hard drive but have a slow

39、er rate of information retrieval. Compact disk 高密盘,光盘高密盘,光盘 Pit 坑,深洼坑,深洼reflective 反射的反射的 Erase 擦除擦除Overwrite 改写,重写改写,重写 hard disk 硬盘硬盘由由反射反射材料制成的材料制成的光盘光盘,其表面烧蚀出,其表面烧蚀出凹陷区凹陷区。光驱。光驱(CD-ROM)就是将信息存储于此。存储在光盘上的信)就是将信息存储于此。存储在光盘上的信息不能息不能擦除擦除或用新信息或用新信息改写改写。它们能够存储和。它们能够存储和硬盘硬盘差不差不多的信息量,但信息检索速度比其慢。多的信息量,但信息

40、检索速度比其慢。Computer HardwareStorage HardwareMemory refers to the computer chips that store information for quick retrieval by the CPU. Random access memory (RAM) is used to store the information and instructions that operate the computers programs. Typically, programs are transferred from storage on a

41、disk drive to RAM.RAM is also known as volatile memory because the information within the computer chips is lost when power to the computer is turned off.Ramdom 随机的随机的Volatile 挥发,易失的挥发,易失的Turn off 关闭关闭存储器是指存储信息供中央处理器快速检索的计算机芯片。存储器是指存储信息供中央处理器快速检索的计算机芯片。随机随机访访问存储器(问存储器(RAM)用来存储操作计算机程序的信息和指令。通常,)用来存储操

42、作计算机程序的信息和指令。通常,程序由磁盘驱动器的存储区调到随机访问存储器中。随机访问存储程序由磁盘驱动器的存储区调到随机访问存储器中。随机访问存储器也称作器也称作易失性存储器易失性存储器,因为当计算机的电源,因为当计算机的电源关闭关闭时,计算机芯片时,计算机芯片中的信息随着丢失。中的信息随着丢失。Computer HardwareStorage HardwareRead-only memory (ROM) contains critical information and software that must be permanently available for computer ope

43、ration, such as the operating system that directs the computers actions from start up to shut down. ROM is called nonvolatile memory because the memory chips do not lose their information when power to the computer is turned off.Read-only 只读的只读的Start up 开始,开机开始,开机Nonvolatile memory 非易失性存储器非易失性存储器只读只

44、读存储器(存储器(ROM)包含必须永久可供计算机操作使)包含必须永久可供计算机操作使用的关键信息和软件,如从用的关键信息和软件,如从开机开机到关机一直指挥计算到关机一直指挥计算机的运行的操作系统。只读存储器称之为机的运行的操作系统。只读存储器称之为非易失性存非易失性存储器储器,因为当计算机的电源关闭时,存储芯片中的信,因为当计算机的电源关闭时,存储芯片中的信息不会丢失。息不会丢失。 Computer HardwareStorage HardwareSome devices serve more than one purpose. For example, floppy disks may al

45、so be used as input devices if they contain information to be used and processed by the computer user. In addition, they can be used as output devices if the user wants to store the results of computations on them.Computation 计算计算有些设备有不止一种用途。例如,软盘也可用作输入设有些设备有不止一种用途。例如,软盘也可用作输入设备,如果它们含有计算机用户要使用和处理的信息

46、的话。备,如果它们含有计算机用户要使用和处理的信息的话。此外,它们也可用作输出设备,如果用户想将此外,它们也可用作输出设备,如果用户想将计算计算结果结果存储在它们上面的话。存储在它们上面的话。Computer Hardware Hardware ConnectionsV. Hardware Connections To function, hardware requires physical connections that allow components to communicate and interact. A bus provides a common interconnected

47、system composed of a group of wires or circuitry that coordinates and moves information between the internal parts of a computer.Function 运转运转Bus 总线总线Interconnect 互连互连V. 硬件连接要想硬件连接要想运转运转,硬件需要物理连接,使元,硬件需要物理连接,使元件之间能够交流和件之间能够交流和相互作用相互作用。总线总线提供了一种常见的提供了一种常见的互连互连系统,它由一组导线或电路组成,在计算机的内系统,它由一组导线或电路组成,在计算机的内部组成部分之间协调和移动信息。部组成部分之间协调和移动信息。 Computer HardwareHardware ConnectionsA computer bus consists of two channels: one that the CPU uses to locate data, called the address bus, and another to send the data to that address,called the data bus. A bus is characterized by two features: how


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