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1、Minor Processes of Minor Processes of Word-formationWord-formation Minor processes of word formationMinor processes of word formation BlendingBlending back formation Acronyms and initialismAcronyms and initialism ClippingClipping Aphesis ( (字首音省略字首音省略) ) Analogy Analogy Reduplication Words from prop

2、er nouns NeologismNeologism Look at the following examplesLook at the following examplesidentify the ways of word-formationidentify the ways of word-formationZigzagZigzagChairman-Chairperson-, Chairman-Chairperson-, 网吧、网吧、聊吧、聊吧、杯具,洗具,餐具杯具,洗具,餐具BikeBikeABCABCSARSSARSPeddle (from pedlar)Peddle (from p

3、edlar)ObamanomicsObamanomics LA billionaires sued over LA billionaires sued over Calif. water sales (AP)Calif. water sales (AP) WEEKLY MAG FOR STAMP LOVERS TO WEEKLY MAG FOR STAMP LOVERS TO BE LAUNCHEDBE LAUNCHED QUAKE DEATH TOLL MAY TOP 2000QUAKE DEATH TOLL MAY TOP 2000 NEW GROUPS BOOST HITECH NEW

4、GROUPS BOOST HITECH RESEARCHRESEARCH5.1 Blending5.1 Blending a process of word-formation in which a new a process of word-formation in which a new word is formed by word is formed by combining parts of two combining parts of two or more wordsor more words or a word plus a or a word plus a partpart o

5、f of another word. another word. The result of such a process is called aThe result of such a process is called a blendblend, , or aor a portmanteauportmanteau wordword n.n.语语 紧缩词紧缩词, ,混合词混合词 or aor a telescopic wordtelescopic word. . Structurally blends may be divided into four types:Structurally b

6、lends may be divided into four types: 1. The first part of the first word + the last part of The first part of the first word + the last part of the second one.the second one.aviation+electronics = aviation+electronics = beauty+utility = beauty+utility = binary+digit = binary+digit = boat+hotel = bo

7、at+hotel = light+radar = light+radar = mean+stingy = mean+stingy = smoke+fog =smoke+fog =stagnation+inflationstagnation+inflation = = avionics beautility bit n. 位botel n. 汽艇游客旅馆lidar n. 激光雷达mingy a. 吝啬的smog stagflation 不景气状况下之物价上涨2. 2. The first part of the first word + the first part The first part

8、 of the first word + the first part of the second wordof the second word communication+satellite =formula+translation =Situation+comedy =science+fiction =modulator + demodulator =3. 3. The whole form of the first word + the The whole form of the first word + the last part of the second wordlast part

9、 of the second wordtalk+marathon = talkathon n. comsat.fortran n. 语言, 公式翻译程序语言sitcomsci-fi n.modem n.计调制解调器4. First part of the first word +whole form 4. First part of the first word +whole form of the second wordof the second worddocumentary+drama =medical+care =motor+town = network + meeting = doc

10、udrama n.文献电视片 medicare n.医疗保险Motown 汽车城 (底特律) netmeeting Back-formationBack-formation refers to a type of refers to a type of word-formation by which a shorter word-formation by which a shorter word is coined by the word is coined by the deletion of deletion of a supposed affixa supposed affix from

11、 a longer from a longer form already present in the form already present in the language. language. e.g. burgle burglar Q: The relationship of affixation and Q: The relationship of affixation and backformation?backformation?Back-formation is also known as a reversereverse derivation because a derive

12、d form has preceded the word from which it is derived.5.2 Back-formation1) Verbs created from nouns 1) Verbs created from nouns ending in ending in -er, -or, -ar,-er, -or, -ar, e.g.e.g.b u t l e r - - - - t o b u t l e editor- to edit p e d l a r - - t o p e d d l e escalator - to escalate house sit

13、ter - to house sit vacuum cleaner- to vaccum clean 2) Verbs created from abstract nouns2) Verbs created from abstract nounse.g. diagnosis - to diagnose television - to televise enthusiasm - to enthuse automation - to automate concordance - to concord 3) Verbs created from adjectives:3) Verbs created

14、 from adjectives:e.g. lazy - to laze cosy - to cose complicity - to complicit4) Nouns created from adjectives4) Nouns created from adjectives:e.g. gloomy - gloom greedy - greed (few in number)5) Verbs created from compound nouns:5) Verbs created from compound nouns:e.g. book-keeper - to book-keep ma

15、tch-maker - to match-make merry-making- to merry-make dress-maker - to dress-make 5.3.1 Initialisms5.3.1 Initialisms a type of a type of shorteningshortening, using the first , using the first letter of words to form a proper name, a letter of words to form a proper name, a technical term, or a phra

16、se; initialism technical term, or a phrase; initialism is is pronounced letter by nounced letter by letter. e.g.BBC-British Broadcasting CorporationAPC- aspirin, phenacetin乙酰对氨苯乙醚, 非那西汀(解热镇痛剂的一种), caffeine咖啡因, usually a white tablet used for reducing fever, relieving headache, etc. /ei pi:

17、si:/V I P - - a v e r y i m p o r t a n t p e r s o n /vi:aipi:/ 5.3 Acronymy - Initialisms and Acronyms 5.3.2 Acronyms 5.3.2 AcronymsAcronyms are words formed from the initial letters of Acronyms are words formed from the initial letters of the name of an organization or a scientific term, etc. the

18、 name of an organization or a scientific term, etc. Acronyms differ from initialism in that they areAcronyms differ from initialism in that they are pronounced as wordspronounced as words rather as sequences of lettersrather as sequences of letters; NATO - BASIC /beisik/ - OPEC /oupek/-TEFL /tef l/

19、-UNESCO/ju:5neskEJ/-ROM =SARS = the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countriesteaching English as a foreign languagethe United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.severe acute respiratory synd

20、romerad-only memoryRead the following passage and identify the word formation processes involvedLittle GM food makes it onto European Little GM food makes it onto European plates, says EUplates, says EUGM fears pull rice from shelvesGM fears pull rice from shelvesThe UKs official food watchdogwatchd

21、og (监察者) has changed its advice to retailersretailers about geneticallygenetically modified rice. Stores must remove any rice known to contain GM strains (同类有机体) from their shelves, the Food Standards Agency (FSAFSA) said. It follows ongoingongoing concerns over the presence of GM strains in batches

22、 of long grain rice from the US.5.4 Clipping5.4 Clippingthe the deletiondeletion of one or more syllables from a word of one or more syllables from a word (usually a noun), which is also available in its (usually a noun), which is also available in its full form.full form.e.g. plane , phone , gym, t

23、axie.g. plane , phone , gym, taxi Four types of ClippingFour types of Clipping1 1. . Back clippingsBack clippingsThe deletion may occur at the end of the word. e.g. ad. = auto = homo = vet =2. Front clippings2. Front clippingsThe deletion occurs at the beginning of the word:e.g. bus = chute = copter

24、 = plane = phone = quake = scope = omnibus,parachute,helicopter,aeroplane/airplane,telephone,earthquaketelescope; microscope; radarscope etc.3. Front and back clipping3. Front and back clippingThe deletion occurs at both ends of a word:e.g. flu = fridge = tec = influenza, refrigeratorsl. detective n

25、ovel4. Phrase clippings4. Phrase clippings This involves the shortening of a phrase:e.g. narc/nark = non-com = perm = pop = prefab = lube = zoo =narcotics agent缉查毒品的刑警noncommissioned officer; 未受任命的士兵permanent wavepopular music, concert, or record.prefabricatedlubricating oilzoological gardenClipping

26、s often alter spellingClippings often alter spelling:e.g. biz, bike, fridge, pram (perambulator), sarge (sergeant )Some clipped forms are altered by the addition of such endings as -y, -ie, or -o. e.g. comfy , hanky , teeny , telly, veggies , ammo some are informal use, e.g., ad, dorm, bike, exam, s

27、ym, lab, math,trig ,etc. , others are slang sarge, combo, tec ,etc combination 社团, 小型爵士乐团5.5 Aphesis 5.5 Aphesis 5Afisis( (字首音省略字首音省略) )Aphetic forms are a special kind of shortening Aphetic forms are a special kind of shortening characterized by the omission of the characterized by the omission of

28、the initial unstressedinitial unstressed syllable syllable ( (词首非重读短元音的脱落词首非重读短元音的脱落).).e.g. acute - cute e.g. acute - cute adown down adown down alone lone alone lone esquire squire ( esquire squire (乡绅、侍从乡绅、侍从) ) defender fender defender fender defence fence defence fence 5.6 Analogy (5.6 Analogy

29、(类推法类推法) )A new word or a new phrase is A new word or a new phrase is coined by an analogycoined by an analogy between a between a newly created one and an existing corresponding one.newly created one and an existing corresponding one.e.g. marathonthon telethon, talkathon, etc. sit-in -in teach-in,

30、wade-in, Two types:1. Single words1. Single words sunrise earthrise, earthriseearthquake starquake, youthquakeChairman chairone, chairperson, chairwomanhamburger cheeseburger, beefburger, shrimpburgerCafeteria candyteria, lunchateria hijack seajack (海上劫持)和 skyjack(空中劫持) 2. phrases:2. phrases:Environ

31、mental pollution air pollution, cultural pollution, sound pollution, etc.On-the-job off-the-jobFuture shock cultural shock未来冲击; 未来震憾(指对未来社会的发展, 技术的进步, 价值观念及行为准则的变化, 担心不能适应而产生的不安情绪)文化冲击(指一旦置身于异国文化的生活方式中, 由于心理或生理上的不习惯而产生的不安情绪) Analogically created words in modern English are often used in colloquial a

32、nd journalistic styles, sometimes in scientific style.e.g., Watergate, zippergate, Iraqgate, 电话门、艳照门、捐款门 一一. .数字数字, ,色彩类比色彩类比FirstFirst Lady(第一夫人 ), Fist Family(第一家庭) First Mother(第一母亲) Black PowerPower (黑人权力) ,印第安人提出了Red Power,美籍墨西哥人也提出了 Brown Power, 老年人为维护自身权益则提出Gray Power blue-collar-collar (蓝领阶层

33、的),white-collar(白领的) “体力工作者的”和“脑力工作者的 pink-collar(粉领的)和gray-collar(灰领的) “典型女性职业工作者的”和“维修保养行业工作者的”. gold-collar (金领阶层的)和bright-collar(亮领阶层的) 高级专业人士的和电脑及通讯专业人士的. 二二. .反义反义, ,对义类比对义类比nightmare (梦魇)daymare(昼魇), brain-drain(人材流失)brain-gain(人材流入) flashback(倒叙)flash-forward(超前叙述), high- tech(高技 术的)low-tech

34、(低技术的),等等.三三. .近似情形类比近似情形类比Olympiad(奥运会) Asiad(亚运会);Eurodollar -Asiadollarbaby-sit(临时代人照看孩子)house-sit(临时代人照看房子);chain- smoke (一支接一支地抽烟)chain-drink(一杯接一杯地喝酒或饮料);human rights(人权)animal rights(动物权);hunger strike (绝食罢工或抗议)sleep strike(绝眠罢工或抗议); Analysis of analogy from memetic Analysis of analogy from m

35、emetic viewview Meme: the spreading of culture through language For example,明星,做广告要厚道(新闻晨报2004年8月20日).做人要厚道 电影手机 Analogy inAdvertisements Comedies Analogy in advertisements “高级车新趋势,安全才是硬道理”(中国汽车网2006年8月29日). 家装行业,发展才是硬道理(千龙新闻网2001 年11月21日). 城市营销,效益才是硬道理(中国企业报2004年3月4日).发展才是硬道理 “大石化小,小石化了” (a medicin

36、e for gallstone ) “All trails lead to ice-cold Coca-Cola” All loads lead to Rome “天有不测风云,人有人寿保险” Analogy in comedy 女朋友:你瞎说什么呢,哎,我告诉你,我这次回来,就是要重操旧业,我正式通知你,从今起这摊的一半就是我的。 冯巩:什么叫就是你的,明抢?生牵?豪夺?你所纳里海盗啊!你都这么大海海“龟龟”了,跟我们”极地虾”抢什么。 女朋友:要说对这片热土的感情我可不如你。这么多年了,还依然在秀水守望着这个摊位,难怪你妈说你小时侯尿床,一晚上尿湿两回,都湿透了就是不挪窝 冯巩:所以从小邻

37、居就夸我有一种大大“湿湿”的风范的风范 邵:哎呀!(唱)我的老父亲我最疼爱的人!爹(跌)爹(跌)!爹(跌)呀! 冯:别冲我喊!我昨儿刚买的股票!我这么会儿跌跌(爹)停板了! 黄宏:等会儿,我得跟她对暗号 黄宏:春眠不觉晓 金玉婷:睡前不洗脚(处处闻啼鸟) 黄宏:夜来风雨声 金玉婷:天天闻臭脚(花落知多少) 黄宏:没错,是我熏出来的,绝对是她。 赵本山:当时没有征兆,那是不可能的当时这个鸡心里特别矛盾,一个公鸡,居然它要下蛋,不是它的活它要干。当公鸡孵出鸡仔后,别人管它叫啥?叫爸,叫妈,还是叫姑,叫大姨?有蛋不下又憋得慌,于是乎 宋丹丹:它坚定了自己的信念,下自己的蛋,让别人说去吧下自己的蛋,让

38、别人说去吧。 徒弟:请问,范师傅在吗? 范:哪位?请问你们咨询(看着赵)哎呀!哎呀!呀!呀!呀!这是什么造型啊?挺别致呀!非常非常6+76+7呀?! 昨夜饮酒过度,昨夜饮酒过度, 误入校园深处。误入校园深处。 呕吐,呕吐,呕吐,呕吐, 惊起鸳鸯无数。惊起鸳鸯无数。 ( (仿李清照词仿李清照词) ) 5.7 Reduplication5.7 Reduplication a type of word-formation by which a compound a type of word-formation by which a compound word is created by the re

39、petition (1) of one word is created by the repetition (1) of one word like word like go-gogo-go; (2) of two almost identical ; (2) of two almost identical word with a change in the vowels such as word with a change in the vowels such as ping ping pongpong; ; (3) of two almost identical words with (3

40、) of two almost identical words with a change in the initial consonants, as in a change in the initial consonants, as in teeny-weenyteeny-weeny小的小的. .Reduplicatives are characterized by being Reduplicatives are characterized by being rhymedrhymed or or alliteratedalliteratedwilly-nilly-willy-nilly-w

41、ishy-washy wishy-washy dilly-dally dilly-dally shilly-shally shilly-shally 不管愿意不愿意,缺乏特点或决心的 hesitate犹豫不决磨蹭、闲混 The common uses of reduplicativesThe common uses of reduplicatives1) to imitate sounds:1) to imitate sounds:tick-tick (of a watch), tick-tick (of a watch), quack-quack (of ducks)quack-quack

42、(of ducks) 2) to suggest alternating movements2) to suggest alternating movements: : seesaw, seesaw, zigzagzigzag 3) to express ones contempt of the character, 3) to express ones contempt of the character, appearance and behavior of a person:appearance and behavior of a person: clever-clever-cleverc

43、lever ( (ostentatiously cleverostentatiously clever);); hocus-pocushocus-pocus (play tricks(play tricks哄骗哄骗) )4)To disparage by suggesting that something is 4)To disparage by suggesting that something is in disorder,or of small value,or of inferior in disorder,or of small value,or of inferior qualit

44、y:quality: hurry-scurryhurry-scurry . .慌乱的慌乱的, , topsy-topsy-turvyturvy . .颠倒地颠倒地, , 乱七八糟地乱七八糟地 5) to show ones approval5) to show ones approval : : superdupersuperduper极出色的极出色的, , 非常好的非常好的, , tip-toptip-top . .出色的出色的, , 极好的极好的 5.8 Words From Proper Nouns5.8 Words From Proper Nouns The transition fr

45、om proper names to common The transition from proper names to common words is a gradual one. They come from all words is a gradual one. They come from all sources, from names of sources, from names of scientists, scientists, politicianspoliticians and and statesmen to trademarksstatesmen to trademar

46、ks, and , and placeplace names. Some have originated from names. Some have originated from characters in literature,TV films and movies, characters in literature,TV films and movies, but some also come from book titles.but some also come from book titles. Work in pairs to find examples for each cate

47、gory Words from names of Words from names of scientistsscientists Words from the names of Words from the names of politicians and statesmenpoliticians and statesmen Words from the names of Words from the names of placesplaces Words from trademarksWords from trademarks Words from literatureWords from

48、 literatureFor example,Watt,Volt,ohm, AmpereWatt,Volt,ohm, AmpereNicotineNicotinechina,japanchina,japan,afghan,afghan,champagne,champagne,Berlin Wall,Berlin Wall, WatergateWatergatekodak, xerox, kleenex(kodak, xerox, kleenex(面巾面巾纸纸), vaseline,), vaseline,Uncle Tom, Utopia, Odyssey, Uncle Tom, Utopia

49、, Odyssey, catch-22catch-22Finish Exercise 4 p. 73.Finish Exercise 4 p. 73.2.2. Words from the names of politicians and statesmenWords from the names of politicians and statesmen Nicotine: John Hancock: Quisling : McCarthyism: a poisonous alkaloid found in tobacco leaves,is named after Jean Nicot,a

50、French diplomat who introduced tobacco into France in the sixteenth century. ones signature, comes from John Hancock (1737-1793), one of the American revolution leaders, who was the first to sgne his name on the Declaration of Independence, and who did so in bold and legible letters. from the name o

51、f a Norweigian army officer, V.A.I Quishing (1887-1954), who helped the Germans invade his own country; he yield to the German occupation in 1940, and became the head of a puppet state from 1940-1945. He was executed for treason in 1945.- a person who cooperates with the authorities of an enemy coun

52、try who are occupying his country.from the name a U.S. Senator J.R. McCarthy (1909-1957), meaningpolicy of hunting out (suspecte) communists and removing them esp. from Government departments McCarthy was closely associated with this notorious policy.4. Words from trademark4. Words from trademarke.g. kodak, xerox, Kleenex(面巾纸), Vaseline, sallotape, derivatives: xeroxer, xeroxable.5. Words from literature5. Words from literature Judas, Solomon:Shylock:Lilliputian: Scrooge: Uncle Tom:Godfather: the name of the miserly money lender Ebenez


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