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1、印刷包装专业英语印刷包装专业英语目的及意义目的及意义科技文献的阅读、理解科技学术论文的写作科技领域的交流:听、说专领域词汇的积累专业领域文献的翻译(英译汉、汉译英)专业领域文献的阅读理解专业领域科技学术论文的写作关于教材关于教材印刷专业英语 English And Knowledge On Graphic Communications,程常现 主编,印刷工业出版社,2007年1月关于考试关于考试开卷开卷(100分)词汇翻译(英译汉、汉译英)段落翻译(英译汉、汉译英)阅读理解(英文问答)1000字以上中文选题说明及其英文版科技英语的特点科技英语的特点词汇的特点句法的特点语篇的特点什么是科技英语文

2、体?什么是科技英语文体?比较下面两个英语句子:aThe factory turns out 100,000 cars every year 这家工厂每年生产十万辆汽车。bThe annual output of the factory is 100,000 cars 该工厂的汽车年产量为十万。词汇、句法、目的正式科技文体/科普文体;书面/口头英语科技文体的词汇特点英语科技文体的词汇特点一、大量使用专业术语。一、大量使用专业术语。科技词汇来源分三类:A第一类科技词来自英语中的普通词,但赋予了它们新的词义。B第二类科技词是从希腊或拉丁语中吸收的。C第三类是新造的词。A.普词新义普词新义例如:Wor

3、k is the transfer of energy expressed as the product of a force and the distance through which its point of application moves in the direction of the force在这句话中,work、energy、product、force都是从普通词汇中借来的物理学术语。work的意思不是工作,而是功;energy的意思不是活力,而是能;product的意思不是产品,而是乘积;force的意思不是力量,而是力。B. 来自希腊语和拉丁语来自希腊语和拉丁语例如:th

4、erm 热(希腊语) thesis 论文(希腊语)parameter 参数(拉丁语) radius 半径(拉丁语)复数问题:保留源语言习惯,如thesis的复数是theses,stratus的复数是strati。复合英语习惯,如formula(公式,拉丁语)可以是formulae,也可以是formulas;stratum(层,拉丁语)可以是strata,也可以是stratums。外, datum(数据,拉丁语),它的复数形式是data,因其常用复数,data被误认作单数,又造出一个所谓的复数形式datas。C. 造词造词a转化转化:通过词类转化构成新词。英语中名词、形容词、副词、介词可以转化成

5、动词,而动词、形容词、副词、介词可以转化成名词。但是最活跃的是名词转化成动词和动词转化成名词。例如,名词island(岛屿)转化成动词island(隔离),动词coordinate(协调)转化成名词coordinate(坐标)。b合成合成:由两个独立的词合成为一个词。例如:air+craftaircraft 飞机metal+workmetalwork 金属制品power+plantpowerplant 发电站cast-iron 铸铁conveyer-belt 传送带machine-made 机制的liquid crystal 液晶water jacket 水套computer language

6、 计算机语言machine building 机器制造linear measure 长度单位c派生派生:这种方法也叫缀合。派生词是由词根加上前缀或后缀构成的。加前缀构成新词只改变词义,不改变词类。例如:decontrol(取消控制)vde+control(control是动词)ultrasonic(超声的)aultra+sonic(sonic是形容词)subsystem(分系统)nsub+system(system是名词)hydro-electric(水力的)non-metal(非金属)表示否定的前缀。anti 表示“反对” antibody 抗体counter- 表示“反对,相反” coun

7、terbalance 平衡contra- 表示“反对,相反” contradiction 矛盾de 表示“减少,降低,否定” decrease 减少、devalue 贬值、decompose 分解dis- 表示“否定,除去”discharge 放电、disassemble 拆卸in-、il-(在字母l前),im-(在字母m、b、p前),表示“不”inaccurate 不准确的、imbalance 不平衡的、impure 不纯的mis- 表示“错误” mislead 误导non- 表示“不,非” non-ferrous 有色金属的un- 表示“不,未,丧失”unaccountable 说明不了的

8、、unknown 未知的、unbar 清除障碍加后缀构成新词可能改变也可能不改变词义,但一定改变词类。例如:electricity nelectric+ity(electric是形容词)liquidize(液化)vliquid+ize(1iquid是名词)conductor nconduct+or(conduct是动词)invention n invent+ion(invent是动词)有些派生词加后缀后,语音或拼写可能发生变化。例如:simplicity(单纯)-simple+icitymaintenance(维修)-maintain+ancepropeller(推进器)-propel+1+e

9、r常见的形容词后缀-able,-ible,-uble 表示“可” avoidable 可以避免的audible 听得见的、soluble 可溶的-al 表示“(性质)的” fundamental 基本的-ant,-ent 表示“(性质)的” abundant 富饶的、apparent 显然的-ed 表示“有的” cultured 有文化的ful 表示“充满的,有倾向的”useful 有用的-ic,-ical 表示“的” basic 基本的、economical 经济的-less 表示“没有” useless 无用的-ous 表示“有的,多的” numerous 众多的d缩略缩略:把词省略或简化

10、,然后组合成新词。现在的趋势是缩略词的数目不断增大,使用面不断扩大。例如:laboratory缩略成lab(实验室) unidentified flying object缩合成UFO(不明飞行物)radio detection and ranging缩减并拼读成radar(雷达)transistor和receiver各取一部分,组合成transceiver(收发机)二、二、英语科技文体中有很多词汇并不是专业术语,但在日常口语中很少用,它们多只见于书面语中,叫做文语词文语词。俗话称它们为“大词大词”。Semi-Scientific Word 的例子:Negligible,Considerable

11、,SubstantialMelt,Molten,Smelt Bring about,Produce,Cause,Give rise toCriticalConduciveProperty 1、广泛使用被动语句、广泛使用被动语句 例如, 常说:Attention must be paid to the working temperature of the machine.应当注意机器的工作温度。而很少说:You must pay attention to the working temperature of the machine .你们必须注意机器的工作温度。此外,科技文章将主要信息前置,放在

12、主语部份。这也是广泛使用被动态的主要原因。英语科技文体的句法特点英语科技文体的句法特点2、经常使用若干特定的句型特定的句型如:“Itthat”结构句型、被动语态结构句型;定语结构句型,分词短语结构句型,省略句结构句型等。如: It is heat that causes many chemical changes.It seems that these two branches of science are mutually dependent and interacting .Computers may be classified as analog and digital.Electrom

13、agnetic waves travel at the same speed as light .Microcomputers are very small in size ,as is shown in Fig.5.In water sound travels nearly five times as fast as in air .3、大量地使用名词和名词组及名词化结构。、大量地使用名词和名词组及名词化结构。如科技文章中不说 :We can improve its performance by using superheated steam.而说 :An improvement of it

14、s performance can be achieved by the use of superheated steam.为了简短而明确地表达某一概念或事物,科技英语还广泛地使用名词词组,如energy lose, a day and night weather observation station。Archimedes first discovered the principle of displacement of water by solid bodies. 阿基米德最先发现固体排水的原理。4、非限定动词、非限定动词使用分词短语代替定语从句或状语从句;使用分词独立结构代替状语从句或并

15、列分句;使用不定式短语代替各种从句;介词+动名词短语代替定语从句或状语从句。A direct current is a current flowing always in the same direction.Radiating from the earth, heat causes air currents to rise.Materials to be used for structural purposes are chosen so as to behave elastically in the environmental conditions.There are different

16、ways of changing energy from one form into another.5、后置定语、后置定语1)介词短语The forces due to friction are called frictional forces.2)形容词及形容词短语。In this factory the only fuel available is coal.3)副词The air outside pressed the side in .4)单个分词,但仍保持较强的动词意义。The results obtained must be checked .5)定语从句During const

17、ruction, problems often arise which require design changes.6、长句、长句科技英语用于表达科学理论、原理、规律、概述以及各事物之间错综复杂的关系,而复杂的科学思维是无法使用简单句来表达,所以语法结构复杂的长句较多地应用于科技英语,而这种严谨周密、层次分明、重点突出的语言手段也就成了科技英语文体又一重要特征。The efforts have been made to explain optical phenomena by means of the hypothesis of a medium having the same physic

18、al character as an elastic solid body led, in the first instance, to the understanding of a concrete example of a medium which can transmit transverse vibrations ,and at a later stage to the definite conclusion that there is no luminiferous medium having the physical character assumed in the hypothe

19、sis.1、词汇衔接、词汇衔接词汇的重复出现可以减少语言在传递中产生的歧义,使读者易于正确地理解作者所要论述的客观事实或复杂的认识过程,体现了科技英语的准确性。如:Many stories about the spread of AIDS are false. You cannot get AIDS working or attending with someone who has the disease. You cannot get it by touching drinking glasses or other objects used by such persons.英语科技文体的语篇

20、特点英语科技文体的语篇特点2、逻辑连接、逻辑连接通过逻辑连接手段的运用,读者可以了解句子的语义联系,甚至可经前句从逻辑上预见后续句的语义,体现了科技英语的逻辑推理性和严密性。如:Microsurgery is helping to solve all kinds of medical problems that had been thought hopeless. For example, doctors can use the technique to restore blood flow to the brain to prevent strokes. And they can reope

21、n parts of the reproductive system so some men and women who are not fertile can have children. Eye and ear doctors have used the techniques of microsurgery since the 1920s. But it was not until the early 1970s that doctors began to develop a better understanding of the possibilities of microsurgery

22、.3、语篇结构、语篇结构科技文章一般由导言、正文和结论或结束语三部分组成。当然语篇结构可以因陈述的内容、时间、场合、对象的不同而有所差异。翻译准则:“信达雅”;“真实、简洁、和谐”科技英语翻译:“准确、通顺、简练”翻译技巧:引申译法增减词译法词类转换词序处理法1.科技术语的译法科技英语翻译科技英语翻译1、引伸译法、引伸译法当英语句子中的某个词按词典的释义直译不符合汉语修辞习惯或语言规范时,则可以在不脱离该英语词本义的前提下,灵活选择恰当的汉语词语或词组译出。例如:Jigang will fix this problem during the recent shut down of the fi

23、nishing mill. 济钢会在最近的精轧机停产时解决这一问题。 “fix”字典意思为“固定、修理”,这里引伸译为“解决、处理”。2、增减词译法、增减词译法增词就是在译句中增加或补充英语句子中原来没有或省略了的词语,以便更完善、更清楚地表达英语句子所阐述的内容。在英语句子中,有的词从语法结构上讲是必不可少的,但并无什么实际意义,只是在句子中起着单纯的语法作用;有的词虽有实际意义,但按照字面译出又显多余。这样的词在翻译时往往可以省略不译。The park is beautiful.这公园美(很美、非常美、十分美、相当美)It is enough to shatter complacency.

24、足以打破自满情绪stillness 静止-静止状态cofusion 混乱-混乱局面measurement 测量-测量方法purification 净化-净化过程repetition 重复-重复现象management 管理-管理方式calculation 计算-计算方法accommodation 住宿-住宿问题joint 连接-连接部分saturation 饱和-饱和状态preparation 准备-准备工作remedies 补救-补救措施modification 修改-修改方案use your intelligence, and youre sure to achieve something

25、.发挥你的聪明才智,你一定能去的成就zealousness 热情-热情大方thought 思想-思想意识morality 道德-道德品质pride 骄傲-骄傲自大tediousness 枯燥-枯燥乏味contemptibility 卑鄙-卑鄙无耻silence 沉默-沉默寡言leisure 闲情-闲情逸致calmness 坦然-坦然自若cautiousness 谨慎-谨慎小心we admire him for the way in which he faces his difficulties. 我们赞赏他面对各种困难的做法activities samples types problems c

26、ontradictionssizes contents bookstargets circumstances causesBesides food and blankets, they had mules, picks and pans. 除了带着食物和毯子外,他们还牵着骡子,扛着铁锹,带着淘盘。Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. 读书可以培养一个完美的人,说话可以训练一个敏捷的人,而写作可以造就一个准确的人。The moon seemed to sink, a crest re

27、ached and lost, and he watched it, catching the edge against the window, to try to hold it, but felt it pass.They went to Beijing by a Shanghai.In April, there was the “ping” heard around the world. In July, the ping “ponged”. 四月里,全世界听到中国“乒”的一声把球打了出去;到了七月,美国“乓”的一声把球打了回来。Good nesw,friends! 朋友们,报告大家一个

28、好消息!This medicine will make you feel better.With determination, wiht luck, and with help from lots of good people, I was able to rise from the ashes. A square has fout angles sides.A dictionary is a good teacher.It must be morning now, because the birds are singing.One must have studied hard before

29、one could succeed in mastering a foreign language.He covered his face with his hand as if to protect his eyes.The only cure for envy in the case of ordinary men and women is happiness, and the difficulty is that envy is itself a terrible obstacle to happiness.Then came the development of the microco

30、mputer.She was smooth and agreeble to meet.University applicants who had worked at a job would receive perference over those who had not.No man can be brave who considers pain the greatest evil of life; or temperate, who regards pleasure as the highest good.3、词类转换、词类转换英语翻译中,常常需要将英语句子中属于某种词类的词,译成另一种词

31、类的汉语词,以适应汉语的表达习惯或达到某种修辞目的。这种翻译处理方法就是转换词性法,简称词类转换。例如:In any case, the performance test have priority. 不管怎样进行, 性能测试都要优先。这里将名词“priority”转译为动词“优先”。4、词序处理法、词序处理法英汉两种语言的词序规则基本相同,但也存在着某些差别。不同的英语句子,在翻译中的词序处理方式也常常不同。例如:An insufficient power supply makes the motor immovable. 电源不足就会使马达停转。 这里将“insufficient powe

32、r”(不足电源)改序翻译为“电源不足”较为合理。5、科技术语的译法、科技术语的译法音译:音译: clone 克隆、hacker 黑客、nylon 尼龙象形译:象形译: H - beam 工字架、 - ray 射线、Twist drill 麻花钻、 T-bend三通接头、 O-ring环形圈/ O形环推演:推演: space shuttle “太空穿梭机”- “航天飞机”引申:引申: brain “大脑”-“智力” brain-trust “智囊团”Qualification “鉴定” data qualification “数据限制条件”解释:解释: blood type “血型”、blood

33、 bank “血库”,但blood heat “血热”-“人体血液正常温度”移植译:移植译: microwave微波,informationsuperhighway信息高速公路,magnetohydrodynamics磁流体力学科技英语科技英语中长句中长句和和复杂句复杂句翻译的基本方法技巧翻译的基本方法技巧关键在于:对原文的准确理解;恰如其分的表达。理解可分为3个步骤:1.扼要拟出全句的主要轮廓;2.辨清该句的主从结构,并根据上下文领会全句的要旨;3.找出句与句之间的从属关系,理清每句原文的意思。表达可分为2个步骤进行:1.试将每个划开的单句逐一翻译;2.将译出的句子进行调整、组合,对译文作加

34、工润色。1. 切分法切分法 切分法为翻译英语长句的最常见的方法,将英语长句按意群切分为若干小句再逐句翻译。Human beings have distinguished themselves from other animals, and in doing so ensured their survival, by the ability to observe and understand their environment and then either to adapt to that environment or to control and adapt it to their own needs. 人类把自己和其他动物区别开来。与此同时,人类还具有观察和了解周围环境的能力。他们要么适应环境,要么控制环境,或根据自身的需要改造环境。人类就这样一代代地生存下来。2. 拆译法拆译法这种方法是指将原文中的某一部分(如单词、短语


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