1、0501戒严与其说是个人的选择, 不如说是对自己毅力的考验,因为人们普遍认为吸烟是上瘾的. 尽管专家的建议和药物疗法确实能增加永久戒严的可能性, 但是避免这种困境的最好的方法就是不要涉猎吸烟 .吸烟的负面影响在各个程度上是不同的 , 它与吸烟的数量以及烟龄的长短 , 还有开始吸烟的年龄有关 . 这份报告向以下观点提出了质疑, 这种观点认为吸烟几年不会产生永久的危害性的后果. 我们希望阻止这种普遍的但是却是生死攸关的习惯 , 并且提醒大家戒烟的时间越长, 和吸烟有关的健康问题就会大幅度地减少 .It is increasingly realized that ( There is a growi
2、ng realization /awareness that ) developing environment-protecting products really count. To fulfill the long-term and substantial development, developed countries should at all costs decrease the emission of greenhouse gases. If the speed of global warming nowadays continues, the probability of dis
3、appearance from the earth to such big cities as Tokyo and London will be 10 times as fast as that of 20 years ago.0506本书是在全国不同学校讲课几十年的结晶 .它基于以下观点:哲学的确是一门有趣的学科, 不仅专家和一些有天赋的本科专业学生可以使用哲学 , 人人都可以使用 .不论是否上过哲学课 , 每个人都是哲学家. 区别在于 : 系统学过哲学的人具有这样的优势: 他们遇到的论点要比以其它方式遇到的论点更具有说明力, 种类更多.该书的特点是:它使初学者有机会直接接触选自重要哲学著作
4、并有实质内容的读物 ,但并 不过分地要求学生必须通读这些很难读懂的书籍.Everyone has the right to pursue happiness ( to the pursuit of happiness), yet definitions of happiness vary from person to person (are quite individualistic.) Most people agree that happiness stems from good health, fulfillment of a desire and a successful career
5、. As often happens, (is often the case), many people don rtecognize (realize) what happiness really means (the real meaning of happiness) until they are distressed (agonized/ in agony)0512聪明的人懂得整个人生布局中的一切事物各归其位。他懂得金钱和财富市手段却不是目的。他知道一时的欢愉有别于持久的满足, 伟大有别于成名,虔诚有别于迷信, 文学 艺术领域乃至整个人生的实力有别于做秀。他知道人生命运躲不过邪恶,人生
6、必有所失, 疾病和死亡必会临到我们。 聪明的人以平和的心面对这一切。A day without hope would be unimaginably pale(dull). There must be something to look forward to each day to keep it out of shadows. To a person cherishing hopes every morning rises a new sun. deprived of water, soil turns into desert. Deprived of hope, what is left
7、to a man? A small hope sustains you for a day, a great one for a lifetime.0606社会的进步使人们摆脱了繁重的工作,并有时间和余暇发展个性。随着社会的进步,实际上是由于社会的进步,目前中产家庭期望其每一成员发展独特的个性,每一个人也在某种程度上期望发展自己的独特个性。家庭担负的新责任是为发展独特个性创造环境,结果使家人很难达成共识,有时甚至不可能达成共识。对于一个由迥异的个人组成的小群体来说,最棘手的是在同一房檐下十分和谐地生活。此外,家庭还必须要培养青少年的品德,这又增添了当父母的困难。There are many c
8、omplaints about the inaccessibility of medical care and high tuitions. However, another thing that deserves attention is the difficulty of college graduates in getting employed. Those with master s degrees can no longer find a job as easily as they did ten years ago. Because of the increasingly inte
9、nse competition for a position, academic excellence and proficient expertise will not necessarily be translated into an ideal job. Education authorities have been seeking ways to create more opportunities of employment.0701世界变平产生一些意外的后果,其一就是不同的社会和文化可以更多地直接接触。人们之间连接的速度之快使人和社会措手不及。一些文化凭借全球亲密接触突然带来的合作机
10、遇兴旺发达(蓬勃发展) 。另一些文化却由于这种亲密接触而感到灰心丧气,甚至感到自尊受到伤害,原因是这种亲密接触的后果之一是使人们轻易的发现彼此在世界上的位置。所有这一切有助于说明为什么现在会出现一种最具有杀伤力的力量 自杀性爆炸者和其他恐怖组织。这些组织不顾人们的死活, 消灭它们最符合我们的利益。This act is intended (aims) to introduce education reform in America eslementary and secondary schools and give all children the access to high-quality
11、 education. The ultimate goal is to ensure that no one is left behind. As a result of the implementation of this act, schools enjoy more flexibility to useresources where they are needed most. Parents can get more involved in the child s education.0706在本书中, 我们提出一些建议, 我们希望这些建议看起来合理并值得认真考虑。但有经验的作者都知道,
12、有时最好的建议也可能不适用。写书要针对不同的读者,具有不同的目的,有关不同的题材,语言的正式程度也不同,所有这一切提出种种要求,本书是无法预见到的。我们也意识到对某一作品是合适的内容而对另一作品来说可能不合适。在多数情况下,你只好不惜代价把含义表达清楚(避免含义不清) , 目的是防止人们随意曲解你使用的文字。The limited natural resources on which China ssustainable development depends are declining sharply. On one hand, the expanding scale of producti
13、on leads to (results in) increased consumption of energy / the scale of production keeps expanding, consuming more energy. On the other hand, production facilities (equipment) that can utilize energy efficiently are lacking. That (This) forces us to think about how to leave enough environmental spac
14、e to future generations (our offspring) so that they can fulfill their aspirations.0801英国先前奉行的殖民政策导致了英语在全球的普及。美国无所不在的影响又加剧了英语的广泛使用。 但是英语作为国际语言的霸主地位是福也是祸。只举其一,他加速了一些语言的灭绝。人们一直在想是否有可能创造一种世界语言, 从而有望结束那些语言引起的麻烦和冲突。 令人遗憾的是, 使世界语言一直的尝试收效甚微, 原因是某一语言的本族语者不愿意把另一语言当做自己的母语。放弃自己的母语就等于失去自己民族的基本特征。According to th
15、e latest statistics, 67percent of the U.S. Population have access to the Internet, a percentage six times that of China(as large as China's). Despite the influential(huge) role of the Internet, many problems(issues) are far from settled(solved), such as the invasion(attack) of viruses and inform
16、ation security. Even if it is possible to find final(eventual) solutions, it will take painstaking efforts and many years.0806在现实世界中,人的个性复杂,动机不明,结局不定。与此不同的是, 电视展现的世界简单明了。 在一部又一部电视剧中,奖惩快速实现,设计合理。危机得到解除,问题得到解决,正义总是战胜邪恶。 剧中的主人公们特点明确: 或是廉洁奉公, 或是 腐败堕落;或是大公无私,或是目标远大;或是讲究效率,或是多愁善感。 为了被尽可能多的观众接受并使故事引人入胜, 情节
17、 主线贯穿的是最能被人接受的道德观和正义感, 而不考虑这些观 念是否符合现实。电视剧插播的一个接一个的广告有时让你发疯。The Chinese have traditionally attached importance to education, especially the education of children. Many parents have their children attend various training courses to increase their chance of being admitted by the ideal high schools. Ex
18、perts, however, point out that keeping children curious about and interested in science will facilitate their intellectual development. A child without any creativity and imagination can hardly go very far.0901形势要求某一学科改变研究方法, 该学科主要革新者迎接新形势的挑战时,可能采取若干形式,而且由于不同学术带头人对某一形式有不同的反应,会出现彼此对立的学派。标准教科书的使用加剧了对立
19、局面并使其长期存在。任何基于经验的科学必须能处理属于自己领域内的现象。一旦某个观察被认为是相关的,该学科的理论和描述分析方式必须能科学地对这一观察加以处理,内容详尽、观点一致和省钱省力 是基本原则。把某一学科延伸到新的相关领域可能要求沿着先前的路线对现有的理论作进一步的阐述和表达。说明:l)第句中的respond to也可译成“对做由反应”;2)把schools 译成“学校”要扣分; 3) a particular situation 不能译成“特殊的形势” ; 4) economy 也可译成“经济” 。Students in China spend much time on English
20、than on other courses (subjects), for it requires(demands/calls for) extensive reading, mechanical memorization and regular revision. Teachers have students do a lot of exercises involving (that involve) multiple choices, only to neglect (ignore) the cultivation (development) of the ability to use E
21、nglish actively.There are both advantages and disadvantages to this test-oriented teaching approach/This test-oriented teaching approach has both advantages and disadvantages说明: 1)如果把第句译成 the time high school studentsspend on English is much morethan,这不符合英语习惯,要扣分。 than后面的on建议不 要省略;2) “需要”最好不要用need来翻
22、译;3) “机械翻译” 小要译为 mechanical memory 或 recitation; 4)电可用make或 let 翻译 “让” , 但如果写成make sb. to do, 要扣分; 5)“结果是”也可译为as a result或consequently; 6)把“主动使用英语的能力” 洋为 the ability of using/that uses , 要扣分;7) “应试教育”也可译为 test-centered 或 test-focused teaching。0906某一学科的变化和进展(进步)取决于众多因素。 每一学科都是过去的产物,上一代人达到的水平是下一代人的起点。
23、但任何一个学科都不是在真空中发展的,都要参照或接触其他学科和总的学术环境。科学家和从事学术研究的人要受自己所处的时代和国家影响,他们不可能脱离文化生活。科学发展的道路(进程)不仅受过去的影响,也受当时世界的社会环境和知识前提的影响。学科的应用和其他人对该学科的期望可能在很大程度上决定(左右)学科发展和变化的 方向。s degree in CIt usually takes three years to get a masterAfter accumulating (Having accumulated) enough credits in the first year, students wi
24、ll proceed (go on) to complete (finish) a thesis in the last two years. Not only does this thesis have to be of some academic value, but reflect (embody / demonstrate) the student absility for (to do) scientific research. The increasing weight (emphasis) placed on academic integrity (honesty) will c
25、ontribute to higher moral standards in the scientific community.1001语言用于文化传播极大地加速了人类的进步。 任何个人积累的知识利经验都可通过语言传给另人,结果是,再多的演示(示范)也无法取代语言的 作用。从此意义卜说,发明印刷 术的重要性小论怎样夸大都小过分。目前,只要有文化并理 解涉及的内容,任何人都能得到和利用世界任何地方的任何 成就。最发达的动物交流系统尽管被授予语言的雅号,但同 使用口头或笔头语言相比,也有天壤之别。说明: 下列翻译方式要酌情扣分: 1) 把 a particular person 翻译为 “某个特殊
26、的人” ; 2) 把 so that 翻译为 “日的是” ; 3) 把 no amount of 翻译为“没有量” ; 4)把 from these uses of language翻译为“从语言的这些使用当中”。To generate (produce) the same amount of electricity, China consumes four times as much energy as the world average (the consumption of energy in China is four times the world average / China c
27、onsumes three times more energy than) Since the outset (turn / beginning) of this century, increasing productivity while conserving energy has bcen one of the utmost (biggest) concerns of the Chinese government. No country, be it (whether it be) China or the United States, can achieve sustainable de
28、velopment without taking into consideration (account) / giving consideration to the interest of future generations (the offspring) / unless the interest of the offspring is taken into consideration.说明 : 下列翻译方式要酌情扣分 :第一句 : for producing., the same number., as many energy, .energy four times as much a
29、s, four times energy as much as., four times of the world average, the energy China consumes is four times as much as the average amount of the world (汉语思维 )第二句 : from the beginning of this century, increasing products, has been one of the concern., is one of the concerns., one of the things governm
30、ent concerns most /is concerned most /is concerning most / ernment most第三句 : any country.cannot., can not (不能分开写 ), China or the United States, no matter (it is) China or ., bothChina and., either China or., realize sustainable development, offsprings, any country.cannot., no country is
31、possible to achieve sustainable development if.(属于严重错误)1006之所以不把二氧化碳列为污染物, 是因为二氧化碳是大气 的天然成分,植物进行生物合成需要二氧化碳。正如人们普遍认为人的饮食不可缺少维生素 D 一样, 也都认为二氧化碳是大气不可缺少的成分。 但是摄入过多的维生素 D 会有很大的副作用。生命系统,不论是生态系统还是生物,都需要在某些化合物之间保持微妙的平衡,以确保系统功能正常。尽管少量的某种物质是必要的,但当该物质过量出现威胁生态 系统的健康时,就具有了毒副作用。The fast development of telecommuni
32、cations has made the cell (mobile) phone popular among (a favorite of) high schoolers (high school students). Despite its multiple (many) functions, the cell phone has some negative (adverse) effect on the academic performance of teenagers, such as cheating on a test or distraction (lack of attentio
33、n / lack of concentration / a shortened attention span) in class. Besides, regular use of a cell phone ends up with less face-to-face communication while chronic exposure to the radiation from the cell phone can lead to (result in / cause ) the decline of memory or increase the chance (odds / prospe
34、ct) of developing a brain tumor.1101沙漠化是由人为因素和气候变化造成的, 是土地退化的一 个过程。过度开垦和落后的灌溉方法等人类活动正在把需要几百年才能形成的肥沃土壤变成贫瘠的地块。由于缺乏可持续使用土地的方法,贫困农民只好开垦退化的土地,结果却 导致恶性循环,所以说解决农村贫困问题是抗击沙漠化的关 键。只要促使水土不断流失的环境力量存在,任何一个长期 扶贫战略都不会成功。根据目前对气候变化的预测,如果促 成气候变化的因素得不到解决,干旱引发的困难和人类遭受 的损失就有可能增加。Over the past few years, the price of ho
35、using in some parts of Beijing has quadrupled (increased fourfold / four times), making (rendering) it impossible for many of the young to buy (afford) a house in an ideal neighborhood / making a house in an ideal neighborhood unaffordable for many of the young / so that many of the young can t affo
36、rd a house in an ideal neighborhood. Whatever the reason (cause), the high price of housing is likely to increase (add to) the financial pressure on parents. The ordinary people can do nothing about it but voice (express) their dissatisfaction (discontent). Fortunately, there are data that suggest t
37、hat the effort of the central government to bring the price of housing under control is beginning to work (produce effect). 评分建议:1. 第 1 句应该用完成时翻译。 “翻两番”的英文是quadruple(字典的解释是increase fourfold ) ,是超纲词汇,可用increase或 rise 等词翻译, 但不能说 increase (by) three times (是原来的三倍,相当于 triple ) 。表达倍数时,汉语思维有时不灵。2. making
38、sb. difficult / impossible to do sth. 是严重错误, 建 议扣分。也可用定语从句翻译。使用逗号时,后面不宜用this或that之类词。3. 把“小区”翻译为 community 也可接受。4. “不论什么原因”也可翻译成 for whatever reason 。5. “很可能”不能翻译成 is probable to do sth.或is quite possible to do sth. ,建议多扣分。6. “对采取行动”常用介词about,不宜用with或for。止匕夕卜,can do nothing but to do / doing要酌情扣分。7.
39、 注意“不满”的英语单词形式,错误使用 unsatisfactory 或 dissatisfied 等形式要扣分。1106没人会花很长时间来决定是阅读印刷的广告还是听播放的广告。如果广告不能马上吸引人们的注意力,使其专注片刻,足以理解广告内容,那么这个广告会惨败。因此,广告词的效果必须是立竿见影,马上让你心动。广告词必须让人关注所介绍的产品, 突出其性能, 简明介绍购买它的理由,最好使读者或听众对产品的介绍留下深刻印象,并能长久回 荡在其脑海里。Jobs come easily to college graduates who (Some college graduates can find
40、jobs / work / employment / get employed easily, who )are characterized by academic excellence and the willingness to do low-income / poorly-paid jobs. The two factors are equally important / of equal importance / equal in importance. Working where you can prove your own worth / value is a crucial / key step towards success. For example, Obama started as a community organizer, who was unlikely to expect (could not have expected / probably did not expect ) that he could become president of the United States.以下翻译方式酌情扣分:1 .graduates are eas
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