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1、三校生高考英语词组1.Sth is WrOng With Sb / Sth某人某事2.advise Sb to do Sth事建议某人做某3.take a PhySiCaI exam in ati on 测试参加体能4.adva need medical equipme nt备先进的医疗设5.a borderli ne State边缘状态6.find out找到7.Work in man ageme nt posit ons 作在管理职务工8.Be likely to do Sth 事很有可能做某9.SUffer sub-health遭受亚健康10.Un der StreSS承受压力11.A

2、lack of en ergy缺之活丿J12.Show react ions反应迟钝13.Poor memory记忆力差14.Short ness of health气急15.AChe in the WaiSt and legs腰腿痛16.ACCOrd ing to根据17.The key to关键18.ReCOVer from恢复19.Form good liv ing habits习惯形成好的生活20.AIternate work and rest劳逸结合21.EXerCiSe regularly定期锻炼22.Take Part in ope n-air aCtivities 户外活动参加

3、23.Make money赚钱24.AS for至于25.Point out指出26.Be riCh in nu trie nt eleme nts 的营养元素含有丰富27.At one meal一顿饭28.DigeStiVeS SyStem消化系统29.A bala need diet均衡饮食30.The last but not the least重要的事最后同样31.Cope With对付32.AS well as也33.AS if / though似乎34.AS regards关于35.Help Sb With Sth帮助某人做某事36.Make great PrOgreSS取得很大进

4、步37.Make it获得成功38.ASk Sb for Sth请求39.Bel ong to you属于你40.ASk for it罪有应得41.LiVing area居住地42.En ter tain our guest With beef 待我们的客人用牛肉招43. Gain his WeaIth获得财富讶44.Un dergro Und IineS地铁线66.Clear out消除45.Free time空闲时间67.PiCk UP拾起46.TraVeI through small tow n在南方小镇旅68.Look forward to doing Sth期盼做某游事47.A co

5、mfortable place一个舒适的地69.Hang around闲逛方70.Be eager to盼望48.A whole new world一个全新的世界71.SharP Pain剧痛49.The an SWer to questi On问题的答案72.FreeZ ing cold冷极了50.A part-time job业余工作73.Feel smooth摸上去很光滑51.In this Way用这种方式74.Feel for同情52.In a Way在某种程度上75.Feel like doing想53.In the Way赶到做.54.Stop Sb from doing Sth

6、阻止某人做某76.Would like to do想做.事77.Feel on e's Way摸索前进55.A Variety of各式各样的78.Feel as if / though觉得;仿佛56.JumP to a con clusi on过早下结论79.Pay in CaSh用现金支付57.Do With对于80.By Credit Card用信用卡支付58.Go CraZy发疯81.Pay a ViSit访问59.Stay calm保持冷静82.Pay a call on拜会60.Take a SiX-Week SUmmer travel进行一次83.Pay a compli

7、me nt致意为期六周的夏季旅游84.Pay on e's respects致敬61.OPen their eyes开眼85.Pay atte nti on to、亠-5注意62.At least至少86.Pay back偿还63.Get the end of the money得到钱87.Pay off还请64.HaVe opinions on有意见88.Pay off on e's debts偿还债务65.Be amazed at对. 大为惊89.Set the table桌上摆好餐具90.Set an alarm clock调闹钟愿.也不91.Set about开始处理1

8、13Would rather n ot talk宁可不谈92.Set about SOIVing the problem着手解决 冋题114Night markets夜市93.Set aside储蓄115Take place发生94.Set aside $10 , 000积攒10,000美兀116The StreetS are like rivers of people街上95.Set out出发人山人海96.Set out at dow n日出时出发117Barga in With seller与商贩讨价还97.Set off动身价98.Set Off a bomb炸弹爆炸118Lots o

9、f delicious food很多美味的食99.Set UP建立物100Set UP a Charity建立一家慈善机119Smelly tofu臭豆腐构120Shoot ballo ns With a toy gun用玩具枪射气101GiVe a talk作一次讲座球102GiVe away泄露121.Win a PriZe得奖103GiVe back归还122HaVe a great time = enjoy on eself玩得高兴104GiVe in递交123Help on eself to请随便吃105GiVe off发出,放出(气124Be have on eself使举止规矩味

10、)125EXPreSS yourself in En glish用英语表达自106GiVe out发出(光热己的看法声等)126In troduce on eself to Sb向牧某人做自107GiVe UP中止,放弃我介绍108GiVe On eself / One's life to127.Be not quiet on eself身体献身于.J不好109GiVe birth to生孩子128TeaCh US En glish n ext time下学期教110GiVe Way to让路我们英语111GiVe rise to引起129Agree With Sb / Sb'

11、 S opinions同意112Prefer to+rather tha n/宁130Agree on a date确定一个时间131Agree to Our PIa n / SuggeSti On 我们的计划同意151.152.FaCe to faceIn Charge of面对面负责132Agree about Sth就某事意153.In the Charge of在.见一致掌管之下133Agree to do Sth同意做某154.A SeC ond time再一次事155.Three doze n hats三打帽子134Be in depe ndent独立156.Two score a

12、pples40个苹果135Feel more comfortable感觉更舒157.Doze n / score of几十个服158.In the 1980 ' S / the 1980s'20世136Drop Sb off让某人下车纪80年代137HaVe CarS of one ' S own有某人自159.In one ' S twenties在某人20己的车岁138Look through浏览160.Mind the gap当心缺口139Try one ' S best尽自己最大的161.Carry a child带孩子努力162.A littl

13、e bit有点140Mai ntai n a Car保养车163.Ano ther two rules另两条规则141KeeP one' S grades UP保持成绩164.Break the bala nce打破平衡在上游165.CatCh the attention of赶上注142All through整个时期内意143A report Card成绩单166.DreSS UP打扮144Straight A ' S全优167.Make a joke开玩笑145Two PayCheCk两份薪水168.AS usual通常146Show Sb around带某人参观169.A

14、t work在工作147A key eleme nt主要因素170.Sort of一类148Arm in arm腕勾腕171.TearS in her eyes眼泪在她149From door to door挨家挨户眼里150From beg inning to end自始至终172.Be on phone With Sb与某人打电话191.Ano ther big adva ntage网上购物173In all总共的优点174Be gone去192.Help Sb to do帮助某人175Be missi ng不见了某事176Be lost丢失193.With ease轻松的177The S

15、eC Ond IOn gest第二个最194.Be attracted by被什么吸长引178One S ninth birthday某人第九195.On the Internet在互联网个生日196.Pay more atte nti on to their StUdy更加179USed to do过去常常注视他们的学习180Be USed to doing Sth习惯于197.SearCh for搜寻181InfrOnt ofZ .、尸、7k在.刖面198.In additi on此外182In the front of在.199.HaVe no idea of不知道前部200.Be ba

16、d for对.有183A couple of days几天害处184Offer a big disco Unt打很大一201.SUCh as例如个折扣202.Take Sb an hour and a half花了某人185Free delivery SerViCe免费一个半小时送货203.Be reduced by 18 PerCe nt减少到186In total总共18%187SaVe Sb a lot of time节约204.Be held every 4 years每4年举某人许多时间行次188On many on Ii ne StOreS在许多的205.Work out the

17、problem解决问题网上商店206.COnCern about关心189In shopp ing malls在购物商207.Be able to有能力场208.TUrn into把.变成190Stay UP熬夜209.By the end of last year年末210.GiVe UP you Seat to让座231.At SUn Set日落211.GiVe away泄露232.By ferry乘轮渡212.GiVe out发出233.ReaCh a dest in ati on到达目的213.GiVe in递交地214.Be differe nt from与.不同234.ReaCh

18、a con clusi on得出一个215.Get to close to other PaSSe ngers结论与 变亲近235.Beyond one' S reach达不到216.Look at in an Unfrien dly Way不友236.I mean bus in ess我是当真的好的方式237.By means of通过217.An SWer the door开门238.Mea nwhile同时218.PUt on her hat戴上她的帽子239.Look after照顾219.Wait a long time for the bus等车240.Look at朝.前

19、等了很久241.Look ahead向前看220.BeSide her feet在她脚边242.Look back回顾221.ArriVe at the bus stop到车站243.Look dow n on轻视222.Walk for about 2 minu tes2分钟的244.Look for找路程245.Look forward to期盼223.LeaV ing the shopp ing on the bus把购物袋246.Look into调查落在车上247.Look onas认为224.CheCk my e-mail核对我的邮箱248.Look through浏览225.Lo

20、ok for my boss找老板249.Look UP查阅226.Look around到处看250.Look UP to敬仰227.Do Sb a favor / da a favor for Sb帮某251.Look like看起来像人一个忙252.Look as if看起来好像228.A fork and knife刀叉253.Carryby hand手提229.Hit Sb in the face打脸254.Carry a baby in one ' S arm抱着230.The Gree ns格林一家一个孩子255.Carry Out a new policy实行一项276

21、.KeeP off远离新的政策277.KeeP (on) doing反复做256.Carry a PrOjeCt through不顾困难278.KeeP UP保持的279.KeeP UP With不落伍257.EXPreSS one ' S granitite表达某人280.PUt aside省下感激之情281.PUt away放好258.An express train快车282.PUt back放回原处259.DriVe a taxi开出租车283.PUt dow n记下260.DriVe With CaUti on小心驾284.PUt forward提出驶!285.PUtinto

22、翻译261.DriVe a flock of赶羊群286.PUt off延期262.DriVe Sb mad几乎把某人逼287.PUt on穿上疯了288.PUt out灭263.KeeP CaIm保持镇静289.PUt though接通电话线264.KeeP quiet保扌寸安静290.PUt UP举起265.KeeP a record保持纪录291.PUt UP With忍受266.KeeP a SeCret保守秘密292.Play a joke on开.267.KeeP ChiCke ns养鸡的玩笑268.KeeP sile nt保持沉默293.Play jokes on戏弄.269.K

23、eeP a PrOmiSe遵守诺言294.Play a Part扮演一个角色270.Break a PrOmiSe不遵守诺言295.Play an importa nt Part /role in在.271.KeeP a diary记日记中起重要作用272.KeeP away from远离296.Play With fire玩火273.KeePfrom禁止297.Come true实现274.KeeP Sb from doing使某人不298.Come and go来来往往做某事299.Come across碰到275.KeeP in mi nd记住300.Come in进来301.COme

24、On快点317.In the wrong Way错误的方式302.COme to On eself苏醒318.For in Sta nce例如303.Come UP With想出(计划,319.Social eve nt社会事件回答)320.Be famous for loose clothi ng以宽304.To One' S SUrPriSe使某人惊松的服饰而闻名讶321.Be famous as作为. 而305.The Cultural traditiOnS of AfriCan dress闻名非洲服装的文化传统322.Wide temperature ran ges广泛的温306.In dividual people每个人度变化307.Traditi Onal clothi ng传统的服323.Daily life日常生活饰324.Be Very highly VaIUed被高度评308.HaVe a IO


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