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1、开放教育英语本科(教育方向)毕业论文写作实施计划 2003年12月一、 要求与目的根据中央电大和北京外国语大学联合开办“专升本”英语教育专业教学计划的规定,学员在基本修完专业规定的必修课和选修课后,还应完成教学实践设计。教学实践设计中的教学实践和实践研究报告共同构成本专业的毕业论文(不低于4000字)。英语本科毕业班2001秋学生的毕业论文是做教学实践设计,要求学生选择一个教学难题,对该难题进行调查研究与分析,直至确定可以实施该项题目的分析研究并撰写研究计划时间表。其目的是使学生初步了解选择与设计教学研究项目的全过程所经历的各个阶段,然后综合运用所学的知识与技能,最终独立完成实践研究报告。学生

2、要以严谨的学风、科学的方法、实事求是的态度和勇于创新的精神完成教学全过程。选择难题题目不宜过大,要紧密结合教学实际,难度适中,以便在规定时间内完成课程要求。二、 实施内容及时间安排本课程分为以下六个阶段,12周完成。第一阶段:项目启动。学生独立阅读教育方向“专升本”指定教科书论文项目设计的第一单元内容,对英语教学中的难题进行反复思考,在辅导老师的指导下,最终确定一个难题。(教学用时12小时,1周)第二阶段:问题分析。按照教科书第二单元的内容要求对确定的难题按照科学调查的六种研究方法即:分析法、苏格拉底式提问法、原因分析法、问卷法、观察法和头脑风暴法进行分析。然后针对教学情景、教学目标、教师角色

3、、学生角色/任务/类型等方面的分析,对所选的难题进行原因分析。(教学用时24小时,2周)第三阶段:设计教学实践难题的解决方案。完成教科书第三单元的内容,即:根据方案目的提出假说,制定一个教案,准备好所需的参考资料(如视听音像带、教学类期刊、问卷、调查、面谈、学生作业等),资料筛选。然后提出解决问题的假说并设计出一个能验证该假说且能用于课堂教学的方案。(教学用时24小时,3周) 第四阶段:方案实施。汇报教案的课堂实施情况;汇报资料的筛选情况(教学用时36小时,3周)第五阶段:项目评估。即学习并运用评估的手段和方法,对项目的实施情况及结果进行评估。(教学用时12小时,1周)第六阶段:项目报告。即用

4、英语写出正文4000词左右的项目报告并提供所使用分析问题的方法、项目实施过程的原始资料、问卷调查表(如果有)等。(教学用时36小时,2周)共12周。备注:上述每一阶段的时间表只是建议性的,不必完全执行。各指导教师可以根据学生的情况稍做调整,但是必须保证12周完成计划上交。三、 教材按照中央电大的要求,教材采用顾曰国主编的论文项目设计。严格按照内容的要求完成每个阶段(六个单元)的步骤。 四、 实施方法班主任组织安排学生给指导教师进行辅导。每位指导教师辅导学生一般不超过10人。学生以自学为主,在认真学习教材的基础上,注重调查研究。 定期接受辅导老师的指导。 辅导教师要根据大纲要求,在项目设计过程中

5、的各个环节中,为学生提供指导与咨询;检查学生所做的调查分析报告,提出评价修改意见,并按成绩评定标准,给出成绩。学生应严格按照教材的步骤,在指导教师的辅导下完成选择与设计教学项目的全过程,并撰写项目计划书。指导教师在辅导论文的过程中,按阶段给分数,但最后成绩按不及格、及格、中等、良好或优秀评出。学生必须完成项目设计的整个过程和撰写项目计划书。 具体评分标准如下:l 项目启动阶段 5 l 问题分析阶段 10 l 项目设计阶段 20 l 项目实施阶段 30 l 项目评估阶段 5 l 项目报告写作并提交阶段 30 评为优良和申请学位的学生需参加答辩;其余抽30%参加答辩。五、时间安排1 学生撰写论文时

6、间为12周,具体安排如下:1) 指导教师与学生第一次见面(与发放教材同时)2) 第1、2周 学生自学教材3) 第1周末 论文辅导讲座4) 第2周末 指导教师与学生第二次见面,确定题目5) 第3-6周 学生完成提交教学难题分析及目标分析报告;辅导教师检查学生所做的调查分析报告,提出评价修改意见,并按成绩评定标准,给出成绩。6) 第7-10周 学生上交项目实施进度表、辅导教师检查学生已提交的调查分析报告,提出评价修改意见,给出成绩。7) 第12周末前 学生完成并缴交项目计划书2 指导教师写评语并给出成绩(10天)3 答辩4 评审小组评审成绩 5论文送省电大审定成绩 六、项目报告的体例及评估标准:包

7、括 l 题目 1分l 摘要 1分l 目录 1分l 项目目标 1分l 项目假说 1分l 理论基础/框架 1分l 语言表述清晰 5分l 语言庄重,格式正确 2分l 逻辑结构合理 2分l 项目的事实、计划、实施及评估充分 6分l 结论合理可靠 2分l 含参考文献 1分l 参考文献格式正确按字母排序,编、作者l 姓氏,完整题目,出版日期,出版社 2分l 列出相关资料(问卷、教材、结果表格)作为附录并正确标识 3分l 文中标识正确 1分 共30分七、 答辩及评审:安排在7月初。毕业论文的答辩及评审工作受省电大试点本科英语专业教学指导组指导,集中答辩。答辩时每位学生须制作多媒体演示文稿,介绍论文写作的目的

8、、写作过程、主要观点等,答辩时结合演示介绍。八、 毕业论文指导小组 组长:王彦妲 指导教师: 孙锐武 佘玉荣 赵晓明 陈勤 王彦妲九、分组名单孙锐武陈村娜 刘卫延 沈莉 梁永强 李湘仪 罗洁娴 杨健锋 吴文宜 欧华娥 黄碧芬佘玉荣何建红 林小菲 郑雪华 彭艺 何小明 蔡春娜 戴英 谢双梅徐晓虹 胡涛赵晓明翁传祥 张大鹏 田瑞 陈华民 王虹 苏英伟 陈国银 王素华 徐国凤 邓海丹陈勤邱美良 邝艳平 侯春霞 吴绍林 李筱君 邝结容 罗星颖赖福兰 王素君 钟锦英 赵岸雄 王彦妲陈淑冰 赵建贤 赵海燕 谭雅乐 汤柳琴 刘美琼 林华韶 林玲 刘俊同黄新荣 罗婉清 张剑豪十、 成绩评定 学员必须完成教学实

9、践设计的整个过程,根据教学实践过程中各个环节的完成情况及项目研究报告,按五级分评定总成绩,并对项目研究报告写出评语。如发现抄袭,一经查实,按电大有关考试文件处理。Supplementary ReadingKey Points of A Lecture on Dissertation WritingI. Research Writing Question Posing Most college assignments ask you to pose a question worth exploring, to read widely in search of possible answers,

10、to interpret what you read, to draw reasoned conclusions, and to support those conclusions with valid and well-conducted evidence. Admittedly, the process takes time: time for researching and time for drafting, and documenting the paper in the style recommended by your instructor. Before beginning a

11、 research project, you should set a realistic schedule of deadlines. 1) Take the colleges library tour and get familiar with computer search tools. 2) Pose a research question and plan a search strategy. 3) Find sources 4) Read and take notes. 5) Decide on a tentative thesis and outline. 6) Draft th

12、e paper. 7) Visiting the writing instructor to get help with ideas for revision. 8) Do further research if necessary. 9) Revise the paper. 10) Prepare a list of works cited. 11) Type and proofread the final draft. Notice that this has to be budged more than a week for drafting and revising the paper

13、. Its easy to spend too much of your available time gathering sources; make sure you allow a significant portion of you schedule for drafting and editing your work. Working within the guidelines of your assignment, pose a few questions that seem worth researching. As you formulate possible questions

14、, make sure that they are appropriate lines of inquiry for a research paper. Choose questions that are narrow or specific (not too broad), realistic or problem-solving and grounded (not too speculative).II. Writing Strategies 1) Appropriate resourcesA search strategy is a system for tracking down so

15、urces. To create a search strategy appropriate for your research question, ask yourself two questions: - What kind of resources should I draw on? - In what order should I conduct my search? Before you start your search, consider what information you will need and where you are likely to find it. If

16、your research question addresses an English teaching problem, for example, you might look at reference works, books, scholarly articles (in print or online). In addition, take a look at your textbooks, that is, books by authors who are experts in their fields, specialized reference works (not just g

17、eneral encyclopedias), and articles in scholarly or technical journals (not just popular magazines). When in doubt about the kinds of sources you are expected to consult, check with your instructors. 2) Order of search Often a good search strategy moves from sources that give you an interview of you

18、r subject to those that supply you with more specialized information. Some general reading will familiarize you with the ways in which scholars or debaters are framing issues related to your topic. Once you understand the intellectual or social context of your topic, you will be prepared to focus yo

19、ur search more narrowly. Resources to consider when creating a search strategy: Library sources- general and specialized reference works- books- articles in scholarly journals- periodicals- audiovisual materials Track down relevant Internet sources- searching by category using searching engines like

20、 , or . - searching by keywords- using meta search engines.III Evaluating sources1. previewing techniques(1) previewing a book_ scan the front and back covers for any information about the books scope and its authors credentials._ glance through the table of contents, keeping your research question

21、in mind._ skim the preface in search of a statement of the authors purposes._ use the index, look up a few words related to your research question._ if a chapter seems useful, read its opening and closing paragraphs and skim any headings._ consider the authors style and approach. For example, does t

22、he style suggest enough intellectual depth for your purpose? (2) previewing an article_ consider the publication in which the article is printed. For example, is the publisher reputable? Who is the target audience of the publication? _ for a journal article, look for an abstract or a statement of a

23、purpose at the beginning; also look for a summary at the end.(3) preview a web site_ browse the home page. Do its contents and links seem relevant to your research question?_ consider the reputation, credibility, and motive of the sites author. Is the site reputable enough to consider for further ev

24、aluation?_ Check to see if there is a note about when the site was last updated. For a current topic, some sites maybe outdated.2. Reading with an open mind and critical eye3. Managing information(1) maintain a working bibliography Keep a record of any sources that you decide to consult. You will ne

25、ed this record, called a working bibliography, when you compile the list of works cited that will appear at the end of the paper. 1) For books_ call number_ all authors; any editors or translators_ titles and subtitles_ edition _ publication information: city, publishing company, and date 2) For per

26、iodical articles_ all authors of the article_ title and subtitle of the article_ date and page numbers_ volume and issue numbers, if relevant 3) For Internet sources_ all authors, editors, compilers, or translators of the text._ title of the site or discussion list name_ author, editor, or compiler

27、of the web site or online database_ date of publication (or latest update) if available_ any page or paragraph numbers_ date you visited the siteCaution: Punctuation, spelling, and sometimes even capitalization must be exact to access Internet cite, to ensure accuracy, you may wish to cut and paste

28、the address from your browser into a computer file.(2) Managing information systematically This is a crucial matter, for if any exact language from your sources finds its way into your final draft without quotation marks and proper documentation, you will be guilty of plagiarism, a serious academic

29、offense. You will discover that it is amazingly easy to borrow too much language from a source as you take notes. Do not allow this to happen. You are guilty of the academic offense know as plagiarism if you half-copy the authors sentences - either by mixing the authors phrases with your own without

30、 using quotation marks or by plugging your synonyms into the authors structure. To prevent unintentional borrowing, resist the temptation to look at the source as you take notes - except when you are quoting. Keep the source close by so you can check for accuracy, but dont try to put ideas in your o

31、wn words with the sources sentences in front of you. There are three kinds of note taking: summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting. As you take notes, be sure to include exact page references, since you will need the page numbers later if you use the information in your paper. A summary condenses inf

32、ormation, perhaps reducing a chapter to a short paragraph or a paragraph to a single sentence. A summary should be written in your own words; if you use phrases from the source, put them in quotation marks. Like a summary, a paraphrase is written in your own words; whereas a summary reports signific

33、ant information in fewer words than the source, a paraphrase retell the information in roughly the same number of words. If you retain occasional choice of phrases from the source, use quotation marks so you will know later which phrases are your own. A quotation consists of the exact words from a s

34、ource. In your notes, put all quoted material in quotation marks; do not trust yourself to remember later which words, phrases, and passages you have quoted and which are your own. When you quote, be sure to copy the words of your sources exactly, including punctuation and capitalization.IV Abstract

35、 Writing1. Function Preceding the whole dissertation, an abstract is characteristically a short, concise, straightforward, and highly generalized text. It is a mini-version or a miniature of a document, summarizing the content of the main body. Literally, the abstract is regarded as the most importa

36、nt component of a professional paper owing to its unique functions, particularly in the information age, as the abstract serves as a useful tool in search for information, enables readers to identify the basic content of a document more quickly and conveniently, to determine its relevance to their i

37、nterest, and finally to decide whether it is worthwhile to read the whole text.2. Length Normally, 200 words are a sensible maximum for a relatively long paper or a report, but never 500 words; 50-100 may suffice for a short article. The length of an abstract strictly varies depending on the length of the paper a


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