At the farm letx27s learn教学设计_第1页
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1、At-the-farm-lets-learn学设计At the farm教学设计(第2课时)小学英语(PEP)四年级下册湖北省襄城区水洼小学李月一、 教学内容A部分Lets lear及Lets chant二、 教学目标1.知识目标(1) 能够听、说、认读单词tomato,potato,carrot,green beans。(2)能理解句子Look at the green beansTheyre so long. Yes, and the potatoes are big.(3) 会说唱歌谣。2.能力目标培养学生的口头表达能力和表演能力。3.情感目标教育学生要有合理的饮食习惯。三、 教学重难点

2、教学重点:掌握三会单词tomato,Potato,carrot,green beans。教学难点:掌握单词potato和tomato的复数 形式。四、教学过程 _教学活动教学环节设计意图T: Today we are going to anin teresti ng pl ace.a) It has many trees andgrass.b) It has many an imals.c) It has many vegetables.d) There arepo tatoes, tomatoes, carrotsand gree n bea ns.Can you guess?Where a

3、re wegoin g?Ss: Farm.T: Y es, we are going to thefarm. Let创设情境,导入新课。Ste p 1Warm ing upStep2本课的导入自然有趣, 创设一个真 实农场的情 景,把四种 学习的蔬菜 整体呈现给 学生,使学 生初步感知 认识本节课 学习的内 容。通过设 疑提问的形 式激发学生 的学习兴趣, 使他们 的注意力高 度集中,有 效参与到课 堂学习活动 中。以一个谜语s lear nP rese ntati on1. Teach“carrot(s)-yummy1) T: Lets play guessing game: it a ki

4、nd ofvegetables. Itorange. The rabbits like itvery much. Whats?导入本课的新授知识,a富有一定的创意,容易 激发学生的s好奇心,调 动学生的积 极性,并在 自编的Ss can an swer it bothin Chin eseand En glish. The nT will show the wordcard and thepicture and drill it. Twill lead activity andpick some S group to read.T: Then lets ccthe carrots in the

5、picture. (eg, Onecarrot, twochant中不知不觉地学习如何描述carrot。untcarrotsmany carrots.)教师出示wordcard“carrots并张贴,教师带读, 抽查2小组读。2) I like carrots. They are yummy.(出示单词卡, 背 面注上中文, 抽读 个别学生,教师带 读新单词。)趣味拍手操练cha nt:I like carrots. I like carrots. Y ummy,yummy, yummy.(师生示范chant, 学生之间pair worko )2. Teach“Gree n beans-ten

6、der-long”1) T: Show a picture of“gree n bea ns”and ask“what are these?Are they carrots? Ss: No, they arenThey are gree n beans.(教师启发)Ss showthe wordcard and drill it.2) T: Look at the green bea ns. Theyretender.(比较几根发蔫的四季豆和新鲜的四 季豆。)Then, show the word“tender”ask Ss toread it.趣味拍手操练:I like gree n bea

7、 ns, I like gree n bea ns,t.andten der, ten der,ten der. (Use the different inton ati on s.)3) Look at the gree n beans. Theyre long. (Showtwo gree n beans and compare them.)Show the wordcard“long ancSs read it.let3. Teach在这个教学“tomato(es)uicy”环节教师应1) Show a bag.用了个不T:Look! I have a司的导入方bag. There is

8、法,让学生somethi ng in it.通过品尝从Who wants to come而引出to the front andtomato。应taste? Be brave!用fin ger游2) Close your eyes. Openyour mouth. Whats it?当学生得出答案 时,教师出示实物 及单词,逐步引出one tomato,twotomatoes,从而弓丨出tomato的复数形 式。3) Play the fin gerexercises.请学生 看老师的手指数量 来判断应该使用tomato还是tomatoes O4) Show tomatoes. T: Looka

9、t the tomatoes. Whatcolor are they?Ss: They are red.T: Yes. Theyre andjuicy.教师用手掰开西红 柿并展示词卡。Then ask the boys andgirls to rep eat it.戏让学生掌握tomato的单复数关 系,避免了 讲语法的枯 燥,符合小 学生的心理 特征。red趣味拍手操练:I like tomatoes, I like tomatoes, juicy,juicy, juicy.4. Teach在这个环节“potato(es)tasty”里,教师让1) Show a bag.学生通过摸T: Lo

10、ok at the bag.摸、猜Can you touch and猜的方式引guess“Which one出P otato。is the po tato?”并扌巴PotatoSs touch it and try和tomatoto find out the进行了比较p otato.教学,以一通过这个“摸一摸”个chant加游戏,引出新单词深学生对这复习巩固所学单词,为下面的句型Potatoes, po tatoes,“p”is for po tatoes带领学生分小组一 起吟唱。4) T: When the po tatoes becomefries, theyre tasty.趣味拍手操练

11、:I like po tatoes, I like potatoes, tasty, tasty, tasty.5) T shows two po tatoes and compare them.T: Look! This potato is big.T shows the word card“big”and Ss read it.1. GamesTeacher says the words and askstwoetSte p 3Drillstude nts to point out thepicture.Lets see who is quicker.(看图说单 词)Guess ing g

12、ame: one stude nt holds thepicture, the other stude nt guess. Use thestructure: S1: what are these? S2: arethey.?S1: Y es, they are. / No, they arent.BingoWrite the four words on thepaper:1) For the first time: liste n andtick. Whe n you finished,putup教学作铺垫your hands and say“bin go”letscheckand see

13、who can get thefirst bin go.2) For the sec ond time:liste n and circle. Whe nyou fini shed, put up yourhands and say“bingo”. Letscheck and see who can getthe sec ond bin go.3) For the third time:liste n and cross. Whe n youfini shed, put up yourhands and say“bin go”. Letscheck and see who can getthe

14、 third bin go.Ste p 42. Lets learnNow, Sarah andMike are at thefarm, too. Letsliste n to the tape.教师播放Letslearn的内容。回归文本,1)第遍,学生听通过听读、录音回答问题:演演的活Are the gree n动,持续保bea ns long?持学生咼涨Are the po tatoes的学习情big?绪。2)第一遍,订正答案并跟读。3) P air work: onestude nt is Sarah,the other is Mike.4)Show time.Summary:在总结本节这节课我们学习了课的同时渗tomato,potato,透思想教Con solidati oncarrot,green beans育:教育学四种蔬菜的名称,生热爱劳它们疋农民伯伯通动,懂得不过辛勤的劳作才得劳无获的道以收成的。我们知理,希望他道蔬菜含有丰富的们养成良好维生素C,应该多吃的饮食习蔬菜,因为它们有惯。益于我们的健康。Lets chant:跟随音乐起进行 歌谣说唱。通过学生喜欢的chant形式,动静 结合,伴随 强烈的音乐节奏,最


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