1、Unit 1 Whats your name?. Teaching aims and demands:1. 使学生学会询问别人的名字;2. 使学生学会询问别人的年龄。3. 使学生学会数字1-10。.Key point:1. 词汇:one, two, three, four, five.six, seven, eight, nine, ten.2. 句型:Whats your name? How old are you?Im, youre, Hes, Shes,Its , Were. , Youre., Theyre3.音素:a e e. Difficult point:How old are
2、you?.Teaching aids:已写好的几张姓名卡片。.Teaching procedure:The lst Period1.Sing a song 2.Presentation (1)Hello, my name is Wu Yongsheng. My name is Wu Yongsheng.His name isHer name is(2)T: whats your name?S: Im3.Practice.(1) Ask each pupil to a 10-pound note take out a piece of paper and a pen.(2) Tell the p
3、upils to go and ask his or her friend whats your name?(3) Tell the pupils to write down the name of his or her friend in Pinyin.(4) Ask ten pupils the same question and write down ten names. 4.Presentation.(1)Say the chant (2)Say it.One, two, three, four. Come in, please and close the door.Five, six
4、, seven, eight. Go to school and dont be late. Nine ten. Nine, ten.Learn English again and again. (3)集体说:(4)Say it in boys and girls. (5)指名说5.Practice (1)Ask each pupil to take out a piece of paper and a pen.(2)Tell the pupils to go and ask his or her friend “How old are you?”(3)Tell the pupils to w
5、rite down the ages of his or her friends T. 8.or 9.(4)Ask ten pupils the same question and write down the numbers. The 2nd period A. Say a chant. B. Listen to the tape.1.read after the tape.2.Read it in pairs.3.Ask somebody to read it. C. Presentation. 1.教师让一个男生和女生到前面来,然后说:Hes Lin Tong, shes Wong Fa
6、ng and Im Zhong Ping. 重复几遍2让学生分成3人一组都用这种方式练习:Im , Shes , Hes 3教师在学生练习了一会儿后找几组到前面说一说。D. Play a game .- count It and clap your hands. 教师说一,就用手拍一,这时学生跟着一起做。教师说二就拍二,学生也跟着一起做,这样一直说到10,拍到10。E. Lets find out.How many 3- letter words?Ted. Ben. Meg, Den pen, men, Let, ten bed net get, bet, cat, mat, pat, bad
7、, sat, tap, bag, bat, mad, tag, sad, tab. The 3rd PeriodA. Say the chant. Hello, Meg! Hello. Ted! Whats his name? Hes Ben. Whats her name? Shes Pat. How old is she? Shes eight. How old is he? Hes nine. B. Write the numbers. (Exercises 1)1.How many apples?2.How many dogs?3.How many bags?4.How many ba
8、nanas? 5.How many cats? 6.How many pencils? 7.How many buses? 8.How many hats? The 4th PeriodA. Act the text. B. Exercises 3.(Lets act )Hello, Im Pat. Hello, Im Bill.How old are you? Im nine ,How old are you?Im seven.1.Read it after the tape. 2.Say it together. 3.Read it by yourself. 4.Act it.CProno
9、unce it. 1.Listen to the tape. 2.Say it after the teacher. 3.Ask somebody to say it. Unit 2 Whats this?.Teaching aims and demands. 1使学生能熟读26个英语字母,会唱字母歌。2使学生能初步了解元音字母及其读音。3使学生能认读所给的全部缩写字母。.Key points. 句型:Whats this? Whos jumping?.Difficult point. 学习字母A到Z.Teaching aids: 一张大字母表,自制几个大写字母包括单元中的5个单词的字母(BA
10、G,BEN,KIM,DOG,BUS)一套小写字母卡及相关的图片。.Teaching procedure: The lst PeriodA. Show the letters on the blackboard. 1.Sing a song A. B,.C.1)Listen to the tape. 2)Sing it together. 3)Ask somebody to sing it.2.Read the letters. 3.Jump and say. 1)找一组(3人)到前面来,每人手中拿一个字母站成一排。2)让3人一起蹦,全班学生起说bag.b-a-g, bag, 再整个重复一遍。3
11、)再找6个人到前面来,各拿一个含有字母A的单词卡片,如:cat, bag, hand, lamp, man, mat. 先让第一个蹦,同时说Bag!Bag! bag, bag, bag. 学生跟着说一遍。4)用类似的方法完成“E”“I”“O”“U”的教学。The 2nd PeriodA. Sing a song .A. B. C. song B. show the picture. T: Whats this? S1: Its letter “A”.T: Whos jumping? S2: Boy A is jumping. C. Practice. T: Whats this? S1: It
12、s letter “ ”T: Whos jumping? S2: Boy/Girl is jumping.D. Show the picture. Say it in pairs.Whats this?Its a cup. Whats that? Its a bus. Whats this? Its a brush. The 3rd PeriodA. Say the chant. 1.教师发给每个学生一张字母卡片,不按顺序排,说到哪个字母音,拿那个字母的学生应立刻站起来。2Listen to the tape and say it. 2.Say it together. 4.Ask someb
13、ody to say it. B. Read the words. 1)ABC美国广播公司 BBC英国广播公司 CCTV中国中央电视台 BTV北京电视台 VOA美国之音 PC个人电脑 AM上午 PM下午 UN联合国 SOS拯救我的灵魂 AC交流电 DC直流电 CD光盘 BC公元前 CBS哥伦比亚广播公司 CIA中央情报局 DNA脱氧核糖核酸 FBI联邦调查局 GMT格林威治时间 WTO世界贸易组织 PhD博士 PRC中华人民共和国 USA美利坚合众国2) Read after the teacher. 3)发给学生一张字母卡片,说ABC,拿ABC字母的学生应立刻站起来,跑到前面站成一排,大家一
14、起再读一遍。C. Write the letters. 1) The teacher writes them. 2) The students write them. 3) Copy the letters. The 4th PeriodA. Play a game Who is right. 1.Say it in pairs. 同座位的两个人各指着自己那边的第一个字母,当左边的学生说出字母A后,右边的学生要说出B,以此类推。说不出来或说错的学生在那个字母的边上打一个。最后,看谁的少。BRead and act. 1.Hello. Ted. Which is letter “Bb”?-Thi
15、s is letter “Bb”.-Which is letter “Mm”?-This is letter “Mm”.-Yes. Youre right. 2.Read it. 3)Act it. 4)Ask somebody to Act it. C. Pronounce it.D. Find the big and small letters.将字母的大写给一部分学生,然后将字母的小写给另一个部分学生。让持有小写字母的学生边跑边寻找大写字母,一旦找到,就将这组的字母拉到前面站好。最后,教师让学生们一起来辨认这些字母。拿大写字母的学生可以将字母放在课桌上,也可将字母放在头上,让小写字母找。
16、找对者得一分。ELook and march.Unit 3 What colour do you like?.Teaching aims and demands.1使学生能用英语说10种常用的颜色。2使学生会用英语询问别人喜欢的颜色。3使学生能用各种颜色组词。.Key points: 1.词汇:Black, gray, white, orange, purple, brown, yellow, blue, green, red, pink. 2.句型:What colour do you like? I like blue. Do you like black? Yes, I do /No,
17、I dont .What colour are they? They are White. What colour is it? Its yellow. .Difficult points: What colour do you like? I like Do you like ?Yes, I do /No, I dont.Teaching aids: 各色的色纸(可让学生自带),彩色纸或颜色分明的图片。.Teaching procedure: The lst PeriodA. Listen to a song The colour songB. Show the colours:T: loo
18、k here, Ive got many balloons.What colours are they?They are block, gray, white, orange, purple, brown, yellow, blue, green, red, and pink,.I like orange, green and blue.What colour do you like?S: I likeI likeT: Do you like blue?S: Yes, I do.No, I dont.C: Practice1. Show colorful clothes.让穿各种颜色衣服的学生
19、站台票到前面来,站成一圈,背朝里,然后让慢慢地转动,教师总是指着对着大家的那个颜色问,What colour is it.学生回答:ItsThe 2nd periodA. Say a chant.1.Show it.The bags yellow.The shoes are black.The bees green.The pencils red.The dogs brown.The cats are white.The flowers purple.The bikes are red.2.Say it after the tape.3.Say it in pairs.B. Learn the
20、 test.1. Listen to the tape.2.Read after it.3.Read and act.C. Play a game.(Part 5)1.Guess the right colour.2. 3个人一组,打开书,其中一人当裁判,一人闭上眼睛,另一个抓住闭眼睛学生的手,将其手放在一个颜色上问该学生,What colour is it? 如果闭眼睛的学生说:Its red猜中了,裁判记上一分共猜5次,最后看谁的分数多。3. Play this game.D. Colour the umbrella and make it beautiful.The 3rd Period
21、A. Say a chant.1. a black cat. a pink shirt. A blue see. A brown shoe a gray mouse a green tree a red bike a white table a yellow bee.2. Say it together.3.Ask somebody to say it.B. Lets practice.What colours are they?They are white.Do you like them?Yes, I do.C. Listen and point.1.Which is the clock?
22、2. Which is the green apple?3. Which is the red apple?4.Which is the bike?5. Which is the dog?6.Which is the book?7.Which is the mouse?8.Which are the flowers?9.Which is the pen?10.Which is the tree?The 4th PeriodA. Say a chant.The bags yellow.The shoes are black.The bees green.The pencils red.The d
23、ogs brown.The cats are white.The flowers purple.The bikes are red.1.Say it after the teacher2.Say it together.B. Copy the words.Unit 4 How m any ducks are there?. Teaching aims and demands:1. 使学生能过掌握和使用how many句型2. 使学生能用数字回答所提的问题3. 使学生进一步掌握名词的单复数. Key point:句型:How many dogs are there?There are two.
24、Difficult point:名词的复数形式.Teaching aids:有关单词与复数的图片,如:绵羊,狗,鸭子,小鸡,兔子,老鼠,狗熊,鸡等。.Teaching procedure:The 1st PeriodA. Warming up.1. Sing a song.2. Free talkB. PresentationT: look, everyone, This is a book. (拿起一本书)A book. Two books, one book, two books.(拿起一支铅笔)one pencil; two pencils.(出示动物图片)sheepsheep butt
25、erflybutterflieschildchildren dogdogsflowerflowers duckduckschickchicks birdbirdsrabbitrabbits bearbearsmousemice henhensT: How many dogs are there ?How many chicks are there?Say it after the teacher.Ask it after the teacher.Ask and answer in pairs.C. Practice.1. Listen and circle.2. Find the animal
26、s.T: Now, Lets look at the picture. There are many animals. Do you know what they are?Ss: They are bears, sheep, birds, butterflies, ducks, chicks, rabbits, mice and so on. Look, some children are watching the bear now . OK, now, lets see, how many sheep are there? How many mice are there ?The 2nd P
27、eriodA. Sing a song B. Play a gameSimon saysT: Please go to the window. Lets see whats things are outside.How many are there?How many are there in the school?How many bikes are there on the playground?How many cars are there?How many people are there?Join the dots and colour it.Lets count the number
28、s.教师说“1”时,让一个学生站起来,说“2”时,让第二个学生站起来。以此类推,同时可以让学生来数一下班级男学生和女学生。C. Read and write.The 3rd PeriodA. Warming up.1. Sing a song.2. Free talk.B. Read and act.A: Hello, Tom!B: Hello, Pat!A: Look, There are lots of chicks here.B: How many?A: I dont know.B: Lets count them. One, two, three, eight.A: Yes, ther
29、e are eight.A: Good morning, Wang Tong.B: Good morning, L.i Ming.A: Oh, there are lots of books here.B: How many?A: I dont know. Lets count them.B: One, two, three eight.A: Yes, there are eight.Read it.Act it.The 4th PeiodA. Read and think.ch shchick shechair shoecatch sheepchild shirtchildren fish1
30、. Show it.2. Listen to the tape.3. Say it.4. Ask somebody to say it.B Copy the following words with a red colour.C Practice the sounds.Unit 5 Have you got any fish. Teaching aims and demands:1. 使学生学会使用Have you got句型。2. 使学生掌握生活中的一些常用词汇。3. 使学生能初步掌握一些字母组合的规律。.Teaching keys:1. 词汇:got have fish2. 句型:Have
31、 you got any fish?Yes/No I have/havent.Teaching difficulty:. Teaching aids: picture word cards. Teaching procedure:The 1st periodStep 1 preparation1 Greetings.2 Free talk.Step 2 PresentationT:(show pen) Have you got a pen?S1:Yes/No.T:(show pencil) Have you got a pencil?S2:Yes/No.T:(show rulers) Have
32、 you got two rulers?S3:Yes/No.T:(show bag) Have you got a bag?S4:Yes/No.T:(show radio) Have you got a radio?S5:Yes/No.T:(show pictures) Have you got any pictures?S6:Yes/No.T:(show boxes) Have you got three boxes?S7:Yes/No.T:( Write “Have you got”Step 3 Lets talk about it(Show picture)T: please look
33、at the picture.How many children are there in this picture?T: How many boys and how many girls?T: How many cats are there?T: How many fish are there ?(学生依次回答问题)T: Now, lets look at this boy and this girl.(用手指相应的图画).They are talking. The girl says学生答T: The boy says学生答T: now , Ill ask you some questio
34、ns. Please answer my questions.What are they doing? What does the boy say? What does the girls say.学生答,并分角色表演。T: look at there ,what aare they doing? 学生答,并分角色表演。The 2nd periodStep 1 GreetingStep2 learn the wordsWords: have got fish pen desk leg pencil egg letter bed apple map ruler book box book-cas
35、e(将卡片朝下,放在讲台上。)T: Lets play a game OK?Please turn any cards ,and say ,if you are right ,youll get a beautiful card.Step 3 Listen read and pointTeacher say ,students point.Radio say , students point.Students say ,students point.The 3rd periodStep 1 chantT: Lets chantHave you got a pencil? Yes, I have
36、.Have you got a ruler? No, I havent.Have you got a bag? Yes, I have.Have you got a radio? No, I havent.Have you got a picture? Yes, I have.Have you got a box? No, I havent.The teacher chant it first. Then students chant it.Step 2 read and act.学生分角色朗读,突出“Have you got”句型。Step 3 Read and matchThe 4th p
37、eriodStep 1 preparationRead the wordsStep 2 Ask and answerT: (show picture)Have they got any books?S1 answerHave you got a book?S2 answerT: Have you got a pen?S3 answerStep 3 read and writeStep 4 color it Step 5 HomeworkDraw an interesting picture like anyone in this unit and write a dialogue for th
38、em.Unit 6 Has he got a teddy bear?.Teaching aims and demands:1. 使学生进一步掌握Has he got 句型极其问答。2. 使学生掌握第三人称单数的用法。3. 使学生掌握have与has的用法。.Teaching aids: 小熊及动物玩具毛线单词卡.Teaching procedure:The 1st periodStep 1 preparation1. Has he got a bear?/Yes,he has./No,they havet.2. have they got an umbrella?/No,they havet.
39、Step 2 Model pracitice(教师与一学习较好的学生,两人边走边询问别人桌上的东西)A. T: Has he got a teddy bear?S:No,he hast.But hes got a ball.B. T: Has he got acoconut? S:No,he hast.But hes got an ice cream,five bananas and two apples.C. T: Has he got our food? S:No,he hast.D. T: Has he got a mouse?S:No,he hast.But hes got a fis
40、h.E. T: Has he got an umbrella? S:No,he hast.The 2nd periodStep 1 TalkShe has a clock.She doesnt have a bike.Step2 Lets practise.T:Has she got a bike ?S:No,she hasnt. But she got a orage.T:Has he got an apple?S:No,he hasnt, but he got a pen.Step 3 Read and act.T:Has your father got a computer?S:No,h
41、e hasnt.T:Has he got a radio?S:Yes,he has.T:Has your Mum got a computer?S:No,she hasnt.Shes got a radio. The 3rd periodStep 1 Listen and tick.(1) A: Has your friend Mary got a bike?B: No, she hasnt. Tom has got a bike. Mary has got a book in her hand.Question: Who has got a bike?(2) A: Has your sist
42、er Lucy got long hair?B: Long hair? No, lily has got long hair. Lucy has got short hair.Question: Who has got long hair?Step 2 match it.T: Whos got the bee, whos got the bat and whos got the bird?S: Mary got a bat.S: Bill has got a bee.S: Kate has got a bird.The 4th periodExercisesPast 1. Fill in th
43、e blanks.Past 2. Find the words.Past 3 Match and colour.Past 4 Lets chant.Past 5 Pronounce it.Unit7 Our family.Teaching aims and demands:1. 使学生通过熊家的自我简述能简述自己家庭的成员情况。2. 使学生能用英语问答家庭里的简单情况。3. 使学生初步掌握名词所有格的形式的用法。.Teaching keys:词汇:grandfather grandmother father mother brother sister uncle 句型:This is my I
44、ve/Youve/Weve/Theyve gotI/You/We/They havent got. Teaching aids:各种学习用品、玩具、水果图片、小黑板。.Teaching procedure:The 1st PeriodStep1:Lets talk.T:(出示家庭图片)This is our family photo. Look, this is your father.Hes16yeras old.T:Read after me.T: Who can say it?T: Have you got a hat?Yes./No,I havent.Is it for me?/I l
45、ike that hat.请学生上台模仿画上人进行对话。The 2nd PeriodStep1:Draw and write.请同学们补全画面。Step2:Look and say.Look! This is my family photo.This is my father.Hes 40 years old .This is my mother.Shes.T: Read it after me.T: Who can say it?The 3d PeriodStep 1:Lets chant.My names Jack. Hip Hip Hooray!Im going away for a h
46、oliday!I havent got a cat.I havent got a dog.T: Read after me.Step 2:Try it.Help this boy find his Mum.The 4th PeriodStep1:Listen,point and read.Step2:Read and act.领读自由读表演Step3:Lets write.Step4:Lets practise.T:I haveStep5:Lets sing.Step6:Lets practise.Boy :I haveGirl: I haveUnit8 Who is the winner.T
47、eaching aims and demands.1. 使学生通过游戏来进一步复习所学过的句型。2. 使学生能辩认单、复数的形式。3. 使学生进一步认识常用的单词。.Teaching keys: bike big chick kick winner mirror.Teaching aids:教学实物,教学图片和挂图。.Teaching procedureThe 1st PeriodStep1:Lets play a game.让学生同桌间进行游戏,并问答过关问题Step2:Make words with the letters.Example:name让学生将字母自由组合成已学单词。Step3
48、:Lets chant.This is a book and that is a ruler.These are pens and those are pencils.学生一边读一边指出相应图画。Step4: Do it.The 2nd PeriodSetp1:Yes or no.Yes NoTeacher read it and student do it.Step2:Lets play.T: Lets play a game. 规则:在圆盘上,标有16个数字,转动转盘,停止后,看谁先读出自己前的数字。 The 3rd PeriodStep1 : Who can say these?T: W
49、ho can say these? If you can, please put “”T:Read them after me.Step2:Ask and answer.同桌互问指名答The 4th PeriodStep1:Listen, point and pronounce it.Listen to the tape record ,point and pronounce it.T: Read it after me.Step2:Lets sing.T: Let sing a song.Row ,row,row the boat.Gently down the stream.Merrily
50、, merrily, merrily, merrily.Life is interesting .T:Read it after me.T:Who can sing it?Step3:Copy the sentences.Unit9 Whats your favourite fruit?.Teaching aims and demands:1使学生能用英语询问别人的爱好。2使学生能基本阅读英语小短文。3使学生能初步了解元音字母A的读音。.Teaching Keys: 1.词汇:orange, grape, apple, watermelon, pineapple, mango, lemon,
51、banana, 2.句型:Whats your favourite fruit? I like grapes. I dont like lemons. .Teaching difficulty: 能听懂并学会相互之间发一些简单的指令。.Teaching aids: 一些新鲜的苹果、橘子、香蕉、葡萄等,同时,准备一些有关水果的单词卡片、图片或者两套同样的办事处或单词卡片用来做游戏。.Teaching procedure: The lst periodStep1: Preparation. 1. Greetings 2. Free talk. Step2: Lets talk T: Have yo
52、u brought any apples? OK, I have an apple Now, Please look at my apple, Its big and red.I like apples very much. (边学边吃)Mmm, its very good. Do you like apples? S: yes. (发一块苹果)T: Do you like apples or bananas? T: What do you like? Do you like apples or do you like bananas? S: I like bananas. T: Whats
53、your favourite fruit? T: Whats your favourite food?S: (戴着动物面具):Cat: I like fish Dog: I dont like fish. I like sausages. T: Whats your favourite drink?S: I like apple juice. Step3: Guess the fruit. T: Boys and girls, lets play a game, OK? (游戏规则:把水果的单词卡片放在讲桌上,让一个学生面朝黑板站着,另一个学生上来,挑选一个单词卡片贴在该学生的背后,然后该学生问班学生,Is it an apple? (全班学生回答Yes, 或No. )The 2nd PeriodStep1: Preparation: 1.Sing an English song.2.Review the words. Step2: Practice. T: Boys and girls, Let
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- 《汽车电气设备构造与维修中职版》课程标准