1、英语复习1、词汇Transient:短暂的 commit crime:犯罪,干坏事Feedback:反馈 drought:干旱,缺乏Pathetic:令人同情的,可怜的 drought-plagued:受干旱Contemplate:沉思,深思熟虑 misery:痛苦,不幸Work out:解决,做出,锻炼 exqusit:精致Enterprise:事业,计划,事业心 moisture:水分,湿气Resultant:因而发生的,结果 competitors:竞争者,对手Moreabout:更多关于。的情况 at that:而且,因此Agent:代理人,代理商Remote:遥远的,偏僻的Refri
2、gerator:冰箱Air conditioned:装有空气调节设备的Male:Female:Gravity:重力,万有引力Take for granted:把。当理所当然Require:需求,需要Resistence:抵抗力Coasting-free fall:惯性自由落体Juvenile delinquency:少年犯罪2、阅读3、英翻汉P21(1)、The first sign of trouble was the excalating traffic. Cars with stereos blasting were suddenly tearting through the tranq
3、uil block where Susan and Al York had settled four years earlier.出现麻烦的第一个征兆时越来越多的进进出出的车辆,苏珊和艾尔约克四年前定居的原本宁静的街区突然出现了大声播放这立体声音乐疾驰而过的汽车。(2)、A wild party in LaShawns house was spilling out into the street, where revelers had ignited a roaring bonfire.拉肖恩家举行狂野晚会的人涌到了街上,狂欢者在街上点燃了熊熊篝火。(3)、Prolonged exposure
4、 triggers paranoia, neurological damage, and such overpowering dependence that users can think of nothing beyond the pursuit of more meth.长期使用会引起妄想狂病症、精神损伤和极强的依赖性,其结果是使用者整天就想着寻找更多的脱氧麻黄碱。(4)、”We could smell the fumes and see the paranoia,” she says. “One day I saw LaShawn up on her roof sweeping away
5、 little green men.”“我们可以闻到毒品的气味,看到妄想狂”她说。“有一天,我见到拉肖恩站在屋顶上扫走绿色小矮人”。(5)、Her immersion in the cause came at another price: She separated from her husvand after 28 years of marriage.她全身心投入这一事业还付出了另外一个代价:她和结婚28年的丈夫分居了。P45(1)、One hundred billion stars like the Sun surround us in our galaxy alone; accordin
6、g to indirect but solid astronomical evidence, many have planets made of the same ingredients as the Earth; these planets have water and air and the same vicissitudes of climate as the Earth; the molecules on their surfaces enter into the same chemical combinations, subject to the same laws of chemi
7、stry and physics, as molecules on our planet.仅在我们的星系中,我们周围就有一千亿课像太阳这样的恒星;间接地但可靠的天文资料表明,很多恒心都有与地球构成成分相同的行星;这些行星上有水和空气,也有与地球相似的有规律的气候变化;其表面的分子与我们的行星上的分子一样,遵循同样的化学和物理法则组成同样的化合物。(2)、It follows that the Earth is a very recent arrival in the cosmic family of planets, and man is among the youngest denizens
8、 of the Universe.由此可见,地球是宇宙行星系中一个相当晚的后来者,而人类则是宇宙中最年轻的居民之一。(3)、Since before the fishes fishes left the water, the most inrelligent form of life present on Earth in each era has been the rootstock out of which new and still more intelligent forms have evolved.早自鱼类离开水之前开始,地球上每个时期出现的智能最高的生命形式,总是演化新的具有更高
9、智慧的生命形式的来源。(4)、And if the Earth is typical of planets in the cosmos - and everything we know in astronomy and geology tells us that it is - intelligent beings who live on planets billions of years older than the Earth have already reached that advanced level of intelligence that our successors will
10、only achieve in the distant future.如果地球是宇宙中一个典型的行星的话-我们的天文和地质知识告诉我们事实正是这样-那么居住在比我们的地球古老数十亿年的星球上的智慧生物其智能早已达到了我们的后代在遥远的未来才能达到的那种高级水平。(5)、And what our descendants can do a billion years in the future, other races, a billion years older and more evolved than man, should be able to do today.而我们的子孙后代十亿年后方
11、能做到的事,那些比人类古老十亿年且更加进化的其他星球上的人,今天应该就能办到了。P71(1)、My first lesson in how to live as a Negro come when I was quite small.我很小的时候,就上了该如何做黑人的第一课。(2)、I never fully realized the appalling disadvantages of a cinder environment till one day the gang to which I belonged found itself engaged in awar with the whi
12、te boys who lined beyond the tracks.我从未真正意识到生活在满地煤渣的环境里有多么不利,直到有一天我们一帮人与住在铁路那边的一群百人男孩打开了仗,方才明白。(3)、The sight of blood pouring over my face completely demoralized our ranks.见我血流满面,我们队伍的士气一下子全垮了。(4)、She finished by telling me that I ought to be thankful to God as long as I lived that they didnt kill m
13、e.末了她对我说,我该一辈子感谢上帝,没有让他们把我打死。P94(1)、Could it be that our dream that material welfare per se leads to happiness is just a pipe dream?我们所持的物质福利本身能带来幸福的梦想,会不会只是一个不切实际的幻想呢?(2)、What mattered to them was the person who is much, not the one who has much or uses much.他们看重的是人自身的价值,而不是他拥有的财产或他的消费量。(3)、Those h
14、igher up on the social ladder are no less anxious, Their lives are no less empty than those of their subordinates.那些在社会阶梯上怕的较高的人也同样焦虑不安,他们的生活和他们下属的生活同样空虚。(4)、Aslo, they are so frightented of the possibility of their personal failure and humiliation that their anxiety about personal matters prevents
15、them from feeling anxiety about the possibility that everybody and everything may be destroyed.另外,他们极其害怕个人会遭到失败、蒙受耻辱;他们为私事惶惶不安,对于世人与万物均可能遭毁灭一事而无暇顾及了。(5)、I suggest transforming our social system from a bureaucratically managed industrialism in which maximal production and consumption are ends in them
16、selves(in the Soviet Union as well as in the capitalist countries) into a humanist industrialism in which man and the full development of his potentialities-those of love and of reason - are the aims of all social arrangements.我建议改造我们的社会制度,将其从一个在官僚机构管理下的以追求最高产量和最大消费为目的工业化社会体制(苏联和资本主义国家都属此类机制)转化为一个人本
17、主义的工业化社会体制。在后一种体制中,一切社会活动的目的都是为了人,为了使人的各种潜力-爱的潜力和运用理智的潜力-获得充分发展。P137(1)、A biographer of his time compared Newton to the River Nile, whose great powers were known but whose source had not been discovered.一个与牛顿同时代的传奇作家把他比作尼罗河:其巨大威力人所共知,但其源头却仍无觅处。(2)、Newtons subsequent life in science consisted to a la
18、rge degree in the elaboration of the great discoveries made during those “golden” months.牛顿随后的科研生涯,在很大程度上就是进一步阐述这些“黄金”月份里的各种伟大发现。(3)、He had been loath to announce his discoberies,but within a week after his election to the Society he asked permission to communicate an account of the “philosophical d
19、iscovery” which had induced him “to the making of the said telescope”.原先他一直不愿公布他的发现,但在他入选皇家学会后一周不到,便主动请求发表一项“哲学上的发现”。(4)、His amanuensis, Humphrey Newton (no relative), wrote that he neber knew Newton “to take any recreation or pastime either in riding out to take the air, walking, rowing, or any oth
20、er exercise whatever,thinking all hours lost that were not spent in his studies”.他的书记员汉佛莱牛顿(并非他的亲戚)曾写道,他从未听说牛顿“参加过什么娱乐、休闲活动,比如骑马兜风、散散步、划划船或者任何其他体育锻炼,他认为不是花在研究上的时光都是白白浪费掉的。(5)、Now famous and honored, he felt secure enough to offer many public speculations on scientific problems.这时他声名卓著,受人尊重,不再感到有什么顾忌
21、了,于是对科学上的问题公开提出了许多推断与猜测。P164(1)、”You might just as well,” John Thomass father said.“你还是去看看吧”,约翰托马斯的父亲说道。(2)、As they stared at the perverse, shiny objecy,a few grains of dirt fell from its under surface, as though to demonstrate that for dirt, at least,the law of gravitational attraction still held f
22、irm.正当他们盯着这个反常的、闪亮的物体瞧个不停的时候,有几粒碎士从它下面坠落,这像是证明,至少地球引力对泥土而言还在起作用。(3)、The hat met nothing more resistant than air,and therewith the reporter became the first of a series of professional gentlemen who came to scoff and stayed to wonder.除空气外,帽子什么也没有碰着。于是打这几位记者开始,随之而来的一连串专业人士都是来时怀着讪笑的心情,但稍后便惊讶不已。(4)、John
23、 Thomass father obliged with a recital of the events of the morning, suppressing,however,the episode of hetting the cube with the spade.约翰托马斯的父亲复述了一遍早晨发生的事情,但他隐瞒了用铁锹猛击那个立方体的一段情节。(5)、The president rebersed his field with a mental agelety that no doubt had contributed to his reputation as an administr
24、ator.校长听后马上机灵地改变了他的立场,毫无疑问,这种随机应变的本领曾帮助他成为一位声名卓著的管理者。P187(1)、Americans who have lived in Europe come back to comment on our favorite farewell which,instead of the old goodbye (God bi with you),is now “Take it easy”, each American admonishing the other not to break down from the tension and strain of
25、 modern life.在欧洲生活过的美国人回来后评论我们最爱用的告别语说,过去是“再见”(goodbye-原意为“上帝与你同在”),如今却说“多保重”(take it easy-原意为“放松些”),美国人都在相互告诫,别让紧张劳累的现代生活搞垮身体。(2)、The explosion of a bomb in the streets of a city whose name no one had ever heard before may set in motion forces which end up by ruining ones carefully planned educatio
26、n in law school, half a world away.一枚炸弹在一个过去从来没听说过的城市街道上爆炸,就可能会导致一些势力活跃起来,结果使自己精心设计的去地球另一边就读法学院的计划告吹。(3)、He isnt sure whether it is the current year or the Administration or a change in climate or the atom bomb that is to blame for this undefined sense of unease.他吃不准到底是为什么引起这种无可名状的不安心情,是今年的运道还是政府,是气
27、候变化还是因为原子弹。(4)、People who are anxious enough keep their car insurance up, have the brakes checked,dont take a second drink when they habe to drive, are careful where they go and with whom they drive on holidays.有足够焦虑的人总是及时交汽车保险,检查刹车,要开车时不喝第二杯酒,对于假日去哪里以及和谁一起开车去,都十分当心。(5)、This is the world out of whic
28、h grows the hope, for the first time in history, of a society where there will be freedom from want and freedom from fear.这是一个产生希望的世界,历史上人们第一次可以希望生活在一个没有贫穷没有恐惧的社会里。P212(1)、Darwin wanted to know exactly what tells an insect-eating plant like the common sundew to close its leaves when a fly settles on
29、 it.达尔文想搞清楚,当苍蝇停到像普通的捕蝇草这类捕食昆虫的植物上时,究竟是什么促使这些植物立刻合拢上叶子的。(2)、It is trying each possible alternative in turn, intelligently and systematically; and throwing away what wont work, and accepting what will, no matter how it goes against our prejudices.科学理智地、系统地逐一实验每种可能性,扬弃不可行的,采纳可行的,而不管这种取舍与我们的成见多么相悖。(3)、
30、How is he to know what has not been done, or to guess the labor of what has?What is he to think but to marvel at the skill of science, and to fear its power?他怎能知道科学上还有什么尚待研究,又怎能猜到为了获得现有成果科学家们花了多少心血?他除了对科学的技巧感叹不已,对其威力产生恐惧之外还能有什么别的想法呢?(4)、We want to cling to the doctrines and doctrines and prejudices
31、which we imagine,quite wrongly,made the world snug seventy years ago.我们想死抱住过去的教条与偏见不放,十分错误地认为,它们在七十年前曾使我们这个世界温馨宜人。(5)、And we have the whole history of science to tell us that every fundamental discovery has in the end brought men more good than harm.科学的全部历史告诉我们,每一项带有根本性质的发现最终给人们带来的益处总要大于弊端。4、汉翻英P38(
32、1)、他对生活的乐观态度常常会感染队友,在队里造成一种积极向上的(positive)气氛。His optimistic attitude toward life tended to spread to his teammates,and created a positive atmosphere within the team.(2)、搜寻外星人或许有可能为我们了解宇宙起源提供新的线索。The search for extraterrestrial intelligence may throw new light on the origens of the universe.(3)、他妻子把他
33、们所处的窘境跟他说了,然后让他仔细想想他们所剩下的可能有的几种选择。His wife told him the dilemma they were in, and then left him to ponder the few potions left to them.(4)、她为招待会所挑选的食物、音乐和装饰品全都显示出她高雅的情趣。Her choices of food, music and decorations for the reception all showed her exquisite taste.(5)、你今后出国旅行的机会即便有,也很可能极少,我觉得这次你应该尽量争取去。
34、 Your opportunities to travel abroad in future might very well be so few, if any,that I think you should make every effort to go thes time.P86(1)、起初,我打算先准备生物课的考试,而后再做论文,但后来决定还是将做得顺序倒过来为好。 At first I planned to prepare for my biology test first and then work on my research paper, but later I decided
35、that I had better do it the other way around.(2)、就预测地震而言,科学家能做的似乎微乎其微,不过城市规划设计师却可以在减轻地震造成的损失方面有点儿作为。 When it comes to predicting earthquakes, there seems very little scientists can do, though city planners can do something to reduce the damage caused by earthquakes.(3)、去年夏天洪水期间,不得不动全国的力量来救灾。 During
36、last summers flood, the whole nation had to be mobilized for relief efforts.(4)、鉴于她对生活的消极态度,她不可能在改革管理部门的事情上给予支持。 Given her passibe attitude toward life,she is not likely to provide any support in terms of management reform.(5)、凭她的创见和组织能力,我认为她不是我们的负担,而是我们委员会的一份宝贵的财富。 With her creative mind and organi
37、zational ability, she is,I believe,not a liability but rather a great asset to our committee.P113(1)、能很快适应市场变化的商人定会生意兴隆。 Businessmen who are quick to adapt to changes in the market will thrive.(2)、我深感挫折-因为我知道我们设定的目标是达不到了。I was consumed with a feeling of frustration - knowing that the target we had s
38、et was beyond reach.(3)、他那乐观的扩张战略成了上个世纪90年代后期爆发的亚洲金融危机的牺牲品。 His optimistic expansion strategies fell victim to the Asian financial creses that broke out in late 1990s.(4)、到她50岁的时候,她已经能够实现她一生的抱负:以写作为生而不必依赖一个赞助人。 By the time she was fifty she was in a position to fulfill her lifes ambition: to support
39、 herself by writing without having to depend on a patron.(5)、当我煞费苦心做出的看似完美无缺的安排被证明两边都不讨好的时候,我不由得感到非常沮丧。 I could not help but feel rotten as the seemingly faultless arrangements I had taken great pains to make turned out to please neither side.P154(1)、总之,这些实验室设备太贵,而且也许过时了。 In brief, the lab facilities are too expensive, and probably out of date at that.(2)、获悉我们提议的发展计划未
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