1、【商用英语】职场必备!10。个商用英语单词/常用句型总整理背了无数单词,想到会议还是只会说“meeting吗?在职场上跟人交谈 时还是只说的出,I think.跟know吗?我也有一样的困扰!感觉自己讲话很不 正式、e-mail常常写错字,所以这次整理了 100个使用频率很高的商用英语单 词,以及常用的句型30句,除了减少出根的机率外,更能提升专业度,增加在 上司、同事前的好印象!把口语变成职场用语的10个动词以下10个动词是大家都会的,但是在职场上有更为得体的用法:1. Get -> receive 收到、得到2. Need 玲 require 需要3. Talk about disc
2、uss 讨论4. Get in touch -> contact 联系5. Make sure -> ensure 确保6. Give travel plans G provide itinerary 提供旅行计划7. Let them know inform 通知、告知8. Tell why 玲 explain 解释9. Talk more elaborate 详尽阐述10. 10.Fix the problem solve 解决100个必备商用英语 单词 (红色字为口语用法比较)A1 . advantage 优势The advantage of the idea was its
3、 simplicity.这个主意的优点就在于它简单明了。2 . availability 供给 As the availability of the internet grows the world, so does the availability of research information.由于网际网络在全世界可利用程度的增长,所以研究信息的可获得程度也随之增 长。3 . agents代理商、代理人They hired agents to conduct their affairs.他们雇请代理人来处理他们的事务。4 . annual 公J;年 (every year annual)E
4、mployees are entitled to an annual paid leave of fifteen days.职员一年可享受十五天带薪的假期。5 .allocate 分配A batch of rolled steel was allocated to us .调来一批钢材。B6 .brand厂牌商标I found this to be a reliable brand of washing machines.我觉得这是这个牌子的洗衣机很可靠。7 . budget 预算She tried to keep her monthly budget below $400.她试图将每月的开支
5、限制在四百元以下。8 . buyer 买方What attracted buyers to this house was its roominess.对买主来说,这栋房子的吸引人之处是它的宽敞。9 . bid投标出价The firm decided to bid on the guidance system.该公司决定投标导航系统。10 .break打破;违反It takes courage to break the bonds of convention.打破传统的束缚需要勇气。11 .cash down以现金付款I'd like to cash this check in, ple
6、ase.我想兑现这张支票。12 .concur 意见一致The brothers rarely concur on any issues.他们兄弟在任何问题上都很少有一致的意见。13 .credit (金钱上的)信用 Banks will be stingier with credit. 银行的信用额度会缩减。14 .customs 海关I had a brush with the customs men.我与海关官员小冲突了一场。D15 .database 数据库数据库管理系统database management system16 . demand 要求They rejected the
7、union demand.他们拒绝了工会的要求。17 . department 部门The new employee was attached to the sales department.新来的雇员被派在销售部工作。18 . discrimination 歧视Is there racial discrimination in your company?你们公司是否有种族歧视?19 . dismiss解散免职解彳雇Did you get any compensation when you were dismissed from your job?你被解雇时有没有拿到补助金?20 . econ
8、omy 经济 The employees of the firm practised economy in doing everything.该公司的雇员做任何事都力行节约。21 .efficiency 效率These machines have increased our work efficiency many times.这些机器使我们的工作效率提高了许多倍。22 .empower 授权Congress is empowered to levy taxes.国会被授权征税。23 .entrepreneur 企业、企业家Market position is maximal challeng
9、e of entrepreneur市场定位是创业者最大挑战24 .ethics 伦理The ethics of his profession do not permit him to do that.他的职业道德不容许他那样做。F25 .factor 因素(reason 玲 factor)He analyzed the various factors.他分析了各种各样的因素。26 .finance 财务He is on the finance committee.他是财政委员会的委员。27 .feedback 反馈Have you had any feedback from customers
10、 about the new soap?有关新款肥皂你有没有收到顾客的反馈意见?28 .forecast 预测The teacher forecast that twenty of his pupils would pass the examination.老师预测他有二十名学生能通过考试。29 .fit适合于;使适合Her training fits her for the job.她所受的训练使她能胜任这项工作。G30 .grasp抓紧、把握If you grasp an opportunity, you take it eagerly.急忙抓住,毫不犹豫地把握住(机会)31 .grind
11、研磨、苦学back to the grind回到工作岗位32 .goodwill善意、(企业的)商誉We paid $50,000 for the store, plus $8,000 for goodwill.我们花五万美金买这个店铺,外加八千美金付它的商业信誉。33 .generate造成,引起Investment generates higher incomes.投资带来更高的收入。H34 .household家庭、家用的This is a good household soap.这是一种质量优良的家用肥皂。35 .human relations (工作场所的)人际关系Human rel
12、ations have commanded people ' s attention from early times人际关系问题很早就引起人们的注意。36 .hold 抱持I hold the converse opinion.我持相反意见。37.increment 增加Notice of price increment涨价通知38.induct使正式就任、引导A service to induct the new president of the university.那个大学新校长正式的就任仪式。39.informal 非正式We have an informal agreeme
13、nt to ride to school together.我们有个一起骑车上学的非正式约定。40.install就职、安装He has been installed in his new office.他已就任新职。41.integrate 整合、采纳I integrated your suggestion with my plan.我把你的建议采纳到我的计划中来。42.identify认出、参与I cannot identify this signature.我识别不出这是谁的签字。43.illustrate (用图,实例等)说明,阐明He illustrated his point by
14、 relating his own experiences.他用自己的经历说明他的观点。L44.labor劳工、努力、尽力She labored ten years on that book.那本书她足足写了十年。45.label标签、把列为These people are often labeled as work-shy.这些人常被归入怕工作的一类。46.loss 损失It is a great loss to her.这是她的巨大损失。47.1 aunch 开始Father and his partner launched into a new business.父亲与他的合伙人开办了一
15、家新商号。48.10 ng term 长期in the long term从长远的观点来说M1.2 mail order 邮购Their new products are available by mail order.他们的新产品可以邮购方式买到。1.3 managing director 总经理1.4 manuals 手册 the job guide manuals 工作指导手册1.5 merger 合并The two businesses contracted a merger.两家商行签约合并了。1.6 methods 方法I should like to commend this m
16、ethod to you.我想向您推荐这一方法。1.7 manipulate (熟练地)操作,运用Do you know how to manipulate a computer?你会使用计算机吗?1.8 modify 更改,修改(change modify)We have to modify our plan a little bit.我们得对我们的计划稍加修改。N1.9 notice 通知They are ready to start at short notice.他们已准备好,一接到通知就立即出发。01.10 bjective 目标To keep his job, he had to
17、subordinate his interests to the objectives of his company.为保住他的工作,他不得不以公司的目标为主,自己的利益其次。1.11 bservation 观察、看法I insisted that my observation be minuted.我坚持要把我的看法记入议事录。1.12 ccupation 职业He is a bus driver by occupation.他的职业是公交车司机。1.13 verstocking过多的库存It was overstock so I am getting 200 shirt to sell o
18、nline.由于库存超量,我取了 200件上网销售。1.14 vertime 逾时I'll give you double pay for working overtime.你加班我付你双倍工钱。1.15 perate营运、管理The department store is well operated.那家百货公司经营得法。1.16 rder 命令The mayor ordered that free food be distributed.市长命令发放免费食品。1.17 rganize组织、安排Well organize an oratorical contest.我们将筹划一次演说
19、比赛。1.18 utline画出的轮廓、概述He listened as I outlined my reasons.他听我扼要地叙述了我的理由。P66 .present 出席的How many people were present at the meeting?到会的有多少人?67 .parent company 母公司The subsidiary is in France but the parent company is in America.子公司在法国,但母公司在美国。68 .partnership 合伙关系They had entered into partnership wit
20、h the company.他们已与那家公司合伙。69 .payment 付款I have received an advance payment.我已收到一笔预付款。70 .price 定价he priced them at £50 each他给它们定价每个50英镑71 .private 私人的That's my private view.那是我个人的观点。72 .purchase 购买We contracted with a Japanese firm for the purchase of electronic instruments.我们与一家日本公司签约购买电子仪器
21、。73 .predict 预言He predicted that an earthquake was imminent.他预言即将发生地震。74 .pronounce 宣称 pronounced views 明确的意见Q75 .quality control 品管 incoming quality control入货品质控制;进料质量管制76 .questionnaire |诃卷to fill in/answer a questionnaire 填写 / 回答问卷R77 .raw materials 原料Due to the cost of raw material keeps rising,
22、 there will be no room for future discount or reduce price.原物料持续上涨,无法再降价与折扣78 .receipt 收据We are awaiting the receipt of further information.我们正等待接获进一步的消息。79 .receiver 收件者who was the receiver of the parcel?包裹的收件人是谁?80 .record 纪录She keeps a record of our daily expenses.她将日常开销都记录下来。81 .recruit招募新成员Our
23、club has recruited 30 new members this year.今年我们俱乐部吸收了三十名新会员。82 .redundancy 多余His speech is full of redundancies.他的讲话冗语连篇。83 .reference参考 推荐信、委托权限That is a matter outside the reference.那是委托权限之外的事情。84 .register 注册I registered at a hotel near the train station.我在靠近火车站的一家旅馆登记住宿。S85.select 选择(choose 玲 s
24、elect)He selected a team for the special task.他为这项特殊任务挑选了一组人马。86.self employment 自雇to be self-employed从事自由职业87.self-esteem 自尊The self-esteem of the selected candidates was tickled.这激起了被挑选的候选人的自尊心。88.shareholders 股东The railway had many thousands of shareholders.该铁路有成千上万的股东。89.specialize 专门化Each case
25、must be specialized.每个案例都要进行特殊分析。90.specification 规格The engineer can't start working without the specification for the design.没有关于设计的详细il划,工程师无法开工。91.supplier 供应商All parts should be assembled in supplier's premise.所有零件应在供应商的营业所在组装完成92.specify 具体指定;详细指明(point out -> specify ) The direction
26、s specify how the medicine is to be used.说明书上规定了这药如何服用。T93 .takeover 接收Takeover agreement is now the main way of takeover adopted by listed company in China.协议收购是我国目前上市公司收购的主要方式。94 .test 测试A simple test will show if this is real gold.简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。U95 .uncertainty 不确定性John was depressed by the unc
27、ertainty of his position and duty.不确定的职位和职能使约翰感到沮丧。96 .upmarket高档市场Many garment exporters want to move upmarket.很多服装出口商想打入高档市场。V97 .variable costs 变动成本Advertising becomes a variable cost of production that measurably results in making more profit广告变成了产品的可变成本,它可以量化以创造更多利润。98 .visible 可见的She showed no
28、 visible nervousness.她没有表现出明显的紧张。W99 .wages薪资(计日或计时)She is responsible for the determination of wage levels within this company.她负责确定该公司内部的工资水平。100 .weave编织、编造The author wove the incidents together into one story.作者把那些事件编成一个故事。30句必备商用英语句型 自我介绍商用英语句型Km with +公司名我在XX公司工作Our main business is .我们的主要业务是I'm in charge of我负责业务We've been in business for + 年数 我们在这个业界已经年了 道歉、坏消息商用英语句型We are sorry to inform you that我们很抱歉地通知你I would like to apologize for我想为道歉It would be difficult for us to accept我们很难接受I am sorry to hear that很遗憾听到Sorry for the late reply.抱歉晚回覆There are a number of i
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