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1、片名: 泰 山对自己的梦想要有信心Put your faith in what you most believe in虽然两个世界Two worlds, One family心相信 呼啸而行Trust your heart, let fate decide生命一览无遗To guide these lives we see在这个天堂的领域A paradise untouched by man是经过爱的洗礼Within this world blessed with love简单自然 如此和平A simple life, they live in peace尘土随我脚步跨出扬起Softly tre

2、ad the sand below your feet now虽然两个世界Two worlds, One family心相信 呼啸而行Trust your heart, let fate decide生命一览无遗To guide these lives we see在宽阔森林的领域Beneath the shelter of the trees凭着爱才能接近Only love can enter here简单自然 如此和平A simple life, they live in peace眼光看远 别孩子气Raise your head up, lift high the load为爱去顶天立地

3、Take strength from those that need you坚强自己 全心全意Build high the walls, build strong the beams阻挡所有可能会来临的坏事情A new life is waiting, but danger,s no stranger here母亲的泪向谁说明No words describe a mother,s tears伤过的心谁能抚平No words can heal a broken heart别看过去 只要倾听A dream is gone, but where there,s hope希望在远方呼唤着你Somew

4、here something is calling for you一个新的家庭Two worlds, One family心相信 呼啸而行Trust your heart, let fate decide生命一览无遗To guide these lives we see我们之间的爱更加坚定Every moment now the bond grows stronger一个新的家庭Two worlds, one family心相信 呼啸而行Trust your heart, let fate decide生命一览无遗To guide these lives we see妈妈 你看 你看那边Mom

5、my, look ! Look over there !卡娜 她回来了Kala, she,s back!你没事吧? 卡娜Are you all right, dear ?我很好 没事 你们放心I'm fine. No, really, honestly.只是在路上 我耽误了一会儿It's just that I got a little bit. Sidetracked.只是在路上 我耽误了一会儿It's just that I got a little bit. Sidetracked.欸! 这不是那个.是.那个Well, isn't that, uh. We

6、ll, so.哇喔! 它 它长得好 好.Well, it's just so, so.她的意思是说他长得好丑That's freaky-lookin', okay ? That's what it is.托托 没错啊!Terkina ! Well, it is !- 它到底是什么东西呀? - 它是个婴儿- I mean, what the heck is it anyway ? - He's a baby.哦! 嗯! 喔 我看不.Ow ! I can't.它妈妈在哪?So, where's his mama ?我呀! 现在我要当它的妈妈W

7、ell, i'm going to be his mother now.其实 看久了他也不是那么丑啦You know, he,s not so bad once you get used to him.卡娜说他要当他的妈妈Kala's gonna be its mother now.哥查 他是我从花豹嘴里救出来的Kerchak, I saved him from sabor.卡娜 它替代不了我们的儿子Kala, it won't replace the one we lost.我知道 可是 他需要我I know that. But. He needs me.嗯! 可是.

8、他.卡娜 你看看But, it-it-it. Kala, look at it.他不是我们的同类啊!Lt,s not our kind.不行 你得把他送回去No. You have to take it back.送回去? 他会没命的Take him back ? But he'll die !森林要他的命的话.我们. 我要他If the jungle wants him. I want him.卡娜 我不能够让你危害到整个家族Kala, I cannot let you put our family in danger.他看起来有那么可怕吗?Does he look dangerou

9、s to you ?只有他吗?Hmm. Was it alone ?对 花豹杀了他全家Yes. Sabor killed his family.- 你确定? - 我确定 除了他没有别人了- Are you sure ? - Yes. There are no others.嗯 那你留着他吧!Then you may keep him.哥查 我知道他会是个好儿子的 我说他可以留下Kerchak, I know he'll be a good son. I said he could stay.没说他可以做我儿子That doesn't make him my son.我们今晚在这

10、里过夜We will nest here for the night.那.你要叫他什么呢?So, um, whatcha gonna call it ?我要叫他泰山I'm gonna call him. Tarzan.泰山 好吧! 反正是你的小孩Tarzan ? Okay. He's your baby.好了 小小姐 快来吧! 你该上床了All right, little lady, come on. It's way past your nest time.- 喔! 妈 不行 五分钟 - 不行- Oh, mom, five more minutes ? - No !-

11、 两分钟? - 不行- Two more minutes ? - No!一分钟可以吧?One more ''minutes''?喔! 乖.乖.喔.Oh, no, no, no.不.不.嘘.嘘 不要哭 我在这 乖乖Shh, shh, shh. Don't cry. I'm here.不要怕啊Come on, come on.不要再哭了 不要难过了Come, stop your crying, it'll be all right把你的手握紧我Just take my hand hold it tight我会在你身边保护着你I will pr

12、otect you from all around you陪伴着你 不要哭I will be here, don't you cry怀中的你 小却坚强For one so small, you seem so strong我的双臂给你爱和温暖My arms will hold you keep you safe and warm谁都拉不开我们的爱This bond between us can,t be broken陪伴着你 别再哭I will be here don,t you cry你在我心里面,cause you,ll be in my heart你在我心里面Yes,you,ll

13、 be in my heart从今天起 会一直到永远From this day on, now and forevermore在我心里面You,ll be in my heart管他们怎么说No matter what they say你是我的宝贝You,ll be here in my heart永远Always永远Always.喔! 泰山Tarzan ?泰山 啊.喔.Tarzan ?- 哈哈! 妈 被我吓到了吧? 喔! - 你这孩子 哦!- I sure scared you, mom. Whoa. - you sure did !你就不能学些乖一点的动物吗Can't you im

14、itate any quieter animals ?喔 妈 那不好玩 看我学花豹叫Oh, mom, they're no fun. Wanna see me be a leopard ?你学些自个儿的声音给我听啊Why don't you just come up with your own sound ?卡娜Kala !泰山 谢天谢地你没事Tarzan, thank goodness you're all right !卡娜跟我都好担心Kala and I have been so worried !哥查 谢谢你.谢谢你帮我们找到他Thank you. Thank

15、you so much for finding him, kerchak.你真是一个好有智慧的领袖哦You are such a wise and caring leader.跑Run.喔.Ooh ! Um.过来 你脑筋有问题啊Hello ! Are you thick in the head ?- 干嘛? - 要我说几次你才懂啊- What ? - How many times do I have to tell ya ?想要哥查喜欢你的话 最好给我离他远一点If you want kerchak to like you, stay away from him !嘿! 托托 快来 等你了Co

16、me on, terk ! Step on it !最后到的是呆瓜 快喔Last one there's a dung beetle !对 先到的是傻瓜Yeah ! And the first one's gotta eat it !托托 我能去吗?Terk, can I come ?啊! 可以 只要你追的上Well, yeah, you could if you could keep up but.可惜你啊 每次都追不上You can't really keep up.喂! 等等我呀 喂.Wait up, guys. Wait up !哈哈.我追到你们了Right b

17、ehind ya.自己打自己Ah, yeah, take that. Stop hitting yourself.自己打自己 哈.呀Stop hitting yourself!- 自己打自己 - 哈哈.- Stop hitting yourself! - Ow ! Ow !开心果来啦 谢谢各位The fun has arrived * thank you very much.你怎么那么久才来What took you so long ?有一个小尾巴一直跟着我I had a little pest control problem不过现在已经没事啦 哦!But it's all taken

18、 care of.大家好Hi, guys.托托 你干嘛? 开玩笑啊Terk, what is this ? Some kind of joke ?天呀! 嘴上无毛的人又来了Tell me l,m not lookin,at the hairless wonder.因为.托托说Terk said I could come along只要我追的上就可以来玩啊If I could keep up.- 噢! 完啦 喔! 天呀 不会吧! - 托托 拜托吁- Ah, no, terk, come on ! - Terk !我来处里 放心吧 别急I'll handle this, guys. Oka

19、y ?老弟 你过来Listen, buddy, come here.我们现在有个小小的问题要解决We got a tiny, little, itsy-bitsy problem here.老实说 你知道我很喜欢你跟我们一起来玩啦Personally, i'd love to hang out with you. You know I would.可是这些家伙But the guys他们有个小小的要求They need a little convincing, you know.好啊 他们要我干嘛?Okay. What do I gotta do ?干嘛? 他们要你干嘛呀Do ? Wh

20、at do you gotta do ?哈哈.喔! 这真的很蠢的It's so stupid !什么吗?What ?就是.你要去.Well, you gotta.嗯.你要去拔.一根毛You gotta go get a hair.一根毛?A hair ?对呀! 一根毛.哈哈.Yeah, a hair. Uh-huh.是大象的毛An elephant hair.大象的毛An elephant hair ?我说过很蠢的嘛 对吧Like I said, it's stupid, right ?所以 你先回家 乖 听话Listen, take it from me. Go home,

21、okay ?谁稀罕跟这种人玩嘛Who needs this aggravation ? You know ?我想我自己也不会玩太久的啦I'm probably gonna leave soon myself.你先回去 我马上回家 好不好You go, i'll catch up. All right ?看吧! 只要交给我 绝对没有.You see ? Leave it to me.啊.泰山.泰山I told ya. Tarzan !不.Tarzan, no !唉吁! 很痛喔That one hurt him.你看Look !哟.哟 他在那里 他还活着Oh, oh, there

22、he is! He,s alive!嗨! 大家好Hey, guys !嗨!Hi !喔 不.不.不Oh, no. No, no, no!回来.回来呀Come back ! Come back !哈! 这家伙真行唉This guy's great ! If he lives,如果他还活着以后要常带他来玩哦You should bring him around more often.快点 快点找个好位子看 哟.Come on, let's go get a better seat. Ohh.- 你没有睡好觉 - 我睡好了- You never get enough sleep. -

23、I get enough sleep.妈.这个水水真的很干净吗?Mom, are you sure this water's sanitary ?它看起来好脏脏哦It looks questionable to me.没问题的 宝贝It's fine, honey.嘿.好像有虫虫欸!Yech ! But what about bacteria ?丹丹呀 你没看到妈妈在说话呀Tantor, can't you see mommy's talking ?当心 有东西在水里游泳.Watch out ! There's something swimming !游

24、过去啦It's coming right at you !宝贝 妈妈要生气啦Honey, mommy's losing her patience.可是我真的看到东西耶But this time I really see something !喔! 天呀!Oh, boy.食人鱼 这里有食人鱼Piranha! Lt,s a piranha!唉吁! 儿子啊 非洲没有食人鱼Sweetheart, there are no piranhas in africa.嘘.话不能这么说Don't tell the kid that.非洲当然有食人鱼啦Of course there are

25、 piranhas in africa.他说的对No, she's right.食人鱼是从南美来的They're native to south america.不可能 是真的Get outta here. No way !想想清楚如果真有食人鱼我还会站在这Come on. Do you think i'd be standing here if there were ?啊! 在你后面 跑呀Aah ! It's right behind you ! Run !好啦 我再说一次啦宝贝For the last time, honey,在我们这里没有什么食人鱼Ther

26、e are no piranhas in.我的屁股My butt !你看吧I told you!喂! 我后面有什么东西呀? 什么?There's something on my butt.是什么! 附近还有没有啦What is it ? Are there any more of them ?哇.Ahh !那是什么呀What is it ?真的是食人鱼呀It's a piranha !啊.Huh ?食人鱼 啊.Piranha !- 丹丹呀 - 你在哪里?- Whoa ! Whoa ! - Tantor, where are.他死定了He's dead !我们死定了We&

27、#39;re dead !哇! 哦啊!Whoa ! Oof!是他的错 就是他We didn't do it ! They're the ones !喔 谢谢你 哥查 喔Oh, thank you, kerchak.泰山 老弟 起来呀Tarzan, buddy ! Buddy, come on.你不能就这样就死呀Tarzan, don't die on me.谁叫你真的去拔象毛了You weren't supposed to do it !不要靠近他Get away from there !食人鱼会把你吃掉的Don't you know a piranha

28、 can strip your flesh in seconds ?什么? 他又不是食人鱼 他是 他是. 哈哈.What ? He's not a piranha ! He's.他还活着He's alive !- 他还活着 他还活着喔! - 他还活着唉- He's alive ! He's alive ! - He's alive !他.你这个呆头鹅He's alive. You idiot !你害我差一点心脏跳出来 还笑You nearly gave me a heart attack. Ya happy ?看啊.Uh-huh.你.我不

29、相信You. I don't believe it.你拿到了象毛?You got the hair ?就为了一根象毛Is that what this is all about ?我尾巴上有好多呢I got a whole tail of them.泰山Tarzan! Terkina!喔! 惨了Oh, no!那是谁呀Who's that ?我妈My mom.泰山 嗨!Tarzan!嗨! 卡娜阿姨Hi, aunt kala. Hi.你吓我一跳 怎么回事?Oh, you scared me ! What happened ?嗯.我.Well, i.嗯.说起来很长喔It's

30、sort of a long.不过也没什么大事啦It's involved because what happened.可是真的很奇怪Lt was a weird.到底怎么回事What happened ?都是我的错 哥查It was my fault, kerchak.泰山Tarzan !我们在玩 后来.嗯We were playing and well.对不起 哥查I'm. I'm sorry, kerchak.你差点害死别人You almost killed someone !- 我不是故意的 - 他还是个孩子- But it was an accident. -

31、 He's only a child.孩子也不行 不要老护着他That's no excuse, kala ! You can't keep defending him !他会学啊But he'll learn !他不会He will never learn !永远不会跟我们一样You can't learn to be one of us.你为什么不肯给他一个机会Because you never give him a chance !给他机会Give him a chance ?卡娜 你看看他Kala, look at him.他永远不会跟我们一样H

32、e will never be one of us.哥查Kerchak !泰山Tarzan !泰山 你在干嘛Tarzan, what are you doing ?我为什么跟人家不一样Why am I so different ?因为你混身都是泥巴 你看看你Because you're covered with mud. That's why.不是 哥查说我根本就不属于.No ! Kerchak said I didn't belong in the.不要乱讲话Close your mouth.哥查说我不属于这个家族Kerchak said I don't be

33、long in the family.你不要管哥查怎么说Never mind what kerchak said.啊.别动.Now, hold still !可是.可是.你看看我!But, look at me !看到啦! 泰山 你猜我看到什么I am, tarzan. And do you know what I see ?我看到两个眼睛 跟我一样I see two eyes, like mine.还有一个鼻子.And a nose. Somewhere.躲在.啊.在这Ahh. Here !还有两个耳朵Two ears !来 我看看还有什么呢?And, let's see. What

34、 else ?两只手Two hands ?答对啦That's right.闭上你的眼睛Close your eyes.忘掉你眼前的一切Now forget what you see.你听到了什么What do you feel ?我的心跳My heart.过来Come here.- 你的心跳 - 对啦- Your heart. - See ?我们是一模一样We're exactly the same.哦! 哥查永远看不清Oh ! Kerchak just can't see that.我会让他看清的I'll make him see it !我是最棒的猩猩I&#

35、39;ll be the best ape ever !你一定是的Oh, I bet you will.哦 你小小的心目中Oh, the power to be strong有着远大的目标and the wisdom to be wise勇敢往前冲 放大胆量all these things will come to you in time在那漫长人生道路On this journey that you,re making充满崎岖和坎坷there,ll be answers that you,ll seek不论你前途多困苦and it,s you who,ll climb the mountai

36、n拿出坚忍毅力lt,s you who,ll reach the peak小泰山 你抬头望son of man look to the sky美好前程在远方lift your spirit set it free拿出你的勇气来someday you,ll walk tall with pride让全世界都在你脚底son of man a man in time you,ll be生活中没人能带领though there,s no one there to guide you一切靠你自己no one to take your hand只要你信心能坚定but with faith and unde

37、rstanding成功就在你的眼前you will journey from boy to man小泰山 你抬头望son of man look to the sky美好的前程在远方lift your spirit set it free拿出你的勇气来someday you,ll walk tall with pride让全世界都在你脚底son of man a man in time you,ll be你不断在学习ln learning you will teach你在学习中成长and in teaching you will learn而爱会引你到完美境界you,ll find your

38、place beside the ones you love哦 你心中曾有梦想all and all the things you,ve dreamed of等着你去实现the visions that you saw但时光流转 梦想不再well, the time is drawing near now别再让梦成空lt,s yours to claim it all小泰山 你抬头望son of man look to the sky美好前程在远方lift your spirit set it free拿出你的勇气来someday you,ll walk tall with pride让全世界

39、都在你脚底son of man a man in time you,ll be小泰山 全世界都会在你脚底son of man , son of man,s a man for all to see别告诉我你又想吓我don't even think about it.你怎么知道是我How'd you know it was me ?我是你妈 我当然知道I'm your mother. I know everything.你刚刚又到哪去啦?Where have you been ?你不是什么都知道的吗?I thought you knew everything.嗨 卡娜阿姨

40、你好Hey, auntie k.你的毛发梳的好整齐You're looking remarkably groomed today.谢谢你了Hello, terk.啊.喔.不要掐我脖子Not the neck. Not the neck there, t.好啦 再闹下去要出大事了啦Whoa ! Okay. It's all fun and games till someone loses an eye.停下来了 好不好? 小心受伤啦Please stop. Somebody,s gonna get hurt.我的背 我的背And it's always me. Pleas

41、e.我的手.扭断了啦Cramp in the calf!放手 我认输了 好 我认输Okay, you win ! Ow, ow ! Okay ! You win. Hello ?放开啦Yo, yo, let go !哦.抱歉托托Oh, sorry, terk.你到底是什么东西呀What kind of animal are you ?我最近也在想这件事I've been thinking lately他可能有一点大象的血统That maybe tarzan could be some subspecies of elephant.什么? 你有毛病啊 他是大象?What, are you

42、 crazy? An elephant ?你听我说嘛 你想想Listen to me. Think about it.他喜欢吃花生 我也爱吃花生He enjoys a peanut. I enjoy a peanut.可是他跟你一点也不像啊He looks nothing like you !好啦! 让一让 各位 不要挡路 让一让Okay, everybody, move aside. Outta my way !他的好朋友来啦 那就是我Best friend comin' through. That would be me.还有你不要把他当成习惯 好吗?And you, don

43、9;t make a habit of that, okay ?要引人注意的方法很多There are other ways of gettin' attention. You know ?- 我会记住的 - 好吧!- I'll try to remember that. - All right.还有.需要我就叫我 我支持你I was right behind ya if you needed me.那是什么?What was that ?不知道 反正不是我 我发誓Ayah, it wasn't me. I swear !- 也许.也许可能是. - 大家注意!- Oka

44、y, maybe it was. - Everyone!出发Let's move.这让我想起在尚比加打猎那次的经验 喔.This reminds me of the safari l led up the Zambezi.太精彩啦 什么都有啊Back, back, back, back, back.到处是野蜜蜂Ooh, was it scary there.有两个人帮我装三把枪的子弹 我就这样轰他们Two men with only three rifles. We blasted away.我终于知道自己天生就是.非洲的大克星That,s when l knew l was born

45、 for africa!非洲就是我.And africa was created for.克里顿Clayton!克里顿 喔.你在这儿啊Clayton ! Oh, there you are.你看到什么啦 克里顿 你没事吧What is it ? What is it, clayton ? Are we in danger?我好像是看到什么东西啦I thought I saw something.是不是大河马 食人鱼还是犀牛啊Is it a hippopotamus amphibious, or a rhinoceros bihornus ?- 教授 不要动 好. - 好- Professor,

46、 don,t move! - Ah, right.爸Daddy?爸 你们叽叽咕咕的在说什么呀?Daddy, what's all the hullabaloo about ? Aah !爸 你在干嘛?What is it, daddy ?克里顿先生叫我不要动 他看到个东西Mr. Clayton asked me not to move. He saw something.啊.我动了Oh, I moved.嗯! 克里顿先生 打扰一下Ah, mr. Clayton, sorry. Excuse me, uh.我跟我爸爸到这里来But my father and I came on this

47、 expedition是想研究猩猩.To study gorillas.我觉得你这样子冒然开枪会吓到他们I believe your shooting might be scaring them off.布小姐 你雇我是为了保护你们You hired me to protect you, miss porter,我这么做也是为了保护你们And protect you I shall.我们也觉得你做的非常好And you're doing a marvelous job of it.可是我们搭的船很快就要来了 所以 我是.We only have a short time before

48、the ship returns.珍妮 喔.珍妮 你看你站在什么东西上面啦Jane ! Jane, do you realize what you're standing in ?- 猩猩的窝呀! - 喔! 爸爸- A gorilla's nest ! - Oh, daddy !好不容易啊 这么多天啦At last, our first sign in days !- 那些野兽会在附近吗? - 很可能啊!- Do you think the beasts could be nearby ? - Could be.你看这就是证据啦 他们可能离我们很近啊.There,s the e

49、vidence. Not very far, anyway.爸 你看 那一边 还有那边.那里? 看到啦Daddy, look ! Over there and there !唉! 有更多的窝.我看到他们.Where ? Oh,yes, more nests! I see them !- 跟您想的一样 - 是一个大家族吁- Just as you predicted. - Whole family groups !喔! 珍妮 我爱你Jane, I love you !一个大家族? 拜托! 两位Family groups ? Excuse me,那些可能都是野兽But these are wild

50、 beasts.而且那些野兽会要了你们的命耶That would sooner tear your head off than look at you.正好相反 我爸的意思是他们不是可怕的On the contrary.daddy's theory is that these are social creatures.克里顿先生 拜托Mr. Clayton, please !万一伤了猩猩.What if it's a gorilla ?那不是猩猩It's no gorilla.嗯 我看我们再继续走走.Hmm. But perhaps we should press on

51、.好的 再走走.Yes, indeed.我想 我们应该往西走We should keep heading west跟着这些窝走下去Following the ganoderma ablonatum.唉! 太好了 教授Excellent, professor!哈哈.其实上次去打猎要是有您在就好了I could,ve used your expertise on my last safari.哈哈! 原来是你让我们担心了半天呀Are you what all the fuss was about ?爸! 爸.快呀Daddy ! Daddy, quick !不.等等 不要动哦No, wait, wa

52、it. Hold still.哦 天呀 哦小家伙Oh, my. Oh, my good.你大概不算是猩猩You may not be a gorilla,可是你真是个小可爱.But you are one sweet little.喔! 你看.怎么样?Huh. There you go. What do you think ?喔 哈What ? Oh !你这个小坏蛋Why, you little.真是太离谱了Well, this is absolutely peachy !我是来研究猩猩Come to study gorillas,狒狒居然抢走我的画册 过份And get my sketchbook pinched by a baboon !还给我啊 狒狒Give me that !哦 不要闹了Come on now, enough of this.我数到三你把它还给我I want this paper on the count of three.一 二.One, two.啊! 你看 有香蕉Oh, look, bananas !没想到你还真好骗I can't believ


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