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1、北京市海淀区2020届高考英语 完形填空和阅理暑假自练(3)阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A,B,C或D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Businesses are witnessing a difficult time, which has in turn produced influence on consumers ' desire to go green. However, shoppers are still laying stress on environmental concerns.Two thirds of customers say that environmenta

2、l considerations inform their purchases to the samedegree as they did a year ago, while more than a quarter say that they are now even better aware of the environmental effect on what they buy.This may help to influence how shops store goods on their shelves. And the companies should still makeeffor

3、ts to becomemore environmentally friendly. Two out of three people think it is important to buy from environmentally responsible companies, with about one in seven saying that they had even decided to take their custom elsewhere if they felt a company s environmental reputation was not good enough.H

4、arry Morrison, chief executive ( 主管)of the Carbon Trust, sympathizes: “I understand this situation where survival is very important now. But f rom environmental considerations, the clock is ticking we don' t have muchtime. In addition, cutting carbon has an immediate effect as costs drop and a m

5、edium依rm benefit for the brand. ”Larger companies have an extra motivation to look at reducing their carbon footprint, as new rules next year will require businesses to buy carbon allowances to make up for their emissions (排放).Those that have taken early action will have a head start. More than two

6、thirds of consumers are not clear about which companies are environmentally responsible. This suggests that firms that are able to relay clearly their message to the public will be in a pole position to attract shoppers.The Carbon Trust believes that it can help by informing customers about thegood

7、work companies are doing.“When companies are granted ( 授予)thestandard, they can use a logo ( 标识)in all their marketing which makes it clear that they are working towards cutting emissions," Mr. Morrison said.1. What ' s the main idea of the passage?A. Businesses are finding ways to send the

8、ir message to the shoppers.B. Companies will soon get information about cutting carbon emissions.C. Firms are making efforts to encourage customers to keep goods at home.D. Firms are urged to cut carbon emissions by shoppers' environmental awareness.2. The underlined word “inform" in Paragr

9、aph 2 probably means“”A. affectB. changeC. disturbD. reject3. According to Harry Morrison, businesses .A. will benefit from cutting carbon emissionsB. should buy carbon allowances for shoppersC. are required to make up for their carbon emissionsD. have encouraged shoppers to take their custom elsewh

10、ere4. We can learn from the passage that businesses will.A. have a strong desire to reduce costsB. use the same logo in their marketingC. gain advantages by taking early actionD. attract more shoppers by storing goods【参考答案】1-4 DAAC【山东省范泽市2020高考英语一模试题】完形填空。阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选

11、项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Xinxin, a 12-year-old student from Beijing, enjoyed his winter vacation with his father in Singapore. During their visit, he even had the chance to 11 some of Singapore's sights by himself 12 his father was busy with other things.Xinxin ' s first adventure 13 in Singapore was a

12、t a water park near their hotel. He enjoyed swimming and 14 into the water by himself, and then returned to the hotel before a time in the evening that was 15 by his father.The boy also madea trip to Universal Studios Singapore 16 a guardian. He had already been to the park with his father two times

13、 during the trip.Xinxin volunteered to makehis 17 trip by himself. His father gave him some pocket moneyto buy lunch, and then Xinxin rode the shuttle from their hotel to the studios. He spent a whole day there and had a 18 time. In an interview with Beijing Evening News, Xinxin' s father said t

14、hat19 he was too busy to spend all his time with his son, he decided to give him the opportunity to develop a sense of 20 . Had Xinxin ' s mother beenthere, she would not have let Xinxin out of her sight, the father commented. 11. A. studyB. exploreC. testD.measure12. A. whileB. untilC. beforeD.

15、 unless13. A. along14. A. floating15. A. made16. A. under without17. A. first fourth18. A.terrible flexible19. A. thoughB. aliveB. surfingB. setB. behindB. secondB.miserableB. since20. A. independence B. daring【参考答案】 11 15 BACDBC. aloneC. drivingC. decidedC. withC. thirdC. fantasticC. ifC. pride16 2

16、0 DCCBAD. lonelyD. divingD. askedD.D.D.D. whenD. diligence第 1 模块 完形填空 模块导读( 3)探究点二对形容词和副词的考查形容词、副词是高考完形填空题重要的考查内容。形容词可以修饰名词;副词主要用来修饰动词、形容词、副词等。广东高考完形填空考查的副词有相当一部分是方式副词( 表示行为动作发生方式的副词 ) 。重点掌握以下两类副词:1 由形容词加后缀ly 构成的副词, 如 slowly( 慢慢地 ), politely( 有礼貌地 ),proudly( 骄 傲 地 ), carelessly( 粗 心 地 ), properly( 适

17、 当 地 , 完 全 地 ), successfully( 成功地 ) , badly( 严重地, 非常 )等。2 由分词 加后缀 ly 构成 的副词 , 如 surprisingly( 使人惊奇的 是 ), hurriedly( 匆忙地 ), undoubtedly( 无疑, 必定 )等。做题时应该注意:1 形容词、副词的基本意义、引申意义例 1 That his only son was killed in a car accident was a blow to the old man.A heavyB broad C huge D main【解析】 A 老人唯一的儿子在车祸中丧生对他来

18、说是沉重的打击。这里的 heavy 意思是“强烈的, 沉重的” 。例 2 She has the ability to keepin an emergency.A quiet B calm C stillD silent【解析】 B 我们不妨从这几个表示“静”的反义词的角度来加以辨析。 calm 对应wild, 指海上无浪, 情绪稳定; still 对应 moving, 指不动; silent 对应 wordy, 指 不出声; quiet 对应 noisy, 指安静, 无噪音。由句意可知应选B。例 3 Mr.Smith used to smoke but he has given it up.

19、A seriously B heavilyC badlyD hardly【解析】 B Mr.Smith 以前抽烟抽得很凶, 但现在已经戒掉了。这里的 heavily 指的是量大, 次数频繁。例 4 The final score of the basketball match was 93: 94.We were onlybeaten.A nearly B slightlyC narrowly D lightly【解析】C 副词narrowly在此表示“勉强地”。句意:篮球赛的最后比分是 93: 94。我们以微弱的劣势输掉了比赛。例 5 It is always difficult being

20、 in a foreign country, if youdon t speak the language.A extremely B naturallyC basically D especially【解析】 D 注意掌握词语的准确含义, 结合语境进行分析。 extremely 极端地; naturally 自然地; basically 基本上; especially 尤其, 特别地。例 6 She devoted herself to her research and it earned her a goodreputation in her field.A strongly B extr

21、emelyC entirely D freely【解析】 C strongly 强烈地; extremely 极端地, 非常; entirely 全部地, 完 全地;freely 自由地。根据句意, C 项最符合。2同、近义形容词、副词的区别在对形容词和副词的考查中, 有时会碰到同义、近义词的辨析。辨析时, 单从汉语意思上有时是无法辨清的。我们要逆向思维, 采用反义对比、分析构词等方法,使语义一目了然。例 7 When I took his temperature, it was two degrees above .A average B ordinary C regular D norma

22、l例 8 Letter boxes are muchmore in the UKthan in the US, wheremost people have a mailbox instead.A Common B Normal C ordinary D usual例 9 It s in the interest that we should have a wellrun healthservice.A ordinary B generalC Particular D usual例 10 Now, in our country, free medical treatment covers sic

23、kness of mind as well as sickness.A normal B averageC ordinaryD regular【解析】 7.D8.A 9.B 10.C 这组题目主要涉及 ordinary, usual, common 和normal 等词语的辨析。要辨清这几个中文意义十分相近的词的用法, 我们不妨来 个逆向思维, 从它们的反义词上去寻找一些 “蛛丝马迹” : ordinary special (特 殊的 ) ; general specific, particular (具体的, 个体的 ) ; commonrare ( 少见的 ) ; normal abnor

24、mal (不正常的 ) 。从反义词的角度, 把同义、近义词作对 比, 它们的区别便一目了然。3形容词与介词的搭配例 11 This magazine is very with young people, who like itscontent and style.A familiar B popularC similar D particular【解析】B be familiar with 熟悉;be popular with 受欢迎;be similar to与相似(注意不搭配介词 with) ; be particular about对很讲究(不搭配介词 with) 。4副词与动词的搭配例

25、 12 I recognize the difficult situation the companyis in.A Strongly B deeplyC sincerely D fully【解析】 D 注意记忆一些常用表达, 如 deeply regret 深感遗憾; fully recognize 完全认清;sincerely hope 由衷地希望; strongly recommend强烈建议。5语境对形容词、 副词的考查, 侧重语境考查占较大比重。 解答此类题目时不仅要理解形容词和副词的词义, 而且对语境的正确理解更为重要。 所以,要根据语境选择与短文所描述的情景或叙述的人、 物、 事

26、件的性质、 特征等有关的形容词或副词, 选择与短文前后叙述的话题、主题、中心内容相关的形容词或副词。例 13 The committee is discussing the problem right now. It willhave been solvedby theend of next week.A. eagerly . hopefullyC . immediately D . gradually【解析】B 既然“现在正在讨论”,那么这个问题在一定时间内得到解决是“有 希望的”。比较四个选项,你会发现A、C、D在逻辑上都讲不通,可知答案是Bo例 14 At times, worrying

27、 is a normal, response to a difficult event or situation a loved one being injured in an accident, for example.A. effective B . individualC. inevitable D . unfavorable【解析】C 分析题干的语境可知,既然“worrying ”是对困难的一种正常反应,那么这种现象的发生就是自然的,也是“不可避免的”。阅读理解。The internet will open up new vistas (前景),create the global vi

28、llage you can makenew friends all around the world.That , at least, is what it promised us.The difficulty is thatit did not take the human mind into account.Thereality is that we can not keep relationship with more than a limited number of people.No matter how hard the internet tries to putyou in co

29、mmunication, its best efforts will be defeated by your mind.The problem is twofold( 双重的).First, there is a limit on the number of people we can hold in mind and have a meaningful relationship with.That number is about 150 and is set by the size of our brain.Second, the quality of your relationships

30、depends on the amount of time you invest (投入)in them.Weinvest a lot in a small number of people and then distribute what's left among as manyothers as we can.The problem is that if we invest little time in a person, our engagement with that person will decline ( 减弱)until eventually it dies into

31、“someone I once knew ” .This is not, of course, to say that the internet doesn't serve a socially valuable fun ction.Of course it does.But the question is not that it allows you to increase the size of your social circle to include the rest of the world, but that you can keep your relationships

32、with your existing friends going even though you have to move to the other side of the world.In one sense, that's a good thing.But it also has a disadvantage.If you continue to invest in your old friends even though you can no longer see them, then certainly you aren't using your time to mak

33、e new friends where you now live.And I suspect that probably isn't the best use of your time.Meaningful relationships are about being able to communicate with each other, face to face.The internet will slow down the rate with which relationships end, but it won't stop that happening eventual

34、ly.一般认为网络在让人与人交流方面起到了非常重要的作用。而本文作者对此却持怀疑态度。他认为网络在加强人与人之间的关系方面并没有起到应有的作用。17. What is stressed in the first paragraph?A. The present situation of the internet.B. The difficulty in communication on the internet.C. The socially valuable function of the internet.D. The role of the human mind in the internet communication.答案:D。主旨大意题。由文章第一段特别是最后一句" No matter how hard the internet tries to put you in communication , its best effo


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