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1、 . Word Formation: From morpheme to word- Inflection & DerivationI溯源溯源 英语语言的构成,为什么英语英语语言的构成,为什么英语单词比汉字多单词比汉字多或者或者 谈谈自己背单词的经历,可列谈谈自己背单词的经历,可列出一串单词出一串单词 带领大家背一串单词,带领大家背一串单词,领略构词法的妙处领略构词法的妙处 . inflection Altering the shape of a word so it will fit in a particular position within a sentence.(通俗解释)In

2、flection, but not derivation , is determined by syntax.(区别之一) inflection or inflexion is the modification of a word to express different grammatical categories such as tense, mood, voice, aspect, person, number, gender and case. The inflection of verbs is also called conjugation(动词的词形变化), and the in

3、flection of nouns, adjectives and pronouns is also called declension(词尾变化).The Inflectional Way of FormationNumber: Singularplural roofroofspsychiatristspsychiatristrabbitechomaplerabbitsmaplesechoesFurther Examples-To find out differences spy spies ray rays hero heroes church churches brief briefs

4、knif knives dwarf dwarvesdwarfsCase(Possession): Belonging to sbsth Corporate Corporates ethics Building Buildings heightFurther Examples-To find out differences colleges academic atmosphere JonessJones ; DickenssDickens z Maxs ; Rosss ks s childrens toys Bob and Marys Bobs and Marys bedroom Person

5、The first personeg:I wonder whether there is true love The second person eg:You prove that you are somebody really. The third person eg:She lives on her craftsmanship.Aspect体 It refers to the forms of verbs, indicating the conditions of actions, process or states in a certain period. 表示动作或过程在一定时间内处于

6、何种状态的动词形式。 Classification:Progreessive Aspect 进行体-(be)v-ingPerfective Aspect 完成体-(have) v-edExamples v I am speaking English now.She taught physics, but she was teaching maths that term.By 10 oclock she had been playing the piano for two hours.v By the end of the week, she has worked here for ten ye

7、ars.Tom has studied engineering for four years.Now the new road has been opened to traffic.Derivationderivation is the process of forming a new word on the basis of an existing word, e.g. happiness and unhappy from happy, or determination from determine. It often involves the addition of a morpheme

8、in the form of an affix, such as -ness, un- and -ation in the preceding examples. Derivational, in contrast to inflection, can be make the word class of the original word either changed or unchanged. 与屈折变化的词形成对比,派生词与其对应的原始词的词类可能相同可能不同派生法派生法 DerivationAffix词缀前缀前缀prefix后缀后缀suffix否定前缀否定前缀其他前缀其他前缀名词后缀名词

9、后缀形容词后缀形容词后缀副词后缀副词后缀动词后缀动词后缀前前 缀缀 意意 义义用用 法法例例 词词un-不,未不,未(= not) 加在形容加在形容词或副词词或副词前前unhappy, unnecessary, untouched, 相反动相反动作作加在动词加在动词前前uncover, untie, unwrap, unlock 前前 缀缀 意意 义义用用 法法例例 词词mis-表示错、表示错、误误加在名词、加在名词、动词或及动词或及其派生词其派生词前前mistake, misfortune, misreadin- ,il-im-,ir-不,不, 非,非, 无无加在形容加在形容词或其派词或其派生的名词生的名词或副词前或副词前inattentive, impossible. impolite, irregular, 前前 缀缀意意 义义用用 法法例例 词词dis-表示表示否定否定加在名词或加在名词或形容词前形容词前dishonour, disease表示表示相反相反加在动词前加在动词前 dislike, disbelieve表示表示分离分离剥夺剥夺除去除去加在名词或加在名词或动词前动词前discharge, dismiss . 总结:总结:Differences betwe


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