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1、TOEIC Part2 LauraLaura Lesson 5. 以what, when, why, how开头的疑问句PART IIPART II部分只能靠听来解题,所以一定要精神集中部分只能靠听来解题,所以一定要精神集中2. 过去了的问题不能抱着不放过去了的问题不能抱着不放3. 最先出现的疑问词一定要听懂最先出现的疑问词一定要听懂4. 一般来说回答以疑问词开头的句子时不可一般来说回答以疑问词开头的句子时不可 能用能用Yes或者或者No的形式的形式5. 提问中的词语如果出现在了回答当中,提问中的词语如果出现在了回答当中, 那么这样的回答往往是错的那么这样的回答往往是错的v 在在PART II

2、 中应当注意的问题中应当注意的问题sb/ sth be supposed to do purchasenatural scenerygo over the feedbacklog onto accessextend subscriptionregulationexchange rateWhen do you think you can finish that When do you think you can finish that work?work?A. Yes. It certainly is.A. Yes. It certainly is.B. Whenever you are fre

3、eB. Whenever you are freeC. I wish i knew.C. I wish i knew.When are we supposed to purchase our office suppliers?A. Yes. It certainly is.A. Yes. It certainly is.B. Whenever you are freeB. Whenever you are freeC. I wish i knew.C. I wish i knew.Can we stay another day here and enjoy the city tour?A. N

4、ot this time,sorry.A. Not this time,sorry.B. The natural scenery was very gorgerous.B. The natural scenery was very gorgerous.C. I stayed 2 nights and 3 days.C. I stayed 2 nights and 3 days.How long did you go over the feedback from your customers?A. Over here.A. Over here.B. Please return your form

5、 here.B. Please return your form here.C. For a week.C. For a week.I think you dont have to log onto the internet.A. Ive already accessed it.A. Ive already accessed it.B. Where is the interview room.B. Where is the interview room.C. I have a lot of backlog today.C. I have a lot of backlog today.Wasnt

6、 Mr. Henry late this morning?A. Yes, the rates are too high.A. Yes, the rates are too high.B. No,he arrived on time.B. No,he arrived on time.C. Right, he shouldnt be late.C. Right, he shouldnt be late.Fred called all the visitors who want the morning factory tour,didnt he?A. Dont go to that trouble.

7、A. Dont go to that trouble.B. They visited many attractive sites.B. They visited many attractive sites.C. Yes, except for group 2.C. Yes, except for group 2.Did you extend your subscription for the weekly magazine?A.Oh, I totally forgot it.A.Oh, I totally forgot it.B. Your visa extension will be ter

8、mination B. Your visa extension will be termination in two weeks.in two weeks.C. No, she hasnt seen the new edition.C. No, she hasnt seen the new edition.Didnt Mrs Da Silva make a new proposal for the safety regulations?.A. Please fasten your safety belt.A. Please fasten your safety belt.B. I guess

9、so.B. I guess so.C. Be careful, its dangerous.C. Be careful, its dangerous.How many people are expecting to work together on this project?A. I m not quite sure.A. I m not quite sure.B. Mr. & Mrs Smith usually take a walk B. Mr. & Mrs Smith usually take a walk after lunch.after lunch.C. He do

10、es in his own way.C. He does in his own way.Do we need any permission if we want to change the schedule?.A. I dont have any change ,either.A. I dont have any change ,either.B. To meet your need.B. To meet your need.C. Of course, consult with your manager, C. Of course, consult with your manager, fir

11、st.first.Would you like a short break before we gather?A. I broke my leg while skiing.A. I broke my leg while skiing.B. Anytime will be fine.B. Anytime will be fine.C. Why not?C. Why not?Isnt there a shopping center nearby?A. Sure, you can find it next to the bank.A. Sure, you can find it next to th

12、e bank.B. Its twenty miles from there.B. Its twenty miles from there.C. They are out of stock right now.C. They are out of stock right now.should I ask the bank teller to check todays exchange rates?A. It seems like a good idea.A. It seems like a good idea.B. How many won do you want to change to B.

13、 How many won do you want to change to dollar?dollar?C. Id prefer to pay the check.C. Id prefer to pay the check.Do you want to get a ride with me or are you taking the bus to the museum?A. I will be waiting for you.A. I will be waiting for you.B. I usually write a thank-you note to my B. I usually

14、write a thank-you note to my clients once a month.clients once a month.C. Since i joined the campaign.C. Since i joined the campaign.Where do you want to hold the meeting. in the company auditorium or the hotel conference room?A. Depends on how many people will join it.A. Depends on how many people

15、will join it.B. Yes, they want to hire the new board B. Yes, they want to hire the new board members.members.C. No, they couldnt occupy the whole seats.C. No, they couldnt occupy the whole seats.I think you dont have to log onto the internet.A. Ive already accessed it.A. Ive already accessed it.B. W

16、here is the interview room.B. Where is the interview room.C. I have a lot of backlog today.C. I have a lot of backlog today.I think you dont have to log onto the internet.A. Ive already accessed it.A. Ive already accessed it.B. Where is the interview room.B. Where is the interview room.C. I have a l

17、ot of backlog today.C. I have a lot of backlog today._Todays Lesson答案答案 : B讲解讲解 : 问的是晚饭吃什么。(A) ,以what来提问,用Yes/No回答是不妥当的。(C) 用了due这个词,也是不对的。解释解释 : 你今晚吃什么?(A) 不,是今天下午。(B) 在一个新开的日本餐厅吃寿司。(C) 截止到星期一。词汇词汇 :sushi 寿司due 截止What are you eating this evening?(A) No, this afternoon.(B) Sushi at a new Japanese re

18、staurant.(C) Its due on Monday.PART IILesson 5. 以what, when, why, how开头的疑问句_Todays Lesson答案答案 : A讲解讲解 : 问的是Denise离开公司的理由。 what made.或 what makes.问的是“使某人.的理由”。如果听到了made就误以为问的是“用什么做的”,那就很容易错选(B)。 (C)则是利用leave的过去式制造了一个迷惑人的陷阱。解释解释 :Denise为什么离开了公司?(A) 和钱有关。(B) 用水果和蔬菜。(C) 她把它放到了车里。词汇词汇 :have to do with 和.

19、有关fruit 水果vegetable 蔬菜What made Denise leave the company?(A) It had to do with money.(B) Out of fruits and vegetables.(C) She left it in her car.PART IILesson 5. 以what, when, why, how开头的疑问句答案及讲解答案及讲解_Todays Lesson答案答案 : C讲解讲解 : 问的是完成任务的期限。要注意due的发音和含义。选项中有两个是回答时间的,但是(A)用了过去的时间,这是不对的。解释解释 :完成任务的期限是什么

20、时候?(A) 我昨天签字了。(B) 专栏中的一个。(C) 这周五。词汇词汇 :assignment 任务due 到期 column 专栏 柱子When is your assignment due?(A) I signed it yesterday.(B) One of the columns.(C) This Friday.PART IILesson 5. 以what, when, why, how开头的疑问句答案及讲解答案及讲解_Todays Lesson答案答案 : C讲解讲解 : 这里询问的是取消巴士旅游的原因。(A)通过bus walk 含义上的陷阱来迷惑人。(B)错在回答why 开

21、头的疑问句用了Yes/No。解释解释 :为什么取消了这周末的巴士旅游?(A) 我这次倒不如走着去上班。(B) 不,我选择了更好的。(C) 我没法调整我的日程安排。词汇词汇 :cancel 取消walk to work 走着去上班option 选项reschedule 调整日程Why did you cancel the bus tour for this weekend?(A) Id better walk to work this time.(B) No, I chose a better option.(C) I couldnt get it rescheduled.PART IILess

22、on 5. 以what, when, why, how开头的疑问句答案及讲解答案及讲解_Todays LessonPART IICheck point 以以why来询问来询问“没能做没能做.”的理由时,经常以下面的方的理由时,经常以下面的方式回答。式回答。Lesson 5. 以what, when, why, how开头的疑问句_Todays Lesson答案答案 : C讲解讲解 : 问句表达的其实是一种建议,提议起草合同。回答Why dont we.这类句子时, Good idea一般会是正确的答案。解释解释 :我们为什么不为即将开始的谈判起草一份新的合同呢?(A) 但是,我们需要更多。(B

23、) 超过10了。(C) 好主意。词汇词汇 :Why dont we? 我们为什么不.? 我们来.怎么样?draw up 草拟 contract 契约,合同 upcoming 即将来临的 negotiation 谈判,协商 Count 数,清点(数字等)Why dont we draw up a new contract for the upcoming negotiation?(A) But, we need more of them.(B) It counted over ten.(C) Thats a good idea.PART IILesson 5. 以what, when, why,

24、 how开头的疑问句答案及讲解答案及讲解_Todays LessonPART IICheck point 以疑问词开头但表示提议、建议的句子可以用以疑问词开头但表示提议、建议的句子可以用Yes/No的形式回答的形式回答Lesson 5. 以what, when, why, how开头的疑问句_Todays Lesson答案答案 : B讲解讲解 : 回答Why dont we? 经常用Okay, that will be fine或者Good idea等表达方式,但也并不是完全局限于此。 (A)利用figure“数字”和“弄清楚”这两种截然不同的含义来制造了陷阱。 (C)误导人产生从sales(

25、销售)到promotion(宣传)含义上的错误联想。解释解释 :我们为何不把去年的销售数据公布于众呢?(A) 不,我还没有弄清楚为什么。(B) 那我来准备复印资料。(C) 是的,你应该先考虑一下宣传。词汇词汇 :make public 公布figure 数字, 弄清楚 promotion 提升,宣传Why dont we make public our last years sales figures?(A) No, I havent figured out why.(B) Then, Ill prepare copies.(C) Yes, you should think of promot

26、ion first.PART IILesson 5. 以what, when, why, how开头的疑问句答案及讲解答案及讲解_Todays Lesson答案答案 : A讲解讲解 : 问的是活动情况如何。How did you like?表示 “你认为怎么样”,并且询问的是过去的情况,类似的表达还有 “How did go?”。(B)完全答非所问; (C)设了两个陷阱,一个是How did you like用prefer做答容易迷惑人,另外还有Jazz这个单词的重复出现。解释解释 :昨天的爵士乐节怎么样?(A) 就象听说的那样。(B) 大概丢到走廊里了。(C) 和爵士乐相比我更喜欢摇滚。词汇词汇 :h


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