1、Composite Aircraft Structure损伤评估损伤评估Damage AssessmentComposite Aircraft Structure1. Allowable Damage Limitsp 结构损伤测量后,查阅SRM,确定损伤是否在允许损伤限制(ADL)内。p 允许损伤限制(ADL)在SRM内。p SRM (Structural Repair Manual )来源:登陆 myboeingfleet ,点击 maintenance documents 链接.点击 “Explore Library” 按钮 在 Library tab of the maintenance
2、 toolbox.点击 View SRM按钮 在Structures Tab of the maintenance toolbox.Composite Aircraft StructureScan it1. Allowable Damage LimitsComposite Aircraft Structure2.确定是否为允许损伤的步骤确定是否为允许损伤的步骤p 如果损伤根据SRM确定为允许损伤,那么该损伤不需要加强修理,只需要密封处理即可。p 允许损伤限制在SRM52 57章内。 - Chapter 51 - Standard Practices and Structures.- Chapt
3、er 52 - Doors- Chapter 53 - Fuselage- Chapter 54 - Nacelles and Pylons- Chapter 55 - Stabilizers- Chapter 56 - Windows- Chapter 57 - WingsComposite Aircraft Structure2. Damage Assessment Allowable Damage Stepsp To find if damage is classified as allowable damage, do the following steps: Step 1: Find
4、 the SRM Chapter and Section for the Damaged StructureYou can check the table of contents in the front matter of each chapter to locate the Chapter and Section of the damaged structure. Step 2: Find the Allowable Damage Limits (ADL).The table of contents shows the location of the allowable damage li
5、mts. Some structure may not have allowable damage limits.Composite Aircraft Structure2. Damage Assessment Allowable Damage Stepsp 按以下步骤确定损伤是否为允许损伤: Step 1: 在SRM内找到损伤结构的相关章节可以通过目录页和front matter 查找。 Step 2: 查找允许损伤限制 (ADL).目录页找。一些结构可能没有允许损伤限制。Composite Aircraft Structure2. Damage Assessment Allowable D
6、amage Stepsp To find if damage is classified as allowable damage, do the following steps: Step 3: Find the ADL applicability.The applicability section shows if the ADL is approved for the damage location. Step 4. Find the required damage inspection method.As an example: For fuselage section 43 skin
7、damage, General 2B shows visual inspectionMost allowable damage limits only required visual inspection.Composite Aircraft Structure2. Damage Assessment Allowable Damage Stepsp 按以下步骤确定损伤是否为允许损伤: Step 3: : 查找允许损伤限制 (ADL)的适用性.适用性一栏显示是否适用于损伤结构(位置) Step 4. 查找需要的损伤检查方法.例如,对于43段机身蒙皮的损伤检查,General 2B 显示需要目视检
8、查大多数情况下只需要目视检查.Composite Aircraft Structure2. Damage Assessment Allowable Damage Stepsp To find if damage is classified as allowable damage, do the following steps: Step 5. Find the damage dimensions. Damage dimension are typically measured using visual inspection techniques. Step 6. Find the type o
9、f damage.The ADL section may show the definition of damage type in the notes of the ADL table. If the damage type is not defined in the ADL section, then check Chapter 51 for definitions. Step 7. Find the applicable ADL figures, tables, and notes for the damage.After you find the damage type, you mu
10、st find all ADL table notes that apply.Composite Aircraft Structure2. Damage Assessment Allowable Damage Stepsp 按以下步骤确定损伤是否为允许损伤: Step 5. 确定损伤尺寸损伤尺寸通常用目视方法测量(典型)。 Step 6. 确认损伤类型允许损伤限制内 ADL 可能有损伤类型的定义或说明,如果没有,在51章内查找。Step 7. 在允许损伤限制内 ADL内查找适用的表、图和说明等.需要将所有适用的表、图和说明找出.Composite Aircraft Structure2. Da
11、mage Assessment Allowable Damage Stepsp To find if damage is classified as allowable damage, do the following steps: Step 8. Find if the damage is within the allowable damage limits?Compare the damage dimensions to the correct row allowable damage limits and make sure the notes allow the damage. Ste
12、p 9. Find the dispatch requirements for the permitted damage.Damage must be sealed before dispatch.Composite Aircraft Structure2. Damage Assessment Allowable Damage Stepsp 按以下步骤确定损伤是否为允许损伤: Step 8. 检查损伤是否在允许损伤限制内将损伤的尺寸(所有数据)允许损伤限制内数据比较。 Step 9. 查找飞机的放行要求飞机放行前,损伤应该密封处理。Composite Aircraft Structure3.
13、Allowable Damage Repairmentp If the damage dimensions are less than the allowable damage limits, only sealing is necessary. You must seal the part to protect the resin from moisture and ultraviolet radiation.p Seal per the SRM.Examples of sealing methods are resin or speed tape.p 如果确认损伤为允许损伤,只需要密封处理
14、即可。 必须对损伤部件进行密封处理,防止树脂受潮气和紫外线的侵害。p 按SRM要求进行密封例如,用树脂密封或用快速胶带密封。Composite Aircraft Structure3. Allowable Damage Repairmentp Multiple strips of speed tape may be necessary.The SRM has these requirements for the use of speed tape:1/2-inch overlap of tape stripsTape must extend at least 2 inches past the
15、 edge of the damagePut the trailing edge (relative to the airflow) tape on first and leading edge tape last.p 可能需要多条快速胶带(SRM 规定了使用快速胶带的要求)必须有1/2英寸的搭接(覆盖)快速胶带必须至少超过损伤范围2英寸后部的快速胶带 ( 相对于气流方向而言)贴在前部的快速胶带上Composite Aircraft Structure3. Allowable Damage RepairmentScan itComposite Aircraft Structure4. Repa
16、irable Damage Limitsp If the damage is more than the allowable damage limits, look in the SRM for an approved repair.p The 787 SRM may provide multiple repair options such as bolted or bonded repairs.p Each SRM repair is approved for specified damage types and sizes.p These approved damage types and
17、 sizes are shown in the Repairable Damage Limits (RDL)p If the damage dimensions are larger than the repairable size limits in the SRM, submit the repair to Boeing for approval.Composite Aircraft Structure4. Repairable Damage Limitsp 如果损伤超过允许损伤限制,在 SRM 内查找适用的修理方案.p 787 SRM 提供了多种修理方案,包括螺栓修理和粘接修理.p SR
18、M 的不同修理方案适用于不同的损伤类型和尺寸.p 不同修理方案适用于不同的损伤类型和尺寸在可修理限制 RDL 内查找p 如果损伤的尺寸大于SRM内的可修理限制 RDL ,咨询波音.Composite Aircraft Structure4. Repairable Damage Limitsp If the damage is more than the allowable damage limits, look in the SRM for an approved repair.p The 787 SRM may provide multiple repair options such as
19、bolted or bonded repairs.p Each SRM repair is approved for specified damage types and sizes.p These approved damage types and sizes are shown in the Repairable Damage Limits (RDL)p If the damage dimensions are larger than the repairable size limits in the SRM, submit the repair to Boeing for approva
20、l.Composite Aircraft Structure4. Repairable Damage Limitsp 如果损伤超过允许损伤限制,在 SRM 内查找适用的修理方案.p 787 SRM 提供了多种修理方案,包括螺栓修理和粘接修理.p SRM 的不同修理方案适用于不同的损伤类型和尺寸.p 不同修理方案适用于不同的损伤类型和尺寸在可修理限制 RDL 内查找p 如果损伤的尺寸大于SRM内的可修理限制 RDL ,咨询波音.Composite Aircraft Structure4. Repairable Damage LimitsScan itComposite Aircraft Structure5. Repairable Damage Repairmentp If You can do a structural repair manual repair
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