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1、LOGOUnit 5 Packing包 装大连理工大学电子音像出版社世纪商务英语 外贸函电http:/LOGOBasic Knowledge ConcernedLetter-writing GuideOther Commonly Used Expressions and Sentences Sample Letters Practical Training Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part FiveContentshttp:/LOGOPart Onehttp:/ The function of the packing in internat

2、ional tradeAppropriate packing can prevent or minimize the damage of the shipment and promote sales. Therefore, it is another important element for the seller and the buyer to pay attention to.正确的包装可以阻止或者将货物损坏减少到最小.并且可以促进货物的销售.因此,包装对买卖双方来说都是一个重要的因素.1. Basic Knowledge ConcernedLOGOPart OneThe details

3、 which should be involved in the packingvmanners of packing 包装风格包装风格 vKinds of packing materials 包装材料的种类包装材料的种类vMarking on the packing 包装标志包装标志vThe burden of packing cost 包装费用包装费用LOGOPart OnevPacking for sale/ inner packing(销售包装/内包装)LOGOPart Onev Transportation packing/ outer packing(运输包装/外包装)LOGOPa

4、rt Onev常见的包装方法vCTN 纸箱; Case木箱; Wooden case木箱 vCrate 板条箱; Drum 桶; Cardboard 纸板箱vBox 盒; Iron Box 铁盒; Wooden Box木盒vGunny Bag麻袋; Bag 袋; Zippered Bag 拉链袋vPallet 托盘; Jar 罐; Basket 篮LOGOPart Onehttp:/ A packing clause is an integral part of a sales contract or a Letter of Credit. Generally, the following c

5、ontents are required in the packing clause: (1) who is to bear the packing cost: the seller or the buyer(2) the method of packing: cases, bales, barrels, baskets or containers, etc. (3) the packing specification: the quantity in each unit, the dimension of the package, etc.(4) the marking on the out

6、er packing2. The Indispensable Contents Required in a Packing ClauseLOGOPart Onev 1.上周教学情境上周教学情境v 交易情境二:交易情境二:11月5日,在收到进口商询盘后,许强经过对产品的报价核算,向F.F公司进行报价,同时告知了包装、支付方式、保险、装运时间等相关贸易情况,并通过国际快递DHL向F.F公司邮寄了两件成衣样品。v 单价:US$ 15.00 CIF MONTREAL/CANADAv 包装:内包装采用不透明的塑料袋包装;外包装采用双层瓦楞纸盒包 v 装。v 付款方式:采用30%的预付款+70%的L/Cv

7、 保险: 按发票金额的110%投保一切险v 最早装运时间:2008年4月v 2. 本周教学情境本周教学情境v 交易情境三(包装条款的还盘):交易情境三(包装条款的还盘):11月7日,进口商在收到许强的报盘后,不同意思科公司的包装标准,要求成衣的外包装由原来的双层瓦楞纸盒改成三层瓦楞纸箱,F.F公司认为双层的瓦楞纸箱在海运过程中不够牢固。要求内包装采用透明的塑料袋包装,不要用原来有颜色的不透明的塑料袋包装。v 思科公司对进口商的包装要求做出回应,并指出:1. 我公司采用的双层瓦楞纸箱被大多数海外客户接受,纸箱内有塑料膜做里衬,纸箱外用塑料带加固。以上这些包装方式有助于防潮。2.如果贵公司坚持要求

8、用三层瓦楞纸箱,我公司也可采用,但是额外的包装费用要由进口商承担。v 3. 本次工作任务:本次工作任务:根据以上交易情境写两封有关包装条款还盘的信函。LOGOPart OnevSome useful Expressions:1. 海运 ocean freight 2. 三层瓦楞纸箱 triple-layer corrugated carton3. 牢固 solid4. 宁愿选择而不是 prefertoLOGOPart Onev1. 关于 With reference tov2. 建议 proposalv3. 海外客户 overseas customerv4. 塑料膜 plastic filmv

9、5. 塑料带 plastic tapev6. 固定 fastenv7. 有助于 contribute to v8. 防潮 moisture-proofv9. 额外的包装费用 additional packaging costsv10 承担(费用) bearLOGOPart Twohttp:/Steps/ContentsTypical ExpressionsFor letters informing packing requirements1. Expressing the purpose of the letter, i.e. offering packing requirements Wit

10、h reference to the packing of our order No.168 for.关于我方第168号有关货物的包装问题We are very pleased to advise you of the packing method of. 我们很高兴告诉你们商品的包装方式问题We are now referring to the packing of.我们现在告知关于的包装问题We are writing to you in regard to the packing of兹去函告知关于的包装问题LOGOPart TwoSteps/ContentsTypical Expres

11、sions2. Specifying the packing requirements The packing clause is as follows: 包装条款如下: Packing: . 包装材料和方式为: The Shipping marks should be. 运输标志应为We would like you to have the goods packed in. 我们希望贵方能采用以下的包装方式3. Indicating your expectation and desireIt would be highly appreciated if you let us know you

12、r opinions on the packing requirements.如能告知你们对此包装要求的意见的话,我们不胜感激Kindly inform us your ideas about the above mentioned issue of packing. 请把贵方对上述包装事宜的看法知会我们http:/LOGOPart TwoSteps/ContentsTypical Expressions3. Indicating your expectation and desireWe hope that you will find the packing arrangement to y

13、our convenience and satisfaction.我们希望这一包装安排让你们感到方便和满意We look forward to your early reply. 期盼尽早回复Please tell us whether the packing requirements could be met.请告诉我们此包装要求能否达到要求For letters in reply to the packing requirements1. Expressing your thanks for the coming letterThank you for your letter of. 感谢

14、贵方的来函See other units for the similar expressions.http:/LOGOPart TwoSteps/ContentsTypical Expressions2.Indicating your decision: do or do not accept the packing requirementsWe are ready to accept your packing requirements.我们打算接受贵方的包装要求We feel regretful to inform you that. 遗憾地告诉贵方Thanks for your packi

15、ng guidance, but regret our inability to meet your request of the special packing material.谢谢贵方的包装指示,不过遗憾的是我们没有能力满足贵方对使用这种特殊包装材料的要求We prefer packing the goods in. to packing them in.我们宁愿选择而不是来包装货物http:/LOGOPart TwoSteps/ContentsTypical Expressions3. Expressing your new suggestions or solutionsIn ord

16、er to we would like to offer our suggestion on packing as follows. 为了我们提出以下的包装建议。We shall pack in instead of in as由于我们将用包装来代替包装4. Inviting the confirmation on packing from the opposite partyWe are looking forward to your confirmation on the issue of packing. 我们盼望得到贵方对包装事宜的确认We hope that you will con

17、firm our suggestions on packing.我们希望贵方对我们所建议的对产品的包装方式予以确认Your early confirmation on our packing solution is highly appreciated.贵方若能早日确认我们的包装方案,我们会很赞赏http:/LOGOPart Threehttp:/Expressions (1)1. in FCL (Full Container Load) container 用整集装箱装运2. waterproof and airtight 防水且不漏气的3. seaworthy export packing

18、 适于海运的出口包装4. inner/sales packing 内包装5. outer/transportation packing 外包装6. green packing 绿色/环保包装7. shipping mark 运输标志8. indicative mark 指示性标志9. warning mark 警告性标志10. strong enough 足够坚固LOGOPart Threehttp:/Expressions (2)11. solid and durable 坚固耐用12. suited to the climate/transportation modes 适合气候条件/运输

19、方式13. number of packages 件数14. package number 件号15. pack sth. in. 某商品用容器来装16. pack. to. 把装入17. pack sth. to. and. to. 把某商品装入容器,再把若干个此种容器装 入18. pack each. in. and. to. 每件商品用包装,若干件该商品装 入容器19. Please mark the case with. 请在箱子上刷上的标记20. withstand rough handling 经得起粗暴装卸LOGOPart Threehttp:/Typical Sentences

20、 (1)1. Chinese chestnuts are packed in gunny bags. 2. Folding chairs are packed four pieces to a carton.3. Please pack the vases a dozen to a wooden case and 100 to a FCL container. 4. Each T-shirt is packed in a polybag and 10 dozen to a box.5. Please see to it that the packing is strong enough to

21、withstand rough handling.6. The export cartons lined with plastic sheets are proof against moisture and damage. 7. Please pack the goods according to our instructions. 8. The surface of each outer package should be marked “Fragile”. 9. For the sake of safety, the cartons must be secured by metal ban

22、ds. LOGOPart Threehttp:/Typical Sentences (2)10. Please take the necessary precautions so that the packing can protect the goods from rain or dampness in transit because these clothes are liable to be spoiled by water or moisture. 11. The fragile glassware needs special packing precautions against j

23、olting.12. The cases of the goods are to be marked with the initials of our company in a diamond as usual.13. The packing of this shipment is shockproof and waterproof. Nevertheless we still marked the cartons with caution words like “Fragile”, “Use No Hook” and “ Do Not Drop”.14. Can you improve yo

24、ur inner packing This is our design of the packing for your reference, which would probably help encourage sales.LOGOPart Threehttp:/Typical Sentences (3)15. To repack the goods in your required assortment will entail an additional packing charge of around US$2000.16. Solid and durable, our cartons

25、proved to be suitable packing for long distance transportation.17. Im afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for such a heavy load.18. By the way, we would like to know if neutral packing is acceptable.19. The outer packing should be strong enough for transportation. As to inner packing, i

26、t must be attractive and helpful to the sales.20. The extra packing charges should be borne by you.LOGOPart FourA sample LetterDear Mr. Xu,Thank you for your letter of November 7th, 2007 stating your ideas onhow to pack the cotton blazer to be exported to us. However, we couldnt accept your arrangem

27、ent.In order to ship the goods safely on the sea, we would like to offer our suggestion on packing as follows: 1. Because the double-layer corrugated paper box is not solid enough during the ocean freight. We hope the outer packing is packed with triple layer corrugated carton instead of double-laye

28、r corrugated carton.2. We prefer the transparent plastic bags used as the inner packing to opaque plastic bags.We look forward to your confirmation.Yours sincerely,LOGOPart FourA sample LetterDear Sirs, With reference to your proposal of three-layer corrugated paper box packing, we fully understand

29、your reasons for such a change.But our packing with the double-layer corrugated paper box is accepted by most of our overseas customers, and we will use the plastic film as the lining in the carton, which is fastened with plastic tape. This kind of packing contributes to moisture-proof. If you insis

30、t on your proposal, we can accept. But the additional packaging costs will be borne by the importer. We are looking forward to your confirmation.Yours faithfully,LOGOPart Fivehttp:/1. Put the following English into Chinese. (1)Beginning Training包装指示(1) packing instruction (2) export carton出口用纸板箱(3)

31、wooden case木箱(4) waterproof防水的LOGOPart Fivehttp:/1. Put the following English into Chinese. (2)(5) sales packing (6) transportation packing(7) green package(8) neutral packing(9) shipping mark 内包装 外包装绿色/环保包装中性包装运输标志LOGOPart Fivehttp:/1. Put the following English into Chinese. (3)(10) indicative mark

32、(11) warning mark(12) The packing and mark shall be at sellers option.指示性标志警告性标志包装和标志由卖方决定。 (13) The boxes are to be marked with the initials of our company in a diamond as usual. 像往常一样,盒子外刷上一个菱形,菱形里面标上本公司名字的缩写。 LOGOPart Fivehttp:/1. Put the following English into Chinese. (4)(14) The tea is packed

33、in plastic bags before they are put into the standard tea boxes.(15) Please mark “Handle with Care” or “Fragile” outside the outer packing in view of precaution.(16) These pens are packed a dozen to a box and 200 boxes to a wooden case.茶叶先用塑料袋包装,再放入标准的茶叶盒中。为谨慎起见,请在外包装上标明“小心装卸”或“易碎品”字样。这些钢笔一打装一盒,200盒

34、装一个木箱。 (17) The goods are to be packed in poly bags, each containing 2kg, 10 bags to a wooden case.货物以2公斤装一个塑料袋,10袋装一个木箱。LOGOPart Fivehttp:/1. Put the following English into Chinese. (5)(18) We dont want to take any chance. We wrap bands around the cases for added strength, and to avoid pilferage.(1

35、9) The goods are packed in waterproof, soft and moth resistant material.(20) The inside of the case may be lined with various materials to prevent damage by water, air or insects.我们不想冒险。我们用带子再给箱子缠上一圈,使包装更牢固,同时也防盗。 货物是用防水、柔软和防虫材料包装的。箱子内部衬有不同材料,可防水、气、昆虫的侵害。LOGOPart Fivehttp:/2. Read the following lett

36、ers and choose the best one from the given answers for the missing; at; of; with; in; on; for; from; onto; into; byLetter 1Dear Sirs,Thanks for your order (1) our mens shirts of December 12. We would like to recommend to you our latest package (2) the order, which is strong and econo

37、mical.We pack our shirts in a polythene(聚乙烯) bag and then (3) a cardboard box, one dozen to a carton. Each carton is lined (4) a polythene sheet and secured by overall strapping, so that the content is protected (5) dampness.We await hearing from you and wonder if our suggestion meets your requireme

38、nts.Yours faithfully,for_about_to_with_from_LOGOPart Fivehttp:/to; at; of; with; in; on; for; from; onto; into; byLetter 2Dear Sirs,Re: Order No.668Thank you very much (1) your letter dated August 1. We have immediately passed the information onto our clients who are now actively working (2) your co

39、unter price.Meanwhile, our clients wish to know the details of the packing of your lotus nuts. i. e.A. How are the goods packed and packaged? Are they suitable (3) marketing in supermarkets?B. What measures will you take to protect the goods from dampness or rain?C. What measures will you take to pr

40、event the inner packing (4) being torn apart? Please provide us with any information regarding the above (5) return mail. We look forward to hearing from you soon.Sincerely yours,on_for_for_from_by/in_LOGOPart Fivehttp:/Intermediate Training1. Put the following Chinese into English. (1)(1) 防潮包装(2) 能

41、经受粗暴装卸的坚固包装(3) 衬有塑料里的纸板箱 (4) 采取预防措施damproof packingstrong packing withstanding rough handlingcartons with plastic linings take precautionary measuresLOGOPart Fivehttp:/1. Put the following Chinese into English. (2)(5) 易碎品 (6) 小心轻放(7) 适合海运的包装(8) 货物用硬纸板箱包装,每箱20打fragile goodshandle with careseaworthy p

42、ackingThe goods are packed in cartons, each of which contains 20 dozens.LOGOPart Fivehttp:/1. Put the following Chinese into English. (3)(9) 箱子上请刷制一个菱形标志,内刷我公司名的首字母缩写(10) 装花瓶的木箱子里一定要塞满柔软的填充物 (11) 请严格遵守我们销售合同中关于包装及标记的条款 Please stencil outside the case a diamond with the initials of our companys name

43、in it.The wooden case containing vases must be filled fully with soft stuffing material.Please strictly follow the clauses on packing and marks in our sales contract. LOGOPart Fivehttp:/1. Put the following Chinese into English. (4)(12) 很抱歉,我方难以在不额外收费的情况下满足贵方新的包装要求(13) 该商品的内包装请以礼品包装的标准执行We are sorry

44、 that we cannot meet your new packing requirementswithout additional charging. Please deal with the inner packing of the goods as per the standard of gift packing. (14) 这批服装的包装一定要注意将防潮措施做到位As to the packing of the lot of clothes please ensure that adequate and effective precautions against moisture

45、will be taken. LOGOPart Fivehttp:/1. Put the following Chinese into English. (5)(15) 因为改善了包装,所以这次出口的瓷器在运输途中几乎没有破损(16) 标题合同下的货物须用盒子装 每盒装一打,20盒装一纸板箱,20纸板箱 装一托盘,10托盘装一个集装箱Due to the improvement of packing for the porcelain exported thistime there has been little breakage in transit. The goods under the

46、 captioned contract should be packed in boxes of 12 pieces each, 20 boxes to a carton, 20 cartons on a pallet, 10 pallets in a FCL container.LOGOPart Fivehttp:/1. Put the following Chinese into English. (6)(17) 我们可以替您贴上各种标签,如“小心轻放” “保持干燥” “保持阴凉”“不可 倒置”等(18) 此外,像“易弯曲” “易破碎” “平放” “竖放” “此端向上” “不可平放” “不

47、许 用铁钩” “不可堆压”等指示性标志也应该标示出来We can stick a variety of lables for you such as “ Handle With Care”, “Keep Dry”, “Keep Cool” or “ Keep Upright” etc.In addition, indicative marks like “FLEXIBLE”, “FRAGILE”, “KEEP FLAT”,“KEEP UPRIGHT”, “THIS SIDE UP”, “NEVER LAY FLAT ”, “USE NO HOOKS”, “KEEP AWAY FROM PRES

48、SURE”, etc. should also be stenciled.LOGOPart Fivehttp:/1. Put the following Chinese into English. (7)(19) 必须用坚实的木箱包装 箱子必须用铁钉钉好,用木板钉牢,外面用金属带 加固(20) 由于纸板箱相对来说轻便结实,因此更便于装卸 请放心,我们的包装坚固, 足可以抵受粗暴的装卸 Packing in sturdy wooden cases is essential. Cases must be nailed,battened and secured by overall metal st

49、rapping.Light and compact, cartons are easier to handle in transit. You may rest assured that the packing is strong enough to withstand rough handling.LOGOPart Fivehttp:/2. Supply the missing words in the blanks of the following letter. The first letters are given.Dear Sirs,We (1)r to our order No.1

50、2 for TV sets, which you are going to use cardboard (2)b to pack.We are afraid that cardboard boxes are not (3)s enough for transportation by (4)s so we propose that the consignment be sent by (5)c service. Whats more, soft packing stuffing material should be used all (6)a the machines, not just under and over. This kind of packing does not (7)c more, and it can effectively (8)p the goods from being damaged by (9)r


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