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1、English Comprehension(For Primary)小学英语拓展阅读四年级备课组Passage 1 Poor man!Look at this man. What is he doing? He's carrying a very big box.The box is full of big apples.He wants to put it on the back of his bike and take it home.Can he do that? No, I don't think so.Why not? Because the box is too f

2、ull and too heavy.Look! Whats wrong? He drops the box. Poor man!New Words and Expressionswhy/wai/ conj.为什么because/bi'kz/ conj.因为drop/drp/ v.落下 poor/pu/ adj.可怜的Passage 2 KateKate is a new student. She is twelve.She is from America.She can speak English very welland she can speak a little Chinese.

3、 She is in Nanjing.Her parents are doctors.Kate is studying in a school near her home.She has classes from Monday to Friday.On Saturdays and Sundays,she often plays games with her Chinese friends.She loves China and her Chinese friends.New Words and Expressionsparents /'prnts/ n.父母亲work /w:k/v.工

4、作 doctor /'dkt/n.医生study /'stdi/v.学习 a little 一点儿Passage 3 My RoomThis is my room. Near the window there is a desk.I often do my homework at it.You can see some books, some flowers in a vase, a ruler and a pen.On the wall near the desk there is a picture of a cat.There is a clock above the e

5、nd of my bed.I usually put my football under my bed.Of course there is a chair in front of the desk.I sit there and I can see trees and roads outside.New Words and Expressionshomework /'humw?k/ n.回家作业 vase/va:z/ n.花瓶end/end/ n.末端,终点 of course 当然Passage 4 What Are They Doing?The White family is a

6、t home. Mrs. White is in the kitchen.She is cooking. Mr. White is sitting in a chairand reading the newspaper.Tom and his friend Dick are cleaning the bicycleJane and her friend Mary are in Jane's bedroom.They are listening to a tape.New Words and Expressionskitchen /'kitin/ n.厨房cook/kuk/ v.

7、烹调,煮 bicycle/'baisik/ n.自行车tape/teip/ n.磁带Passage 5 My FamilyI am Tom. I'm eleven years old.I live near the school. I go to school every day.In my family there are three people.My father, my mother and I. My father is a bus-driver.He is friendly. He has a lot of friends.My mother is a teache

8、r. She works at my school.She does housework every day. I love them.New Words and Expressionsbusdriver /'bs'draiv/ n.公共汽车驾驶员friendly /'frendli/ adj.友好的housework /'hausw:k/ n.家务活 a lot of 许多Passage 6 Our ClassThis is a picture of our class.There are fifty students in our class.You can

9、 see twenty-five boys and twenty-five girls.There is an American student in our class.Her name is Mary. Her English is very good We all like her.She likes eating bread and cakes.She likes drinking milk and orange juice.We like eating rice and drinking tea.We are very happy together.New Words and Exp

10、ressionsbread/bred/ n.面包 like/laik/ v.喜欢together /t'ge/ adv.一起eat/i:t/ v.吃 drink/drik/ v.喝Passage 7 In the ClassroomThis is a classroom. You can see some girls, a boy and a teacher in it.The boy is Tom. He has golden hair and blue eyes.He is from America. He is a new pupil. The girls are Chinese

11、.They can speak a little English.They are talking with Tom in English.Miss Li is writing something on the blackboard.New Words and Expressionsgolden /'guldn/ adj.金的,金制的write/rait/ v.写,书写 hair/h/ n.头发something /'smi/ pron.某事,某物blackboard /'blkb:d/ n.黑板Passage 8 A Football MatchIt's Su

12、nday tomorrow.We are going to watch a football match.It's between a Japanese team and a Chinese team.The football match is going to be at four o'clock in the afternoon.Our teachers Mr. Li and Mr. Wangare going to watch the football match with us.We are going there by bike.We think we can com

13、e back at about six in the evening.New Words and Expressionsmatch/mt/ n.比赛 by bike 骑自行车come back 回来Passage 9 My ParentsMy parents work in a shoe factory.They get up at five thirty. They first get breakfast ready.Then they go to work by bus.They work there from eight to five.They come home at about s

14、ix and prepare supper for us.Mother washes clothes in the evening.Father often makes toys for us. They are busy all day.New Words and Expressionsprepare /pri'p/ v.准备supper/'sp/ n.晚餐 toy/ti/ n.玩具busy/'bizi/ adj.繁忙的,忙碌的Passage 10 Jim's BedroomThis is Jim's bedroom. It's new and

15、 nice.A bed and a chair are in it. A desk is on the floor.Some flowers are on it. A bookshelf is behind the bed.Some English books are on the bookshelf.A picture is on the wall. Some people are in the picture.The man is his father. The woman is his mother.Who is the boy? Do you know?New Words and Ex

16、pressionsbookshelf /'bukelf/ n. 书架floor /fl:/ n. 地板flower /flau/ n.花Passage 11 DaydreamIt's a very nice day in October.The students are having a maths class.But Bob is looking out of the windowand watching the clouds move across the blue sky."Boy, what a day to play football!" he t

17、hinks.Just then the bell rings and wakes him from his daydream.He closes his notebook sadly, stands up,and walks slowly to his next class.New Words and Expressionsdaydream /'deidri:m/ n.白日梦,幻想cloud /klaud/ n.云sky/skai/ n.天空 bell/bel/ n.钟,铃ring/ri/ v.(钟,铃等)鸣,响 close/kluz/ v.关,关闭notebook /'nut

18、buk/ n.笔记本sadly /'sdli/ adv.悲伤地,伤心的Passage 12 A Picture of a ParkLook, this is a picture of a park.It is not black and it is not white.It is red, yellow, blue, and green.Is there a lake in the park? Yes.Are there any trees and flowers there?Yes, there are many. They are so beautiful.And we can s

19、ee some people, too.They are sitting near the lake. They are looking at some goldfish.New Words and Expressionspicture /pikt/ n. 图片,照片lake /leik/ n. 湖beautiful /'bju:tful/ adj. 美丽的fish/fi/ n. 鱼goldfish /'gudfi/ n.金鱼Passage 13 Going to the Zoo Today is Sunday.Bob is going to the zoo with his

20、classmates.He puts on his new white T-shirt and yellow cap.He says goodbye to his parents and goes to the bus stop.The bus stop is near his home.He is going to meet his classmates there.The zoo is very far but a No. 57 bus will take them right there.The children are going to see a lot of animals at

21、the zooand they are going to have a good time.New Words and Expressionszoo/zu:/ n. 动物园 animal/'niml/ n.动物have a good time 玩得很高兴 the bus stop 公共汽车站Passage 14 Mike and TomMike and Tom are in the same school.They are in the same grade, too.Mike has English classes in the morning,but Tom has English

22、 classes in the afternoon.After school, they play games. They often play basketball,play football, fly kites and ride bikes.They can jump, swim, and sing, too.They are good students. They love their school.New Words and Expressionsjump/dmp/ v.跳,跃 swim/swim/ v. 游泳play basketball 打篮球 play football 踢足球

23、fly kites 放风筝ride bikes 骑自行车Passage 15 At LunchtimeIt is eleven thirty.Deborah and her friends are not having lunch.They are having "morning coffee".They are talking about their husbands.One of them is wearing a very strange hat.Frank is Deborah's husband. He is eating in the factory n

24、ow.He always eats there. A lot of men are standing in a queue.They are waiting for their lunch. It is raining outside.New Words and Expressionscoffee/'kfi/ n.咖啡husband /'hzbnd/ n.丈夫strange /streind/ adj.奇怪的,陌生的factory /'fktri/ n. 工厂queue /kju:/ n.队伍,行列Passage 16 Two PicturesCome here and

25、 look at these pictures.This is a picture of a man, Mr. Brown, and a boy, Richard.Mr. Brown is the father of Richard Brown.And Richard Brown is the son of Mr. Brown.That is a picture of a woman,Mrs. Brown, and a girl, Mary Brown.Mrs. Brown is the wife of Mr. Brown and the mother of Mary Brown.Mary B

26、rown is Richard's sister.New Words and Expressionsson/sn/ n. 儿子 daughter/'d:t/ n.女儿sister/'sist/ n.姐,妹 brother/br/ n. 兄,弟wife/waif/ n.妻子Passage 17 On SundayIt is Sunday today. The weather is fine.Mingming and Dongdong are in the park.It is a big park. They can see many people there.They

27、come here to have a rest after a week's hard work and study.Some boys are playing football on the grass.Some girls are singing and dancing.An old man is reading a newspaper under a big tree.A young woman and her little son are playing with a toy bus.How happy they are!New Words and Expressionsha

28、rd/ha:d/ adj. 辛苦的,艰辛的 grass/gra:s/ n. 草,草地toy/ti/ n.玩具 have a rest 休息Passage 18 Mr. BlackMr. Black teaches us English this term. He is a tall man.He likes wearing a white shirt and black trousers.He speaks English very well. We like his lessons very much.His home is near the school. Sometimes Mr. Bl

29、ack walks to his home.He has two little sons. They look the same.They often wear the same clothes. He loves to see themand play with them. Mr. Black calls the two boys Da Mao and Xiao Mao.New Words and Expressionsteach/ti:t/ v. 教,教授 term/t:m/ n. 学期shirt/:t/ n. 衬衫 lesson/'lesn/ n.功课Passage 19 A C

30、lock and a WatchWe can tell the time by a clock or by a watch.A clock is big; it is usually on the wall or on the table.A watch is small; we can put it in the pocket,or wear it on the wrist!A clock or a watch usually has a round face.It has two hands, a long one and a short one.Tom's clock can s

31、peak and call him to get up every day.His watch has a picture of a lovely dog on the face.He likes it very much.New Words and Expressionspocket/'pkit/ n. 衣袋 wrist/rist/ n .手腕long/l/ adj. 长的 short/:t/ adj.短的,矮的Passage 20 A Happy FamilyMike comes from America. He is twelve.His father Mr. Brown wor

32、ks in a big shop in Beijing.Mike has a sister. Her name is Kate. She is only four.It is Saturday today. Mike's family is all at home.Mr. Brown is sitting in a chair and reading today's newspaper.Mrs. Brown is out of the house; she is watering the flowers.Is Mike with his mother? No, he is cl

33、eaning his new bike.Where is Kate? She is in her room. She is playing with her cat.What a happy family!New Words and Expressionsonly/'unli/ adv.仅仅,只有 water/'w:t/ v. 浇水clean/kli:n/ v. 把.弄干净newspaper /nju:s' peip/ n.报纸Passage 21Tim:Where is my pen?Jack:Is it on your desk?Tim:No.Jack:Is it

34、in your pencil-case?Tim:No.Jack:Ha-ha. Its in your hand.Where is Tims pen? _.Passage 22Amy: Sam, Lets go to school. Sam: OK. Lets go. But wheres my pencil-box? Amy: What colour is your pencil-box? Sam: Blue and white. Amy: Look! Its over there, on the desk. Sam: Thank you. 根据短文判断对()错(×)( ) 1. S

35、am and Tom go to school. ( ) 2. Sam has a blue and white pencil-box. ( ) 3. The pencil-box is on the desk.Passage 23Its a sunny(晴朗的) day. Li Yan and I go to the zoo. We see many animals(动物). What is it? Oh, a tiger. Look, the lions are under the tree. The birds are in the nest(窝). The zoo is very cl

36、ean(干净的).We can not see mosquitoes(蚊子). 根据短文判断对(T)错(F) ( )1. Li Yan and I go to the zoo. ( )2. The monkeys are under the tree. ( )3. We can see mosquitoes at the zoo.Passage 24The clouds(云)are white. The trees are green. The flowers(花) are yellow. The big lake(湖) is blue. There is a purple bike unde

37、r a tree. Some children are rowing a boat(划船)on the lake. 根据短文填词 1. The trees are _.2. The _ is blue.3. There is a purple bike_ a tree. 4. Some children are rowing a boat _ the lake. Passage 25Dicks bedroomThis is Dicks bedroom. Its a big and clean room. The desk is near the window. The light is on the desk. Some flowers are on the desk, too. A small table is near the bed. A TV is on it. Two pictures(图画)are on the wall. A little cat is on the chair. A football is under the bed.回答下面的问题:1. Whose bedroom is this?It is _ _.2. Can you s


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