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1、2007考研英语翻译高分要略翻译基础能力培养前 言考研英语翻译普遍得分率低下,要想取得高分,必须在目前这个阶段打好基础。本基础课程强调翻译基本技巧的培养,提供的往年真题及译文主要供同学们体会、模仿和修改。课上不会花大量时间讲解真题。后者将在强化班上重点练习。本课程分为五部分:第一部分大纲要求。第二部分解题步骤。第三部分技巧详解第四部分基本技能综合训练。两篇文章,基本涉及到所有常见常考的翻译技能。第五部分少量真题体验,不做重点,提供参考译文,自己回去模仿、修改译文。第六部分长难句课程中的练习部分参考翻译(有部分句子为往年翻译真题)第一部分 大纲要求翻译在考研英语的阅读板块,属于C节。大纲明确指出

2、:主要考查考生准确理解概念或结构较复杂的英语文字材料的能力。要求考生阅读一篇约400词的文章,并将其中5个划线部分(约150词)翻译成汉语,要求译文准确、完整、通顺。考生在答题卡2上作答。每句2分,共10分。文章的题材近几年偏重人文社科类。一、考研英语翻译的标准 概括来说,传统翻译标准的“信、达、雅”,考研英语只要具备前两者即可。“信”就是“忠实”,“达”就是“通顺”。忠实:译者首先要忠实于原文的内容,不可歪曲、遗漏英语原文所表达的内容。通顺:这里指翻译汉语后,译文要流畅、易懂。语言必须符合汉语的习惯和规范:用词要准确,文字不晦涩、不生硬、没有很重的翻译腔;结构必须合理,不能混乱。总的来说,考

3、研英语翻译要忠于原文,但一定要为汉语服务,翻译出来的句子不能有假洋鬼子的味道。我们做翻译时,译文处理必须上升到语言上的爱国主义这个高度。阅卷时的卷面分也很重要,在后面的分步练习中,我们必须学会打草稿,保证不出现非智力性因素失分。第二部分 翻译解题步骤与思路-四步走 考研翻译,我推荐大家分四步来走。平时训练大家要严格,切勿偷工减料。否则就会造成翻译的“豆腐渣工程”。第一步 通读理解原文英译汉的第一步是准确、完整、透彻地理解英语原文。要翻译的文章是一个有机整体,都围绕着主旨展开。因此必须先通读全文,了解文章的整体内容,准确把握作者所要表达的主题思想。注意通读不等于全读,根据我提的三段论和总分法两个

4、核心来通读所有段落首句,加读长段(6行以上)尾句和文章最后一句。在此基础上,还需要认真分析划线部分与上下文之间的各种关系(逻辑关系、语法关系、意义关系及指代关系等)。否则很容易造成理解上的断章取义。第二步 理解分拆原句此部分认真参考本人长难句讲义里的分拆意群部分详细讲解。此处不再详述。找出主句和从句中的意群,快速切分。使用斜线在原句里做出标记。当分解完意群时,主干意群用下划线划出主谓宾或主系表。同时要注意句子是否有省略的地方,以及各个意群(如简单句子,各类短语:介词短语、不定式短语、分词短语、动名词短语)各种语法逻辑功能(原因,目的还是结果?等等)。这样才算作对原文理解了。也就是达到了我所说的

5、“意会”的程度。第三步 直译切分意群切分完意群后,带着对全文主旨和上下文的综合了解,需要对意群进行快速直译。这一步我称为“言传”。这个步骤承上启下,关系到翻译的句子的成败。有两个要求:一、直译。看到什么意群就直接翻译,尽量选用时,脑子里第一时间反应出的汉语的词汇和短语。我们必须承认我们目前还没达到同传的水平。因此这一步不要试图直接译出成品。否则只会在大脑里抹浆糊,造成。不要如:The importance of an internationally accepted language in cross-cultural communication can never be overestima

6、ted。我们迅速直译为“国际上可以接受的语言在跨文化交际中的重要性永远无法高估。”然后进行到下一步,看着这一句直译的句子,根据我们对原文的理解,进行汉语复述。这样难度就降低了很多,很容易理顺句子结构和准确推敲汉语选词。直译是我们在看到英语句子时的第一反应。考研英语的句子难度大,不可能像看到I dont know 一样直接反应出正确译文,而是需要仔细分析原句,直译之后再进行二次精心加工,最后成文。我们必须对自己的能力做出正确判断,不能盲目乐观。翻译能力的提高必须经历这一段直译à意译的过渡期。第四步 润色、调序、成文这一步要求大家对直译出的汉语意群进行再加工。选用的汉语词汇要准确,句子结

7、构要符合我们的表达习惯。:在准确理解划线部分英语句子的含义后,如何用通顺的汉语将其表达出来是关键。表达是理解的结果,是把已经理解了的原作内容选择适当的译文重新表达出来。由于两种语言存在着语言、语法及表达方式上的差异,所以在翻译的时候必须作相应的调整和改变,使中文读者阅读译文时感到自然、流畅。如前所述,翻译出的句子要爱国。审校润色则是使译文更完美的最后一个环节。通过审校,我们可以发现译文的一些漏洞和不足之处,如人名、地名、日期、数字、时间等细节是否有遗漏和错译的地方,指代关系是否明确一致,是否存在错别字,标点符号是否准确等。第三部分 翻译技巧详解和练习一、增补法 英汉两种语言由于词法和句法经常存

8、在一定差异,翻译时为了使译文为汉语服务,必要时,从词法语法方面需要考虑,在汉语译文里适当增补一些润滑的词语。单纯词汇的增补往往是因为汉语英语单词的不对称性。也就是说汉语词汇和英语直接并非一一对应。句子成分的补充是因为英语里的某些省略不能在汉语里省略。例1:The local government has not come up with effective remedies for the serious unemployment 地方政府未能拿出有效方案来解决严重的失业(问题)例2:Neither of the parties in the peace talk has ever touch

9、ed upon substance和谈双方都未涉及到实质(问题)。例3: All these policies are based upon the expectations of the foreign capital, rather than upon the funds available所有政策都是建立在预期的外资基础上,而不是目前的资金基础上。例4:They thought their studies were leading in this field他们原以为自己的研究在这个领域内处于领先地位。【如果译文漏掉“原”字,时态将变成现在时,违反了原文】例5:He was, he is

10、 and he will remain what he was in the future, be it harsh or blessing 他过去,现在,未来都会保持他原先的本色,不管是逆境还是顺境。例6:Under no circumstances will they give up; they never have and never will他们任何情况下都不会放弃,他们从未放弃过,将来也决不会。二、删减法由于英汉语言多方面的差异,英语中不可缺少的成分信息如果直译到汉语中去,会影响译文的简洁和通顺。为了使译文更符合汉语的表达习惯,更具可读性,需要省略一些多余的词语。但必须不能改变英语原

11、句的含义。很多介词在短语中也经常省略。比如,定冠词The如果不译成汉语的指示代词,在很多情况下可以省略。例:The density of population determines, to some extent, the speed at which the underground water is exploited 人口密度在某种程度上决定地下水的开采速度。三、反译法有些句子英语是从正面说的,汉语需要从反面来表达才更符合我们的习惯。1、否定译成肯定。注意双重否定如果译成汉语的双重否定不通顺,就需要译成肯定句。例1:He never visited us but he brought us

12、 some gifts 他每次来拜访我们都会带些礼物。例2:There is no rule that has no exception只要有规则,就有例外。这个双重否定就不能译成汉语双重否定“没有规则没有例外的”。2、“before”连接两个意群时,译法需特别注意。但汉语表达时,如果把before一律翻成“在之前”,有时会很生硬。这时我们根据实际情况,可以翻译为“然后”,加上它连接的内容。He spent 5 years pursuing his PhD degree in the Harvard, before starting his career in his motherland他在

13、美国攻读博士学位用了5年,然后回国开创自己的事业。四、被动语态翻译技巧 该部分按下面几种情况讨论。1、被动仍翻成被动例1 Those who support the“nature”side of the conflict believe that our personalities and behavior patterns are largely determined by biological factors 在这场争论中,赞成“天性说”一方的人认为,我们的性格特征和行为模式主要由生物因素决定。2、英语被动变汉语主动。如:例1 This city was built many years

14、ago and it is now inhabited by none 这座城市是许多年以前建成的,而现在无人居住。例2 On the whole such a conclusion can be drawn with a certain degree of confidence总的来说,得出这样的结论是有一定的把握的例3 (In general, the tests work most effectively ) when the qualities to be measured can be most precisely defined (总之,)当需要测定的素质能够最精确地界定出来 3、

15、借助译成“是的”、“由的”等汉语的表语结构。The movement to oppose racial discrimination was personally initiated and led by a famous Negro leader这场反对种族歧视的运动是由一位著名的黑人领袖亲自发动和领导的。五、几种常考的比较和否定句式的翻译技巧1、no morethan翻译成汉语“和一样不”。逻辑上是双否定。例1:The heart is no more intelligent than the stomach, for they are both controlled by the bra

16、in 心脏和胃一样不能思维,都受大脑支配。(例2:There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take, any more than they can limit how much water you drink他们没有理由限定你吃多少维生素,就如同他们不能限定你喝多少水一样。2、not so muchas翻译成“与其说,不如说”。It was not so much the many blows he received as the lack of fighting spirit that led to his losi

17、ng the game与其说他输了比赛是多次被击中,不如说是自己缺乏斗志。3、less与more对比,不出现thanInterests in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves人们之所以关注历史研究的方法论,更多原因是史学界内部意见不一,其次是因为外界并不认为历史是一门学问。(

18、真题示范)4、nothing better than形式上的比较级,常翻成实际的最高级。Sun Chief Scott McNealy would love nothing better than to break Microsofts hold on the software marketSun的总裁斯科特·麦克尼利最喜欢的事就是打破微软对软件市场的统治。5、can never/not be too +形容词,翻成越越,或无论怎么都不为过。One can never be too careful when encountered with such a complicated si

19、tuation6、The last,表示全否定。翻成最不This is the last thing a true scientist would do to prove his academic capacity这是真正的科学家最不愿意做的事情。 7、其它需要注意的短语翻译anything but,全否定,翻译为根本不。Nothing but翻译为只不过/只有。其余考试较少的请参考翻译基础PowerPoint课件(wwwtangqimingcom)。六、汉语语序调整技巧简言之,一切译文要为汉语服务,不能出现很别扭的译文。这其中的意群句子的顺序非常重要。英汉语里的语序不同主要体现在:英语的定语

20、(定语从句)和状语(状语从句)既有前置的也有后置的,而汉语的定语和多数状语(状语从句)只能前置。 例1:The report suggested the government take the issue of decreasing funds for education seriously 报告建议政府严肃对待教育经费减少的问题。例2:That our environment has little, if anything, to do with our abilities, characteristics and behavior is central to this theory 这种理

21、论的核心是,我们的环境同我们的才能、性格特征和行为即使有什么关系的话,也是微不足道的。(英语的谓语部分在译文中变成汉语的主语。)七、专有名词翻译技巧大纲后面的常见专有名词需要记住。不常见的人名、地名可以照抄原文,不要费心思乱译,浪费时间。英文名字切勿意译!只能音译!Bill Gates;President Bush八、生词翻译技巧万一有不认识的词,最好忽略不译,切忌胡乱翻译,因为一个错译远比一个漏译更能引起阅卷老师的注意。但切勿在译文里留出空白。第四部分 翻译基本技能综合训练选取了考试中经常涉及到的专题,如人文学科的一些文章,来加强同学们的相关背景知识,强化相应的翻译要求,尤其是准确表达的最基

22、本的能力训练。词汇的专业性并不强,但必须要求我们有最基本的相关知识。只有通过基础练习我们才能完成向最高水平的第一跳。必须从循序渐进。这两篇文章将练习考研英语中涉及到的基本翻译技能:增补、删减;被动、主动切换;逻辑比较译法;语序调整等等。Passage 1 The Euro Disney Corporation, acknowledging that its elaborate theme park had not performed as strongly as expected, announced Thursday that it would sustain a net financial

23、 loss of unpredictable scale in its first financial year At the time of the April opening of the park, which stands on a 4,800-acre site 30 kilometers (20 miles) east of Paris, Euro Disney officials said they expected to make a small profit for the financial year ending September 30 But since then t

24、he park has been hit by a number of problems Euro Disney said that although attendance levels had been high, "the company anticipates that it will sustain a net loss for the financial year ending September 30, 1992" It added that "the amount of the loss will depend on attendance and h

25、otel use rates achieved during the remaining portion of the critical European summer vacation period" The announcement amounted to an extraordinary reversal for Euro Disney, which opened amid immense celebration and widespread predictions of immediate success At the time of the opening, on Apri

26、l 12, the company's shares were trading at 14090 francs ($2807), and had been as high as 170 francs earlier in the year They dropped 275 percent Thursday to close at 9725 francs Mr Forsgren, the chief financial officer, said he thought the market had "reacted a bit emotionally to preliminar

27、y information", adding that "by all objective standards the park is very successful and the rest is just details" The company said that 36 million people had visited the park from April 12 to July 22, a performance superior to that of comparable start-up periods at other Disney theme

28、parks, but it warned that, given the likely strong seasonal variation in attendance, it was not possible to predict future attendance or profits The main problem confronting Euro Disney appears to be managing its costs and finding an appropriate price level for its over 5,000 hotel rooms Clearly, co

29、sts have been geared to a revenue level that has not been achieved, and the company is beginning to drop hotel prices that have been widely described as excessive Mr Forsgren said the number of staff, now at 17,000, would "come down significantly in the next two months, mainly through the loss

30、of employees, who worked on a temporary basis1_ _2_ _3_4_ _5_ _6_ _7_ _8_Passage 2It is a popular myth that great geniuses the Einsteins, Picassos and Mozarts of this world spring up out of nowhere as if touched by the finger of God The model is Karl Friedrich Gauss, supposedly born into a family of

31、 manual workers, who grew up to become the father of modern mathematics A professor who studies early learning has attacked this myth, saying that when he looked into the childhood of these geniuses, he discovered there was a pattern of very early stimulation by a parent or teacher figure For instan

32、ce, Einstein's father was an electrical engineer who fascinated his son with practical displays of physics Picasso's father was an art teacher who had young Pablo painting bowls of fruit at the age of eight But what sort of parental stimulation should it be? There is plenty of evidence that,

33、 too often, pressure from parents results in children suffering fatigue rather than becoming geniuses One study has identified two kinds of parent style the supportive and the stimulating     Supportive parents were those who would go out of their way to help their children follow their fa

34、vorite interests, praised whatever level of achievement resulted and generally created a pleasant home governed by clear rules Stimulating parents were more actively involved in what their children did, steering them towards certain fields and pushing them to work hard, often acting as a tutorThe st

35、udy followed four groups of children: one with supportive parents, one with stimulating parents, one whose parents combined both qualities and a final group who offered neither The result was that the children whose parents were simply supportive were happier than average but were not particularly i

36、ntense in their concentration when studying or working on something The children who did best were those whose parents were both supportive and stimulating Children whose parents were stimulating without being supportive were candidates for fatigue Another crucial factor is the need for parents to h

37、ave proper conversations with their children Through the talk with adults, children pick up language skills and adult habits and styles of thought One reason why prodigies such as Picasso and Einstein had a head start in life was that they had parents who demonstrated how to think about subjects lik

38、e art or physics at a very early age    It is the time spent in the conversation as well as the way in which a parents talks that count A parent who only gives a brief reply to a child's questions or gives dull answers will be passing on a narrow-minded style of thinking On the other h

39、and, parents happy to take a child step by step through an argument, encouraging him or her to explore ideas, will cultivate an open and creative thinking style     One researcher is attempting to show this experimentally with a study in which groups of parents are taught how to have benef

40、icial conversations with their small children He says these children have an advantage over their peer group in language ability, intellectual ability, and even social leadership skills While the study is not yet complete, the children appear to have been given a long-term advantage     Th

41、ere is general agreement that genuine biological differences exist between individuals; geniuses need to be lucky in both their genes and their parents The most significant implication would seem to be that while most people are in a good position to fulfill their biological potential barring seriou

42、s illnesses or a poor diet during childhood it is far from certain that they will grow up in an environment where that capacity will be developed 1_2_ _3_4_5_ _6_7_ _8_9_10 _11 _12 _ _13 _ _ 第五部分 体验真题,练技巧在这里选取了几篇往年真题,综合演练一下解题的步骤,理顺解题思路。文章虽然较早,但考查的难度并不低于近几年。近几年的试题可以留到强化复习阶段(如秋季)使用。所选取的译文不是唯一正确的答案。只要符

43、合前边所说的“信达”标准的翻译都是高分译文。请注意,我们练的是方法和思路。只有掌握正确的方法,才能提高时间利用率,早日脱离题海。否则做10,000道题也只能是简单且错误地重复!11990年英译汉试题People have wondered for a long time how their personalities,and behaviors are formed It is not easy to explain why one person is intelligent and another is not,or why one is cooperative and another is

44、 competitiveSocial scientists are,of course,extremely interested in these types of questions(61)They want to explain why we possess certain characteristics and exhibit certain behaviors There are no clear answers yet,but two distinct schools of thought on the matter have developed As one might expec

45、t,the two approaches are very different from each other The controversy is often conveniently referred to as “nature vs nurture”(62)Those who support the“nature”side of the conflict believe that our personalities and behavior patterns are largely determined by biological factors(63)That our environm

46、ent has little,if anything,to do with our abilities,characteristics and behavior is central to this theory Taken to an extreme,this theory maintains that our behavior is predetermined to such a great degree that we are almost completely governed by our instinctsThose who support the “nurture” theory,that is,they advocate education,are often called behaviorists They claim that our environment is more impo


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