1、由于收纳了教材上所有文章和翻译,使得排版内容篇幅较长。如果你只想借此获取完形填空的15分,则可以考虑删除其中所有的中文翻译,这样篇幅可以减少一半左右。祝您好运!Studies Show US Spending Doesnt Get Best HealthThe United States may spend twice as much on health care as other countries but it is hot getting results to match according to studies released on Tuesday.But in the study
2、of five wealthy countries,published in the joumal Health Affairs,researchers found no single nation had clearly the worst or best health care systemGerard Anderson at Johns Hopkins Universitys school of public health and cofleagues came up with a list of 21 health fields they could evenly compare ac
3、ross the five countriesAustralia,Canada,Britain,New Zealand and the United States“None of the five countries is consistently the best or the worst on all 21 indicators”Anderson said during a telephone briefing for reporters“If you are looking for the place to get me best care,there isnt a single pla
4、ceEvery country has at least one indicator where it scores the best of the five countries and each country has at least one indicator where it scores the worst of the five countries”But,he said,the United States is not getting value for money“The United States should be particularly concerned about
5、these results,given that we spend twice as much on health care as any other countrySo spending more doesnt necessarily result in better outcomesAndersons group of international health experts sponsored by the Commonwealth Fund spent five years working on the study,getting the latest possible data fr
6、om the five countries on areas such as breast cancer and leukemia survival,suicide rates,death rates from asthma,vaccination rates and cancer screening研究表明美国在医疗卫生方面的花销没有使它成为最好的根据星期二发布的研究结果,美国在卫生保健方面的花费是其他富裕国家的两倍,但并设有得到相应的结果。在医疗事件杂志上发表的对五个富有国家的研究中,研究者们发现没有哪个国家有明显的最坏或最好的医疗体系。约翰霍普金斯大学的公共卫生学院的Gerard Ard
8、率和癌症检查等领域的尽可能新的数据。Most Adults in US Have Low Risk of Heart DiseaseMore than 80 percent of US adults have a less than 10-percent risk of developing heart disease in the next 10 years,according to a report in the Journal of the American College ofCardiologyJust 3 percent have a risk that exceeds 20 pe
9、rcent“I hope that these numbers will give physicians,researchers,health policy analysts,and others a better idea of how coronary heart disease is distributed in the US population,”lead author DrEarl S.Ford,from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta,said in a statementThe findings
10、 are based on analysis of data from 13,769 subjects,between 20 and 79 years of age,who participated in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 1988 to1994Overall,82 percent of adults had a risk,of less than 10 percent,1 5 percent had a risk that fell between 10 to 20 percenta
11、nd 3 percent had a risk above 20 percentThe proportion of subjects in the highest risk group increased with advancing age,and men were more likely than women to be in this group.By contrast,race or ethnicity had little effect on risk distributionsAlthough the report suggests that most adults have a
12、low 10-year risk of heart disease,a large proportion have a high or immediate rick, Dr. Daniel SBerman, from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles,and DrNathan DWong,from the University of California at Irvine,note in a related editorialAggressive treatment measures and public health strategies
13、 are needed to shift the overall populati,on risk downward,they add在美国大多数成年人有低风险的心脏疾病根据美国心脏病学杂志上的报告,80%以上的美国成年人在今后十年内患心脏病的风险不到10%。只有3%的人患心脏病的风险超过了20%。来自美国疾病控制中心的第一作者Earl S. Ford博士在一次报告中说:“我希望这些数字能够使外科医生、研究者、卫生政策分析家和其他人更好地了解冠心病在美国人口中的分布状况。”这些研究结果基于对13769个20岁至79岁的实验对象的数据分析得到的,他们参与了1988年到1994年的第三次全国卫生和
14、营养普查。总的来说,82%的成年人患心脏病的风险低于10%,15%的人风险在10%-20%之间,3%的人风险高于20%。实验对象年龄越大,在最高风险组中所占的比例越大;男人进入该组的可能性亦大于女人。对比之下,种族对心脏病风险的分布没有什么作用。来自洛杉矶的西达西奈医学中心的Daniel S. Berman博士和来自加利福尼亚大学的Nathan D. wang博士在一个相关的评论中说道,尽管报告显示大多数成年人十年内患心脏病的风险较低,但是在有风险者中,很大一部分所面临的风险却是很高的或是刻不容缓的。他们补充说,需要积极的治疗措施和公共卫生政策来使整体人口的患病的风险降低。SmokingSin
15、ce 1939, numerous studies have been conducted to determine whether smoking is a health hazard.The trend of the evidence has been consistent and indicates that there is a serious health risk.Research teams have conducted studies that show beyond all reasonable doubt that tobacco smoking is associated
16、 with a shortened life expectancy.Cigarette smoking is believed by most research workers in this field to be an important factor in the development of cancer of the lungs and cancer of the throat and is believed to be related to cancer of some other organs of the body.Male cigarette smokers have a h
17、igher death rate from heart disease than non-smoking males.Female smokers are thought to be less affected because they do not breathe in the smoke so deeply.Apart from statistics,it might be helpful to look at what smoking tobacco does to the human body.Smoke is a mixture of gases,vaporized chemical
18、s,minute particles of ash and other solids.There is also nicotine,which is powerful poison,and black tar.As smoke is breathed in,all those components form deposits on the membranes of the lungs.One point of concentration is where the air tube and bronchus divides.Most lung cancer begins at this poin
19、t.Filters and low tar tobacco are claimed to make smoking to some extent safer, but they can only slightly reduce, not eliminate the hazards.抽烟自 1939年以来,人们进行了无数次研究,以确定抽烟是否危害健康,证据的趋向是一致的,显示出抽烟对健康有严重危害。研究组进行的研究确凿无疑地表明抽烟与人的预期寿命的缩短有关。这个领域的大部分研究人员部认为抽烟是肺癌和喉癌产生的重要原因,并且和人体其他某些器官的癌症有关。抽烟的男性因心脏病而死亡的机率高于不抽烟的男
20、性。女性吸烟者被认为受的影响较小,因为她们不深吸烟。除了统计之外,看一看吸烟对人体的影响也可能会有帮助。烟是各种气体、蒸发的化学物质、微小的灰和其他固体颗粒的混合物。里面还有很强的毒素尼古丁和黑焦油。当烟被吸入时,所有这些成分形成肺膜上的沉淀物,其集中的一点是气管和支气管分叉的地方。大部分肺癌开始于这一点。过滤嘴和焦油含量低的烟草被宣称使抽烟在某种程度上安全一些,但是它们只能稍微降低而不是消除危害。Some Sleep Drugs Do More Than Make You SleepThe United States Food and Drug Administration has orde
21、red companies to place strong new warnings on thirteen drugs that treat sleep disordersIt also ordered the makers of the sleeping pills to provide information for patients explaining how to safely use the drugsLast Wednesday,the FDA announced that some of these drugs can have unexpected and dangerou
22、s effectsThese include the risk of lifethreatening allergic reactionsThey also include rare incidents of strange behaviorThese include people cooking food,eating and even driving while asleepThe patients later had no memory of doing these activities while asleepLast year,a member of the United State
23、s Congress。said he had a sleep-driving incidentPatrick Kennedy,a representative from Rhode Island,crashed his car into a security barrier near the building where lawmakers meetThe accident happened in the middle of the night and no one was hurtMrKennedy said he had earlier taken a sleep medicineHe s
24、aid he was also being treated with a stomach sickness drug that could cause sleepinessThe Food and Drug Administration did not say in its announcement how many cases of sleep.driving it had documentedHoweverthe New York Times reported last year about people who said they had strange sleep events aft
25、er taking the drug AmbienSome reported sleepdriving and sleep.walkingOthers said they found evidence after waking in the morning that they had cooked food or eaten in their sleepBut they had no memory of carrying out the activitiesA Food and Drug Administration official says that these serious side
26、effects of sleep disorder drugs appear to be rareBut,he also says there are probably more cases than are reported .He says the agency believes the risk of such behaviors could be reduced if people take the drugs as directed and do not drink alcohol while taking the drugsTheFood and Drug Administrati
27、on has advised drug companies to carry out studies to investigate the problem催眠安眠药副作用不可轻视美国食品及药品管理局规定,商家必须在治疗睡眠障碍的13种药物上附上语气坚定的新的警告语;同时规定安眠药生产厂家应向病人解释清楚如何安全服药。上周三,食品及药品管理局宣称,有些安眠药会产生意想不到的危险后果,包括威胁生命安全的过敏性反应,以及人们服药后的奇怪行为,例如有的人会在梦游时做饭、进食甚至开车。但是后来对自己睡着时的活动却全然不知。去年,美国国会官员,罗得岛会议员代表Patrick Kennedy说他就有驾车梦游
29、危险行为就会减少。食品及药品管理局已经向药品生产厂家提出建议,希望他们能针对这一问题进行研究。Dangers Await Babies with AltitudeWomen who live in the worlds highest communities tend to give birth to underweight babies,a new study suggestsThese babies may grow into adults with a high risk of heart disease and strokesResearch has hinted that newbo
30、rns in mountain communities are lighter than averageBut it wasnt clear whether this is due to reduced oxygen levels at high altitude or because their mothers are under-nourished-many people who live at high altitudes are relatively poor compared with those living lower downTo find out more,Dino Gius
31、sani and his team at Cambridge University studied the records of400 births in Bolivia during 1997 and 1998The babies were born in both rich and poor areas of two cities:La Paz and Santa CruzLa Paz is the highest city in the world,at 3.65 kilometers above sea level,while Santa Cruz is much lower,at 0
32、.44 kilometersSure enough,Giussani found that the average birthweight of babies in La Paz was Significantly lower than in Santa CruzThis was true in both high and lowincome familiesEven babies born to poor families in Santa Cruz were heavier on average than babies born to wealthy families in lofty L
33、a Paz“We were very surprised by this result,” says GiussaniThe results suggest that babies born at high altitude are deprived of oxygen before birth“This may trigger the release or suppression of hormones that regulate growth of the unborn child,” says GiussaniHis team also found that highaltitude b
34、abies tended to have relatively larger heads compared with their bodiesThis is probably because a fetus starved of oxygen will send oxygenated blood to the brain in preference to the rest of t11e body Giussani wants to find out if such babies have a higher risk of disease in later lifePeople born in
35、 La Paz might be prone to heart trouble in adulthoodfor exampleLow birthweight is a risk factor for coronary heart diseaseAnd newborns with a high ratio of head size to body weight are often predisposed to high blood pressure and strokes in later life高海拔地区的婴儿有危险一项新的研究表明,住在世界高海拔地区的女人通常生下体重不足的婴儿。这些婴儿在
36、长大成人后患心脏病和中风的风险很大。研究暗示,在山区出生的新生儿低于平均体重。但是还不清楚这是由于在高海拔地区氧气不足,还是由于他们的母亲没有获得足够的营养许多住在高海拔地区的人相对比住在低海拔地区的人穷。为了了解更多情况,剑桥大学的Dina Giussani 和他的团队研究了1997年至1998年玻利维亚的400个新生儿的记录。这些婴儿出生于两个城市的富有和贫困地区:拉巴斯和圣克鲁斯。拉巴斯是世界上海拔最高的城市,海拔3.65千米,而圣克鲁斯低很多,海拔440米。当然,Giussani发现拉巴斯的新生儿的平均出生体重明显低于圣克鲁斯的新生儿,无论高收入家庭还是低收入家庭都是如此。甚至圣克鲁斯
37、的贫穷家庭的婴儿比拉巴斯的富有家庭的婴儿平均体重还要重。Giussani说:“我们对这个结果感到吃惊。”这个结果表明在高海拔地区出生的婴儿出生前就缺氧。Giussani说:“这可能会触发调节胎儿成长的荷尔蒙的释放或抑制。”他的团队还发现高海拔地区出生的婴儿通常有相对身体来说较大的头部。这可能是因为一个缺氧的胚胎会首先把充氧的血液输送到脑部,然后才送到身体的其他部位。Giussani想要查出这样的婴儿在今后的生活中是不是更容易患病。例如在拉巴斯出生的人在成年之后更可能患心脏病。出生时体重轻是患冠心病的一个危险因素。头部相对身体较大的新生儿在今后的生活中通常更容易患高血压和中风。US Signs
38、Global Tobacco TreatyThe United States has taken the first step toward approving a global tobacco treaty that promises to help control the deadly effects of tobacco use throughout the world. Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson signed the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC)
39、this week at the United Nations. The Senate must still approve the treaty before the US can implement its provisions.The FCTC was developed by the World Health Organization and approved by members of the World Health Assembly,including the United States,last year. Countries that ratify it would be r
40、equired to enact strict tobacco control policies.For instance, cigarettes sold in those countries would have to have health warnings on at least 30% of the front and back of every pack. The treaty calls for higher tobacco taxes, restrictions on smoking in public places, and more promotion of tobacco
41、 prevention and cessation programs. It also requires bans on tobacco advertising, though there are some exceptions for countries like the United States, where the Constitution prohibits such an outright ban.The impact of the treaty could be huge. The World Health Organization estimates that tobacco
42、use kills nearly 5 million people worldwide every year. In the US alone, about 440,000 people die each year from tobacco-related illnesses; about one-third of all cancers in the US are caused by tobacco use. If current trends continue, WHO estimates, by 2025 tobacco will kill 10 million people each
43、year.The treaty must be ratified by at least 40 countries before it can take effect. So far,109 countries have signed it, and 12 have ratified it.美国签订了全球烟草协议美国朝着批准一项全球性烟草协议迈出了第一步。该协议有望在世界范围内控制使用烟草所产生的致命性影响。卫生和人类服务大臣托米汤普森本周在联合国签署了烟草控制框架性协议(FCTC)。在美国能够实施其条款之前参议院还必须要批准这个协议。FCTC是由世界卫生组织制定的,并且是由世界卫生大会的成员
45、被40个国家批准才能生效。到目前为止,109个国家已经签订了这个协议,12个国家已经批准了它。Napping to a Healthier Heart?Researchers say they have developed a simple test that can tell if at person with heart disease is likely to stiffer a heart attack2 The test measures levels of a protein in the blood. The researchers say people with high le
46、vels of this protein are at high risk of heart attack, heart failure3 or stroke.Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo of the University of California in San Francisco led the team. For about four years, they studied almost one thousand patients with heart disease. The researchers tested the heart disease patients
47、 for a protein called NT-proBNP4. Patients with the highest levels were nearly eight times more likely than those with the lowest levels to have a heart attack, heart failure or stroke.The researchers say the presence of high levels of the protein in the blood shows that the heart muscle is under pr
48、essure in some way. The study involved mostly men, so the researchers could not say for sure5 that the results are also true for women. They say the patients with the highest levels of NT-proBNP were older and had other problems like diabetes or high blood pressure.Other researchers say more studies
49、 are needed to confirm if knowing the protein levels of a heart patient should affect that persons treatment. They also would like to know if more aggressive treatment6 could reduce the patients chance of a heart attack or stroke. The study appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association
50、7.Could a little sleep during the middle of the day reduce the risk of a heart attack? An unrelated study earlier this month in the Archives of Internal Medicine8 suggests that the answer may be yes. In countries like the United States, afternoon naps are mostly for children. But they are common for
51、 adults in Mediterranean countries. And these countries generally have lower rates of heart disease. So scientists in the United States and Greece wondered if naps could play a part. Twenty-three thousand healthy adults took part in the study by Harvard University and the University of Athens9. Thos
52、e who took thirty-minute naps three times a week had a thirty-seven percent lower risk of death from heart problems than people who did not take naps.The researchers say napping may improve heart health by reducing stress. They say the research suggests that naps are especially good for working men.
53、 But they say not enough female subjects died during the study to judge the benefits for women.午睡可以使心脏更健康吗?研究人员声称他们开发出了一种简单的测试,它可以判断一个心脏病患者发病的可能性。这种测试就是测量一种特定的蛋白质在血液中的含量。研究人员指出,血液中含有大量这种蛋白质的人是心脏病发作、心力衰竭、中风的高危人群。领导这个课题研究小组的是来自加州大学旧金山分校的Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo。在大约四年间,他们研究了约1000个心脏病患者。研究人员测试心脏病患者体内一种叫做
56、们表示,因为研究中的女性调查者死亡的病历并不多,所以午睡之于女性是否有好处,还不能断言。Many Benefit from Cancer OrganizationDo you know a child who survived leukemia? Do you have a mother, sister or aunt whose breast cancer was found early thanks to a mammogram? Do you have a friend or coworker who quit smoking to reduce their risk of lung c
57、ancer? Each of these individuals benefited from the American Cancer Societys research program.Each day scientists supported by the American Cancer Society work to find breakthroughs that will take us one step closer to a cure.1 The American Cancer Society has long recognized that research holds the
58、ultimate answers to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer.2As the largest source of nonprofit cancer research funds in the United States, the American Cancer Society devotes over $100 million each year to research. Since 1946,theyve invested more than $2.4 billion in research. The invest
59、ment has paid rich dividends3 :In 1946,only one in four cancer patients was alive five years after diagnosis; today 60 percent live longer than five years.Investigators and health professionals in universities, research institutes and hospitals throughout the country receive grants from the American Cancer Soci
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