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1、新概念英语第一册习题 Lesson 1A About youCopy this dialogue. Add your own name at the end. 抄写这段对话,. 在结 尾处加上你的名字。 Sue: Excuse me. _  John: Yes? _  Sue: What's your name? _  John: Pardon? _  Sue: What's your name? _  John: My name is John. _  Sue: What's your name? _

2、0; You: My name is. _  B Vocabulary  Write the correct words in the questions. 用正确的词完成以下问句。 book car coat dress house.  pen pencil shirt wathc  1 Is this your h_? 6 Is this your c_?  2 Is this your w_? 7 Is this your c_?  3 Is this your sh _? 8 Is this your d_?  4

3、Is this your b_? 9 Is this your p_?  5 Is this your p_? 10 Is this your s _?  C Numbers  Write the numbers in figures. 用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。 three 3 ten_ one_ four_ six_ five_  eight_ seven_ two_nine_ Lesson 1B2 watch 3 shirt 4 book 5 pen 6 coat 7 car 8 dress 9 pencil 10 skirtC10,1,4,6,5

4、,8,7,2,9新概念英语第一册习题 Lesson 2Lesson 2 Is this your.? 这是你的.吗?A StructureWrite questions with the words用所给的词写出问句。Handbag Is this your handbag?1 book _2 car _3 coat _4 dress _5 house _6 pen _7 pencil _8 shirt _9 skirt _10 watch _B SituationsLook at the situations. Which expression do you use for each?针对所

5、给情景选择你应该说的话。Excuse me. Good morning. Pardon? Thank you very much.1 You don't hear something verywell. What do you say? _2 Someone gives you something.How do you thank him or her? _3 You want to speak to someone.What do you say first? _4 You want to greet someone.It is 9.30 a.m. _Lesson 2A1 Is th

6、is your book? 2 Is this your car?3 Is this your coat? 4 Is this your dress?5 Is this your house? 6 Is this your pen?7 Is this your pencil? 8 Is this your shirt?9 Is this your skirt? 10 Is this your watch?B1 Pardon?2 Thank you very much.3 Excuse me.新概念英语第一册习题 Lesson 3Lesson 3 Sorry, sir. 对不起,先生。A Dia

7、logueCopy this dialogue抄写这段对话。Sue: My coat and my handbag _please. _Here is my ticket. _It's number ten. _Man: Thank you. Number ten. _Here's your handbag _and here's your coat. _Sue: Thank you very much. _B VocabularyWrite in the words in the answers. 完成以下句子。1 Is this your school? - Yes

8、, it is my school .2 Is this your ticket? - Yes, this is my _.3 Is this your teacher? - Yes, this is my _.4 Is this your watch? - No, it isn't my _.5 Is this your pencil? Yes, this is my _.6 Is this your daughter? - No, it isn't my _.7 ls this your umbrella? - Yes. it is my _.8 Is this your

9、suit? - No, this isn't my _.C NumbersWrite the numbers in figures. 用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。twelve 12 ten_ seven_fourteen _ eight_ fifteen_thirteen _ nine_ two _eleven_Lesson 3B2 ticket 3 teacher 4 watch 5 pencil 6 daughter 7 umbrella 8 suitC10,7,14,8,15,13,9,2,11新概念英语第一册习题 Lesson 4A StructureAnswer the que

10、stions with Yes or No like the examples模仿例句用Yes或No 回答以下问题。Is this your book? Yes, it is. It's my book.Is this your car? × No, it isn't . It isn't my car.1 Is this your coat? _2 Is this your watch?× _3 Is this your school? _4 Is this your ticket? × _5 Is this your book? _B

11、Short formsWrite these with short forms. 用缩写形式抄写以下句子。1 Here is your pen. Here's your pen.2 Here is my ticket. _3 It is your umbrella. _It is not my umbrella. _4 It is my pen. _It is not your pen. _C SituationsLook at the situations. Which expression do you use for each? 针对所给情景选择你应该说的话。Thank you.

12、 Sorry. Pardon? Please.1 You do something wrong. What do you say ? _2 Someone gives you something. How do you thank him or her? _3 You don't hear something. What do you say? _4 Which word do you use when you ask for something? _Lesson 4A1 Yes, it is. It's my coat.2 No, it isn't. It isn&#

13、39;t my watch.3 Yes, it is. It's my school.4 No, it isn't. It isn't my ticket.5 Yes, it is. It's my book.B2 Here's my ticket.3 It's your umbrella. It isn't my umbrella.4 It's my pen. It isn't yourpen.C1 Sorry.2 Thank you.3 Pardon? 4 Please.新概念英语第一册习题 Lesson 5Lesso

14、n 5 Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。A About youCopy this dialogue. Fill in the last two sentences about yourself. 抄写这段对话,在最后两句中填上有关你自己的内容。You: This is Fritz. He is German. _Man: Nice to meet you, Fritz. _You: This is Xiaohui. She's Chinese. _Man: Nice to meet you. And what's your name? _You: Oh, my

15、 name's. _I'm ., too. _Nice to meet you. _B Vocabulary:Write in the nationality adjectives. 填上表示国籍的形容词。1 Lars is a Swedish student.         2 Naoko is a J _ student.3 Charlie is an A _student.    4 Wu Li is a C _ student.5 A Daewoo is a

16、K _ car.       6 Carlo is an I _ student.7 A Mercedes is a G _ car.    8 First Things First is an E _book.C Numbers:Write the answers to these simple sums in figures and words.用阿拉伯数字和英语数词写出以下算式的答案。1. Ten + two _.       &

17、#160;   Seven + eight _.2. Nine-four _ .           Fourteen-five _.3. Eleven + three _.     Eleven-nine _.新概念英语第一册习题 Lesson 6Lesson 6 What make is it? 它是什么牌子的?A Questions:Write the correct questions for the ans

18、wers.根据答案写出相应的疑问句。What nationality is she? - She's Japanese.  What make is his car? - His car's French.1 What make is her car?_ -Her car's Swedish.2 What nationality is he?_ -He's French.3 What nationality is she?_ -She's Chinese.4 What make is his car?_ -His car's Japan

19、ese.B Structure:Write sentences. 模吕渫瓿梢韵戮渥印?br/>1 It - German car/not Japanese car. It's a German car. It isn't a Japanese car.2 Marie - French student/not Italian_student._Marie's a French student .Marie isn't a Italian student.3 She - English teacher/not Chinese _teacher. _She

20、9;s a English teacher .She isn't a Chinese teacher.4 He - Chinese student/not Korean _student. _He's a Chinese student ,He isn't Korean student.C. Short forms:Write these with short forms. 用缩写形式抄写以下句子。1 Here is your pen. Here's your pen.2 It is not American. _It isn't Americ

21、an.3 It is English. _It's English.4 He is Italian. _He's Italian.5 She is not Swedish. _She isn't Swedish.6 That is my teacher. _That's my teacher7 He is not French. _He isn't French.8 She is German. _She's German. 答案Lesson 6 What make is it? 它是什么牌子的?A Questions:Write th

22、e correct questions for the answers.根据答案写出相应的疑问句。What nationality is she?         - She's Japanese.What make is his car?            - His car's French.1 What make is her car?    

23、;     -Her car's Swedish.2 What nationality is he?        -He's French.3 What nationality is she?       -She's Chinese.4 What make is his car?         -His car'

24、;s Japanese.B Structure:Write sentences. 模仿例句完成以下句子。1It-Germancar/notJapanesecar.                    It's a German car. It isn't a Japanesecar.2Marie-Frenchstudent/notItalian    

25、;                Marie is a French student,she is not Italian student3She-Englishteacher/notChinese .                   she's&

26、#160; an Ehglish tercher,she isn't a chinese  teacher. 4He-Chinesestudent/notKorean                     He's a Chinese student,he isn't Korean student. C Short forms:Write t

27、hese with short forms. 用缩写形式抄写以下句子。1 Here is your pen.                 -Here's your pen.2 It is not American.               -It isn't American

28、. 3It is English.                  _It's English4HeisItalian.                      _He's Ita

29、lian.5 She is not Swedish.                 -She isn't Swedish.6 That is my teacher.                 _That's my tercher.7 H

30、e is not French.                   _He isn't French.8 She is German.                      _She's

31、German新概念英语第一册习题 Lesson 7Lesson 7 Are you a teacher? 你是教师吗?A DialogueFill in the missing words.填空。Robert: I _a new student. _name's Robert.Sophie: Nice to _you. _ name's Sophie.Robert: _you French?Sophie: Yes, I _._ you French, _?Robert: No, I _ not. I'm _.What's _job, Sophie?Sophie:

32、 I'm a _ _. B. Numbers:Write these numbers in figures用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。sixteen _ twenty _ eighteen _twelve _ nineteen _ fifteen _Write these numbers in words写出表示以下数字的英语数词。17 _ 11 _ 8 _12 _ 20 _ 13 _ 新概念英语第一册习题 Lesson 8Lesson 9 How are you today? 你今天好吗?A Dialogue:Read this dialogue. Fill in the m

33、issing words. 填空。Lars:    _,  _Hellen._ are you today?Helen: Hello, Lars. I'm very _ , thank _ ._ you? _How are you?Lars: I'm _, thanks. _How is Steven?Helen: _ fine, _.And Emma's very _, too.Lars: Goodbye, Helen. Nice to _ you.Helen: _ , _, Lars._.B. Vocabulary:What

34、are the adjectives? Choose the opposites from this box.用表示相反意思的形容词填空。dirty  cold   thin   young   shor1 It isn't hot. It's cold .2 She isn't fat. She's _.3 That man isn't old. He's _.4 He isn't tall. He's short_.5 Her car is very cle

35、an. It isn't _.C. Numbers:Write these numbers in figures用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。eleven _ twenty _ fourteen _nineteen _ twelve _ fifteen _twenty-one _ thirteen _ twenty-two _   Lesson 9 How are you today? 你今天好吗?A DialogueRead this dialogue. Fill in the missing words. 填空。Lars: hello, Helen. ho

36、w are you today?Helen: Hello, Lars. I'm very well , thank you .and you? how are you?Lars: I'm fine, thanks. how is Steven?Helen: He's fine, thanks.And Emma's very well, too.Lars: Goodbye, Helen. Nice to see  you.Helen: nice to see you, too, Lars.goo

37、dbey.B Vocabulary:What are the adjectives? Choose the opposites from this box.用表示相反意思的形容词填空。dirty    cold   thin    young     shor1 It isn't hot. It's cold .2 She isn't fat. She's thin.3 That man isn't old. He's

38、 young.4 He isn't tall. He's short.5 Her car is very clean. It isn't dirty.C Numbers:Write these numbers in figures用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。eleven 11 twenty 20 fourteen 14  nineteen  19  twelve 12  fifteen 15  twenty-one 21  thirteen  13  twenty-two

39、22新概念英语第一册习题 Lesson 9Lesson 10 Look at。 看。A Questions:Write the correct questions in this dialogue. 为以下对话填上正确的疑问句。Woman: Look at that new student. He's nice._Man: His name's Steven.Woman: That's a nice name._Man: He's American.Woman: His car's nice._Man: It's a Toyota.Woman:

40、It's very nice.B Structure:Fill in He's, She's or It's. 用He's, She's 或 It's 填空。1 _ an air hostess. 5 _ an old milkman.2 _ a policeman. 6 Look at that woman. _ very tall.3 _ a German Mercedes. 7 Look at that man. _very busy.4 _ a lazy housewife. 8 My car isn't dirty. _

41、 clean.C Situations:Look at the situations. What do you say?根据以下情景选择你应该说的话。Nice to see you. Hello. How are you? Goodbye.1 How do you greet a friend? _2 How do you ask about a person's health? _3 What do you say when you leave someone? _4 How do you say it was good to see someone? _ 答案:Lesso

42、n 10 Look atPart A.Woman: Look at that new student. He's nice.What's his name?Man: His name's Steven.Woman: That's a nice name.What nationality is he?Man: He's American.Woman: His car's nice.What make is it?Man: It's a Toyota.Woman: It's very nice. Part B.1 She&#

43、39;s an air hostess.    5 He's an old milkman.2 He's a policeman.        6 Look at that woman. She's very tall.3 It's a German Mercedes.  7 Look at that man. He's very busy.4 She's a lazy housewife.  8 My c

44、ar isn't dirty. It's clean. Part C.1 How do you greet a friend? Hello.2 How do you ask about a person's health? How are you?3 What do you say when you leave someone? Goodbye4 How do you say it was good to see someone? Nice to see you.新概念英语第一册习题 Lesson 10A DialogueRead this dialogue.

45、 Fill in the missing words. 填空。Anna: What _ is your father's new car, Tim?Tim: It's blue.Come and _ it.Look!Anna: It's _ smart.Tim: My coat's new, _.Anna: And _ colour's your _?Tim: It's the _ _.It's _, too.Anna: It's a nice coat, Tim.B VocabularyComplete these simple

46、 sums with colours.用表示颜色的词填空。1 blackwhite _ 3 redyellow _2 green _ brown 4 greywhite _Fill the blanks with colours. 用表示颜色的词填空。1 Her new dress isn't g _.It's y _.2 His dog isn't b _. It's b _and w _.C NumbersWrite these numbers in figures. 用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。fifty _ sixty-one _seventy-two _

47、 eighty-five _ninety-seven _ a hundred and one _A Dialogue Read this dialogue. Fill in the missing words. 填空。Anna: What color is your father's new car, Tim?Tim: It's blue.Come and see it.Look!Anna: It's very smart.Tim: My coat's new, too.Anna: And what colour's your coat?Tim: It&

48、#39;s the same color.It's blue, too.Anna: It's a nice coat, Tim.B VocabularyComplete these simple sums with colours.用表示颜色的词填空。1 blackwhite _    3 redyellow _2 green _ brown   4 greywhite _Fill the blanks with colors. 用表示颜色的词填空。1 Her new dress isn't green. It'

49、s yellow.2 His dog isn't brown. It's blue and white.C NumbersWrite these numbers in figures. 用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。fifty 50          sixty-one 61seventy-two  72   eighty-five 85ninety-seven  97 a hundred and one 101 新概念英语第一册习题 Less

50、on 11Lesson 11 Is this your shirt? 这是你的衬衫吗?A. Dialogue:Read this dialogue. Fill in the missing words. 填空。Teacher: _ is this blue pen? Is it _ pen, Tim?Tim: No, it isn't _ pen, sir.My pen's white. Teacher: _ it _pen, Stella?Stella: No, _ isn't _ pen, sir.Teacher: _ is it? Is it _ sister&#

51、39;s, Tim?Tim: No, it isn't _ pen, sir.Teacher: _ it _ pen, Dave?Dave: Yes, sir.Teacher: _ you are. Catch!Dave: _ you, sir.B. Vocabulary:Look at this. Then fill in the words in the sentences below. 根据以下家谱填空。               

52、;                      Mr. Brown-Mrs.Brown                                  

53、;                                |                                     

54、;     |-|                                 Tim Brown                            

55、     Sophie  BrownMr. Brown is a 1 man and Mrs. Brown is a 2 _. Mr. Brown is Timand Sophie's 3 _ and Mrs. Brown is Tim and Sophie's 4 _.Tim isMr. and Mrs. Brown's 5 _. Sophie is Mr. and Mrs. Brown's 6 _.Timis Sophie's 7 _. Sophie is Tim's 8 _.C. Numbe

56、rs:Write these numbers in figures. 用阿拉伯数子表示以下数词。thirty_twenty-five_twenty-three_twenty-seven_twenty-one_twenty-eight _ 答案Lesson 11 Is this your shirt?这是你的衬衫吗?A. Dialogue:Read this dialogue. Fill in the missing words. 填空。Teacher:  Whose is this blue pen? Is it your pen, Tim?Tim: No, it isn&

57、#39;t  my pen, sir. My pen's white. Teacher:  Is  it  your pen, Stella?Stella: No, It  isn't  my  pen, sir.Teacher: Whose is it? Is it your sister's, Tim?Tim: No, it isn't her  pen, sir.Teacher:  Is it your  pen, Dave?Dave: Yes, sir.T

58、eacher: Here you are. Catch!Dave: Thank you, sir.B Vocabulary:Look at this. Then fill in the words in the sentences below. 根据以下家谱填空。                            

59、             Mr. Brown-Mrs.Brown                                  

60、0;                               |                   &#

61、160;                      |-|                           

62、0;     Tim Brown                                  Sophie  Brown Mr. Brown is a 1 man and Mrs. Brown

63、is a 2  woman. Mr. Brown is Timand Sophie's 3  father and Mrs. Brown is Tim and Sophie's  4  mother .Tim isMr. and Mrs. Brown's 5  son. Sophie is Mr. and Mrs. Brown's 6 daughter. Timis Sophie's 7  brother. Sophie is Tim's 8 sister.C. Numbers:Writ

64、e these numbers in figures. 用阿拉伯数子表示以下数词。thirty _30_   twenty-five  _25_  twenty-three _23_   twenty-seven _27_   twenty-one _21_   twenty-eight  _28_ 新概念英语第一册习题 Lesson 12Lesson 12 Whose is this .? 这.是谁的?A. Questions:Write qu

65、estions. 根据答案写出正确的疑问句。1 Whose is this blue umbrella ? -This blue umbrella is my brother's.2 _ ? -That shirt is Tim's.3 _ ? -This tie is my brother's.4 _ ? -That blouse is my sister's.5 _ ? - This car is Mr. Blake's.6 _ ? - That white shirt is Paul's.B Structure:Fill in the bl

66、anks with my, your, his or her. 用所有格形容词 my, your,his 或 her 填空。1 Is that Tim's shirt? - Yes, it is. It's _shirt.2 Is this Emma's umbrella? - Yes, it is. It's _ umbrella.3 Is that Steven's new coat? - Yes, it is. It's _ new coat.4 Is this my watch? - Yes, it is. It's _ watc

67、h. (It isn't my watch!)5 Is that your ticket? - Yes, it is. It's _ ticket.6 Is this Mrs. Brown's Ford? - Yes, it is. It's _ new Ford.C. Structure: This is an apostrophe: ' . Add apostrophes where necessary. 在必要的地方加上撇号()。1 This is Tims shirt, that is his fathers coat, and this is Stevens


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