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1、大学英语新四级考试综合训练第一节 听力理解讲解与练习短对话题解一、听力考试注意事项4.句法结构5.预读9.放松与放弃1.熟悉出题形式2.语音语调3.词汇6.背景知识7.语境意识8.记忆能力二、 短对话的特点1. 对话是一男一女的形式,每人说一句,然后提问;卷面只有选项。2. 是美式英语发英和英式英语发音的混合对话。3. 涉及到的专题非常广泛。4. 重视语言运用,多采用主观题形式。三、好好把握播音之前的时间听力考试正式开始之前有一段播放指令的时间,考生应该利用好这段时间做一些准备工作。一般要掌握三个原则:1. 两步原则2. 主配角原则3. 关键词原则(一)两步原则第一步阅读选项第二步根据选项进行

2、预测可能会考到的专题请看下列选项:A) Teacher and studentB) Doctor and patientC) Employer and employee D) Husband and wife显而易见,此题关于人物关系的问题(二)主配角原则可把一道对话听力题当作一部即将上演的广播剧,有男女两个角色,当看到选项当中出现人称代词时,要分清谁是主角,谁是配角。A) She will go to the concert.B) She will not go to the concert.C) She will stay at home.D) She will go to visit h

3、er friends.根据选项, 可知主角是she, 重点听女声。(三)关键词原则所谓关键词,是在选项当中出现频率高的词。A) She paid $40.00 for the coat.B) Her husband presented it to her as a gift.C) She bought the coat on her fortieth birthday.D) Her friend sent it to her as a gift.从选项看,coat, gift 是关键。四、专题突破(一)地点、方向类短对话做题关键:听前早预测、听时抓关键、听后早判断。1. 听前早预测给出的选择项

4、的语言结构如果是:地点介词 (in, at, on)+名词,那么基本可以判定该题 目是属于地点类的对话。这类题目主要考查学生对对话发生地点及人物去向的判断。2. 听时抓关键预测出问题后,在听对话是要有的放矢的抓关键,尤其是那些与选项中所表明的地点有关联的信号词。453. 听后早判断根据预测和关键词,应在十秒钟之内做出判断,然后集中注意力准备下一个问题的预测。真题练习:1. A) At a theatre.C) At a railway station.2. A) At a bookstore.C) At an art gallery.3. A) At a newsstand.C) At a p

5、ublishing house.B) At a booking office.D) At a restaurant.B) In a workshop.D) In a department store.B) At a car dealer's.D)At a newspaper office.4. A) At a publishing house.C) In a reading room.B) At a bookstore.D) In Prof. Jordan ' s office(二)数字、时间类短对话做题关键:眼盯选项,耳听对话:边听边看选项进行思维和判断及时标记,快速运算:听

6、到问题之前在选项旁或空白处做一些与之相关联的 信息记录,以做到听到问题后有的放矢为了尽快适应考试方式,可就数字和时间的表达进行突击训练。注意区分相近发音,如-teen和-ty;多位数整数的表达;分数的表达;序数词的表达;时间的表达。例如:时间的表达:3:15 读作 a quarter past three或 three fifteen; 00:30 读作 half past midnight ;年月日的表达:如 Feb. 4th, 2000,读作 Febrary the fourth, two thousand ;电话号码的表达:如:415509 读作 four one double five

7、 zero nine ;价格的表达:如 $49.99 读作 forty-nine dollars, ninety-nine cents ;航班号的表达:如 Flight 708 读作 Flight seven o eight;数字代用词的表达 :如 a dozen, score, monthly, daily, weekly, decade, century, millennium 等。真题练习:1. A) 5:00B) 5:152. A) $ 1.40B) $ 4.303. A) 5:15B) 5:10(三)人物、身份类短对话做题关键:抓住关键词,辨别身份 和掌握有关职业身份的常用词汇和短语

8、。真题练习:1. A) RelativesB) Roommates2. A) A shop assistant.C) A waitress.3. A) A railway porter.C) A taxi driver.4. A) They are twins.C) They are friends.C) 5:30D) 5:45C) $ 6.40D) $ 8.60C) 4:30D) 5:00;根据语气,猜想关系:抓住关键,及时修正;熟悉C) Colleagues D) NeighborsB) A telephone operator.D) A clerk.B) A bus conductor.

9、D) A postal clerk.B) They are classmates.D) They are colleagues.B) A teacher and his student.D) A librarian and a student.5. A) A math teacher and his colleague.C) A student and his classmate.(四)否定、转折、比较类短对话这类题的共同之处是都有比较固定的专用词语和句法结构。1 .否定否定类对话要求考生对内容的肯定和否定加以判断。常见的否定类型有以下几种:包含有否定词:常见的否定词有no, no one,

10、none, nobody, nothing, never, neither, nor,hardly, rarely, little, seldom, few 等。包含有否定意义白词和词组:without, instead of, avoid, hate, deny, fail, refuse, ignore,dislike, overlook, miss, far from, short of, tooto, anythingobut, rather than常用的否定结构有否定副词:never, little, rarely等开头的倒装句,以及双重否定结构如not uncommon , no

11、 one can deny 等。2 .转折转折类对话考查对说话人的侧重点进行辨别的能力。表示转折的词有but, or, otherwise,however, anyhow 等。在听力测试中,连词 but最为常见,出现率很高。在这样的句子中,but后传递出来的信息往往受到弓II调,因此 but后面的句子也成为解题的关键。与 but相反,or只是对前面的 分句进行解释或补充,说话人的重点仍在前一分句上。3 .比较比较类对话要求考生在两种或两种以上的比较中的出结论。做题时,1要抓住信息中心的比较对象2 要捕捉比较词,如 same, like, as as ,alike, different, dif

12、ferent from, not the same3要掌握同义词,反义词的替换,如 preferto Tike more than I- can ' t agree mo=eI completely agree真题练习:B) Swimming.D) Boating and skating.1. A) Skating.C) Boating and swimming.2. A) Put her report on his desk.B) Read some papers he recommended.C) Improve some parts of her paper.D) Mail he

13、r report to the publisher.3. A) Most people killed in traffic accidents are heavy drinkers.B) She does not agree with the man.C) Drunk drivers are not guilty.D) People should pay more attention to the danger of drunk driving.4. A)The man wants to attend tomorrow's show.B) There aren't any ti

14、ckets left for tonight's show.C) There aren't any tickets left for tomorrow's show.D)The man doesn't want to attend tomorrow's show.5. A) It was a long lecture, but easy to understand.B) It was not as easy as she had thought.C) It was as difficult as she had expected.D) It was in

15、teresting and easy to follow.B) Give a performance.D) Dance to the music.6. A) Take a walk.C) Listen to the music.7. A) Tony could not continue the experiment.B) Tony finished the experiment last night.C) Tony thought the experiment was well done.D) Tony had expected the experiment to be easier.8. A

16、) He wishes to have more courses like it.B) He finds it hard to follow the teacher.C) He wishes the teacher would talk more.D) He doesn't like the teacher's accent.(五) 明辨观点态度、行为方式、请求建议类短对话1 观点、态度间接表达式:不明说赞成或反对。反问否定式:常委婉的表示质疑或反对。委婉谢绝式:先表示肯定、赞成、谢意等,随后说出真实看法。看似否定实为肯定式: 如: why not, I can ' t

17、 agree any mOre2行为方式注意捕捉关键词,对行为的执行者、承受者、 执行的方式等特别留意,然后做出正确的判断。3请求建议熟练掌握口语中关于请求与建议的习惯用法。( 1)请求建议的习惯用法表示请求的常用句式有:Will / Would / Can / Could you?Would you mind ?How about ?I wonder if ?2 2) 表示提议的常用句式有:Shall we ?Why not ?Why don' t you / we ?Perhaps we should You' d better What /How about ( 3)表示

18、观点态度的疑难结构和句型Don t you think John and Jim are telling the truth?难道你认为约翰和吉姆没有说真话吗?Would it be better to buy a monthly meal ticket or pay for each meal separately?买月餐票是不是比每餐零付要好些?Generally speaking, it was quite good, but I think the man who played the boss was too dramatic to be realistic.总体来说很好,但我认为扮

19、演老板的人过分戏剧化了而显得不真实。I more than agreed to what you proposed. 我完全同意你的提议。I wouldn t if I were inouyr shoes.如果我在你的处境下,我就不会那样做。( 4)表示行为方式的疑难结构和句型I d love to (have barbecue), but I m on a diet.我很想(吃烧烤),但我正在节食。Well, I meant to see it, but a friend of mine dropped in.噢,我本拉打算看的,结果来了一位朋友。Thank you for your adv

20、ice. But my bike has got a flat tire.谢谢你的提议,但是我的自行车没气了。I d rather take a walk than stay at home alone.我宁可出去散步也不愿独自呆在家里。That s fine with me. Anything I should bring along? 那对我来说再好不过了,需要我带什么吗?Thank you, I prefer doing things on my own.谢谢,我喜欢独立完成。( 5)表示请求建议的疑难结构和句型A: Would you mind stopping off at the

21、laundry on the way?B: Of course not.I wonder if you could spare me a few minutes.Why bother him? I ll show you how easy it is to work the machine.Would you like me to pick you up on my way?I m afraid you have to revise some parts of it.How about our sharing a flat?真题练习:1. A) She plans to go to gradu

22、ate school.B) She will drop out of school.C) She will stop working and concentrate on her studies.D) She will take a part-time job.2. A) Put her report on his desk.B) Read some papers he recommended.C) Improve some parts of her paper.D) Mail her report to the publisher.3. A) The man can stay in her

23、brother s apartment.B) Her brother can help the man find a cheaper hotel.C) Her brother can find an apartment for the man.D)The man should have booked a less expensive hotel.4. A) It can help solve complex problems.B) It will most likely prove ineffective.C) It is a new weapon against terrorists.D)

24、It will help detect all kinds of liars.5. A) The woman rejected the man's apology.B) The woman appreciated the man's offer.C) The man had forgotten the whole thing.D) The man had hurt the woman's feelings.(六)识别因果、条件、推断归纳类短对话:这三种类型的短对话中,前两种类型语法性较强,般都有较明显的关系词汇;后种类型综合性较强,要求考生具有较高的语言实际运用能力和综

25、合判断能力。应对这几类对话的策略是在平时的学习中加强分析能力和语言实际运用能力的培养。1 因果关系表原因的常见词: because, for ,since, now that, because of, due to, owing to, on account of,that is why, cause, give rise to, lead to 等。 表结果的常见词有so, so that, in order that,therefore, as a result of, such that 等。2条件关系这类考题要求考生正确分析真实条件句和非真实条件句(虚拟语气)。常见的虚拟句型有:if,

26、 unless, suppose, in case, as long as, provided 等弓 I导从句,如: If only ;1 wish I had I wish I could , If -I- were you, I would3推断归纳四级考试要求,考生不仅要能辨别话语中的细节和事实,还要能在听懂对话内容的基础上,根据对话的内涵、关键词、上下文语气等,对信息做出综合判断,归纳出说话主题;利用逻辑推理,判断理会说话人的意向、态度、对话发生的地点、时间以及事件发生的原因等真实意图,针对所提的问题对信息进行筛选处理,从而推断出合乎情理的结论。真题练习:B) She wants to

27、 save money.D) Her office isn't very far.1. A) She takes it as a kind of exercise.C) She loves doing anything that is new.2. A) The size of the room.C) The hot weather.B) Long working hours.D) The fan in the room.3. A) The man is planning a trip to Austin.B) The man has not been to Austin before

28、.C) The man doesn't like Austin.D) The man has been to Austin before.4. A) Henry doesn't like the color.B) Someone else painted the house.C) There was no ladder in the house.D) Henry painted the house himself.5. A) She thought there were no tickets left for the show.B) She thought the seats

29、on the left side were fully occupied.C) The show was planned a long time ago.D) The audience were deeply impressed by the show.(七) 包含短语的短对话在四级考试的短对话当中,经常会出现一类题。要的词组,这些词组会影响考生对答案的选择。例如:这类题的考点在于对话中会出现一些重真题练习:1. A) To the school.C) To the post office2. A) To the bank.C) To a shoe store.B) To a friend&#

30、39;s houseD) Home.B) To bookstore.D) To the grocer's.About “ pick up ”在前面两题的例子里面,pick up 有不同的含义。有不同的意思,要依情况判定它的含义。例如:1 .捡起Tom picked up the wallet and opened it.2 .学习、学得How can Mary play guitar so well?Because Mary picks up guitar by herself.He studied hard and picked up French.3 .开车接某人I want to

31、 pick up my children from school.4 .顺便买What do you want me to get for you? I'm leaving now.Pick up a bottle of milk and a loaf of bread please.Pick up some beverages on the way home.5 .索取、认领Why did Margaret call yesterday?She wanted to pick up some magazines she lent me.6 .收拾、整理Pick up 的意思很多,在不同

32、的句子中Hi, Tom. I haven't seen you for a long time. Why are you so busy today?Because my parents are going to visit me next week.So I have to pick up my room before they come.7.付款、买单pick up the taxi8 .不幸染病Where has Mary been? I haven't seen her for a week.I'm sorry to tell you that she pick

33、ed up a cold in the office.9 .继续做某事Let's pick up the discussion after lunch.四级考试中词组考题的比重也较大,熟悉和掌握词组的意思和用法是这类题的解题关这样才能在考试的时候比较键。这要求同学们在平时的学习当中有意识的去积累和记忆, 容易地听出它们,并选出正确的答案。真题练习:1. A) The woman is watching an exciting film with the manB) The woman can t take a photo of the man.C) The woman is runni

34、ng toward the lake.D) The woman is filming the lake.2. A) The man is inviting the woman to dinner.B) The price is high in the restaurant.C) The restaurant serves good food.D) The restaurant is too far from their school.3. A) The man is inviting the woman to dinner.B) The woman is too busy to join th

35、e man for dinner.C) The woman is a friend of the Stevensons .D)The man is going to visit the Stevensons.4. A) The man is thinking about taking a new job.B) The man likes a job that enables him to travel.C) The man is sure that he will gain more by taking the job.D) The man doesn t want to stay home

36、and take care of their child.5. A) He must hand in a report about the museum.B) He has already visited the museum.C) He has to read a history book.D) He is too busy to go with her.长对话题解题型分析听力长对话(Long Conversations)的长度一般在 6-20句之间,字数在 120-250字之间。针对每篇长对话的问题可能会有2-5 个。与短对话相比,长对话涉及的内容更深入,人物态度,语气,情感变化更复杂,一

37、般不能简单依赖某个关键词来判断整篇对话的含义。一人一句的短对话涉及的只是一个“点”,而长对话涉及的是一个“面”。短对话的答案一般是“显而易见”的,而长对话有时更依赖于推测和判断。尽管如此,长对话必然有一个中心议题,中心议题正是该“面”的凝聚点,对话双方都是围绕该中心而展开话题,对于长对话而言,做出正确选择的关键就是把握住对话的中心议题。由于对话较多,长对话的场景就显得格外重要,准确判断对话的场景(situation) ,对把握对话的中心思想是非常有帮助的。这里所谈到的场景,是指人物,身份或职业,议论的问题,时间,地点等综合概念。清晰的场景会在考生头脑中形成氛围,容易把握对话的发展脉络,使对话情

38、节的发展更加顺理成章。对长对话的题型分析,可采取诸如: “关键词,因果关系, But 转折,情感,态度”等分类方法。依据场景的不同,对长对话进行分类,有助于考生对“面的把握能力的提高。下面是对长对话经常涉及到的几种情况做了归类,主要分成三大类:学习相关类,生活相关类和工作相关类。顾名思义,学习相关类与学习有密切联系,比如:选课,考试,论文等;生活相关类主要涉及到家庭,校院生活,娱乐,运动等;生活相关类多是找工作,面试等题材。下面列举几个典型场景的题型。学习相关类学习相关类往往是长对话的重点。内容粗略可分为教务场景,选课场景,补课场景和论文场景等。( 1)教务场景场景人物:由教师(导师)或学监等

39、教务人员向学生说明一些学校课程的安排情况。场景涉及内容:学期计划,调课信息,考试安排,课程介绍等。解题思路:教务人员总是细致地描述各项事务的细节问题,时间,地点, 计划推迟或变更的原因往往是考查的重点。经常出现的问题和答案Q: Who is the speaker?A: teacher, professor, instructor, advisorQ: When does the talk take place?A: at the beginning(in the middle, at the end of the semester)Q: Where does the talk take pl

40、ace?A: classroom, lecture hallQ: What is the topic?A: changes in the schedule, the schedule of this semester, exam schedule, information about on course常用的词汇和词组:midterm, finals, count for 50% of your score, class discussion, seminar,workshop(讲习班),take attendance(点名),elementary, intermediate, advance

41、d 等。( 2)选课场景场景人物:师生之间或学生之间谈论选课的话题场景涉及的内容:学生是否有资格选某一门课,对于老师的谈论,课程的难易程度,选某一门课的好处和坏处。解题思路:学生觉得课程太难,负荷太重。常用的词汇和词组:required, compulsory, elective, selective, optional, course, description,catalog, bulletin, prerequisite course( 预修课程), preliminary course( 预备课程), such a heavy load,excellent reputation, dro

42、p a course( 退修课程)等。( 3)补课场景场景人物:同学之间补课。场景涉及的内容:通常是某学生因为某些原因迟到或旷课了,事后找另一个同学补课,所以必会牵扯到专业内容。解题思路:迟到或旷课的学生大多是男生,帮他补课的一般是女生。男生在补课过程中常会问一些问题,而女生将一一给与澄清。结尾处,男生一般会感叹不上这堂课很遗憾。经常出现的问题和答案:Q: Why was the man late for class? (Why did the man ask the woman about the lecture?)A: He overslept (was sick, had some tr

43、ouble with his car, had to go to see the doctor, dentist, had an emergency)Q: What confused the man?A: English pronouns.Q: What does the man promise to do at last?A: He will not be late again (oversleep again)常用的词汇和词组:fill sb. in ( 暂代某人), You ve really lost me there( 你真的让我糊涂了),make sense, miss a pre

44、tty important class, clarify the misunderstanding, check the notes 等。( 4)论文场景场景人物:教授与学生,或者学生之间进行讨论。场景涉及的内容:讨论论文写作的相关事宜,比如:论文题目,查找资料等等。解题思路:论文的题目难以确定,资料太难找(题目太偏,查不到资料;题目太大,要查的资料太多,太杂)。常用的词汇和词组:explore the topic, published resources, bibliography/reference, intellectualdishonesty, plagiarism( 剽窃 ), ge

45、t an early start, gather materials 等。生活相关类包括体育场景,娱乐场景,租房场景等。( 1)体育场景场景人物:同学,朋友或家庭成员一起出去郊游。场景涉及的内容:往往是一些热门的运动,如cycling, rock climbing, skiing.解题思路:目的不在于比赛,而是好玩,健身,交友。一些运动,如cycling,往往是以team, club 或 association 的形式存在的。常用的词汇和词组:ski, boots, pole, outdoors, get in great shape, ensure the safety, first aid

46、( 急救 ), check the trails, physical education, belts, patience, mental discipline, expert riders, starting line, relay station 等。( 2)娱乐场景场景人物:同学,朋友或家庭成员。场景涉及的内容:包括郊游,参加运动,听音乐会,谈论玩的计划等。解题思路:一般说到娱乐,常见的项目有go on a picnic, hiking trip, camping trip, go to aconcert, see a movie, play the ball, ski, traveli

47、ng 等。常见的词汇和词组:enjoy, good day, take a break, relax, reserve a court( 预定一个球场), anight-out, take your mind off your test, fair weather 等。( 3)租房场景场景人物:房东,住户场景涉及的内容:和房东的相处甚至讨价还价。对房子的评价,包括价格,地理位置,也常常涉及到租房子的过程。解题思路:学生一般倾向于找价格低的房子,所以房子的条件一般比较差,而且由于房子紧张,找房子,租房子的过程往往很不容易。常用的词汇和词组:roommate, dormitory, deposit

48、, live on, off campus, utilities, heating costs,temporary accommodation, landlord, apartment, sublet, dishwasher, messy, a leaky faucet( 漏水的 水龙头 ), tenant, afford 等。工作相关类( 1)应聘(面试)场景常景人物:聘方人员和应聘者。场景涉及的内容:对于某种工作的态度和评价,应聘该工作的条件,如何办理相关手续,工资待遇和工作环境,工作时间等。解题思路:应聘者介绍自己的情况,如:教育背景,特长等,聘方人员一般要介绍工作的性质,工资待遇以及上

49、下班时间。常用的词汇和词组:teaching assistant, research assistant, lab assistant, administrative assistant,waiter, waitress, nanny/babysitter, dishwashing, formalities, application procedure, reference, salary, wage, demand physical endurance, precareer training( 岗前培训), permanent employment,stipend, bonus, part-

50、time job 等。应试技巧概括地说,要听好长对话,必须做到以下五点:( 1)通过预读选项信息,迅速把握它们之间的内在联系,从而预测所听对话材料的基本内容,并且从各个问题间的内在联系提炼出对话的中心思想,更好地理解各检测点的细节。下面两点值得特别关注:a.注意重复的词语,这些词通常会给你一些线索,还会帮助你回忆在材料中听过的词;b.注意各个选项的不同点,注意一些不同的名称,地点及不同的动词,这些不同之处将会帮你确定这道题中哪些是你要听的关键。( 2)排除具有明显错误的选项。及时排除具有明显错误的选项将有助于你提高正确率。( 3)把握做题的节奏。做题的节奏在听力中比在其他部分要重要得多,每一项

51、提问的时间间隔都是相同的,这就暗示着答题的节奏。应该做到答题的节奏与提问的节奏相一致,否则一旦答题的节奏落后了,就会出现手忙脚乱的情况,出错的几率也会大大增加。( 4)提高短期记忆能力,学会脑笔同记,边听边记等一系列适合自己的记忆方法。( 5)熟悉各种固定的提问形式,根据对话的发展预测可能会出现的问题。试点考试样题Long conversation 119) A. The benefits of strong business competition.B. A proposal to lower the cost of production.C. Complains about the exp

52、ense of modernization.D. Suggestions concerning new business strategies.20) A. It cost much more than its worth.B. It should be brought up-to-date.C. It calls for immediate repairs.D. It can still be used for a long time.21) A. The personnel manager should be fired for inefficiency.B. A few engineer

53、s should be employed to modernize the factory.C. The entire staff should be retained.D. Better-educated employees should be promoted.22) A. Their competitors have long been advertising on TV .B. TV commercials are less expensive.C. Advertising in newspapers alone is not sufficiency.D. TV commercials

54、 attract more investments.Long conversation 223) A. Searching for reference material.B. Watch a film of the 1930s .C. Writing a course book.D. Looking for a job in a movie studio.24) A. It s too broad to cope with.B. It s controversial.C. Its a bit outdated.D. It s of little practical value.25) A. A

55、t the end of the outline catalogue.B. At the reference desk.C. In the New York Times.D. In the Reader s Guide to Periodical Literature听力短文题解Passage构成: 一般由三篇小短文组成,每篇短文后有三到四个问题,总共有十个题目。短文只读一遍,要求考生听完后就问题做出选择。文章特点:信息量大,题材广泛,句子比对话部分更长、更复杂。文章体裁:记叙文、议论文、说明文文章题材:人物故事(幽默故事或轶闻趣事、常人生活经历、历史人物故事、一般知识性说明(科普知识、英语国

56、家背景知识、对某一事物或现象进行的说明或解释)、社会热点问题(对某一社会问题进行揭示、分析和研究,树立作者自己的观点或批驳他人的观点)。考察内容:测试考生在语篇水平上的理解能力;对考生的概念理解、信息组织和重点记忆等能力有较高的要求。考试题型:比例较大的客观题型(对文中的事实、细节以wh-question 和 how-question 进行明示性提示)和比例较小的主观题型(总结全文中心大意或对文章及作者的态度做出合理推断) 。解题要领:先看选项,预测内容及问题。 选项,预测内容及问题。抓主题句,理解短文核心。扼要记录,以助辨认事实。抓信息词,把握文章脉络。运用常识,做出合理推断。听清问题,避免 幸非所问llo1. 学会预测问题与内容预测说话人的意图是听力理解的基本技巧。预测技巧主要取决于考生对文章题目的理解深度, 所掌握背景知识的多少,对关键词的捕


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