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1、Chapter Five Learning Theories第五章 学习理论Section B Behaviorism B部分 行为主义What is Behaviorism? 什么是行为主义?Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select

2、 - doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors. 给我一打健康、外形完好的婴儿,把他们放在我设计的特殊的环境里培养,我敢保证,随便挑出一个来,我就能把他训练成为我所选择的任何一类专家-医生、律师、艺术家、商业首领,甚至是乞丐或小偷,而无论他的才能、爱好、倾向、能力或他的先辈的职业和种族是什么。

3、Behavioral psychology, also known as behaviorism, is a theory of learning based upon the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning. Conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment. According to behaviorism, behavior can be studied in a systematic and observable manner wi

4、th no consideration of internal mental states.行为心理学,也称为行为主义,是一种基于所有的行为都是通过条件刺激而产生的学习理论。条件刺激就是重现与环境的相互作用。根据行为主义的观点,可以通过系统方法和观察的方式来研究人的行为,而不用考虑人的内部心理状态。The Rise of Behaviorism Psychology changed dramatically during the early 20th-century as another school of thought known as behaviorism rose to domina

5、nce. Behaviorism was a major change from previous theoretical perspectives, rejecting the emphasis on both the conscious and unconscious mind. Instead, behaviorism strove to make psychology a more scientific discipline by focusing purely on observable behavior.20世纪初,心理学发展成为一个学派被认为是行为主义的崛起。忽略有意识和无意识的

6、想法是行为主义与之前的理论思想的一个重大改变。相反,行为主义完全通过专注于可视的行为来使得心理学变成更科学的学科。Behaviorism had it's earliest start with the work of a Russian physiologist named Ivan Pavlov. Pavlov's research on the digestive systems of dogs led to his discovery of the classical conditioning process, which demonstrated that behav

7、iors could be learned via conditioned associations. Pavlov demonstrated that this learning process could be used to make an association between environmental stimulus and a naturally occurring stimulus.最早从事于行为主义研究工作的是俄罗斯的生理学家巴甫洛夫。他的关于狗的消化系统的研究也导致了经典性条件反射过程的发现,这个发现证明了行为都能通过关联的条件刺激来学习。巴甫洛夫还证明了这个学习过程可以

8、用于创造环境刺激与本能刺激间的相关联。An American psychologist named John B. Watson soon became one of the strongest advocates of behaviorism. Initially outlining the basics principles of this new school of thought in his 1913 paper Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It, Watson later went on to offer a definition in

9、his classic book Behaviorism (1924), writing:“Behaviorism.holds that the subject matter of human psychology is the behavior of the human being. Behaviorism claims that consciousness is neither a definite nor a usable concept. The behaviorist, who has been trained always as an experimentalist, holds,

10、 further, that belief in the existence of consciousness goes back to the ancient days of superstition and magic.” The impact of behaviorism was enormous, and this school of thought continued to dominate for the next 50 years. Psychologist B.F. Skinner furthered the behaviorist perspective

11、with his concept of operant conditioning, which demonstrated the effect of punishment and reinforcement on behavior.一位名叫约翰沃森的美国心理学家很快就成为了行为主义的拥护者之一。1913年,在他的论文从行为主义者的视角看心理学中概括了这个新学派的基本框架与原则。之后与1924年在他的经典著作行为主义中提供了一个定义。他这样写:“行为主义主张人类心理学的主题是人类的行为。行为主义宣称意识既不是一个明确的,也不是一个有用的概念。行为主义者总是坚持经验主义,而且,意识的存在

12、问题可以追溯到古代的迷信和魔法。”行为主义这个学派在接下来的50年里产生了巨大的影响。心理学家斯金纳的操作性条件反射证明了惩罚与强化对行为的影响,进一步充实了行为主义的观点。While behaviorism eventually lost its hold on psychology, the basic principles of behavioral psychology are still widely in use today. Therapeutic techniques such as behavior analysis, behavioral modification

13、 and token economies are often utilized to help children learn new skills、and overcome maladaptive behaviors, while conditioning is used in many situations ranging from parenting to education.尽管行为主义最终失去了它所坚持的心理学,但行为心理学的基本准则在今天仍被广泛使用。治疗技术中的行为分析、行为修正,行为矫正,在多数情况下用于从养育到教育的过程中帮助孩子学习新技能、克服不适应的行为。Section C

14、 Cognitivism C部分 认知主义What is Cognitivism? 什么是认知主义“Cognitive theorists recognize that much learning involves associations established through contiguity and repetition. They also acknowledge the importance of reinforcement(强化), although they stress its role in providing feedback about the correctness

15、 of responses over its role as a motivator. However, even while accepting such behavioristic concepts, cognitive theorists view learning as involving the acquisition or reorganization of the cognitive structures through which humans process and store information.”认知主义家指出,大多数的学习都涉及到通过接触与重复建立确切的联系。虽然他

16、们强调它在提供正确性反馈方面的作用胜过它作为动力的作用,但是也承认强化的重要性。然而,尽管他们接受行为主义的某些观点,但是认知主义家们认为学习是认知结构的获得和重组即人们加工的和存储信息的过程。The Basics of Cognitivism 基本的认知主义Cognitivists view learning as a reorganization of the cognitive structure in which individuals store information (Good & Brophy, 1990 ). According to cognitivist, kno

17、wledge occurs in internal structures called schemas . When new information comes in though the senses , it is compared with the schemas already present , and the schemas may then be combined or changed in light of the new information . Information is processed in three stages. It first enters throug

18、h the senses , and, if it is important or interesting , it then goes to short-term memory , where it may be kept for 20 seconds or more . Some of this information in short-term memory may then go on long-term memory , where it is stored and from which it can be retrieved.认知主义者认为学习是个人对存储信息与认知结构的重组。根据

19、认知主义的观点看,知识是重现内在结构的概念。当感知到新信息时,会与先前已存在的概念相比较,然后进行整合或者将信息作出改变。信息的加工分为三个步骤。首先,通过感知觉获得信息,如果它重要或者有趣,就会进行至少保持20秒的短时记忆。一些短时记忆的信息可能会被检索出来以长时记忆的形式存储。Cognitivists hold that meaningful information is easier to learn and information that is not meaningful to the learner, and that practicing and rehearsing info

20、rmation improves retention (Mergel, 1998) . It follows from this that workers who are learning the elements of a new skill will learn more easily if the new skill is meaningful or relevant to them. It also follows that the more the information about how to perform the new task is repeated , the bett

21、er the worker will retain it. 认知主义坚信,对于学习者而言,学习有意义的信息比无意义的信息更容易,并且,练习和预演知识能改善记忆力。下面的例子也说明了这一点。一个工人学习要学习一种新技术的基础,如果它有意义或者与他们相关就会相对容易。并且知道如何反复操作的信息越多,就能越好的学习它。Section D Constructivism D部分 建构主义Constructivism is a type of learning theory the explain human learning as an active attempt to construct meani

22、ng in the world around us . Constructiviets believe that learning is more active and self-directed than either behaviorism or cognitive theory would postulate.建构主义学习理论是这样一种学习理论,即他认为学习是人们对周围世界的积极的有意义的建构。建构主义认为,与行为主义和认知主义相比,学习应该是更加积极和自主的。Constructivism divides learning into two types: accommodation an

23、d assimilation. The focus is on the individual is desire and ability to learn , and the teacher or therapist is merely there to help guide self-directed learning. 建构主义将学习分为两种类型:顺应和同化。重点在于个人的学习意愿和学习能力,并且老师或者专家仅仅帮助指导自主学习。 The basics of constructivism 基本的建构主义Bartlett (1932) pioneered what became the co

24、nstructivist approach (Good & Brophy, 1990). Constructivists believe that "learners construct their own reality or at least interpret it based upon their perceptions of experiences, so an individual's knowledge is a function of one's prior experiences, mental structures, and beliefs

25、 that are used to interpret objects and events." "What someone knows is grounded in perception of the physical and social experiences which are comprehended by the mind." (Jonasson, 1991). 巴特利特是倡导建构学习方法的先驱者。建构主义认为“学习者建构事实或者至少在解释事实时都是基于他们的感知经验,因此,个人的知识是缘由感知经验,心理结构和揭示事物信心的集合”“有人认为知识是建立在

26、身体感知和社会经验的基础上的” If each person has their own view about reality, then how can we as a society communicate and/or coexist? Jonassen, addressing this issue in his article Thinking Technology: Toward a Constructivist Design Model, makes the following comments: 如果每个人对现实都有他们自己的看法,那我们怎样开展社交和和平共处

27、呢?乔纳生在他的思维技术:致建构主义设计模型一文中提及这个问题,并引发了以下的思考: "Perhaps the most common misconception of constructivism is the inference that we each therefore construct a unique reality, that reality is only in the mind of the knower, which will doubtlessly lead to intellectual anarchy." 也许,最常见的对建构主义的误解就是这样一

28、种推论,我们每个人都构建一个只存在我们自己心里的独特的事实,就会导致思维混乱。 "A reasonable response to that criticism is the Gibsonian perspective that contends that there exists a physical world that is subject to physical laws that we all know in pretty much the same way because those physical laws are perceivable by humans in p

29、retty much the same way." 对于这个批判的观点,作出了合理的回应,他认为存在这样一个物理世界,它受物理规则的制约,并且我们几乎都能用相同的方式感知这种规则。"Constructivism also believes that much of reality is shared through a process of social negotiation." 建构主义也认为很多现实是通过社会协商的过程达成共享的. If one searches through the many philosophical and psychological

30、 theories of the past, the threads of constructivism may be found in the writing of such people as Bruner, Ulrick, Neiser, Goodman, Kant, Kuhn, Dewey and Habermas. The most profound influence was Jean Piaget's work which was interpreted and extended by von Glasserfield (Smorgansbord, 1997). 如果一项

31、研究要经历许多过去的哲学和心理学理论,那么,在康德,库恩,杜威等人的书中都曾写到建构主义。影响最长远的还是德国格拉斯菲尔德翻译的的让.皮亚杰的作品。第六章section B 布鲁姆的教育目标分类法到今天为止,我们可以理直气壮地声称我们的教学目标比较准确地描述了教学所指向的目的。它们在学习和教学中占有重要的作用。当制定教学目标,提供教学和评价学生成绩时,把存在的不同的标准或学习的结果记在脑中是重要的,把不同标准和结果区分开是重要的,如果教师没有意识到不同的学习的标准,他们很可能专注于一个水平上而忽略其他的。例如,一个教师可能会教大量的事实信息,但从不会抽出时间教学生应用和综合信息,或许一个教师会

32、教更高水平的思考技巧而没有意识到这些技巧必须融入这些更高端技巧的基本技巧的事先学习。布鲁姆的教育目标分类在认知能力层面上是最著名的,这种分类是等级鲜明的。也就是说,学习者必须先掌握较低层次的目标,在这些目标的基础上通过构建知识达到更高层次的目标,以下是分类的内容:1、 知道(回忆已知的学习知识)2、 领会(把握所学材料的意义)3、 应用(在具体情境中运用知识)4、 分析(把知识分成若干块)5、 综合(把各部分连起来形成整体)6、 评价(按给定的要求通过具体标准评价产品的价值)知道或知识(回忆信息)代表了布鲁姆分类中的最低层次。它最低是就它最先出现而言的它为所有高层次的认知活动提供了基础。只有能


34、标来为掌握较高层次的目标铺设适当的基础。(2)它为发展评价学生各层次学习绩效的测量策略提供了一个基础。Section C 杰罗姆·布鲁纳的发现学习理论什么是发现学习?发现学习是一种以质疑为基础的建构主义的学习理论,这种学习发生在问题求解的情况中,在这种情况下,学习者利用他或她过去的经验和现存的知识去探索将要学习的事实和新真理。学生通过探索和操纵物体,努力克服和争论,或者做实验来同世界交互。因此,学生可能更容易记住他们自己发现的概念和知识(相对于传输模型)。基于发现学习模式的学习模型包括:有指导的发现,问题导向的学习、仿真学习、案例学习、随即学习。发现式教育的目标发现式教育模式要求学生


36、提供高的动机,因为学生有实验的机会。6、建立在学生现有的知识和理解的基础上。发现学习理论的潜在劣势1、如果没有初步的框架,学生会困惑。2、抵消并且耗时。3、导致学生受挫折。Section D有意义学习理论发现学习理论是纽约城市大学David p.Ausubel发明的。他的研究是大脑中产生的新的神经连接形成有意义的学习,那就是,学习可以应用于许多情况下,而不是机械学习。奥苏贝尔认为当新的信息和一个学生已有的知识明确地联系起来的时候,有意义学习就发生了,即学习着头脑中非任意性关系的形成。为了使有意义学习发生,必须满足三个条件:1、 学习者必须具有一些相关的先有知识,新的信息可以和这些知识以某种特殊

37、方式联系起来。2、 不管想对于自身还是其它,学习材料必须有意义;换句话说,学习材料必须包括和已有的知识相关的重要概念和主题。3、 一个学生必须有意识地,非任意地把这些有意义的材料和他已有的知识结合在一起,奥苏贝尔称此为有意义学习。这种有意义学习的思想和机械学习形成鲜明对比,在机械学习中,新的概念没有以一种实质的、特殊的方法和先有知识联系起来,而仅仅是被记忆了下来。显示这些观点之间关系的概念图如图6.4.1对于学习者来说,在先有知识的结构没有被建立之前要达到高层次的有意义的学习是不可能的,因此随着时间的推移,在任何知识领域中掌握专业知识和技能的过程中,学习是一个逸代过程。对于毫无关联的知识,死记

38、硬背的学习是可能发生的,这也是许多学习者在课堂中生搬硬套的学习的原因之一。此外,如果评价测量的要求与死记硬背无差别,逐字回忆知识,这对于有意义的学习既没有回报也没有促进作用。事实上,因为有意义的学习要将新的知识与学习者已经存在的只是结构同化,逐字回忆变得更加困难。然而,将知识应用在新的环境中是有帮助的。第十一章第一节 什么是学习环境学习环境是全面、综合的系统,它可以促进学生参与以学生为中心的活动,包括引导演讲、操作和相关学习主题中的实践探索。在这个定义中反映了几个重要元素。集成意味着这个环境的构造是为了支持学生获得现存的概念联系或者建立新的概念。活动还可以支持个人努力调节他或她的学习。指导支持

39、学习者在学习环境中所做的决定。主题以一种需要解决的问题或定向目标的形式帮助组织上下文,这种上下文将环境的特点和活动结合起来。学习环境提供互动的、互补的活动,促进以学生为中心的学习,通过适当的活动,引导学生在相关概念上围绕统一的主题学习。在个体方面,每个组件允许学生对既定的参数追求更深的理解,例如,学生可能选择一个操纵工具,要求主题辅导或关键条款阐述。而集体来说,该组件提供了一套丰富的资源来逐步扩大,而不是缩小学习的主题。第三节:网络学习环境虽然网上学习在今天的教育系统中被认为是一个越来越明显的趋势,佩兰和梅林却认为,学生在线时可以有不同的体会。 他们提到,对于一些学生来说,采取在线课程只是补充他们传统的校园学习经验的一种方式,而对另一些人而言,这是一个受欢迎的替代课堂环境。建华等人也认为,网路学习环境可以作为潜在的强大的方法来促进学生的学习。诺夫等人还把网络看作一个最好的媒介实现指令。网络在许多方面支持教和学,比如用它作为阅读材料的来源;探索自我的工具;写作、出版、宣传的的媒介;交流的论坛。网络学习被Bannan-Ritland等定义为一种基于超媒体的教学计划,它利用网络的属性和资源来创造一个有意义的学习环境,在这个环境里来培养和支持学习。 Berge也把基于网络的学习


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