



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上大城市优点:1、就业机会多,发展机会多,相对健全。More jobs, more opportunities, the social security system relatively sound.2、 政治文明程度较高,对权力有了一定程度的约束,公民权利相对更有保障。High degree of political civilization, for power with a certain degree of restraint, the rights of citizens is relatively more secure.3、信息比较多,也比较到位。Inf

2、ormation dissemination way more, supervision by public opinion is in place.4、信息发达、文化发达、经济发达Information, culture, developed economy developed5、公权欺压的事情最容易小地方。Public rights oppress the people most likely to occur in a small place.6、对于住房、医疗、教育的经济压力,乡下比城市有过之而无不及。因为乡下的经济收入相对更低,更难有发展机会。For housing, health

3、care, education, economic pressure, in the country than the city. Because of the country's income is relatively lower, more difficult to have development opportunities.7、大城市的好处很大,它能给公民相当的安全感,使我们不用担心黑狱、官匪、土皇帝。The advantages of big cities is very large, it can give citizens quite a sense of securi

4、ty, we don't have to worry about black jails, officer bandits, local tyrant.8、实现自己梦想的成功人士有多少是从小城市发迹的?就算失败了,也积累了许多人脉。Realize their dream of successful people are from city how much better? Even if failed, also accumulated a lot of contacts.9、见识会更丰富,因为大城市人多,很多东西包括行业都是你在小城市难以见到的,而且很多先进的理念也会在大城市先出现。

5、Knowledge will be more rich, because big cities are better than one, a lot of things including industry are you in the small city is difficult to see, and many of the advanced idea will first appear in a big city.10、国内国外政府机构齐全,办个什么证比小县城容易得多。What domestic foreign government agencies to be complete, d

6、o a much easier than small town.11、高水平医疗保障,医疗资源全,各种先进药品齐全,医疗福利待遇好High levels of health care, medical resources, complete all kinds of advanced medicine, medical benefits小城市的缺点:1、熟人太多,关系太复杂亲密,应酬多,世俗的套路太多,尤其单身不好混,精神累。Too many acquaintances, dinner party, he was too complex close mundane routines too m

7、uch, especially the single bad mix, mental tired.2、所受教育层次低,教育环境差,接受教育的方式单调。By education level is low, poor education environment, accept education and drab.3、医疗水平低,诊断能力差,大病误判多。And low level of medical diagnosis ability is poor, serious miscalculation.4、旅游名胜少,景点不集中,档次也差Tourist attractions, scenic spo

8、ts, the grade is poor5、高档宾馆、酒店少,精细化社会服务少,软服务水平不上档次。High-end hotels, hotel, less fine social services, less soft service level is not grade.6、体育设施少、文化娱乐场所少,周末没有地方去消遣。Sports facilities, cultural entertainment, less less weekend have no place to recreation.7、人气差,见识少,学术氛围差,结交的层次低,圈子小,档次低。Sentiment is poor, less knowledgeable, poor academic atmosphere, make the low level, small circle, low grade.8、创业机会少,竞争对手水平低,发展前途小。Less entrepreneurial opportuni


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