1、幼儿园日常英语用语 1Would you like a little bit more?(Are you sure you had enough?)你想再要一点吗?(你真的够了吗?)2.Please hold your bowls.请端好碗.3、Try to finish everything in your bowls.尽量把碗里的饭菜吃完吧.4、Lets try not to scatter food or drink on the table. (Please help clease up your spills.)别把饭或汤撒到桌上. 5、Put the
2、 bones on your plate.把骨头或者鱼刺放在盆子里.6、Wipe(Rinse) your mouth after eating.吃完东西之后请把嘴擦干净. 7、Youll feel good to have some soup after a meal.小朋友吃完饭后要喝一碗汤,这样会感觉很舒服的.8、Fold your coat and trousens and put them on the chair.把衣服叠整齐,放在你的椅子上. 9、Cover yourself up ,so that your do not catch c
3、old.请把被子盖盖好,这样就不会着凉了. 10、 Hands under the quilt.把手放到被子里去.11、 Wake up.起床了.12、 Get up and dress yourself quickly.赶快起床穿衣服.13、 Can you dress yourself ? Have a try!你会自己穿衣服吗?试试看.14、 Lets go upstairs and do morning exercise.让我们上楼去做早操吧!15、 Go this side ,please .No pushing away.请从这边走,不要推人.16、 Find your seat
4、quickly as soon as you hear the bell.一听到铃响就回到座位上.17、 Which one do you like better,Tom?汤姆,你喜欢哪一个?18、 Follow me,please.请跟我说(做).19、 Id like to ask one of you to answer my question.我想请一个小朋友来回答我的问题.20、 Now,look,I have a ball in my hand.看,我手里拿了一个球.21、 Do you like to draw a picture? (Would you like to draw
5、 a picture?)你们想画画吗?22、 Say it after me.请跟我一起说.23、 Nancy did a good job just now. Her voice was much louder.南希刚才做的很好,她的声音响多了.24、 What did you hear just now?你们刚才听到了什么? 25、 Listen to me carefully,and try to remember what I say.仔细听我说,试着记住我说的话. 26、 Id like to tell you what well do today.我想告诉你们
6、我们今天要做的事. 27、 Lets say it together.我们一起来说吧. 28、 Whats the English for it ? 这个英语怎么说? 29、 Listen to the rhyme once again,and try to tell us what else you have heand.再听一遍儿歌,然后试着告诉我们你还听到了什么? 30、 Put up (put down) your hands.举起(放下)小手. 31、Who wants to try ? 谁想来试一试? 32、 Hello Tom!Nice to see you. 汤姆,你好。见到你
7、很高兴。 33、 Go in and take your coat off. 进去把大衣脱掉。 34、 Can you bring your chair and sit right here?你能把椅子搬到这儿来坐吗? 35、 Please say bye-bye to your Mummy. 请向妈妈说“再见”。 36、 Take off your coat and hang it up right there. 把你的衣服脱下挂在那儿. 37、 Shoes off!Sit on the mat. 脱掉鞋子,坐到地毯上。 38、 Oh,she is coming. 喔,她来了。 39、 Wh
8、at are you doing ? 你在干什么? 40、 Whats the matter? 怎么了? 41、There are some toys.Lets play with these toys.我这里有一些玩具,我们一起来玩吧。 42、 Do you need help to tuck your sweater into your pants.要我帮你把线衣塞到裤子里去吗?43、 You did it all by yourself.全部是由你自己做的吗?44、 Right(Good,Ok,Great).对(好,行,很好) 45、 Its time to pack up.(Pack-
9、up time)!该是整理玩具的时候了。 46、Puck up the toys on the floor.请把地上的玩具拾起来。 47、 Now lets pick up the toys. 现在我们把玩具收起来。48、Get a wash-cloth and wipe the chairs,please.请拿一块抹布把椅子擦干净。 49、Open the door, please. 请把门打开。 50、What day is today? (Whats the date today?) 今天是星期几(几号)? 51、How many children are here today? 今天来
10、了多少个小朋友? 52、Lets count: one, tow 让我们一起来数一数:一、二、 53、Whos absent today? 今天谁没来? 54、One, two, three. Eyes on me. Four, five, six. Hands on knees. 小眼睛,看老师;小小手,放放好。 55、Clap your hands to the music. 我们来随着音乐节奏拍手吧。 56、Can you please speak a litte bot louder, so that everybody can hear you? 你能再大声一点吗?这样我们大家都能听
11、得见。 57、Do you like dogs? Yes or no? 你喜欢小狗吗?是喜欢还是不喜欢? 58、Come over to me, please. 请到我这边来。 59、Those of you who are thirsty go and have some water. 口渴的小朋友请去喝水。 60、Lets line up (one after another). 我们(一个接一个)排好队吧。 61、Are you ready for a game? Lets stand on a circle. 我们要玩游戏了,准备好了吗?我先站成一个圈。 62、Turn around
12、and look at me. 转过身来,看着我。 63、Jump on one foot. Can you jump on the other? 单脚跳,你能用另一只脚跳吗? 64、Everybody is now third. Lets take a rest. 大家有点累了,休息一会儿吧。 65、Is everybody here ?每个小朋友都到了吗?-All present .都到了。 -No,Tom is on sick leave .不,汤姆请病假了。 66、Please look at the picture .请看图片。 67、Draw a fish on blackboar
13、d please .请在黑板上画一条鱼。 68、Come here , please .请到这儿来。 69、Go back to your seat , please .请回到你的座位上去。 70、Open your book .打开你的书。 71、Turn to page 1 .翻到第一页。 72、Read after me , please .请跟着我读。 73、Listen carefully please .请听仔细了。 74、Get it ?明白吗? 75、Can you follow me ?你们能跟上我吗? 76、Put up your hands if you know the
14、 answer .如果你知道答案请举起你的手。 77、Lets tell a story . 让我们来讲个故事。 78、Who would like to have a try ? 谁想试一试? 79、Lets have a rest . 让我们休息一会儿。 80、Lets play a game . 让我们做个游戏。 81、Please stand in line .请站成一排。 82、Lets sing a song . 让我们唱一首歌。 83、Lets play hind-and-seek . 让我们玩捉迷藏。 84、Who is winner ?谁是胜利者? 85、Go to your
15、 bedroom . 去午睡室。 86、Take off your coat . 脱下你的外套。 87、Go to bed . 上床睡觉。 88、Close your eyes . 闭上你的眼睛。 89、Dont speak . 不要讲话。 90、Attention ,please ! 立正。 91、At ease ,please ! 稍息。 92、Line up ,please .排好队。 93、 Are you ready ?Now Lets begin .One ,two ,start .准备好了吗?现在我们开始,一、二,预备齐。 94、 Ill point to the picture
16、 ,and you should tell me what it is .我指图片,请说出我指的是什么? 95 、Anything else ?还有别的吗? 96、 Are you clear ?懂了吗? 97、Thats a good idea .好主意。 98、 Go to the toilet .Group one ,first .去小便,洗手吧,第一组先去。 99、Everybody ,get your cup and go back to your seat .Wait for milk please . 每个小朋友拿好自己的杯子回到座位上,等着倒牛奶。 100 、Now ,its
17、time for snake .现在该吃点心了。打招呼,问候,告别 幼儿英语日常对话 1. Hello/Hi! 你好!2. Good morning? Good morning!早上好?早上好! 3. Good afternoon? Good afternoon!下午好?下午好! 4. Hi,How are you? I am fine,Thank you,and you? 嘿,你好吗?我很好,谢谢,你呢? 5Are you OK? Yes, I am OK. 你还好吗?我挺好的。 6. Good-bye再见。 7. Bye-bye mum/daddy.再见妈妈/爸爸。 8. See you.
18、 再见。 9See you in the evening. 晚上见。 10. See you tomorrow.明天见。 11See you next time. 再见。 12. See you next week. 下周见。 询问姓名、年龄 幼儿英语对话 1. What is your name? My name is lanlan你叫什麽名字? 我叫兰兰。 2. I am Lanlan,I am four. 我叫兰兰, 我四岁。 3. Excuse me, what is your name?打扰一下,你叫什麽名字? 4. How old are you? I am four.你几岁了?我四岁。 5Excuse me,Can you tell me your name? 打扰一下,你可以告诉我你的名字吗?表扬,赞美 幼儿英语日常用语 1. You are clever/smart! 你真聪明! 2. You are good/great! 你真棒! 3. You are beautiful/pretty! 你真漂亮! 4How smart you are! 你真聪明! 5You look very smart.
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