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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上英语医学科技论文写作中的常见错误 (I)国内英语医学科技论文,尤其是尚未经过编辑加工的稿件中几乎都存在许多各种各样的错误,下面是基于我们学校学报的作者来稿,总结的在在编辑工作中常见的一些错误。医学英语写作中用词方而的一些问题。1. 动词搭配不当,词不达意如“, and mean survival days of the mice were improved (P0.05). ”一句, 谓语动词跟主语就搭配不当。习惯上,我们不讲“时间 (the mean survival days)得到“改善 (improve) ,只讲时间“延长”或“缩短”了。因此,应把句中的谓语动词

2、 improved 改为 prolonged.2. 把及物动词当不及物动词用The alcohol acetylates easily 一句, acetylate 是及物动词,它的对象是 alcohol ,但这里用的是主动态,缺了宾语, 应改为被动态才合acetylate的用法。故此句应改为 The alcohol is acetylatedeasily.又如 The esters hydrolyze with great difficulty. 同理,应改写为 The esters are hydrolyzedwith great difficulty.Acetylate vt.加乙酰基于H

3、ydrolyze v. 水解3. 把不及物动词当及物动词用英语中很多动词可既做不及物动词, 又做及物动词用, 但却不是所有的动词都有这样的特点,而且有时同一个词的及物和不及物用法会有意义上的差别。 我们先看几个误用的例子 :It has already been known that the meniscal( 半月板的 )arteries are originatedfrom the 5 genicular( 膝 的 ) branches of the popliteal artery (腘动 脉 ) anddescending branch of the femoral artery.Or

4、iginate 作“起源”解时是不及物动词,没有被动态,所以此句需变被动为主动语态,即去掉are 。 However, the controversy for its diagnostic value has been continued.(continued continuing)continue 在这里是不及物动词,不能用被动语态。此句除词法错误外,从含义上讲也不应该用被动语态。另外,常常在一些作者的文稿中见到在 appear,exist , happen , occur 等不及物动词后而带有宾语。4. 选词不当A very similar phenotype (表型) is found

5、in patients with keratin (角蛋白) K16 gene variations.Ras oncogene and p53 gene hotspot variations in colorectal cancers.“基因突变”是一个比较定型的专业名词,“突变”一般用 mutation 表达。 在 作 者 的 来 稿 中 , 常 常 能 见 到 这样的 句 子 : , observed with/under electronmicroscopy 或, 明 was observed by electron microscope 。这几种表达是错误的。microscopy 和

6、microscope 虽然只一字母之差,但前者指一种技术,后者指一种仪器。正确的表达如下:用显微镜检查或观察. be examined / observed with /using/ microscope;在显微镜下检查或观察到 : , be examined observed under /in microscope;使用显微镜技术检查或观察 : , examined /observed by /using microscopy.例如 :Virus target cells in the bursa, thymus, spleen, and bone marrow were examined

7、 by专心-专注-专业transmission electron microscopy.Sloughing of the tracheal epithelium was visible by light microscopy.Specimens were embedded and examined using transmission electron microscopyand x ray microanalysis.5. 复合名词 (名词连缀 )组合不当当名词用作定语时, 实际上没有了数的概念而起着形容词的作用, 不能用复数, 所以不可以说 mice peritoneal macropha

8、ges,而应该说 mouse peritoneal macrophage(小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞)。另外,有些名词如 rate 的定语是不能用形容词的,因为这类名词词组所表示的是某种事物的类别,而不是它的性质,所以我们通常不说 pregnant rate 而用 pregnancy rate。在医学领域里,复合名词的使用越来越多,合成词中的词序错误也很常见,如应将emission fluorescence intensity 荧光强度改为 fluorescence emission intensity ,将 epithelium cellmalignancies 改为 epithelial malig

9、nancies 。对于不常阅读相关专业英文文献的作者,要准确使用这种专业术语几乎是不可能的, 所以,广泛的阅读和平时的积累才是最终的解决办法。如果平时阅读和积累不够的话,写论文时相关的文献一定要细读。6. 主语与表语搭配不当如 Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator is an important method to treat ventriculartachycardia in patients with structural heart diseases. “仪器”不是“方法”。另外,用不定式短语作 method 的定语也不妥。 修改:在 is 前加

10、therapy 或改 method 为 means ;改 to treat为 for treating.Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator 植入式复律除颤器7. abundant 和 rich很多人常常在表达“ A 中富含 B”或“A 中 B 物质很丰富”这类句意时出错,而错误往往是主语跟状语成分的倒置,如 :细胞浆 (A) 中含有丰富的游离核糖体 (B) 。有人把它译成” Free ribosomes (B) is rich in the cytoplasm (A). ”。实际上,这种句子的含义是 ;A 在某方而是很富有的。它的表达形式是 :A is

11、 rich in B. 因此,上句应改为” The cytoplasm is rich in free ribosomes. 。又如 :This fish is rich in oil. 这种鱼含油量大。abundant 虽也为“大量的”、 “丰富的”之意,但在某些句子里用法与 rich 是相反的。如前而的例句Free ribosomes is abundant in the cytoplasm. 是讲得通的。又如” In the pseudopod andcytoplasm projections, microtubulin( 微管蛋白 ) was abundant and highly c

12、oncentrated.是可以的;若用 rich 取代 abundant,则此句可以改为 :“The projections were rich in microtubulins, which were highly concentrated. ”若用 There be 句型表达则两词可以互换, 如”there were abundant and highly concentratedmicrotubulins in the projections.8. 动词与介词搭配不当动词与介词的搭配,由于绝大部分可从词典中查到,一般不太容易出错。错误常常发生在一个动词有多个介词搭配的时候, 例如 agr

13、ee with与 agree to / on ,根据其后续名词,究竟选择哪一个介词,就不是那么好决断的了。关于动词与介词的搭配,说实话,我也很多记不清楚,可以借助语料库。9. 名词与介词搭配不当例句 :The difficulty of doing research related to dehydration is that there is nogood standard of determining the level of dehydration.此句中,第一个 of 应为 in ,第一个 of 应为 for.10. 复杂介词 based on.基于11. 对等翻译的例子比较常见, 在

14、医学论文中, 尤其是在材料和方法部分表现得比较典型。如:“将 pCEA424/2CAT 大量扩增,以 Hind III 和 BamH I 酶切。在低熔点胶中回收纯化得到 420 bp 的 CEA 基因 5端转录调控序列TRS 片段, 克隆入 pUC118 的多克隆位点中 ;再以Hind III, EcoR I 酶切得到 Hind III-EcoR ICEA 片段。”对这段话作者是这样翻译的 :Amplified pCEA424/2CAT, digested with Hind III and BamH I ,purified in low meltingpoint agarose to har

15、vest a 420 by 5TRS fragment of CEA, inserted into the polyclone sites ofpUC118, digested with Hind III , EcoR I to harvest Hind III -EcoR I CEA fragment.这段译文专业词汇选择还是比较得当的,但逻辑关系和动宾关系混乱不清。经分析整理,以下面的方式表达为好 :pCEA424/2CAT was amplified in a large number, digested with Hind III and BamH I ,andpurified in

16、low meltingpoint agarose to harvest a 420 by 5TRS fragment of CEA, which wasthen inserted into polyclone sites of pUC118. The recombinant was digested with Hind III andEcoR I to harvest Hind III-EcoR ICEA fragments.12. “对称结构”不对称False-positive responses were found in 4 (10%) of the control group, and

17、 8 (38%) in the HTgroup.(假阳性反应,在对照组有 4(10%) 例,高血压组8(38%) 例。上句两相同状语结构未保持对应, 应改为 :False positive responses were found in 4 (10%)of the control group, and in 8 (38%) of the HT group.13. 词义或符号的重复 Each group was further randomly subdivided into 2 groups of 10 animals for thehemodynamic and hormonal( 激素的

18、) studies., and then put into hot water bathes of 93。C for 45 seconds, Compared with ultrasonic examination, CTSP could find more foci than the formercould.下划线部分纯属多余,因为 compared with , 已经有了这层意思,而且 the former指代不清。14. 结构混乱,因果关系不清楚When the ST response to exercise is normal or borderline, diagnostic cri

19、terion of SBP recoveryratio is used, it can increase sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the exercise test.( 当运动试验ST 段反应正常或可疑时,使用这个指标能提高运动试验的敏感度、特异度和准确度。 )这种英文表达方式既繁复,语义还不清楚,而且代词 it 所指也不明确。根据中文可改为:When the ST response to exercise is normal or borderline, using the diagnostic criterion forSBP re

20、covery ratio can increase sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the exercise test.15. 逻辑错误如:So it should be careful to use methylene blue for patients with pulmonary hypertensionduring NO inhalation therapy.( 因此, 对正在接受一氧化氮吸入治疗的肺高压病人, 应慎用亚甲蓝。 )在这里作者可能想用 it 作形式卞语来代替to use,但却是不合逻辑的,因为“ To use iscare

21、ful 讲不通。倒是可以说carefully use 二。因此,这个句子应改为:Therefore, methyleneblue should be administered carefully for pulmonary hypertension patients receivingNO-inhalation therapy.16. 动名词后接 of 短语,并在动名词前加上一个不适当的 the如:In view of these findings, comparison between results before and after synaptic blockadeis necessar

22、y for 些 studying 可 the effects of transmitters or drugs.动名词能起名词作用,可以作介词的宾语,但又不完全等同于名词,因为它还有动作的含义,可以带自己的宾语。既然有动作含义,前加 the,后加 of 都是错误的。17. 赘词性错误有的句子要去掉一个或几个词才更精练,而有些句子要去掉一个或几个词才能成立。 The data of many foreign authors have suggested that there exists a closerelationship between hepatitis C virus infectio

23、n and development of primary hepatic carcinoma.Of 12 cases being subjected to Southern blot hybridization, HBV DNA was detected in 7by this technique, in 10 by PCR and in 7 with both methods of DNA extraction, 过去分词 subjected 本身就有被动含义,而加了 being 后反而成了现在分词 subjecting的被动态了。另外,“ Of+ 总数”放在句首作状语,分句的主语应该是分数

24、,这样才显得对称。 因此, 例除了去掉 being 之外, 对整个句子的结构及用词也应作适当调整 : Of the12 patients subjected to Southern blot hybridization, 7 were detected having HB V DNA bythis technique, 10 by PCR and 7 by both of the methods for DNA extraction 18. 错将both 当 two 用Both 表示“两者都”,用法比较复杂,而 two 仅表示“ 2”这个数的概念,一般来讲,不应该发生棍淆。但是,从作者的来稿中

25、常常能见到错把both 当 two 用的情况。We found no statistical difference in50-year-old patients in the frequency of thediagnosis of breast cancer when comparing the both types of biopsies. Functional respiratory test showed both patients with a slight restrictive pattern, one patientwith very severe restriction an

26、d six patients with low DLCO. The majority (495, or 86.3%) had a normal genetic sonogram (absence of abnormalultrasound markers); 51(9%) had one marker present, and 27 (4.7%) had both or more markerspresent.以上三例纯粹表达数的概念,这三个 both 都应改成 two 。19. 一句中多种错误并存一句中多种错误并存的例子,在作者的初稿中屡见不鲜,限于篇幅,这里仅举两例 :例 1 ; The

27、results suggest that EGF/TGF-EGF-R autocrine cycle is related to the advance ofcolorectal cancer.(结果提示 EGF/TGF-EGF-R 自分泌环在大肠癌的发展中起一定作用。 )错误所在 : to be related to 的因果关系应为前果后因,而该句用反了 ; is 改为 may 或 might be 语气较婉转些 ; advance前以用零冠词为宜 ;advance 应换成 development;根据句意以把 to be related to 换成 may play a role in ,

28、 为妥。故此句应改为 :The results suggest that EGF/TGF-R autocrine cycle may play a role indevelopment of colorectal carcinoma.20. The mechanism of enhancing immune function might be correlated with elements whichCMS contains. (增强免疫功能的机制可能跟 CMS 含有的元素有关。 )这也是典型的中式英语。 其实,the enhancement of immune function 讲的就是它

29、的机制,mechanism 的含义不言自明。 因此,此句可改为 The enhancement of immune function might becorrelated to/with elements which CMS contains. 免疫功能的增强可能同 CMS 的成分有关。错误一 :句子自接以阿拉伯数字开头例:(误)152 elderly patients were included in our study.(正)A total of 152 elderly patients were included in our study.(正)One hundred and fifty

30、-two patients were included in our study.英文句子一般小以数字开始 如确需使用数字 .则可采取两种方式 :如数字较大 则可在数字前加 a total of;如数字较小 .则可自接用英语将该数字写出避免使用阿拉伯数字。典型的中式英语21. 这牛奶有酸味。*This milk has a sour taste. This milk tastes sour/is sour to the taste.22. 他的身体很健康。*His body is very healthy.He is in good/excellent health.把汉语“某某人身体健康”译

31、成英语时,不能用 body 作主语,而要把它当成“某人健康”的意思来译。两年来他的身体一直不太好。*His body has been not very healthy for the last two years. He has been in poor health for the last two years.23. 这种方法的缺点是不敏感。*The disadvantage of the method is not sensitive. The disadvantage of the method is being not sensitive. 或 The disadvantage o

32、f themethod is its insensitivity.24. 手术从六点开始到十一点。*The operation began from six oclock to eleven. The operation lasted from six oclock to eleven.to begin 属瞬间动词, 表示一过性动作, 无延续性, 因此不能接用 from .to . ,也不能用进行时态。25. 他(被确诊 )患有 WPW 综合征。*He was diagnosed as WPW syndrome. 主语和主补不相容或不对等。 He was diagnosed as having

33、 WPW syndrom.26. 发病率由高到低依次为肘关节、肩关节、髓关节。*The order of their morbidity from high to low was the elbow, the shoulder, and thehip joints in turn. The morbidity/incidence was in the following decreasing order: the elbowtheshoulderthe hip joints27. 因此,有理由认为, 异常 SBP 恢复比的出现是由于运动负荷所致左心功能受损的缘故。*Therefore, it

34、is reasonable to hypothesize that an abnormal SBP recovery ratioappears to be due to exercise-induced impairment of left ventricular function. Therefore, it is reasonable to hypothesize that the appearance of an abnormalSBP recovery ratio is due to exercise-induced impairment of left ventricular fun

35、ction.28. Surgical drainage specimens from the mass were bacterial culture-negative.肿块的手术引流标木细菌培养阴性。这个英文句子来自 Medline ,很经典。但如叫我们把这句中文翻回去,大部分人的译句就不会是这个样子。很可能会是 :1. Bacterial culture of surgical drainage specimens of the mass were negative.2. Bacterial culture of surgical drainage specimens from the ma

36、ss were negative.3. Surgical drainage specimens from the mass were negative for bacterial culture.4. The culture of surgical drainage specimens from the mass were negative forbacteria.29. Anatomic relationship of the zygomatic branch and the zygomatic arch.颧支与颧弓的位置关系。这是一个图题,该题中要用 of 就须将 and 改为 to 或

37、with; 若后而坚持用 and,则须改 of 为 between .这种表达的错误,一般人看不出来。英语中的副词含义丰富、使用灵活,往往可以代替几个词,大大精简句子结构。掌握副词的用法并不十分容易,需要不断地摸索体会其中奥妙。下面就副词的分类、作用及句中的位置简单作一介绍。29. 两肺呼吸音清晰The respiration sounds of the two lungs were clear. Lung sounds were clear bilaterally.30. 我们用内窥镜和 X 光检查了 135 名消化性溃疡的病人。We examined 135 patients with p

38、eptic ulcers with endoscope and X-ray. We examined 135 patients with peptic ulcers endoscopically andradiologically.31. 我们对, 进行了组织学检查,发现 ,Histological examination was performed on 9 renal biopsies, and tuberculosis wasfound in 2 patients. Histologically, tuberculosis was found in the kidney in 2 out

39、 of 9 patients.( 或Histological examina tion revealed. )32. 在 UC 治疗组,除高钾血症外,高磷血症、低钙血症、低钠血症都有了一定程度的改善,大剂量组比小剂量组变化更大。In the UC-treated groups, there were improved hyperphosphoremia, hypocalcemia andhyponatremia in some degree except hyperpotassemia. There was bigger changes in the highergroup than the

40、lower one.In the UC-treated groups, hyperphosphoremia, hypocalcemia and hyponatremia excepthyperpotassemia were improved to some degree, especially in the higher dosage group than thelower one.医学科技论文中词的增减与词性和句型的转换汉英两种语言由于用词造句的规律不同,在表达同一个意思时往往需要增补一些原文中没有的词 ;或者原文中有些词语从译文的角度来看是多余的,可以或必须删去, 不能只字不漏地进行翻译,

41、以免给读者生搬硬套的感觉。1 词的增加5. 需要增词 .完整地表述逻辑 LC 制剂的纯化是 /成为LC 研究的主要障碍。The purification of LC preparation has been a main obstacle to its research. Difficultyin the purification of L.C. preparation has been a main obstacle to its research.“制剂的纯化” 本身并不能成为“障碍” ,故按照字面一字不增地译成前一句子,虽无语病,但逻辑上讲不通,必须加上 difficulty 这层含义。

42、老年人吸烟时血压的升高Enhanced elevation of blood pressure during cigarette smoking in the elderly一般地说,人到了老年,血压都会比青壮年时高。而这里的升高 (吸烟引起的升高 )指的是在正常升高情况下的再升高,不增加 enhanced一词就表达不了这层意思。33. 原文中隐含的意思,翻译时必须增补我们探讨了其功能意义。The possiblerole of their function was discussed.他离职的缘由仅是这样:他深知无升迁的机会。The reason for his leaving presen

43、t employment is simple: he sees no chance ofadvancement.这二个例句中, possible 和 present 都是在汉语中字面上没有直接表述, 而属于隐含的意思,英译时就必须加上,以完整、准确地表述汉语原意。34. 代词的增加乳腺癌仍是妇女的主要死因,早期常不易检出。Cancer of breast, still a leading cause of death in women, too often escapes detectionin its early stage.患者痊愈或症状明显减轻。The patients were cur

44、ed or significantly relieved of their symptoms.除以上因素外,初产年龄也有一定关系。Besides the above mentioned factors, age at first birth was also involved in it.例的 its、例的 their 和例的 it ,在汉语的句子中没有相应代词的表述,而在英语句中为了语法的正确和逻辑的准确完整 .这些代词是不能没有的。6. 词的减少30. 已由别的词表现出的含义 .不必再重复表达对1992 年遭飓风Andrew 袭击后一野战医院医疗救治的分析Analysis of medical treatment at a field hospital following hurricane Andrew, 1992“遭 , 袭击”从译文角度看,就是多余的, following 一词就能把它的意思尽述无遗了。31. 有些只用来表示范畴而无具体含义的词,象“情况”、“问题”、“一下”、“办法”之类的范畴词不必翻译免疫反应细胞体的分布情况见图 1For the distrib


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