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1、(广东)2021年中考考前预测卷-英语学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_题号一二三四五总分得分注意:本试卷包含、两卷。第卷为选择题,所有答案必须用2B铅笔涂在答题卡中相应的位置。第卷为非选择题,所有答案必须填在答题卷的相应位置。答案写在试卷上均无效,不予记分。一、语法选择(本题有1小题,共10分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后按照句子结构的语法和上下文连贯的要求,从每题所给的四个选项中选出-一个最佳答案,井将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑)1、    At school, I was on the top for math. My teachers(1) that I sho

2、uld study something with math as my Alevel subjects, but I had my mind to enjoy my life with(2) .     In fact,I was(3) influenced by a typical idea since birth that men  do science  and math  while women do arts or languages. Computer science, technology and physics jus

3、t did not(4) in my teenage eyes. Nobody popular in my school chose to study those subjects.     When I began attending job interviews and interviewers would say: "It's great that you speak foreign languages, but what else do you do?" (5) asked my friends who had studied

4、science or technology those questions. My friends were so confident of their interview. This experience made me really(6) for my choice. How I wished I would have another chance to choose my subject.     A survey recently showed that three out of ten(7) and bestpaid jobs for women are

5、 in the technology  field. Now  I have a  fiveyearold  daughter.  I want her  to  know the(8) .  Science or technology will make her views far more than my background could. I'm making her(9) Minecraft and apps, which help improve problem solving skill. I

6、first thought these might be hard for such an age.(10) ,I find my little girl shows great interest and development on those skills really hope she can keep on and give herself more choices when choosing subjects. (1) A. agreedB. suggestedC. requested(2) A. scienceB. artsC. language(3) A. strong

7、lyB. hardlyC. nearly(4) A. appearB. matterC. remain(5) A. EverybodyB. SomebodyC. Nobody(6) A. angryB. positiveC. regretful(7) A. promisingB. difficultC. boring(8) A. purposeB. factC. decision(9) A. keep fromB. learn fromC. decide on(10) A. CommonlyB. SurprisinglyC. Disappointingly二、完形填空(本大题有1小题,共10分

8、)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡对应题目所选的选项涂黑)1、通读下面短文,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案, 并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。     There was a man named Zhou Chu who lived during the Western Jin Dynasty (265316). He was very strong (1) than any other man in his village.     People w

9、ere scared of him(2) he often bullied (欺负) villagers.(3) that time, a maneating tiger and a deepwater monster lived nearby. They often caused trouble for(4) village. People called them, along with Zhou, the "three evils" (三害).     One day, some villagers asked Zhou(5) them k

10、ill the tiger and the monster. After three days of fighting, Zhou finally killed them and came back. But the villagers thought he was dead. They celebrated(6) death.  After  seeing this,  Zhou  realized  how much  he(7) and decided to make a change.     H

11、e visited a famous scholar (学者) named Lu Yun. Lu told him, "If one(8) what is good in the morning, he can change his behavior in the evening. Just do(9) you think is right." From then on, Zhou became a good person and stopped bullying(10) . Later he became a great soldier and died protecti

12、ng his country.(1) A. strongB. strongerC. strongestD. the strongest(2) A. becauseB. soC. ifD. though(3) A. OnB. InC. AtD. For(4) A. aB. anC. theD. /(5) A. helpB. to helpC. helpingD. helped(6) A. heB. himC. hisD. himself(7) A. hatesB. is hatedC. hatedD. was hated(8) A. realizeB. realizesC. will reali

13、zeD. realized(9) A. whatB. thatC. howD. which(10) A. otherB. the otheC. othersD. the others三、阅读理解(共3小题,满分30分,每小题10分)1、    A kind of little cars may some day take the place of today's carsIf everyone drives such cars in the future,there will be less pollution in the carThere will also b

14、e more space for parking cars in cities,and the streets will be less crowdedThree such cars can fit in the space now needed for one car of the usual size     The little cars will cost much less to own and to driveDriving will be safer,too,as these little cars can go only 65 kilometers an h

15、ourThe cars of the future will be fine for getting around a city,but they will not be useful for long tripsLittle cars will go 450 kilometers before needing to stop for more gasoline    If big cars are still used along with the small ones,two sets of roads will be needed in the futureSome

16、roads will be used for the big,fast cars and other roads will be needed for the slower,small ones(1)There is much pollution in the car today because  A. people drive big carsB. people drive little carsC. the cars go 65 kilometers an hourD. the cars can go 450 kilometers an hour(2)The usual size

17、 of cars today are   that of future carsA. much smaller thanB. the same asC. three times as large asD. a little larger than(3)We can learn from the passage that  A. big cars cost less to own and to driveB. big cars are not useful for long tripsC. the cars of the future will be mu

18、ch smaller than today's carsD. small cars are faster than big ones(4)The street will be less crowded because  A. there will be fewer cars in the futureB. there will be fewer passengers in the streetC. driving future cars will be safeD. future cars will be much smaller(5)Two sets of roa

19、ds may be needed in the future because   A. there will be too many cars in the futureB. more and more people will get around a cityC. big cars and little cars may be used along with each otherD. it looks more beautiful to have two sets of roads2、    Serbia(塞尔维亚) is a country in t

20、he southeast of Europe. Its capital, Belgrade, is a lively European city with Sava and Danube rivers running through it. The time here is seven hours later than that of Beijing. Temperatures here are quite extreme (极端的). In summer, temperatures of over 30°C are quite common, and sometimes can e

21、ven reach 40°C, especially during July and August. During winter, it's very cold and heavy snowfall often appears in the whole country, especially in the south and west.     Serbians are warm people. Most Serbians can speak some English or Spanish and also like to practice it

22、. Lots of tourists come to Serbia in summer, so you can often hear German, Italian, French and English in the streets of Belgrade.     The holidays play an important part in Serbian culture, and almost all businesses will be closed then. The most special one is slava. It's to cele

23、brate a family saint (家庭的守护神). People usually pray(祈祷) during this holiday. If you are invited to someone's slava, don't say no.     Serbia is a meatloving nation. Serbians are very proud of their food, which is heavy on grilled meat (烤肉) and sausage, local cheeses and bread.

24、Besides, in all major cities, there are many international restaurants, such as Italian, Chinese, Mexican, Thai restaurants and others.     During COVID19, Serbia has got a lot of help from China. Serbian president has shown his thanks to China many times and even kissed Chinese natio

25、nal flag. It's believed the two countries will have better work together in the future. (1)What time is it in Serbia if it's 8 p.m. in Beijing? A. It's 8 a.m.B. It's 1 p.m.C. It's 5 p.m.D. It's 3 a.m.(2)Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraphs 2 and 3? A. S

26、erbians speak German and French.B. The highest temperature in summer is 30°C.C. Many tourists choose to go there in spring.D. It snows heavily all over the country in winter.(3)The passage tells about Serbia's . food weather history festivalspeopleA. B. C. D. (4)What do we know about slava

27、in Serbia? A. Many foreigners come to the country for it.B. Many local people invite others to celebrate it.C. It's the most important festival in the country.D. It's a holiday for people to make good wishes.(5)What can we infer (推断) from the last paragraph? A. Serbia has got help only from

28、China.B. COVID19 in Serbia is still very serious (严重的).C. Serbia and China will have better relations (关系).D. Chinese people show much interest in Serbia.3、    A. Hong Kong Museum of ArtWith a collection of over 16,000 works of art, the museum is open to anyone who is interested in Hong Ko

29、ng culture and history. Spending one to three hours there is the best.     B. Tai O Fishing VillageIt is one of the traditional fishing villages in Hong Kong. People there make a living by selling things like dried seafood and traditional Chinese snacks, as well as running boat tours.

30、     C. Victoria PeakAlso known as The Peak, it is a mountain in the SouthWest of Hong Kong Island. Take the tram(有轨电车)to the top and enjoy the best views of the city. The nighttime views are pretty wonderful.     D. Lantau IslandLocated at the mouth of the Pearl River,

31、 it is Hong Kong's biggest island. You can watch the famous pink dolphins that only live in these waters.     E. A Symphony of LightsIt is a 10minute light and sound show that happens on the skyline of Hong Kong Island at about 8:00 p m. It is one of the things you must do in Hong

32、 Kong.     F. Stanley MarketAs one of the mustgo places in Hong Kong, it is famous for shopping for Hong Kong souvenirs(纪念品).It also has good beaches and a number of great restaurants. (1) _ Frank's sixteenth birthday is this Saturday. He wants to go to watch dolphi

33、ns in Hong Kong.(2) _ Bill will take a day off on Sunday. He wants to take a boat tour around the waters and taste some local snacks.(3) _ Emily will invite her best friend to go to Hong Kong with her. She has always wanted to watch the famous light show of Hong Kong.(4) _&#

34、160;Sam is interested in history. He wants to tour around Hong Kong this weekend and learn about the history of the city.(5) _ Sophie comes to visit Hong Kong because it's called "Shopping Heaven". Tomorrow she is going to buy some gifts before she comes back home.四、短文填空( 共15

35、分)请用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词填写在答题卡指定的位置上每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词)1、    Zhang Guimei is headmaster of Huaping High School for Girls. She has made great contributions (贡献)to (1) _ education for girls from poor families.     It was (2) _ to set up a school, but Zhang

36、 never stopped. After years of trying to raise (3) _ ,in 2008, the Huaping High School for Girls, was founded in Lijiang, Yunnan province. It is the first high school for poor girls to (4) _  without tuition(学费). Zhang spends most of her salary(工资)(5) _  her students. S

37、he has been living in school for 12 years. Although she has serious health problems, she always takes morning classes with her students. She has covered for nearly 110, 000 kilometers (6) _ visiting her students' families these years. Additionally, she (7) _  a parttime job a

38、s head of a local orphanage(孤儿院), caring for over130 orphans.     Thanks to her efforts, over 1,800 girls have (8) _  universities after finishing studies in her school so far. (9) _  get more knowledge and lead better lives in the future.     Millio

39、ns of people are (10) _ moved by Zhang's spirit. What she has done will encourage us to follow her example. She is"the role model of the Times and she has been a role model for teachers in China. 五、读写综合 (本大题分为A、B两部分,共25分)A. 回答问题(本题有1小题,每小题10分,共10分)请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,回答5个问题要求所

40、写答案语法正确、语义完整,并把答案写在答题卡指定的位置)1、The Four Treasures of Study     In China,writing brushes,ink sticks,paper and ink stones are called the Four Treasures of Study. Among the high quality treasures,the writing brush produced in Huzhou,the ink stick produced in Huizhou,the xuan paper made in

41、 Xuancheng and the ink stone made in Duanxi are the best known.    The writing brushes can be used to draw the pictures on painted potteries(陶器).They are mainly made of the hair of animals.Their artistic effects(效果)in writing and painting cannot be copied by any other pens. The ink stick i

42、s the pigment(颜料)used for writing and painting. The ink stick produced in Huizhou is of high quality. A story goes like this:Two famous skilled men Xi Chao and his son produced high quality ink stick. As a result,the Emperor Li Yu in the Southern Tang Dynasty agreed to give them the family name &quo

43、t;Li". From then on, the fame of the Li Ink Stick was widespread. In the Song Dynasty , its producing area was changed into Huizhou,and it was then called the Hui Ink Stick.     Paper is among the four great inventions in ancient China.The famous xuan paper appeared in the Sui an

44、d Tang dynasties. It's said that Cai Lun's pupil Kong Dan took the job of producing paper but failed to make perfect white paper.Later he happened to see the ebony(檀木)in the rivers. It was wet with the water and turned white.Then he used the bark(树皮) to produce the world famous xuan paper. &

45、#160;   The ink stone was already very popular in the Han Dynasty.The Ming and Qing dynasties saw the appearance of the Four Famous Ink StonesDuan Ink Stone,She Ink Stone,Tao Ink Stone and Chengni Ink Stone.They can not only be used in writing and painting but also for admiration. 回答下列问题,每

46、题不超过5个词。 (1)Where is the best known ink stone made ? _ (2)What are the writing brushes mainly made of ? _ (3)Who got the family name"Li" from the Emperor Li Yu? _ (4)How did Kong Dan produce the world famous xuan paper? _ (5)When was the ink sto

47、ne very popular? _ 2、书面表达 (本题15分)请根据要求完成短文写作,并将作文写在答题卡指定的位置 8(15分)未来的生活让人充满遐想,你觉得未来的生活会是什么样的呢?请以"Life in the future"为题写一篇英语短文,要点如下: 1每家都有电脑,电脑帮助我们了解世界; 2很多事情都由机器人完成; 3不出家门就可以看医生、购物等; 4努力让梦想成真 要求:1.70词左右; 2文中不能出现真实的校名和人名Life in the future(广东)2021年中考考前预测卷-英语 参考答案一、语法选择第1题【参考答案】(1)

48、B(2) B(3) A(4) B(5) C(6) C(7) A(8) B(9) B(10) B二、完形填空- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -第1题【参考答案】(1) B(2) A(3) C(4) C(5) B(6) C(7) D(8) B(9) A(10) C三、阅读理解- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

49、- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -第1题【参考答案】AA,细节理解题,If everyone drives such cars in the future,there will be less pollution in the car可知小型车污染更少,车速和污染没关系,排除CD,小型车污染少,所以现在污染多是因为人们都开大型车,选择ACC,细节理解题,Three such cars can fit in the space now neede

50、d for one car of the usual size三辆小车占用一辆大车的空间,所以大车大小是小车的三倍,选择CCC,细节理解题,A kind of little cars may some day take the place of today's cars在未来,小型车会取代大型车,选择CDD,细节理解题,There will also be more space for parking cars in cities,and the streets will be less crowded如果使用小型车,道路上将不会像现在这样拥挤,选择DCC,细节理解题,If big c

51、ars are still used along with the small ones,two sets of roads will be needed in the future需要开设两种道路是因为在未来小车和大车的共存,选择C- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -第2题【参考答案】BB.推理判断题。根据"The time here is sev

52、en hours later than that of Beijing."可知,这里的时间比北京晚7个小时。又因为"it's 8 p.m. in Beijing"现在是北京时间晚上8点,可以推断:塞尔维亚是下午一点。故答案为:B.DD.细节判断题。根据"Most Serbians can speak some English or Spanish and also like to practice it."可知,大多数塞尔维亚人会说一些英语或西班牙语,也喜欢练习。所以排除A选项。根据" In summer, temperatu

53、res of over 30°C are quite common, and sometimes can even reach 40°C, "可知,在夏天,30摄氏度以上的温度是很常见的,有时甚至可以达到40摄氏度,所以排除B选项。根据" Lots of tourists come to Serbia in summer"可知,夏天有很多游客来塞尔维亚,所以排除C选项。根据"During winter, it's very cold and heavy snowfall often appears in the whole c

54、ountry"可知在冬天,天气很冷,整个国家经常下大雪,所以D选项符合题意。故答案为:D.AA.细节理解题。根据"Temperatures here are quite extreme. "可知这里的气温相当极端,所以描述了塞尔维亚的天气;根据" Serbians are warm people."可知塞尔维亚人是热情的人。,所以描述了塞尔维亚人的人;根据"The holidays play an important part in Serbian culture",可知假期在塞尔维亚文化中扮演着重要的角色,所以描述了塞尔维

55、亚的假期;根据"The most special one is slava. It's to celebrate a family saint (家庭的守护神). People usually pray(祈祷) during this holiday."最特别的是斯拉瓦。它是庆祝一个家庭的守护神。人们通常在这个假期祈祷。所以描述了塞尔维亚的节日;根据"Serbians are very proud of their food",塞尔维亚人对他们的食物非常自豪,所以描述了塞尔维亚的食物;故答案为:A.CC.细节理解题。根据" The ho

56、lidays play an important part in Serbian culture, and almost all businesses will be closed then. The most special one is slava. "可知,节日在塞尔维亚文化中扮演着重要的角色,那时几乎所有的生意都会关门。最特别的是斯拉瓦。故答案为:C.CC.推理判断题。根据"During COVID19, Serbia has got a lot of help from China. Serbian president has shown his thanks t

57、o China many times and even kissed Chinese national flag. It's believed the two countries will have better work together in the future."在新冠肺炎疫情期间,塞尔维亚得到了中国的大量帮助。塞尔维亚总统多次向中国表示感谢,甚至亲吻中国国旗。相信两国在未来会有更好的合作。可推测:塞尔维亚和中国将会有更好的关系。故答案为:C.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

58、 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -第3题【参考答案】DD.根据"Frank's sixteenth birthday is this Saturday. He wants to go to watch dolphins in Hong Kong."可知说的是海豚,结合选项,应说大屿山位于珠江河口,是香港最大的岛屿。你可以看到著名的粉色海豚,它们只生活在这些水域。故选D。BB.根据"Bill will take a day off on Sund

59、ay. He wants to take a boat tour around the waters and taste some local snacks."可知说的是小吃,结合选项,应说大澳渔村是香港的传统渔村之一。那里的人们靠卖海鲜干和中国传统小吃,以及游船谋生。故选B。 EE.根据"Emily will invite her best friend to go to Hong Kong with her. She has always wanted to watch the famous light show of Hong Kong."可知说的

60、是灯光,结合选项,应说灯光的交响乐这是一个10分钟的灯光和声音表演,大约在晚上8点在香港岛的天际线上举行。这是你在香港必须做的事情之一。故选E。 AA.根据"Sam is interested in history. He wants to tour around Hong Kong this weekend and learn about the history of the city."可知说的是历史,结合选项,应说香港艺术博物馆收藏超过16,000件艺术作品,欢迎任何对香港文化和历史感兴趣的人士参观。在那里待一到三个小时是最好的。故选A。 FF.根据"Sophie comes to visit Hong Kong because it's called "Shopping Heaven". Tomorrow she is going to buy s


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