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1、2019年上海市初中毕业统一学生考试英语试卷考生注:L本卷荷7大1L其奴小IL二 试卷者分1和分*考试时间100分髀.3.登事试取均采用遵爆sav.谓格厮有答案犍在答统的指定位上把在试卷上一埠 不埼小Part 1 Listening(第一部分 听力)L LktaninEEmprrh心n.ioni断力理解】 供 K分1 . I刖 fl dMKI.小。"酒2池口摩1m集体嗝到的内容.送出相应的图用】附分)AJ)CD / 4. 5. : & :8 . Lhlra to the diulcurIhe I “err to Ibe qiHMbn wmi hmr(但提你所网的W话和问,逸出

2、量希当的弃素1僧分上C) A lecherDl A douw.Ci M/ih*.()| CKmiiir、(i T*u years ii£u. D1 1B)To nxvt mm fnend%L)| fo impivt; Li< wh.-iK'if>H Hy mo*in(i fhr sheifLh Hv hiuhmg lbe 61xm H Hn rhe kitchen 力n |hc H.mknCj The pneeI) The Ivvls1、A) A pomman. H| A student.& A 01 Pliysics.9 . A) Ten ytjjs 好

3、也 Hi Ten nk»n由、=u.10 A To qntnc kvrurr,C1 1" toinplcie hi" -3上11 A» Rv gettm2 btkk%C) By picking flawed12. A) Ac I hr mftdurani.C) Ai tht sU|Wfnuri<t.13. A) The Lntnnet附 The siects.14. A) Kc>> afrnid his ion 小 RI Ci 11 jilrrp in antingHj IE thinks The 即。自umttw& 蜘用 uk

4、c Ue much tjrnc.Cj He-s gbd that rcadHif hefhn &krp is 加% ”印,habitDk He btbeves after->thtk)l arc necessary Lu allcnd.< .LKtn rn ihr p*、”鹳 and rrU whefber ilir fol Io wine tt»(ehMiflis ire irur ur falw(刊下 列句子是否料件哪所到的帕文内!F.符合的ftr捻示,不符合的用“r"衰承卜仲分I 5 There uas j fetKe between Charit

5、e、garden and thu iwightmur s1 h. The AmjiIuU hit chc cal hcuvib wd it muck 3 kud $ounJ17 The *bo】± pet q 斯 hn山cn mlonxe、hy the ivtha(L.IK Clwihe climbs over the wall to the neiglibourX garden to get Jus kwtball18 t'harhc pul the bhiken pieces imo his pocket betbre he Left Uie (Liirdcn20. Fr

6、om ihc siory. *e knovs that Charlie Krullyhw© bt hundM.H. I Jm«ii to thr dialoEiM ind rnmplrfr the Mluwii|;所咖百用听到的羊博完成下列内容.每空懵限填一词1 (10)1! Bob ihmks 山M.山叮1联 a Jitlle piece cf plastic is not J _22 . Rubbish &ill hmt Ilie cnvtnmment Ltnd. ttum the park ruturitl bcuut,23 Rnfe s*xn Ion ol

7、litter tn some of the nnghbiHirfwwxls _X The public phee unukd if everyone dropped rubbish ihctt25. On Hub ;tnd J-k*,磬 borne, lhe/11 * .ilk pat a mbhii bin near (he.Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分语音、语法和词汇)II. Choow (hr brdf选撵恰当的答案)(共20分)2“ Which of the following words 睛 pruijouiKcd pri

8、'x cnL?A) pvr«cn(B) pnrtendC) preventD) ptewnnt27 . Eznma, an Actress, hax bccufnc a supeniar because of hard wofk and lalenlA) sheB) heirC) hersD) herself28 , We eimuuriKaH 皿h <rther in many wayi, &u(;h as by c-tnail or by phone.A)onB) rhmugliC) inD) with29 J ciiuldn't gd muchof

9、 the cxbibihon of cloinHJTietgy products from die uebsiw.A> newsB) phoio<C) pusienD) ndvertiamentsWbcautiMly bnk Sinton dances in front of the camera!A) WhatB) What aC) HowD)Howa51, Davids rcsponq ucne thui anyone elscs «md he wm。底 annpetilkm.A quickB) quickerC) quickestD) the qiuckc»

10、;t52, Look! They about the solulion Io the nefwcA problem again-A> argueB) ar? arguingC) arguedD) were arguing53, Ihc host told a joke «t the party and made the guesu .« kx.A) hughB) laughingO to laughD) laughed54, Wmild you tnind cane of my pet fish while I'm away on holiday。A) lak

11、eB) takenC) (D takeD) taking55, By the end of last nxmlh, Juneenough money for the poor Kick buy.A) raidedB) would fukO hud rviwlD) has ruised56, Frank hdd his breathiht water to :>can:h fur hi* 门ng in ihv xwinuning pool.A)atHjbyCoverD) under37一 Wom« in lifeif you speak out to your clo«

12、 friend.A) will reduceB wrre reducingC) will be reducedD) were wducod3s Accurdm To the rule. used Mtienes hr dropped in the red bin for harmful wajrtesA) musttt> needC) canD* may39 . Benjamin has learned that it is ikh polite k> make fun of othersA) aB) uiC) theD) i40 The New Year Coticcn wn5

13、w anting thatleft in the middle of itA) everybodyB) anybudyC) nobodyD| sutneod41 . There was sontething *Twig with my car. wcni to w ork by under9piirKLA) furB) soC) orD> but42 t Uic)oume 4as firing. JeR thaughr it wr% 5urth both the time and the money.A) AsB) 51nBQ UnlessD) Although4上 The climbe

14、rs nuJc a Are during the ntgjit in etder to be;n the nuunbun.A) safeHj safelyC> mvcf» safiri44. = There w in oil pamtmg show(it th。city dcvclopmenl. Shall uc gu ibr it UtiiunnnC*A) If doesn't matter Hl Grcut ick-u.4攵-C<mK cm! Jusi give ri a iry.A) I'm afraid I <an i nde the bik

15、e.C) fm glid to win lirfl p配。C) Nol at flJID) My plcjoirtB> Lm yrry Iat breaking ihx windt饵D,1"rn sure ifs bad ti*r your eyuv1IL Coiripletr tbr folkKinc 时5即 科Hh fh« 管。nh h tbv box, Meh can be used only 0nev,将不列单司填入空格.每空格质填一调,每诲只能填一次)共5分)A modcni B) nunagc 匚)ddiuous ) cuntml E> cumpar

16、uRchrologAp plays an important part m our djily hie no*, Yci nniunj ol u5 will Kdlizc htiw much »c rely on i( until -c % uur live> to Qhac in the past There was no47 letlu)dk)|fy At that time, wt the iterm chat pvopk had were quite enough for them to live heir live*Withour neceuiry coding to

17、ok, the per甲Ie 8uJd 砒ill 4K to make (htrir fi>od u nkx 的 our fbed lulay. AautuI parts were thrown away if they were Dirt 49* Ofhen wencooked over Uk tire Hi*wcver, everything hcy lixt was utken frixn the hirers iruund them,A) seidcim U methods C) ntmadayi D) ihxvu FHlmnKtWithout (he tekviM(j)WL d

18、iv rah口 mid mvc unpoftandy. the lxmt甲uier. ue will _ 50any fun in aui bcmes today. However, th。people in the 谭had ihcii own clever51 of en)>,inn fhemschei For example, they made mmw: wichoui the use ot' conipuien but with lixils »wk fivm *xd and diiniial iikin.Traitl simple 前i that lime

19、Most of the people *m eiccllcnt beat milkers and fhe) could tnakr bm作 in a variefy 4shapes and nize tor travelling a加n* die rivets and in ihe ,2 . . With incEwd tHlb *nd experience the people IcamL her# lo nuke ttw mAWigcr a时3 rams and swrnis.Sonic thin(i arc basue 由r uh . 蝮_bm 收 ptupk in the pgt co

20、uld Ine Lhnr lits tu 由亡 hall even without ihcm We should mi look 击wn 仆口 the *9呻 of people 1。吟 啤的IV. ( ompkfr t|ir MOtracei w ilh the ghrn vtanb in Lhdr proper forint I用括号申斯结同 的适当彩式完成下列句子.番中格电聪一,) |其*分)彳4 Mr Siniih buughf three of local $navk tlw etchane ludmiK:55. Oft (he pa 步 of the tMK>k. ihoc

21、13 m aiLunging stary. uiKhn56. lX»n ; oixily IkilLw m 1.fhiimhn thrhntl hjEc. (tow,工 ChilirtC lihrancti are wed for fearnii£ in the infiwmaticn ige. wwk ,58. Finally, Jack achwryrd hi* ”il and became theof a c.hi 甲any (cun)59. The mtin purpose: ot the charily pn>j«l is in atkr help

22、 topeople, i hi tube)M) When Andy hi% Imi *rnan phivneh hjs friend gave him u big h» 1 ruippyj 也L Hani wurk pays uff, bchm士)ou will your dream sthooL lenHurwejV. (,imipkir ihe roLhwin ntencet*i rriHm”极据所结要求究成何子.心留F小鼻 空格限填一,I *我14分)(>工 Lucy ptj5<s the vinlm in the club on 卜nd” afkenourts.

23、0比内否定为 3 Lucy the viuhn in ihe dut>on Friday tficmoom.63. My titter will uke pan in ihe Chinne poem fonftMU in * iw div1- < 对助伐部分盘同,. wdl Yimr sixicr :dki? p.in m dxr ( hntst1、d作.广W. Ihe ovcmmcTit i» takinguclion hi inip<u%e 3irioali(y, 保小 句总 个生,The govemmem is sking action 和a:r qualit

24、y615. J have m idea hou I c«i erpenic the new wMhiny maduoc.(改为前单句 >1 have im iUei <»pefWBv rhe new wmhing EKhiiw.Mi The scientists relceJ the picture of a hlatk hok 10 the wiMd onApnl tn, 改 为袪-由凿 态 ihe picture uf a blxk hole . to itu? world by ihc scicnliu on Apnl 10.67. *Areyou tr&

25、#171; S come <0 nis place this Situny?"1 Aunvn uked nir.百为:'n- 5 引弟)Awcul jsked metfree tc go 10 htsihai Saiunhy.fr*l. iKir hiiun;. Icara,【ewgE, by UwewI、6 lu plan, shouldt句B. Chuow ihc bE an»wcr xnd rompkfr the 职I选异怆当的逢事完改娴文)“2分)Thw month, we had Lhe hones of intmuh曜、i Iwai change-

26、makers aged from 11 kJ 17 Bwsckid、辑十足11 2什可小1 by ihcir or size or lack of resource% th亡+ 'fl*r a 75 _ in the wurld utouimI them and todh» Mp whtfre I hey c<Hild. They tupport fcnuk soldnT> qi5c nicncv ihrvugh their clTorii. teBeh other kxJ* about life lesson% and use their free lime I

27、。76 the M uees we love 卬 dearly in the axnmunity. E“h of iliem had adults in their lives encouraging aitd wppunmg their wuckWe urre jlso hundred to inien iew 3 fnxius wtiict fbr hi% new book, Stan A"* 17w Can Be a入时空 尚况. 匕 book explain Mmw of the world s big prublcitu hunger, healih and antma&a

28、mp; in danger -ma way ihal youn* diildren can underewd The book fho*4 them, ihrtTUgh tHhci kid»r stones, how the> am nuke u 7.loo. In vw interview wtlhthe writer, he is hares that each lime hi、children uie a snull action, such 心 recyvlmg. he ulk$ with them lie uses the rnmnent io d;xu、x Huw、

29、mall change* can achieve * great ctlect. If s a step any of ub can take to help children realize hou _7S they are.A1 this time of year, we often hear lots 讣f quc“h,n$ from parents The mnst79 one is, *'Wh4i vuluniccr chances are there for young childrun undef 16?" The it心m lhe imenicw and in

30、 the book sti»w us that parent dorTt have tc find an organiAxl CMml fvr cheir kids tu ikc part m. Ihcv can crejie thetr own chncrs. Ai parents. tcjKhcix, aunt*, imclcx and fhends, tCs cur job to XQ iix what speaks m a child's heart, help (hem lake dui first 4卬,and watch whai their little lu

31、nds can do.Start rx)w, and you can raise a changc-nukcr.Editor of PARENTS Maaiinn75 A)signB) needfl rcamn)change76. A) worry &bouiR)dimb 叩(1 care forDI cut down77. A) plan固 mistakeCl decisionD) dincruncc78. A) powerfulB> ItenCTVusO happy .D) voiifidvjit79. ?X) pnvuicH) usefulC) cunimofiD) HCF

32、tOUSKU, A) listenB)payC| waitD) lent c).Ihr (rEMe恨气以下内容网并向。工分)Mi Ijiukh. i wbool heH tewher. h» 33 theSu<kr:i¥ ip put Jowfl wiles。what ihe> have lejmcJ kmxl<*n ihcir own cxpencnc<?s Hirre is *nnc。u hat sh< 5 野*Whdt J h匕小 lecrncd jso far; * IlKirrt jvaj jjttE >/ow7f Jmfti

33、tXNii声: 的 Hlirjf >tur MM#j m nkij, Me t_xw dtnt t tmnt1而吊 e。”勺. ynvr. nmat 1 halt wt: n 稀 Fif n if nothing u m ifu fnt,而n f rat 的一后d,想itif 碗中 UE l 诋 山!* 都 丽 i 内的 NT。加工展1r* 饱阳 and AtS m ffifl如应除IS», Lif» d hk* « -c>uw four own end ng' bwk you can ia«s whatevera加,胃府 y yep

34、 3nt* Bvtng <>cv ztm 9n yw wm«4wiw- Mfrf nk jfcnx ii*d : h?lp you with d irurhi pfljfakrn It 脚ill turn outto be a thrtc Wlf -mon0r U you h*vt * problem. -t wnhour mom*' People who do unkind rhi叫m to 忖u *e Ml ywr 忏*ndv8-415*,!. iMJ.i.l.l. M M . I 0 . K I .H« "" " 0

35、5 . I » 七-加7%liwrt u fflii/J paper &扣rt 忖tj stt dint ft.*尸h idl j 滋 you fcjiT ftf &r田中 Kftpyirur fm希 ef 5y 凌 R <. 小 ytx winr ui/T ri/加 rtunt in. find Ffie 如 u e f fdr yuurfawuntrj. *lMn yuair/nrnJ Jo /叫,hnjJ;eI f#T¥ to fpilflU ffyva 或地 加 H “03"fr 甘*_ _M#F !M>d U,&EMX

36、r如够建,-111m_ 一 " - - - T - - - - ' - r-” I FL3B_ _ 8 - 8!V .'Don i cough in othef people s <k« 也甲33加 W you don l know thm.Wl 皆 Yow d brner not «at chaeu 口上,in fnom of your murri when 5het on*dietW# Oon i t#4 i i#x h*f ydu< d内 M* jctji hcMTHSwwiL «p« 0勺< q don

37、 l kvw a dog'廿 Yw co、hwe one life. 3 be oreM占 Hetfpf leivr your khte sitter aIom with your foyi令 The funn«r 心 m«, the beftrr life &Alen,对e 12gg Kmic pn»bably tried dog food when there wa« nothing m the ttidgc, didn't *hc189 , Why doesn't S«lly 0k Dad for hdp

38、with nwdk» pn>blcm?90 . Read SalJy'i and Jsitkic's notes Ulul kind of people won't she/he be fhend*91 Whdt is Jackie and Akx artilude toaBrdi tclhng I心?92 Whom &,idl four k 也 mention in tlwir ntHe*1193 . What urilJ Ms. Lauten ptwsibly de with ihe notes? Why?VfLWrhhiKl作文),共加分)

39、94* Jri<. ti k<»| 60 wardM acrurdifl to (hr girn information(根据以下”材料.写一看不少 于踹个*的短文,标点符号不占粮)以下是凡位月学在以就JK人,盲从国友、弄得谦才、扶於人生等方面的思悟*从中 康撵休比处哀感做峥一*,可部*自巴的姓局,谈谀俅的展会.* Dtwt'l judge people by ihcir Io戒!i. Sfunaxw uiuki be bad+kHung and Mill be nice. Kjiic瑞Tien your friends do uKncdiing 嘀upkL yiMt &mT hive to fulkm.Jack肥,fr Don'i tell i teacher your 小巾 ale ynir hemewwit. espcvialh if you don't haic a ck»g, Alex “ Life k like a "'ch


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