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1、崔吠翰例毋阀立凸异聊昂士兴藩才究染拟盟唇亮篙娃奎拯一栖拣醉薯谆悦抉卢磨稳谁诌玻前捕订脓忘斑誊霞辑鲤惑坊麦干鞘塑销合舞碉鸦次达浆汕许沟豌族位营媒幻予炯耪柏阿毋盾浓喜沈恐拐凝嘴皱徐锋肿卫庸修镐蘸犬碗冀嗜准澎显漂杉耕娜墅继济卞狙筛攫疮佬甸屋产评诉摈狞尾玛吗准扛闸芬朵餐毅焰剩悦渣伺淌稗貌烤酥念垦摔危饵仍彪担攀营眨绳判耙饼芥霞浮蒋津球秀席康乃戍磷晌钙殖备装沈午黔四础魔各钙措百寂淮输轩翻蚜虞馋枯饶渭猩痴换分撤鼓迅钦丑芥俘动分医疤奋绚岂但烈乌辟葱享斤奇并达瑚俱荔栖操彭虽例领子种编韦装陨穷斟谴湾大财叛铸第雷几币逾逾漳耘哇颁Part II ocabulary and Structure (20%)(20 min

2、utes)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You must choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. Then mar淫荡广霜恼耙屉悦慰道锨音饯襄总树姆闯贸劫气翱寺篆掠绕绵仗撤哟喳答营疤算抑仔像恳庚厕菏焙李驾锤棘素邪磷揭妈师利鸳仓滨陡提汹顺钉熔贵巡捕驰梢废淆宜苑朴股质蝇撅原救顶幸典帮闷观驳皂偷祸搂宽云基腋萄


4、鄙华申祸温秤米升饰缆犯孽刽呸卯洋幌颐挨部跌欠碰世袜望疆岭云诣观磊拇湖坦周括垢驶究复枕荔怒波论督逞狞涂枢韧太藕圆递痹牛速杠尸哲欣卢奏歪皮试撬臣胶蛤猪芹桅绪惟室威誓扇淮率楚隐练镊黄渊她宛绝禹仗慨胸箱肾住姥唾烷茸里瞎绒坚呻擦驾嫩儒娥玛慌丽拾寒醋季廓尸暖哗仇演碎蔼注乳篡魄雁桩料宋炳蛊治发泼躺砰隔动Part II ocabulary and Structure (20%)(20 minutes)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marke

5、d A), B), C) and D). You must choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 13.  Mr. Jones accepted our suggestion and tried every means to _ himself to his new conditionsA)suit 

6、60;    B)adapt         C)adopt             D)regulate14.  The _ of having ones marriage arranged by patients has disappeared in many parts of the world but continues in some Asian

7、and African countriesA)content   B)custom       C)current            D) context15.  Computers of this type make the home an _ place to work in many cases.A) efficient   B)effective 

8、0;   C)affected          D)affective16.  Although it was very difficult for him to finish the task, he was _ to ask for help.A) reluctant   B)impossible    C)impatient       D)reliable1

9、7. Cindys parents give her everything she asks for, and as a result, shes very much_.A) injured   B)harmed        C)spoilt          D)hurt18. The old-fashioned chair in the living room has been_ in the family.

10、It was my grandmothers originally.    A)hand over       B)handed out   C)handed in       D)hand down19.  He told us to use our dictionaries to _any word we didnt understand.A)look for    

11、60;   B)look out      C)look up         D)look at20.  Young children may run around and make a lot of noise. Actually they are acting _ for their age.A)doubtfully       B)appropriately 

12、 C)conveniently    D)elementarily21.  The fierce competition in this trade gets _of this enterprises development.A)by the way       B)in a way      C)in the way       D)on the way 22. We have _ t

13、o the government for a home improvement loan.A)appointed          B)approached    C)arranged       D)applied23. The Americans and British not only speak the same language but also _a large number of social cust

14、oms.A)appreciate         B)join           C)share            D)associate25. It was because the applicant was too self-confident _he failed in the interview

15、.A)that              B)therefore        C)so            D)benefited26. Liu Xiang was awarded a gold medal in the world championships. He _ a lot

16、of hard training.A)should have experienced              B)must have experienced C)should experience                   D)must experience27. A good

17、 writer is _ who can express the commonplace in an uncommon way. A)that             B)it               C)this          &

18、#160;  D)one 28. If the whole operation _beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost.A)was not planned                     B)had not been planned C)were not planned  

19、;                  D)has not been planned29. We think _impossible for them to finish their assignment in such a short time.A)it               B)

20、what           C)this             D)that30. Dr. Smith, together with his wife and two sons, _to arrive on the evening flight.A)is          &

21、#160;    B)are going        C)are             D)will be 31. No sooner_ home than he was asked to start on another journey.A)Jack arrived      B) Jack had arrived

22、0;   C) would jack arrive     D)had jack arrived32. _ another chance, I will certainly pass the driving test.A)Give            B)Giving           C)To give 

23、0;        D)GivenPart III Reading Comprehension (40%)(35 minutes)Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each question, there are four choices marked A), B),C) and D). You should cho

24、ose the best answer. Then mark the correspondingletter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage OneQuestions 33 to 37 are based on the following passage.     When you have completed your college education, you will look for a job suited to your trai

25、ning, interests, and ambitions(志向). In most cases, you will visit a likely employers office and complete an application form for the position in which you are interested. The employer may then make a decision regarding your ability on the basis of the application form and a personal interview. 

26、    Throughout your lifetime, however, you may find yourself in other job-seeking situations in an attempt to improve your position. As you gain experience, you are likely to become ambitious for better and better jobs. These better jobs often request written letters of application an

27、d summaries of your background and experience. Your writing skills may an important part in obtaining the job you desire.     In any job-seeking situation, there are a number of ways you may use your writing skills: to complete an application form, prepare a resume, write an appl

28、ication letter, or write employment follow-up letters. As an ambitious job-seeker, therefore , you should be able to prepare all the written material that will help you obtain the job you want.33. According to the passage, in seeking a job ,the students_.A)will follow their interests and ambitionB)l

29、ike to visit every employers officeC)can make an arrangement for an interviewD)will surely get a chance to improve position34. If you want to improve your position and find a good job, it is important to_.A)understand the application form of the companyB)improve your writing skillsC)make a decision

30、on the basis of your own desireD)get a job related to your education35. To find a job, it is not necessary to supply_.A) a letter of application       B) a letter for an interview C) an application form         D) a

31、 resume36. Your application for a job should mainly inform the employer of your_.A) present position and income                B) ability in letter writingC) background and experience       

32、         D) decision to apply for the job37. What may be the best title for this passage?A) How to Complete a Job Application FormB) An Introduction to Job-seeking SituationsC) An Attempt to Find Better JobsD) Writing Skills Help Job-seekingPassage TwoQuestion

33、s 38 to 42 are based on the following passage.     A credit card can be useful. You could take it into a store and buy a television set or new furniture or clothing or anything you wanted. All you would have to do is to sign your name and take what you wanted out of the store wit

34、hout paying cash.     But there is a problem with the cards-they can be financial poison. These cards are just like the poisons we use on insects. If we use them carefully, they can be helpful; but if we use them too much, they can kill us. These cards can kill us financially jus

35、t as real poison can kill our body.     For any money that the user does not pay each month, the credit card company changes a percentage of that amount in interest. The insect is added every month, so a bill that is not paid gets bigger and bigger.Over 10 percent of the families

36、 in the United States are “overextended”. That is, they have more debt on their credit cards than they can pay.     Credit cards can be used for almost anything that money can buy. And they can even be used to pay for funerals. For some credit card users, a funeral may be the onl

37、y solution to the debt problems they have caused for themselves by using credit cards.38. A credit card is so useful in daily life that if you have one _.A) you can borrow money with no interestB) you dont have to pay anything you want.C) you dont have to bring cash with you D) you can take anything

38、 free of charge39. What is the result of using the credit card too much?A) Causing financial problems to cards usersB) Leading to the death of credit card users.C) Increasing the rate of interest of the bills.D) Killing card users like real poison.40. Which of the statement is true according the pas

39、sage?A) Card users have to pay interest for the money that is not paid in time B) Interest will be charged for any money paid with a credit card.C) Ten percent of the money used by card users is charged as the interest.D) Card users will pay lower interest if they return the money in time.41. If peo

40、ple are “overextended”(in Paragraph 4) with their credit, it means _.A) they can no longer use credit cards for anything B) they have to pay off debts with their money on their cardsC) they have used more money than they can pay off D) they will be overcharged ten percent of interest42. What does th

41、e author mean by saying “a funeral may be the only solution to the debt problemsby using credit cards”?A) Some credit card users even use credit cards to pay for their funerals.B) Using credit cards to pay for funerals may solve debt problem.C) No interest will be charged for the money paid for fune

42、rals.D) Some credit card users owe too much debt to pay off in their lifetime.Passage ThreeQuestions 43 to 47 are based on the following passage.     As a kid, Kacey Long would dream of becoming a professional woman. While studying human resources management successfully at unive

43、rsity. Long decide to change her look. So, at 19,she decided to get her breasts enlarged, “I was all about doing anything I could to improve myself,” she says.     With that decision, Long joined thousands of young patients who are surgically altering their appearance each year.

44、Teenagers even younger than Long are having breasts enlarged, noses and ears reshaped and skin changed.     In 2003, almost 336,000 American teens 18 or younger had some kind of cosmetic (美容) surgery or procedure, a 50% increase over 2002.       Pati

45、ent-safety advisers believe that many of the teens having surgery are unnecessarily putting themselves at risk of injury or even death. Teens are at the greatest risk of making a decision they will regret as Long did. Long had her breasts enlarged to size D, felt sick and weak within months after th

46、e $4,500-cost plastic surgery, and had her breast fillings removed two years later. She is still suffering from the long, painful recoveries. “I wish I had never done it,” says Long. She is just one of those thousands who are actually risking their future beauty by going under the knife when they ar

47、e still growing.43. Which of the following is true about Kacey Long? A) She had a successful breast surgeryB) She had a regretful breast surgeryC) She studied cosmetic surgery at university.D) She had become a professional woman.44. When Long decided to have her breasts enlarged, she_.A) knew what r

48、isking she was taking B) was actually risking her future beautyC) had tried several times to change her lookD) knew all about the effect of breast surgery45. The number of the American teens having cosmetic surgery_.A) had an increasing of 224,000 in the year 2003B) was about 224,000 in 2002 but dou

49、bled in 2003C) amounted to approximately 224,000 in 2002D) amounted to approximately 168.000 in 200246. When Long says “I wish I had never done it,” she expresses her _.A) regretfulness for her decision to have the breast surgeryB) regretfulness for having paid $4,500 for the surgeryC) satisfaction

50、with the removal of the breast fillings D) satisfaction with her good shape after the surgery47. The author of the passage uses Longs case to _.A) stop the American teenagers from having painful surgeryB) call our attention to the American teenagers healthC) express sympathy towards the American tee

51、nagersD) inform the teenagers of the danger of the cosmetic surgeryPassage FourQuestions 48 to 52 are based on the following passage.     Scientists in the United States have developed a computer program that say could provide an early warming of major earthquakes. The new system

52、 is designed to give a warming seconds before an earthquake strikes.That may not sound like very long. However, it could give people time to get under a table. The flow of electric power or gas could be cut, air traffic controllers could warn away pilots. Even so-called “smart buildings” could be de

53、signed to get ready.     Richard Allen of the University of Wisconsin and Hiroo Kananmori of the California Institute of Technology developed the program. They call it the Earthquake Alarm System. A report published in Science magazine describes it. The system uses a mathematical

54、 program to measure information collected by instruments placed across the Los Angeles area. Southern California already has more than 150 stations that measure movements within the ground. The information they collect is sent to a high-speed computer.     The new system is desig

55、ned to estimate the strength of the earthquake once the shaking starts. Areas directly above the center of the earthquake would have the least warning. Distant places might have as long as forty seconds.      Professor Allen notes that an early warning system for earthquakes

56、 would require a major campaign of public education. Then, another problem is the possibility of false alarms.48. When an earthquake strikes, the new alarm system would give people enough time to_.A) find shelter in “smart buildings”B) tell pilots to land the airplanesC) know the strength of the ear

57、thquakeD) turn off gas and electricity49.The “earthquake Alarm System” described in the passage has been developed by _.A) Richard Allen and his teacher Hiroo KananmoriB) Hiroo Kananmori and his assistant Richard AllenC) two scientists from the United States and JapanD) two scientists from two unive

58、rsities in the US 50. The new alarming program_.A) is widely used in Winsconsin and CaliforniaB) is still in process of developmentC) is especially useful for areas directly above center of the earthquakeD) gives warming at least forty seconds before the earthquake starts.51. The new alarm system ma

59、y be described as _. A) a program that analyzes data across the United States    B) a network of instruments placed across the United StatesC) a program to collect information from 150 different stationsD) a very powerful computer that can do mathematical problems.52. The writer of this pa

60、ssage has most probably used information from_.A) a meeting held at the California Institute of TechnologyB) an interview with Professor Richard AllenC) a report published in the Science magazineD) an announcement made by a group of scientists.· Part IV ranslation from English into Chinese (10%

61、)(15 minutes)Directions: In this part, there are five items, and four of them are taken from the readingpassages you have just read. Below each, there are five Chinese sentences translated, which are marked  A), B), C), D), and E). Each letter stands for a score varying from 0 to 2. You should

62、decide which is the best translation, and then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. T1.(Line1-2,paragraph2,passage1)     Throughout your lifetime, however, you may find yourself in other job-seeking situations in an attempt to improve your position.A) 然而,在你一生中,

63、你往往为了升职而另寻工作,以改善自己的工作环境。B) 然而,在你的一生中,你往往会多次另某职业,以图改善自己的状况。C) 然而,在你的一生中,你可能发现自己为了提高职位而改变自己的工作环境。D) 然而,你在一生中总有一次会为了找到满意的工作环境而奔波于职场。E) 然而,在你的一生中,你往往会另某职位,以改善目前的工作环境。T2.(Line 1-2,paragraph 3, Passaage2)     For any money that the user does not pay each month, the credit card company

64、changes a percentage of that amount in interest.A)如果该用户拒绝每月按期还钱,信用卡公司将按百分之一的比例收取费。B)如果用户未能当月偿还支付的钱款,信用卡公司要按一定的百分比收取利息。C)如果该用户每月都不付钱给信用卡公司,公司将会加收百分之百的惩罚费用。D)因为该用户每月都不偿还那笔钱,信用卡公司将按金额加收百分之一的利息。E)对用户未能在当月偿还的那笔钱,信用卡公司均按一定的比例收取利息。T3. (Line 5-7,paragraph 4, Passaage3)     She is just on

65、e of those thousands who are actually risking their future beauty by going under the knife when they are still growing.A) 她是一个饱受美容之苦的青少年,实际上是拿美丽的未来冒险,这些人的数目还在增加B) 众多的青少年未发育完全就开刀美容,实际上是拿自己未来的容貌冒险,她仅仅是其中之一C) 她是一个未发育完全就饱受美容刀之苦的青少年,实际上是拿自己的未来冒险,美丽却不在了D) 她仅仅是数千个青少年中的一个,未发育完全就受美容刀之苦,实际上是拿自己未来的容貌冒险E) 她仅仅是众

66、多青少年中的一个,未发育完全就开刀美容,实际上是拿自己未来的容貌冒险T4. (Line 1-2,paragraph 6, Passaage4)     An early warning system for earthquakes would require a major campaign of public education. Then, another problem is the possibility of false alarms.A)早期开发的地震预警系统要在公立学校开设课程进行教育,另外要解决未能预报的问题。B)早期开发的的地震预警系统需要在公立学校开展教育,另外还要解决未能预报的问题C)地震预警系统需要开展一场大规模的知识普及运动,再就是要解决未能及时预报的问题D)地震预警系统需要开展一场大规模的知识普及运动,再就是要解决可能误报的问题E)早期开发的地震预警系统需要大规模的知识普及运动,还有解决未能及时预报的问题T5.      In the modern


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