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1、选修6 Unit 1Abstract adj. 抽象的;深奥的existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or practical existence1、We may talk of beautiful things, but beauty itself is abstract. 我们尽可谈论美的事物, 然而美本身却是抽象的. 2、I can not understand the so abstract concept. 我无法理解如此抽象的观念。n. 摘要short account of the contents o

2、f a book, etc; summary1、This is the abstract of his lecture.这是他讲演的摘要。2、This abstract is too long and complicated. 这份摘要太长太复杂了。Sculpture n. 雕塑art of making figures, objects, etc by carving wood or stone, shaping clay, making metal casts, etc;a work or works made in this way1、The smooth contour of the

3、sculpture is wonderful. 雕塑物平滑的轮廓线简直太美了。2、She studied sculpture at art school. 她在美术学校学习雕刻。3、Theres an exhibition of international sculpture, which is open till tomorrow.有一个国际雕塑展览,要一直举办到明天。Gallery n. 美术陈列室;画廊room or building for showing works of art1、He gave me a ticket to the picture-gallery. 他给我了一张美

4、术展览馆的门票.2、There will be a beautiful gallery here.这里将会有一个美丽的画廊。3、The gallery will be finished ahead of schedule.这个画廊将提前完工。Faith n. 信任;信心;信念trust; strong belief; unquestioning confidence1、Have you any faith in what he says? 你相信他的话吗? 2、I haven't much faith in this medicine. 我对这种药没有多大信心. 3、Ive lost

5、faith in that fellow. 我再也不相信那个家伙了.Faithfully adv. 忠实地1、Do you promise faithfully to pay me back?' Yes, I promise.' 你能切实保证把钱退还给我吗?是的,我保证.2、She has served the family faithfully for thirty years. 她为这个家忠心耿耿地操劳了30年。3、The old nurse has served the family faithfully for thirty years. 老保姆为这个家庭忠实地服务了三

6、十年。Aim n. 目标;目的purpose; intention1、He has only one aim in life to become rich. 他活着只有一个目的-发财.2What is your aim in life? 你的生活目标是什么?vi. & vt. 瞄准;(向某方向)努力to direct (a weapon) toward an intended target; to direct toward or intend for a particular goal or group1、Youre not aiming straight. 你瞄得不准.2、I ai

7、med at the target but hit the wall. 我瞄准了靶射击,但却打在了墙上。3、He aims to master English.他为学好英语而努力。Conventional adj. 常规的;传统的;因循守旧的based on convention1、Shes so conventional in her views. 她的观点太保守. 2、The conventional wisdom is that high wage rises increase inflation.人们普遍认同的看法是工资增长过快会加剧通货膨胀.3、It's not a hote

8、l, in the conventional sense.从传统意义上讲,这不是一家旅馆。Typical adj. 典型的;有代表性的having the distinctive qualities of a particular type of person or thing; representative1、This chair is typical of his way of designing furniture. 这把椅子是他家具设计的代表。2、The play contains a number of typical Stoppard set pieces. 这出戏里有若干典型的斯

9、托帕特式的场景。3、They reacted to the appalling weather with typical British stoicism. 他们忍受着恶劣天气的煎熬,表现了英国人典型的坚韧不拔的精神。Evident adj. 明显的;明白的obvious; clear1、It must be evident to all of you that he has made a mistake. 你们一定很清楚, 他犯了错误. 2、He looked at his children with evident pride. 他看着自己的孩子, 充满自豪.3、It was eviden

10、t that the decision was a failure.   显然这项决策是失败的。Adopt vt. 采用;采纳;收养take over and have or use (sth) as one's own;accept1、We should adopt the consumers' suggestion. 我们应该接受用户的建议。2、Most countries adopt metric system. 大多数国家采用米制。take sb into one's family, esp. as one's child or heir1、H

11、aving no children of their own they decided to adopt an orphan. 他们因没有亲生儿女, 所以决定领养一个孤儿. 2、Pauls mother had him adopted because she couldn't look after him herself. 保罗的母亲因为自己无力抚养他, 便将他送给别人收养了. 3、He is their adopted son. 他是他们的养子.Possess vt. 拥有;具有;支配have (sth) as one's belongings; own1、He decide

12、d to give away everything he possessed and become a monk. 他决定放弃他所有的一切, 出家为僧. 2、They possess property all over the world. 他们在世界各地均拥有财产. 3、The family possessed documents that proved their right to ownership. 这家人持有可以证明他们享有所有权的文件.Possession n.(尤作复数)所有;state of possessing; ownership;1、The possession of a

13、 passport is essential for foreign travel. 去国外旅行需持有护照. 2、On her father's death, she came into possession of a vast fortune. 她在父亲死後继承了大量财产. 3、She has valuable information in her possession. 她掌握了重要的信息. 财产;thing that is possessed; property1、He lost all his possessions in the fire. 他在火灾中损失了所有的财产. 2、

14、He came here without friends or possessions and made his fortune. 他来时举目无亲 身无长物, 全凭白手起家.Superb adj. 卓越的;杰出的;极好的excellent; splendid1、Thompson turned in a superb performance to win the game. 汤普森在比赛中表现十分出色。2、The goalkeeper brought off a superb save. 守门员漂亮地救出了险球。3、From the summit there is a superb sight

15、of the Alps. 从峰巅俯瞰,阿尔卑斯山壮丽的景色尽收眼底。Technique n. 技术;方法;技能method of doing or performing sth, esp. in the arts or sciences1、In many sports (physical) fitness is not as important as technique. 在许多体育运动中,体能没有技巧重要。2、Its very important to apply modern techniques to a traditional craft 将现代技术用於传统手工业很重要。3、She&#

16、39;s a wonderfully creative dancer but she doesn't have the technique of a truly great performer.她是一个奇妙的创意舞者,但她没有伟大的表演技巧。Coincidence n. 巧合(的事);(事情、口味、故事等)相合occurrence of similar events or circumstances at the same time by chance;coinciding of events, tastes, stories, etc1、Im going to Paris next

17、week.' What a coincidence! So am I.' 我准备下周去巴黎. 真巧! 我也去. 2、By a strange coincidence we happened to be travelling on the same train. 巧得出奇, 我们正好坐同一列火车. 3、The plot of the novel relies too much on coincidence to be realistic. 这部小说的情节多靠巧合安排而无真实感. By coincidence 巧合地the way that things happen unexpe

18、ctedly and seem to have no cause1、By coincidence I met an old friend on the train.我很巧得在火车上遇到一位老朋友。2、The trigger of the gun is locked so that it cannot be fired by accident.发射枪的扳机是锁着的,以防意外走火。A great deal 大量a lot of1、The engine can withstand a great deal of punishment. 这台发动机坚固耐用。2、We waited for their

19、decision with a great deal of apprehension. 我们怀着极其焦虑的心情等待他们作出决定。3、I have accomplished a great deal in the last few months. 在过去几个月里,我完成了相当多的工作。Shadow n. 阴影;影子shade caused by an object blocking direct rays of light1、The chair casts a shadow on the wall. 椅子的影子映到墙上了。 2、Shadows are longer when the sun is

20、 low in the sky. 太阳很低时, 物体的影子就很长。3、Her face was in deep shadow. 她的脸部在一片很暗的阴影中。Ridiculous adj. 荒谬的;可笑的deserving to be laughed at; absurd1、You look ridiculous in those tight jeans. 你穿上那紧身牛仔裤样子真可笑。2、What a ridiculous idea! 多麽荒谬的念头!3、Who made this ridiculous rule? 这条荒唐的规则是谁定的?Controversial adj. 争论的;争议的c

21、ausing disagreement or discussion1、In deference to our host I decided not to challenge his controversial remarks. 我出於对主人的尊敬,不对他那易引起争论的话表示异议。2、This is a controversial subject.这是一个有争议的话题。3、The most controversial issue is bonuses.最具争议性的话题是分红。Attempt n. 努力;尝试;企图an effort or a try.1、They made no attempt

22、to escape. 他们并未图谋逃跑. 2、My early attempts at learning to drive were unsuccessful. 我曾经几次打算学开车, 却都没有学成. 3、They failed in all their attempts to climb the mountain. 他们攀登那座山的一切尝试都失败了.vt. 尝试;企图make an effort to accomplish (sth); try (to do sth)1、The prisoners attempted to escape, but failed.囚犯企图逃跑, 但是失败了.

23、2、Don't attempt the impossible. 不要试图做不可能的事. 3、He was charged with attempted robbery. 他被控以意图抢劫罪. 4、She will attempt to beat the world record. 她决心要打破世界纪录.On the other hand (可是)另一方面but;on the other side1、She is very beautiful; on the other hand, she is very lazy.她很漂亮,但是很懒惰。2、We lost the game; on th

24、e other hand, we gained experience.虽然我们输了比赛,但是增加了经验。3、On one hand, books can broaden our mind; on the other hand, they can make us feel relax.一方面,书本可以扩展我们的视野,另一方面,可以让我们放松。Predict vt. 预言;预告;预测say in advance that (sth) will happen; forecast1、The earthquake had been predicted several months before. 这次地

25、震早在几个月以前就发布了预报。2、She predicted that the improvement would continue. 她预测情况将继续好转. 3、It is impossible to predict who will win. 要预测出谁将获胜是不可能的.Specific adj. 确切的;特定的detailed, precise and exact1、What are your specific aims? 你有确切的目标吗?2、She says she'll come, but I can't nail her down to a specific ti

26、me. 她说她来,我却无法让她说出确切的时间。3、He gave us very specific instructions. 他给我们做了非常明确的指示。4、There is a specific tool for each job. 各工种配备特定的工具。Figure n. 画像;representation of a person or an animal in drawing, painting, etc1、The central figure in the painting is the artist's daughter. 画中间的那个人是画家的女儿.2、He made a

27、 figure of Santa Claus.他画了一幅圣诞老人的画像。身材;human form, esp. its appearance, what it suggests, and how it is seen by others1、Im dieting to keep my figure. 我正在节食以保持身材. 2、Shes a fine figure of a woman.她身材苗条.数字written symbol for a number, esp. 0 to 9 1、He has an income of six figures/a six-figure income 他有六

28、位数字的收入2、The figure has barely moved since then.这一数字自那以后几乎没有变动。Clay n. 黏土stiff sticky earth that becomes hard when baked, used for making bricks and pottery1、Clay is a plastic substance. 黏土是可塑物质。2、Clay soil retains water. 黏土能保持水分。3、Wet the clay a bit more before you start to mould it. 把泥再弄湿点再动手塑造。Mar

29、ble n. 大理石type of hard limestone used, when cut and polished, for building and sculpture1、These steps are made of marble.这些台阶是大理石的. 2、He was buried in a marble tomb.他被葬在大理石的坟墓里3、It is difficult to engrave in marble.在大理石上雕刻是困难的。Carve vt. 雕刻;刻记form (sth) by cutting away material from wood or stone; in

30、scribe (sth) by cutting on a surface1、Michelangelo carved in marble. 米开朗琪罗在大理石上雕刻. 2、The statue was carved out of stone. 这座像是(用石头)雕刻的3、He carved his initials on a tree trunk 他在树干上刻自己名字的缩写字母.Delicate adj. 脆弱的;easily injured or damaged; fragile1、Be careful! There is a delicate china inside. 小心,里面装着易碎的

31、瓷器。2、This is a delicate plant. 这是一株娇弱的植物。容易生病的;becoming ill easily; not strong1、She has been in delicate health for some time. 她身体欠佳已有些时日了.2、She is a delicate child.她是一个瘦弱的孩子。精致的very carefully made or formed; fine; exquisite 1、I admired your delicate handling of the situation. 我很钦佩你这样巧妙地处理了这种局面. 2、W

32、ere conducting very delicate negotiations. 我们正在进行十分审慎的谈判.Café n. 咖啡馆;小餐馆a coffeehouse, restaurant, or bar.1、We had some coffee at a nearby café.我们到附近的一家咖啡厅喝点咖啡。2、Do you want to go to read at a café together?想一起去咖啡厅读书吗?3、I met my best friend in the café yesterday.昨天在咖啡店我遇见最好的朋友了。A

33、llergic adj. 过敏性的;对过敏的If you are allergic to something, you become ill or get a rash when you eat it, smell it, or touch it.1、It will be fatal to the people who are allergic to it.对于那些对它过敏的人它将是致命的。2、Some patients may be allergic to pig products.有些病人对猪制品药物过敏。3、Two years ago, Emily finally found that

34、she's allergic to cats.两年前,艾米丽终于发现自己对猫过敏。Exhibition n. 展览;陈列;展览会collection of things shown publicly (e.g. works of art, industrial or commercial goods for advertisement)1、Have you seen the Picasso exhibition? 你参观过毕加索的画展吗? 2、This is one of the exhibition halls at the Frankfurt book fair. 法兰克福书展的展

35、厅之一.3、They came from afar to see the exhibition. 他们从远处赶来参观这个展览会。Aggressive adj. 敢作敢为的;forceful;1、A good salesman must be aggressive if he wants to succeed. 要做个好推销员一定要有闯劲才能成功.2、Even though hes old, hes aggressive for anything.尽管他年岁已大,但他对什么都敢作敢为。侵略的;for or of an attack; offensive1、Its said that they c

36、ountry has aggressive weapons.据说他们国家拥有攻击性的武器.好斗的apt or ready to attack; offensive; quarrelsome1、These dogs are trained to be aggressive 这些狗被训练成攻击型的狗 2、Aggressive nations threaten world peace. 侵略成性的国家威胁世界和平.Scholar n. 学者person who studies an academic subject deeply1、The greatest scholar cannot solve

37、this difficult problem. 再伟大的学者也没有办法解答这个难题吧。2、My tutor is an accomplished scholar. 我的导师是一位学识渊博的学者。3、She impressed me as a scholar. 她给我留下了学者的印象。Flesh n. 肉;肌肉;肉体the (human) body contrasted with the mind or the soul1、Tigers are flesh-eating animals. 虎是肉食动物.2、I'll have to go to my aunt's funeral

38、she was my own flesh and blood after all. 我得参加我姑姑的葬礼她是我的亲人哪。3、The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 心有余而力不足。In the flesh 活着的;本人alive; in real life, and not on TV, in a film, in a picture, etc1、His appearance in the flesh ended the rumors about his death. 他亲自露面使传说他死亡的谣言不攻自灭。2、I have correspond

39、ed with him for some years, but I have never met him in the flesh. 我已和他通信联系好几年了,但一直未与他本人见过面。3、I've seen here perform on television, but never in the flesh. 我在电视上看过她的表演,但从未见过她本人。Geometry n. 几何学branch of mathematics dealing with the properties and relations of lines, angles, surfaces and solids1、I

40、 think geometry is hard for girls to learn.我认为几何学对女生来说很难。2、The higher division of the seven liberal arts in the Middle Ages composed of geometry, astronomy, arithmetic, and music. 四门高级学科中世纪七个文科中较高的门类,由几何、天文、算术以及音乐组成3、Leon didn't finish his geometry homework because his mind kept jumping the trac

41、k to think about other things. 利昂没完成几何作业,因为他思想总在开小差,想着别的事情。Bunch n. 束;串number of things (usu of the same kind) growing, fastened or grouped together1、I bought a large bunch of grapes. 我买了一大串葡萄。2、He had left a huge bunch of flowers in her hotel room.他留了一大束鲜花在她的酒店房间。3、This bunch of banana looks delici

42、ous.这串香蕉看起来很可口。Avenue n. 林荫道;道路;大街wide road or path, often lined with trees, esp. one that leads to a large house1、An avenue is usually a wide street of houses, often in the suburbs and lined with trees. 通常指两旁有房子的宽阔街道,常指郊区的林荫道。2、Books are avenues to knowledge. 书是通向知识的道路。3、This is the most expensive

43、stores on Park Avenue.这是公园大道上最昂贵的酒店。Preference n. 喜爱;偏爱liking for sth (more than sth else)1、There is milk and cream do you have a preference? 有牛奶也有奶油-你喜欢哪样? 2、It's entirely a matter of preference. 这完全是个见仁见智的问题。3、She has a preference for blue. 她特别喜欢蓝色。Appeal vi. 有感染力;呼吁;求助make an earnest request1

44、、I am appealing on behalf of the famine victims. 我代表饥民恳求援助. *2、The police appealed to the crowd not to panic. 警方向群众呼吁不要惊慌.vt. 将上诉take a question to a higher court where it can be heard again and a new decision given 1、I've decided not to appeal. 我决定不上诉. *2、She appealed to the high court against

45、her sentence. 她不服判决而向高等法院上诉.n. 呼吁;恳求earnest request1、Her eyes held a look of silent appeal. 她眼中流露着无声的求助神情.Appeal to (对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣attract1、The company is prepared to trade off its up-market image against a stronger appeal to teenage buyers. 该公司拟改变只售高档商品的形像,以吸引青少年顾客。2、Many newspapers appeal to th

46、e crowd. 许多报纸受到人民的欢迎。Fragile adj. 精细的;易碎的;脆弱的easily damaged or broken; delicate1、Fragile handle with care. 易碎品-小心轻放。2、Glasses are fragile and must be handled with great care. 玻璃制品易碎,必须小心轻放。3、The beautiful china is fragile.那个美丽的瓷器很易碎。Reputation n. 名声;名誉what is generally said or believed about the abi

47、lities, qualities, etc of sb/sth1、This is a school with an excellent reputation 这是一所享有盛誉的学校 2、They have a reputation for laziness. 他们以懒惰出名。 3、The famous athlete lived up to his reputation and won the game.那位出名的运动员不负盛名,赢得了比赛。Civilization n. 文明;文化;文明社会state of human social development1、In some ways, c

48、ivilization does not seem to have progressed much in the last century. 在某些方面,上个世纪文明似乎进展不大。2、The ancient Egyptians had advanced civilization. 古埃及人曾经拥有高度文明。3、The civilization of mankind has taken thousands of years. 人类经数千年才文明开化。Egypt n. 埃及(东北非国家)a country in northeast Africa, next to the Mediterranean

49、 Sea and the Red Sea.1、Cairo is the capital of Egypt. 开罗是埃及的首都。2、Alice would jump at the chance to Egypt. 爱丽丝会很高兴有机会去埃及。3、He made a film about Egypt. 他拍了一部关于埃及的电影。Egyptian adj. 埃及的;埃及人的A native or inhabitant of Egypt.1、There will be an Egyptian mummy show in that country. 那个国家将要展示埃及木乃伊。Visual adj. 视

50、觉的;看得见的concerned with or used in seeing1、Her designs have a strong visual appeal. 她的设计在视觉上很有感染力. 2、I have a very good visual memory.我的视觉记忆很好。3、The building makes a tremendous visual impact.那栋建筑有巨大的视觉冲击力。Fragrant adj. 香的;令人愉快的having a pleasant or sweet smell 1、Any of several other fragrant plant resi

51、ns, such as Canada balsam. 芳香脂植物其他几种芳香植物脂中的一种,如加拿大香脂。2、The red leaves of maple trees of the Fragrant Hills are the most charming autumn scenery in Beijing. 香山红叶是北京最浓最浓的秋色。3、The flowers gave off a fragrant odor. 花发出一阵幽香。Contemporary adj. 当代的; 同时代的of the time or period being referred to; belonging to

52、the same time1、Many contemporary writers condemned the emperor's actions. 当时的许多作家都谴责该皇帝的行径. * 2、Dickens was contemporary with Thackeray. 狄更斯与萨克莱属於同一时代.3、My parents think that the contemporary young people have no respect for authority. 我父母认为现在的年轻人不尊重权威。Permanent adj. 永久的;持久的lasting or expected t

53、o last for a long time or for ever1、She is looking for permanent employment. 她正在找固定的工作.。2、He was taken on for a three-month trial period before being accepted as a permanent member of staff. 在她被接受为固定雇员之前经过了三个月的试用期。3、The injury left him with a permanent limp. 他受伤後就一直瘸了。District n. 区;区域;行政区part of a c

54、ountry or town having a particular quality1、Common preconceptions about life in this district are increasingly being challenged. 原先普遍存在著对那一地区生活的成见越来越站不住脚了。2、That kind archbishop is responsible for our church district. 那个好心的大教主负责我们这个教区。3、We passed through some beautiful scenery on our journey through

55、 this district. 我们在穿越这个地区的旅途中,看到了不少美丽的景色。Committee n. 委员会group of people appointed (usu by a larger group) to deal with a particular matter1、The committee has/have decided to dismiss him. 委员会已决定辞退他. 2、This has discussed in committee.这事已经委员会讨论.3、There was a clash of wills among committee members. 委员们

56、意愿不一,发生了冲突。Signature n. 署名;签字person's name written by himself1、Her signature is almost illegible. 她的签字很难辨认.2、He was attacked for having put his signature to the deal. 他因为在协议上签字而受攻击。3、Can you witness my signature on my will, please?你可以见证我是自愿签名的吗?unit2Tick vt.给标记号mark put beside an item in a list to show that it has been checked or done or is correct1、The jobs that are done have been ticked off.做完的工作都标上了记号.2、Pleasetick (off) the names of those present请在出席者的姓名旁做记号。3、I've never really understood what makes her tick.我实在弄不明白她为什麽这样.Rhyme n.&vi.


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