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1、山东省专升本英语真题 2011 年试卷一 第一部分:听力理解Part I LiStening COmPrehensionSection ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be sPo

2、ken only once. After each question there will be a Pause. During the Pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresPonding letter on the Answer sheet with a single line through the center.Short ConversationQuestions 1 to 8 are bas

3、ed on the conversation you have just heard.1、A. Because it doesn't work. B. Because it has harmful effects.sometimes.C. Because it's really effective. D.Because it only works2、A. imPolite B. selfish C. unfriendly D. helPful3、A. a bad cold B. the woman's son C. the weather D. fatigue4、A.

4、Policeman and thief B. Policeman and driverC. teacher and student D. director and actress5、A. in a restaurant B. in a bankC. in a store D. in a Post office6、A. The man can correct his mistake later.B. The man didn't answer the four questions correctly.C. The man was late for the test.D. The man

5、can't change his answer now.7、A. The students will attend a meeting this afternoon.B. The students will have an oral test this afternoon.C. There won't be a test this afternoon.D. The meeting was PostPoned.8、A. Two boys and three girls. B. Two boys and a girl.C. Four boys and a girl. D. Two

6、boys and two girls.Long Conversation 1Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.9、A. They met ten years ago.B. They went to the same school.C. They were neighbors.D. They were in the same volleyball team.10、A. In Paris. B. In London.C. In New York. D. In an Italian town.11、

7、A. English. B. French. C. SPanish. D. Italian.Long Conversation 2Questions 12 to 14 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12、A. Thursday the thirteenth.B. Friday the thirteenth.C. Friday the fourteenth.D. Saturday the fourteenth.13、A. There was a heavy traffic.B. There was something wron

8、g with her car.C. She forgot the appointment.D. She was stopped by a policeman.14、A. She forgot that she had invited her boss and his wife over.B. Her boss and his wife came to her house unexpectedly.C. She forgot to cook dinner for her children.D. The children covered the dog with feathers.Section

9、BPassage oneQuestions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.15、A. They are not well educated.B. They failed to work hard at school.C. Their society is too complicated.D. Their education is not adequate for their new life.16、A. To find a worker and follow him closely.B. To find a pers

10、on you admire and make friends with him.C. To find a person you respect and watch carefully how he acts.D. To make friends with a model you admire.17、A. Learn from a Model.B. Learn, learn and learn again.C. Learn forever.D. One is never too late to learn.Passage TwoQuestions 18 to 20 are based on th

11、e passage you have just heard.18、A. Many of his friends were there.B. All the students there were boys.C. He did well in math and science.D. He wanted to play with computers.19、A. They can know how to type.B. They can have a chance to study computers.C. They can change their lives there.D. They can

12、connect the telephone to the computer.20、A. He developed BASIC in 1968.B. He only studied computers at school.C. He became a computer expert in Lakeside.D. He began to write short programs at about age 14.第二部分:词汇和语法结构Part VOCabuIary and StrUCtUre21、The coat has a inside to show the time and where it

13、 was made.A. IabeI B. mark C. sign D. tag22 、 I'm Very sOrry tO haVe yOU with sO many qUestiOns On sUCh an OCCasiOn.A. interfered B. bOthered C. impressed D. Offended23、 When she retired, she did a IOt Of wOrk fOr the Red CrOss.A. sOCiaI B. pOrtabIe C. prOminent D. VOIUntary24 、 The FrenCh piani

14、st whO had been praised Very highIy tO be a greatdisappOintment.A. turned in B. turned out C. turned up D. turned downthe nonviolencefree to 25 、 Martin Luther King was the Nobel Prize for advocatingpolicies in the movement for citizen rights.A. gained B. got C. awarded D. owned26 、 This is the firs

15、t draft of the book. Please feel perfectly on it.A. conform B. complain C. confirm D. comment27、A positive answer makes you feel good, but an one teaches you alot.A. affirmative B. negative C. objective D. subjective28、The noise until she couldn't stand it any longer .A. set up B. rang up C. bui

16、lt up D. called up29、The dog waiting behind the gate looked that I did notdare to goin.A. mild B. fierce C. wild D. harmful30 、 Jane is scolded by yesterday.A. on B. out C. unlockedher boss becauseD. unclosedshe leftthe officewith the computer31、 Don't joke with Linda, she takes everything far t

17、oo .A. carefully B. gravely C. critically D. seriously32 、 Mr Morgan can be very sad though in public he is extremely cheerful.A. by himself B. in person C. in private D. as himself33、 She keeps a supply of candles in the house in case of power .A. failure B. lack C. absence D. drop34 、 Some people

18、are to policies and what is going on in other places.A. keen B. curious C. enthusiastic D. indifferent35 、 We are quite sure that we can our present difficulties and finishthe task on schedule.A. get across B. get over C. get away D. get off36、 The reason he rejected our plan is that he had no faith

19、 in us.A. which B. that C. why D. because37 、 If you stick to the piano everyday, you will become quite a goodmusician.A. practice B. practicing C. have practiced D. be practicing38、 No one the building without the permission of the police.A. is leaving B. will be leaving C. has left D. is to leave3

20、9 、 you realize your trouble with English learning, you can take someeffective steps.A. Now that B. From now on C. Ever since D. By now40、 It was not until he arrived in class realized he bad forgottenhis book.A. when he B. that he C. and he D. he41 、 Professor Lee's book will show you can be us

21、ed in other context.A. that you have observedB. how that you have observedC. that how you have observedD. how what you have observed42、 But for the favorable weather, we in such a good harvest.A.gotCan'tget B.Couldn'tget C.Couldn'thave got D.Couldhave43 、 So little differenCe.witheaChoth

22、erthatthe neighborsCouldn'tsettletheirA.agreedid theyB.didtheyagreeC.theyagreeD.they didagree44、The alarm o'CloCkdidn'tringthismorning, soyouit lastnight.A. need to have forgotten to windB. may have forgotten windingC. ought to have forgotten to windD. must have forgotten to wind45 、 A s

23、eries severe famine.of measures, PeoPlein thatareamanaged to survivetheA.havingtakentaken B.were taken C.havingbeentaken D.havebeen46、 It wasn't such a good dinner she had promised us.A. that B. which C. as D. what47 、 Evidence came up specific speech sounds are recognized by babiesas young as 6

24、 months old.A. that B. what C. which D. whose48、 that the pilot couldn't fly through it .A. The storm so severe was B. So the storm was severeC. So severe was the storm D. Such was the storm severe49、His knowledge of language and international business him in hiswork.A. help B. helps C. was help

25、ful D. have helped50、I don't think lunch is a good time to get together, .A. dinner is neither B. so is not dinner C. not dinner, too D. nor is dinner第三部分:阅读理解Part In Read ing COmPrehe nsionSection ADireCtions: There are 3 PaSSageS in this part. EaCh PaSSage is followed by SQme questiQnS Qr Unfi

26、niShedStatements. FQr each Qf them there are four ChQiCeSmarked A, B, C and D. YQu ShQUId decide Qn the best ChQiCe and mark theCQrreSPQndingIetter Qn the AnSWer Sheet With a Single Iine through the Center.PaSSage QneMany teaChers believe that the resp Qn SibiIity for Iear ning lies With theStUde nt

27、s. If a IQng read ing assig nment is give n, teaChers expect StUde ntsto be familiar With the information in the reading even if they do not disCuss it in Class Qr give an exam in ati on. The ideal StUde nt is CQn Sidered to beQne WhQ is motivated to learn for the Sake Qf learning, not the Qne inter

28、ested Qnly in getting high grades. When researCh is assigned,the PrQfeSSQr in theUn ited StateS expeCts the StUde nts to take the in itiative and CQmPIete theStUdentS not be over-dependent on them the United States,Often they are respQnsibleIn addition,time thatIf a StUde ntapproach a PrQfeSSQrin th

29、e CIaSSrQQmPrQfeSSQrS have Qther for admi nistrativeWQrkthey may be QbIiged to PUbIiSharticlesa PrQfeSSQr Can SPend With a StUdent QUtSidedUties Within andassig nment With less gUida nce.PrQfeSSQrS WiIl help StUde nts WhQ n eed it, bUt Prefer that theirbesides teachi ng. theirdepartme nts.has PrQbIe

30、mS With CIaSSrQQm Work, the StUdent hoUrs Qr make appointment.books. TherefQre the Qf class is limited. ShQUId either approach a PrQfeSSQrdUringQffiCePartiCiPatiQnin the CIaSSrQQm is not Qnly accepted bUt also expected Qfthe StUde nts in many CQUrSes. SQme PrQfeSSQrS base Part Qf the final grade Qn

31、the StUdent'soral PartiCiPatiQn.AIthQUgh there are formal IeCtUreSdUringWhiCh the StUdenthas a PaSSiVe role (i.e. Iistening and takingnotes), manyCQUrSeS are Qrga ni Zed aroUnd CIaSSrQQm discUSsi ons, StUde nt qUesti QnSand in formal IectUres.In the teaching Qf SCienceand mathematics, the domina

32、nt mode Qf inStrUCtiQnis gen erallytraditi Qnal With teachers PreSe nting formal IeCtUreS and StUde ntstak ing no te. HQWeVer, neW edUcati QnaltrendS have PSyChQIQgy classes, for example, are Qfte n reqUired to solve PrQbIemS in groUps, desig n projects, make PreSentatiQnSand examine CaSe StUdies. S

33、inCe SQme CQilege Qr UniVerSity CQUrSeS are"applied" rather tha n "theoretical" they StreSS "doi ng" and invo IVeme nt.51、When research is assigned the PrQfeSSQr.A. Will give the StUde nt SQme n ecessary gUida nceB. Will not give StUde nt any gUida nceC. Prefer that StU

34、de nt not be depe ndent on him at allD. expect the StUde nt to CQmPiete it Un der his gUida nce52、 WhiCh Qf the foIIoWingis NoT the dUty Qf an AmeriCanprofessor? A. SQlVing the StUde nts' PrQbiem dUri ng QffiCe hoUrsB. Bei ng resp Qn Sibie for SQme admi nistrative Work.C. PUbiiShi ng articles an

35、d books.D. SPending a lot Qf time With the StUdents QUtSide Qf the class.53、 In the teachingQf SCience and mathematics, the dominant mode Qf inStrUCtiQnis.A. CiaSSrQQm discUSsi Qn B. StUde nt PreSe ntati QnC. formal IeCtUreS D. i nformal IectUres54、NeW edUcati Qnaltrend have emerge in the hUma nitie

36、s and SQCiai SCie nce that StreSSA. the role Qf read ing B. good academic recordPaSSage TWQThe last feW years have Seen in China. Primariiythis groUpand employees Qf joint-ventUreC. the professor's illUStratiQn D. the StUdent's PartiCiPatiQnneW Weaith in the groUp Qf White-CQiiar WQrkerS CQn

37、SiStSQf IaWyers, artists, CQmPany PreSidentsCQmPanies.ThiS groUp did not exist ten yearsago. BUS in ess Ven tures SUCh as real estate developme nt, COmPUter compa nies and travel age ncies have n UrtUred this new class of ambitious Chin ese who have tasted "the good life" and want eve n mo

38、re of it.What are the marks of this group of people? FirSt of all, it is defi ned by What its members have: cell phon es, WaSh ing machi nes, microwave ove ns, computers, homes and thin gs. A psychological Middel-agedSUCCeSSfUIVaCations.BUt this group isindependenceand Carefreecompany PreSidents, yo

39、ungnot OnIy marked by material OPtimiSmPrOfeSSi on alsis alsoeve nPreSe nt. collegeStUde nts are optimistic, expect ing the best in their future.Chin eseen trepre neurs(企业家)bega n accumulat ingBUt it WaS not Until the middle 90's that the material POSSeSSion of the n ewly-richmoney inthe Iate198

40、0's.ellpho nes,computers, cars,quit State en terprise to transform are now WeaIthyhigh-techen trepre neursa decade ago, When China Started TheSe earlyentrepreneurshouses Were easily to Start PriVate from a planned to by any COuntry'sTheSe n pa niesa market economy.Sta ndard

41、s.However,Iike any newly-rich Chinese, they Seem a Iittle Uncomfortable When asked about WeaIthOne reason for their discomfort is that they realize that the PrOSPerity WeaIth that hasCreated the group of newly-richhas not benefited allChineseequally. Someentrepreneurs have move UP in social status,

42、but many WOrkerS have been Iaid off, Iosi ng their jobs temporarily for econo mic reas on, from State-ru n factories.Formost Chinese, the move into this style of Rife is still a step-by-stepprogress. It may be slow but many bus in ess people are hopeful.AS a real estateen trepre neur from Beiji ng s

43、aid: "This is not just about mon ey. It's about a better quality of life."55、The word "nUrtUre" (Line 4, PraraI) PrObabIy means.A. n aturalize B. no UriShC. Care for and educate D. help the developme nt of56、 ACCOrding to the passage, WhiCh of the following are NoT marked of

44、the n ewly-rich Chin ese?A. Great ambition and the WhiSh for a new lifestyle.B. HOUSeS and VaCatiO ns.C. Mobile PhOneSand computers.D. Men tal in depe ndence and optimism.57、 Why do many newly-richChinese feel embarrassed When Saked about Wealth?A. BeCaUSe they have higher social status.B. BeCaUSe t

45、hey have quit State-r Un factories.C. BeCaUSe they have fired many employees.D. BeCaUSe they know many OtherS are not so WeaIthy.58、ACCOrdi ngto the real estate en trepre neur, many bus in esspeople are look ingforward to this Style of Life for the Sake of.A. more WeaIth B. higher social StatUSC. be

46、tter quality of life D. greater famePaSSage ThreeIn recent years a new and SeriOUS PrObIem has arisen for international airlines and their PaSSengeis is the relativelynew Crime of hijack ing. OnCean Un heard-of eve nt, it hasnowbecome a com mon OCCUrre nce.There is not Very much anyone Can do once a

47、 hijacker is on board an aeroplane. He may be Carryinga gun or hand grenades, which, if used, would CaUSe a disaster.The only thing to do is try to enSUre that these people never get on the plane in the firstinStance.So airlinesall over the world have SeCUrity procedures.BefOre any PaSSengerCan get

48、on an airplaneat the airport, he must go througha SerieS of SeCUrity CheCkS to make SUre he isn't Carry ing anything that isPOtentially dangerous Or could be USed as a WeaPOn On board. The SeCUrity measures Vary from airport to airport. At some airportsthere is Very littlesecurity. At other airp

49、orts the SeCUrity CheCkS are Very StriCt and it Cantake UP to haft-a n-hour to get through them all.Kai Tak AirPOrt in Hong Kong, China,has a good SeCUrity system. No aircraftStartingitsjourneyfrom Hong Kong has ever been hijacked. At Kai Tak, Whena PaSSe nger first CheCkS in, his or her n ame is ma

50、tched With the COmPUter list of PaSSengers booked on that PartiCUIar flight. If the name is not recognised, the PaSSengerwill be taken aside andquestioned by SeCUrity guards and maynot be allowed on the plane. Next, every SUitCaSe is X-ray CheCked before it goes into the plane.Any SUitCaSe that Seem

51、S to have SOmething dangerousin it is not PUt on the pla ne. Then the hand baggage WhiCh the PaSSe ngerswill Carry on to the plane is checked. EaCh PaSSengerhas to open his or herbag and the SeCUrityclerkexam inesthe COnten ts. If thereis anything thatcould be USed as a WeaP on, a Penknife for examp

52、le, the SeCUrity Staff take it away and keep it in a Safe place on the plane Until the flight is over.The PaSSe nger Can the n collect it.Fin ally there is a body CheCk of all PaSSe ngers. They must PaSS througha door Where X-rays will show if they are Carry ing any thi ng made of metal,like a gun.

53、If anything SUSPiCiOUS is found, they will be asked to expla in.It is only after all these CheCkS that a PaSSe nger is allowed to board the Pla ne.59、ACCOrding to the first ParagraPh WhiCh of the following will the authordisagree?A. HijaCk ing is a relatively new crime.B. HijaCki ng is practically U

54、n heard-of.C. The nu mber of HijaCk ing is in CreaS ing.D. HijaCki ng is a SeriOUS problem fac ing intern ati onal airli nes.60、 The only thing We Can do to PreVent the disasterCaUSed by HijaCkingisto.A. Set UP a SerieS of SeCUrity PrOCedUreSB. exert con trol over gunsC. fight bravely aga inst the h

55、ijack ingD. meet the hijacker's dema nd61、If there is anything that could be USed as a WeaPon, the PaSSager.A. Can keep it in a Safe place on the pla neB. Can take it back from the SeCUrity Staff When the flight is overC. may not be allowed on the pla neD. will be take n aside and questi oned by

56、 SeCUrity guards.62、 At Kai Tak a PaSSager has to get through all the followingCheCkS beforeboard ing the pla ne except.A. having his name matched With the COmPUter listB. hav ing every SUitCaSe X-ray CheCkedC. hav ing the hand baggage X-ray CheCkedD. PaSS ing through a door for a body CheCkSeCti on

57、 BDireGtions: MatCh the Chinese SentenCeS in the left column With the Englishinthe right column. Mark the COrreSPOnding Ietter on the anSWer Sheet With aSin gle Iine through the Cen ter.A. Soon after he tranSferred to the new school, John found that he had great difficulty keep ing UP With the rest of his class.B. ThrOUghOUtthe project, people have received training and decidedtoStart over their own bus in ess.C. OUr efforts will Pay off if the results of


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