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1、2022年宝鸡市高考模拟检测(二)英语答题卡皿皿皿皿皿皿署皿皿 mmramm rammmro mmmmm rammmm rammmm mmramm fflmfflmm fflfflfflmm mmfflmffl 6.7.S.9.M LZ3.4.S.67.X.9.O. I I 1 I 2 33333 4 4 4 4 5mmmREa a mmmmm mIDHmm mmmmm nQQnQ nuQnu n n Q Q Q i.a港港 ggmgg ggggg gmggg mmmmro mmmmm mrommm fflfflrofflra fflfflmfflffl fflTOfflmffl 6ZS.9.

2、0.LZ3.,£6.7,R.».(). 222 力力 4 4 4 4 4 S55S8mmmrom mmmmro ffl m ffl ffl ffl .oL2.3.* smrommra 皿皿皿皿皿 ggggm mGDmQDg& Z8.9.IO. 3 3 3 3 4皿皿皿皿皿 ggggg 凿皿凿 mmmmR L 5 5 5s姓名贴条形码区1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1(由考生本人粘贴,请勿贴出区域外)j缺考标记(考生禁止填涂)1答题的,考生先使用黑色字迹的签字笃将臼己的壮名.淮考证号码正确填涂埴写在指定位直;核对条形码上本人的姓名和

3、准考证号码,无误后.注将我粘贴在指定的方横内。量2.升选抹翅答骷书写要工牯.字迹清晰。修改答案时禁止使用涂改液事或涂改&条。项3.济按照题号顺序在各曲目的谷题区域内作答.衣脑目指定区域以外答题或超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草捺纸.状批卷上答题无效” 4保持卡而清洁,不折柱、不破损e选择题(请使用2B铅笔填涂)非选择题(请使用05mm黑色字迹的签字笔书写)得分评卷入语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分.满分15分)6162630请在各题目的答IS区域内作答,超出黑色矩形边框限定区域的答案无效请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出黑色矩形边框限定区域的答案

4、无效得分评卷人.:'短文改错(共10小题;卷小题1分,满分1阳).Lin Tao is one of my best friend al school. He is »o helpful that everyone callshim as “Lei Feng" . One day, it rained heavily after school, so 1 didn,t lake theumbrella. Most of my classmates have already left and 1 felt quite helplessly. 1 wasstanding

5、 in the classroom sadly while Lin Tao came back and naid. "My fatherwill come to fetch me. 1 won't use the umbrella and you can take thrm. " 1 thankedLin Tao. which help made me warm on such a rainy day. A» an old saying goes,“Giving roses to others and the lasting fragrance will

6、remain in your hands." 1will learn Lin Tao and he always ready to help other*.得分评卷入书面表达(满分25分)March 3,2022MondaySunnyIn China, there is a long history to fly a kite in. the spring while usually the weather and windare so suitable for this leisure.» .请在各题目的答题区域内作答.超出黑色矩形边框限定区域的答案无效听下面一段对话,回

7、答第8至第10 Sc,8. Huw much did the boy pay for the physics book? A. $7.B. $13.9. What kind of used book* are m<ml pnpuhr?A. The ones with note from top students.B. The one* thr library never ha*. ,C. Ilie cheapest onca.10. What book will Jenny buy for winter holiday?A. A math book.B. A French book.听下

8、前一段对话,回答第II至第13。11. When doe* the convenatioa probably lake plac«? .A. On Sunday.B. On Saturday.12. What relation u Amy to David?A. His wife.B. His neighbor.13. What did the woman do yesterday?A. She replaced a door. B. She read «l home. 听下面一段对话,回答第14至第1614. Which language will Mike learn

9、next year?A. Japitnese .B. Italian.15. What do we know aboul Thf lut W»rld TourC $22.C Some novela.G On Monday.G His daughter.C. She went to the park.C. French."A. It's in diffcrenl ianfuagCA B; It hit Na 1 in America.16. Why did Bad Bunny gel noticed by the record company?A. "He

10、released his music online.B. He »ang sonp in a grocery WoeC. He designed music - thanng site.听下面一段独白,回答第17至第2017. Whal waa missing (rum Cambridge Univcnwty Library?A. Twenty famous photographs.B. Two hundred maps and manuscripts.G 1*o notebooks written by Charles Darwin.18. When were the object

11、s la«t seen?A. in November, 2000. B. In January, 2001.19. When* did ihc phoinjaphy take place?A. In apecial Moreroom. B. In an official* office.20. Wht are the library ofiiciala doing with- the diuppearance?A. Asking I hr public for help. B. Arranging « new search.C. It came out in 2016.G

12、In Febnury. 2020.Q In tempofary studio.C. Reporting it to the police.英语第2页(共10页)绝密考试结束前 姓名2022年宝鸡市高考模拟检测(二)英 语注戢事项:I-答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名,准考证号填耳在答题卡上.2 .作答时.务必将答案咛在答题卡上。写在本丛卷及草箱纸上无效。3 .考试结束后,将答18 K交回°第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)问答听力部分时.请先将答案标在试卷上。听力部分结庚前,你将有两分钟的时间将答 案转徐到客观跖香骋卡t.第一节(共5小;每小就L5分,篇分7.5分)所下面5段对话.每段

13、对话后有-t小题L从胸中所给的A、B、C三个选啜中选出最佳 选项“所完号段对话后.你郁有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小IK和阅读下一小题c每段对话 仅诙一遍C1. What does Susan decide to do?A. ChanRr her job. B. Have a talk with the pmident. C Keep her current jnb.2. Whrrc d«*M the mnvenMtion mo«t likely take phce?A. At home.B. In a rcMaurani.Q in thcsler.3. What does

14、the woman think of the robe «t last? A. Pboriy made. B. Cmdy.C Cheap.4. Why doe* the man come to Seville?A. To atlrnd a meeting. B. To find a place for a conference. C. To visit some exhibilions.5. What are the »pe«ken mainly talking about?A. School timetable*. B. Favorite Mibjects.C.

15、 DifTrrtnl aport*.第二节(共15小H;每小 1.5分,清分22.5分)所下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选 项中选出最佳选项。所每段时活或独白前.你将有时间陶该各个小4L每小题5眇仲;听完 后.各小0将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍.听下面一段对话,回答第6和第70。6. What makra the man uncomfortable ?A. The bad weather.B. tck of sleep.G Too much drinking.7. What doe* the mm axk the woman to d

16、o?A. Recommend film.B. Take over hi* work.Q Look after him at homr.英语第I页(共10页)第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小修 2分,满分30分)阅读卜列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C.和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AKoch's Favorite FitnesK AppsPeople spent money on gym memberships. But according to fitness and tech reporter Peter Koch. 67 percent <rf t

17、hem never went It may be wise then to try > app, many of which are more co«1 - effective than 即ing to a health club.AaptivAapliv allow* users u> chooae rum a variety of different wotioute, tncludin slretching clasaet, yoga claMes, boxing and wcifitlifting, according to Koch. It alno provi

18、des guided audio (有频)workout*, to there、no reason to look at a phone screen, he My>.Nike + Run ClubNike Run Club doesn't juM track and log your nin* with GPS, Koch say», it also provide* audio - gukled runs. " I'm a runner myself since high school, and the one thing 1 see among

19、inexperienced ninnen is that they lend to go out and run roughly the same distance st roughly the samr pace every time," Koch says. " It,s easy to undereUnd why their filness might plateau or they might lone interest over time." Fltbod*Wh*t« really interacting about Fitbod i>

20、dial it um» AI, or artificial intelligence." explains Koch. "Every time you hil (he weight*," he My», not only guiding you step by step through each exercise-including the weight, number of sets and reps-but it also lakes your performance from that day and uses il to adjust

21、your Can aing forward for upcoming; sessions.KedoKedo i« considered a smart program, meaning ihe app adjutU according to users' progress. The app centers on high - >nten»ity interval training, looks usera' exerewe history *nd adjust each workout accuniinifly, wy« Kock “That

22、、a hujtc aspect of these newer training apps," he My>. "Tlicy um this artificial intelligence." 21. What type of app works best for a yoga lover?A. Keelo.B. Fitbod.C. Aaptiv.D. Nike + Run Club.22. Whd would most probably download Nike + Run Club?A. The new runner*. B. Marat boo ath

23、letes. C. Walken. D. Cycbste.23. What do the Fitbod and Keclo have in coaunon?A. TWy are designed far newcomera.B. They learn from wh«l you're doing.C They record usero, health condition.D. They ofler many different workouts.Taidi was waiting in line at the supermarket when the noticed the

24、young mum in front of her stni£g)ng Io pay her bill T«sh knew it was only a matter of lime before the woman's young child became fuuy(婚建的),and she felt for the mum, who appeared upee( and etnbarratted.Having bren in a similar position in the past, Tash didn't itesitale to jump in &

25、#171;nd pay for her shopping. Her reasoning wa» simple: "Pay it forward, ""h wan junt really nice Io help her yut." Ta»h Mya. "it was only $S0 or wmething like that. it wasn't a hunt amount But afterwards, the woman gave me a hug and had tean in her eyes and I

26、got a bit emotional aa well.""In today'a day and age, with whit we're aU going through, just to gel that feeling of, * Oh wow, there is good out ihen?, i('» nice to hear ihere i» bil of humanity," Tash uyt.People »lart to help others by doing thing* for othe

27、r people. But you don't have to break the bank, or evm open your wallet, to give paying it forward a go. Psychologist Or Ushman says oflirring compljmenls or praiM to strangers, or hand - making iletns or food for those in need, can serve the Mme purpose. Alternatively, donating clothes or books

28、 to a charity or mentoring(指导) t4udcn< can aliw be cvnaidered ways to 感( invoked. All you need i« Io »et out with th« intention of helping aomeooc you don't know, without any expectation of reward, acknowledgement or payback.Hut can lead lo an increased sente of connection and

29、a rise in feel - pM)d hormones, which flood* ua with positive emotions. Knowing that our good deeds can make a *nuunive difference- to someone elae's mental health and mood can o1m> boo«t our own wellheing.24. What did we know about the young mum?A. She felt annoyed in public.B. She coul

30、dn't afford to pay her bill.C She knew Taah before.D. She bore burden of chiidouv and life.25. How did the woman (eel after getting Ta»h's help?A. Anxious.B. Moved.C. Confident. D. Romantic.26. According Fo Dr Lishtnan, which of the following i» an example of help?A. Jenny donated

31、clean clothe* lo a nuning home.B. Bob received a reward for his part in the rescue.C Mary shared homemade food with her fnends.D. Tom charged me half price for unlocking the door.27. Whai message doe» the author ureal to convey in the text?A. Offering a helping hand is a miwi.B. Tab i* always w

32、illing lo help others.Q Good things often come out of b«d situations.D. Acte of kindness (or stranger* bring great joy.英语第4页(共10页)英语第3页(共10贝)T<iMr Vhate qvak ( tei vf tuar w&mg ia Ac fuel 1 lhiakin( about haw w'n IniiH < He a making m «4ort Io ffebai 4rtwriMtitat W愎)F»li

33、rr ci dir San Fnoiciae* -Maoi MnfvMit RaiMaEt CmmkOm. WKlr ka>,r,“d wnplr bat ,*,«rai<c: inu« <M aril pianea Io haten tor ihe nmi ul dmlnviioaFcnau mv AuHwann* woMaMfe and J. whack noi M>y hanm wiMMie. MdudM( fMny pectn liwi live Dovher* die. bvl abo eortnbuK* to clinale "

34、 I Ada> Iumw any U dm ttaB vhan I atartMl,* tan VlMr. k«(M hi» fnufaay ai 2011, «(w« hr IrawW Io IndwMun Rontro 1 br> dermmag pNm»( itff Mt).Monm M and 90 pmeoM W Ar kvng( 累(%) j b,”riw tn Ar aurM'* ma (watl b tBcgal. acoordm< to Vtalc. R daetdo* 4t adrnt* can b

35、e toafh Ss be haa davriafied a tyaton in akac* h« » » ccH plaaor rtmng dwryoi “ wlar «B» and aa eura MumfaiiaM. Fraa Am, tbe dr«K* can <Mrd ibr aHuiifa d ciwtaMiMf 电 > neart a mile away.Berauar «'« aafcaadblt i» have peupir lutenmg io dtr <in

36、«ce* M <tw Uibv, he aiMnd (0< " old - >dml data aaalnun that thr c«B plnac*« c««(aiten can d-i«pmh diatanaw'* wnd frtna oilwn la d» far IVu way, tat 4mc« caa aMaaMcaDy d(Mcl fospag tetinty and wait test «Imi Io aulhamw <*> can 4e&#

37、171;enaiaf if iTb iAc*ai and then Mp H.So far, k>> .wliirinB (v«Bai lu» bran ««ai at, Eewdar. Pax. «ad Braal andiN «ooa br ieioftiA in Bnlnx ll'» Mt >mI about liaMing f» l«|Qna Aho, ii can ptc* oat ihr Muntfe 4 (pecifw bwd>. wltadi s w*i,

38、W j ten lir (wert teraad,” a a pMenual miff ML He b wpac1d (coiopH* !o we hit aBMiaMna( «¥M« «ny(4im. otHthnr <' Maote fanat or parti ) LoadMk -T>« wi laan> theta place*. *h»"tht CMicr il wdl br tn fnlrrt them."25- Yhal mdr Thra VWtr 4raide to f(W

39、mI iMnmlis?A. Hie problrat nf fMxi dunate ciianfrR. The mmcimim W Xonfaofia RaaiomM C«anac*nm.C The npcricoce d tn*eU«|l Io Inckmewan Bornek m MilD. Um de*ur M fia4 new uaea ha M tcii phuan29. Vlwl dan the uixirrlinrd mwd - inftariM* ' » para(nph w«?A. lafnetieaL B. t'mil

40、ing. C Inpawnv. D. Unanrwiy.30. la Toptarr White',aptiuon. cat pralect Mhm mwr vaaly thni,6A updMin( advamxi laciuinlaip& mr brtUr uiwlenuaiiia| af HC Grtapang Vnan* teMKHtri tpM 0 9*% mwimomiuI awanman Ji. WImi <«uM br the beM mie Cm Ae 0?A A «w»b»r wiy w wed to faote

41、fl »tMh4r.H. Maaanra* eiwuld be life* to preasve Mtotv.英济,寅(英I0K)G Foot* ac AMpeanns MwMoide.D Ymi> old call pbonM can hdp we the mm fbosL0"flttM ifiane laro* IXCOf ) jmS." AiameM Mtvonaul Hefu> We Anhar wrote « Mtiai edu Tvino an Ort M). with a |4m*o of ho laduag fawn oar

42、t* mc. The tom iraM raWmad Av fmt tint MX mkcmUuBy finnan <m A* immalMad Spar* Statjce."G«oain( c4MM vegetable* in V can Jr hag - Iran iiMwOt* fwandp»fch»lapr«i tavi Mat! Roneya, (eumuri M NASA, ia a * -1. D» bmefito ot potnag >«4abl«» an tpacw M

43、71; ob'iaa. I ho* » tlwy(F»wr?Ikaufti 1>» ii ban* brea gnxnog pUnto > aacr far <foc«ia«, cuteiMtiaf: ndibie ( *f 食用 t) fcod willwui (he benefit* rf pavtn and aManl l4ta ha« bare diKcail. A fLan called V«0ia ha» baa* u>od lo o« pis* cm the

44、tare Matioa Mee 2014, ac««nfan|i 8 Tile Nrw Y«rt Tiimm.1W gmicn * dml rite <iar of piece of higfagr and gtraU, IwM* «u plart*. Each fJant pvn m 'Uw' WM 5th day and <vtl4i»n T)i» "piDnan* m ia*wtMM hr tiatrilMlMC wMer, notnMU and au 9 huitky balance uu

45、md the iwti. Otfetmiae, the toot* would either drawn "er or be »*aJk«n*d b« airI中St m aar« (and M> fom buhMa»(,泡).aecadiX t» MASA.bi 4 Attnn al fnnnty, pUnto um «thar *nvuranrMaJ focMr*. «udl » bghl. to fanie groMk IKD» abwe iha plant* pnxiac

46、* * h>l uted fat ibc pl«rts'Acvordwg to NASA. V«fpe typually(k*» < 发光)pnh. roahlr* plaHh 8 tar bock Maa aid i»d wawlnt9iik mere eflkxMlv CNiar tpecirunt d U,, i)k« pmm, ycUmn «r annf*. afe ha» umM lor piaM*Sa far, US MtMMMiit* haw MKvwduih 9mm 10 iMtnvol

47、«o». iaduAng kfluee and t«l>«h. M *e ipare Mmo Ware 2015. accwtiing Io CNN.*by I ptwra1AcouAog lo ON, pepptt* wwe choaea far multi* raaaom Pe*pm pr*»i4e (r««i »mux» al <MMMa C, m U » Ohm k<y mohmM. P*pp«r pUaU aclf - yiJ1iiM»r<

48、白|企修的), «y ue tanj 1 g>w. Aiai iho air a pirh - and - 2 c*«p +M. dm,l have la b* 1W» A* <««* low imcfnlNal Imb. «o they at aafr to Ml mw.31 WW> d» MmT anitude lo plantuic apan eocaniuK to patapii 2,A. laataflmnt. V. CautiowC PawnN*. D. Anha9nua.3S. VhM vo

49、lean about Vefgie in the tMt,A. Il ha( been uterf Cm phnling a tfacc ewit «m iirc>4rB. It hdfn to lima BOfr buM>le« (m the plann' m*AlC h Bb«o*t>» dw harWid lagM fat 4 piano' pu«l*iD. Ii f»*nde« aa adjuKablr plaU pwdi ajrauB.A«34. Why were pep

50、pers picked to be grown on the space station?A. They contain key nutrienUi for astronauts.B. They have been grown in space for m king lime .C Hiey meet all requirements (or planting in space.D. They are the safest ingredient* for space tarns.35. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?A

51、. Food.B. Science.C. Health.D. Entertainment.第二节(共5小;每小 2分,,分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入2白处的最佳选项e选项中有两项为多 余选重Life Skills Start in the HomeI Marted my kids on huiuehoid chom young because I refuse to send any of them into the world without being able to provide the moat basic care for themselvN. Wc star

52、ted kmall such a* teaching them how Io crack an egg or load the washing machine. We made a game of it and let it gH meMy. ' 36 ' , the kids were able to eventually get comfortable with the chore, gain competence and then finally arhieve confidence.If there is unwillinpims or lack of cnthusia

53、Mn, 37 . Consistency and patience is the key. Keep at it. Yean into this experiment, my 13 - year - old son can cook a basic meal and is in charge of cooking on Sunday nijfiU. That meam planning. shipping and meal prvfNuatton. My IS -year - old daughter has her own niit Saturday with the same respon

54、»ibiliti««. She also doet a lot of car maintenance with me. 38.Jessica Lahey, author of "The Gift of Failure," advocates that wc teach out kid,autonomy w they will be more motivated to engagr in I he buoincM of their lives and learn how to be competent In order to do thu, we

55、 give our kids clear expectations and 39. This allow ourkid* to take ownership of the ta«k, and they leant to solve problems and deal with failure.Ye*, we have had some magnificent diM»U;n» in thi« hou«e. Each one wm a moment where we could cotne together a» a family. f

56、igure oul I he voluiion and deal with the consequence*.40, m> they are better prepared for adulthood. Il not only gives them mponsibiblirsaround the hounc but it can be great bonding activity for the whole family.A. don't worry about it-B. With these exposureC. Pay attention to that problemD.

57、 They try to live up to our eipectalionsE. then *tep away after we have taught themF. Everyone is responsible* for their own laundryG. Kid* Mart doing chores around the houw from a young age英语第7页(共】0页)第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节(共20小愿;每小题1.5分,雷分加分)阅读下面短文.从短文后各腰所给的A、B.C和D四个选M中,选出可以填入空白处的 域佳选项。There wer

58、e few area* of science which Robert Hooke didn't risk trying. This 17th century scientMl wa» 41 (or contributing to our knowiedge of everything from mathcmaiicft and mechanic* to biology and astronomy.Robert Hooke liegan his series of inlc:e«to a» a keen 42- . He lived with hi

59、7; parvnlx until the age of 13. Being a sickly child, be was a latecomer to 43 . Instead of attending school, he spent much of his childhood drawing. But his lack of an early education didn't 44 Hooke realising hi* genius h wa» his later rnlnnce to Wevtminster School tluU would 45 him down

60、a scientilk path. Here he discovered that hi* talents lay beyond 46 t particularly in mathematics, mechanics'and languages.Hooke* 47 scientific interests helped set the Mocioty in motion during its early ye«re. Many people are 48 of Hooke* work in microacopy, but in 1653. at the age of 18.

61、Hooke 49 Chm( Church College at Oxford, where he spent much time building telescope*. Shortly after in 1660, he discovered a physical law that would later be 50 after him: Hooke,s law. liookc is best kno«rn for discovering and SI the living cell, lie became the first to examine different foail type* with a microec叩c and he 52 how txMMquitora suck blood.After the Greet Fire of London in 1666, flooke wm given the opportunity lo tty his 53 al architecture lo


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