



1、高一上学期英语阅读理解训练一、人物类(1)A ShOe PatternHarry is eighteen now. He StUdieS in a middle SChOOL HiS ParentS Iike him Very much and hope he Can become a famous man SO they Often tell him to StUdy hard and they do all for him. They Call him at SiX in the morning, after breakfast his father takes him to SChOOl

2、 in a Car and in the afternoon, as SOOn as the young man COmeS back, the SUPPer is ready Of course, he never WaSheS his ClOtheS Or goes to buy SOmething in the ShOPSOnCe Harryl father WaS Sent to LOiIdOn On business He WOUld Stay there for half a year. Leaving, IIe told his Wife to take good Care Of

3、 their son. The WOman had to get UP earlier and did all What her husband did before And two months Iater She WaS SO tired that She WaS ill in bed. NOW the young man got into trouble He COIlldn,t do any housework He Ilad to do as his mother told him. EVell Ile didn't know WIlele to get on the bus

4、!YeSterday Harry's mother found his SIlOeS Were WOnl OUt and told Ilim to buy a new pai, in the ShOP BUt Ile didn't know how to ChOOSe The WOman had a sigh(叹息) and gave him a ShOe PattelTl(鞋*节)and told him to buy a Pair Of ShOeS hinself. IfS SatlirCIay today and Hany doesn't go to school

5、. With a policeman's help, he found a ShOP The ShOPkeePer WaS friendly to him. The man brought a IOt Of ShOeS and asked him to ChOOSe When he WaS trying On a pair, SUddenIy he remembered SOlnething and took them off. TIle man WaS SUIPnSed and asked, "What's the matter, young man?V'T

6、m sorry,ve Ieft the ShOe PattenI at home!”1. always does SOme housework in the morningA. Harry's father B. Hany,s mothe, C. HarryD. NObOdy2. Harry's ParentS do all instead Ofhinl becauseA. he's too youngB. he has POOr healthC. he,s busy Witll his StlIdieS D they hope he SPendS all time O

7、n StUdieS3. The WOman had to IOOk after her SOn by herself becauseA. her IlUSballd wasn't at IlOmeB.She WaS StrOnger than her husbandC. She knew the young man WellDShe WaS freer than her husband4. When the man WaS in London,A. HaITy IIad to Stay at home B. Harry didn't find the bus StOPC. Ha

8、lTy fell behind in his ClaSS D HJUTy WOulChft go to SChOOl5. The WOman told her SOn to buy a Pair Of ShOeS becauseA. She didn't know What kind he IleededB. She WaS busy With the houseworkC. SOmething WaS WrOng With herD. She Wanted her SOn to do SOmething himself6. In fact,A. HaITy Wanted his mo

9、ther to buy ShOeS for himB. Harry didn,t believe IlimSelfC. HaITy WOUldn,t IiSten to his motherD HaITy WaS StrOng enough to buy ShOeS for himself【答案与解析】本文讲一个只会死读书的书呆子自理能力很差,连买鞋子这 么简单的事都做不了。1. Ao 细节题。根据 The WOman had to get UP earlier and did all What her husband did before可以推断以前是她的丈夫做这些事的,因此应该选择Ao2.

10、 DO 细节题。根据 SO they Often tell him to StUdy hard and they do all for him 可知答案为D。3. A。推断题。根据第 2 段第 1 句话 OnCe Hany,s father WaS Sent to LOndOn on business. He WOUld Stay there for half a year 可知答案为 AO4. Bo 细节题。根据笫 2 段最后一句 EVeII Ile didn,t know Where go get On the bus可知答案为Bo5. C。细节题。根据 And two months Ia

11、ter She WaS SO tired that She WaS ill in bed可知答案为Co6. Bo推断题。HaITy亲自去买鞋子,却不知道自己试一试,他不相信自己 的脚却只相信鞋样,因此应该选择BO(2)It gives me great PIeaSUre today to Say a few WOrdS in PraiSe Of a man We Will all IniSS Very much. TO be honest, I ca't imagine We Wiil do WithOUt him Whell he,s gone Bin MaSterS almost

12、Single-handed built UP OUr SaleS force in the HOUStOn area and developed the market POSitiOn that We enjoy today In OnIy SiX years, he has brought the firm from a Very IOW fifth POSitiOn in the area SaleS to the POint Where We now OUtSen all but One Of OUr COmPetitOrS NOt Only have We got 37 Per Cen

13、t Of the market Under BiIrS IeaderShip; We are increasing OUr sha,e With each PaSSing monthAS you know, the COmPany has moved Biil to northern CaIifOrnia to WOrk his SaleS magic in One Of this COmPany,s most COnlPetitiVe(竞争的)areas BUt We know that if anyone Can do it. Bill MaSterS can, and I know yo

14、u all join me in WiShing him the best Of IUCk in his new WOrk1 The SPeeCh WaS madeA. at a WeICOme meetingB at the OPening Of a new SChOOl termC. When SOmebOdy WaS IeaVingD When they had a new Inanager2. HOW IOng did MaSterS WOrked there?A. 37 yearsB. IeSS than 5 yearsC. about SiX yearsD SinCe he beg

15、an to WOrk3. When Bill Started to WOrk in HOUStOn area, he hadto help him.A. many PeOPleB. nobodyC. about 37 PeOPleD. Very few PeOPIe4. Bill increased the ComPany,s SaIeA. by 37 Per Cent every month B. to the SeCOnd IargeSt in the areaC. to be the fifth IargeSt in the area D. five times as InUCh as

16、before(14 CCDB)【答案与解析】本文记述了 Bill 一生的事业业绩,表达了作者对Bin的怀念 之情。LCo 判断题。从第 1 段中的 Say a few WOrdS in PraiSe Of man We Will all miss Very much.可判断出此题的答案为C。2. Co细节题。根据第2段第2句In OnIy SiX years可推知此题答案为CO3. DO 细节题。根据第 2 段第 1 句 almost SingIe-handed built UP OUr SaIeS force 可推知此题答案为D°4. BO 细节题。根据第 2 段第 2 句 We

17、now OUtSen all but One Of OUr COmPetitOrS 可推知此题答案为B。(3)NiCk PetrelS is a doctor in MOntreal. He WOrkS 60 hours a Week He takes Care Of159 PatieiltS a Week in the IIOSPital and at his OffiCe HiS been a doctor for ten yearsDr. PetreIS gives IliS PatientS good medical advice BUt IIe doesn,t just tell I

18、liS PatientS What to do. He also SingS to them On television! Dr. PetreIS has his OWn TV ShOW The ShOW is in Italian, EngliSh and French. The doctor StartS the ShOW With a SOng and then gives medical advice He explains a InediCal PrOblem Or disease in SilnPIe IangUage After that, he SingS another SO

19、ngDr. PetreIS PrOdUCeS and PerfOrmS in his OWn ShOW every Week The PrOgram is Very POPUlar With his PatientS and With PeOPle WhO enjoy his Singing HiS dream is to PCrfOrm(表演)in LaS VegaS HiS favorite SOngS are IOVe songs, and he has a COmPaCt disk OfloVe SOngS that Ile wrote. Dr. PetreIS says, “I al

20、ways IOVed to sing. All my PrObIenIS are gone WIleil I sing,' BUt When Dr. Pe,els WaS young, IiiS father didn,t Want him to be a singer, SO he Went to medical SChOOLSOme PeOPle tell Dr. PetrelS he Can help PeOPle more as a doctor. BUt Dr. PetreIS SayS Ile IlelPS PeOPIe When he sings, too. "

21、I Iike to make PeOPIe Sniile SOnletimeS it,s CiiffiCUlt to make a SiCk PerSOn smile. MediCine and entertainment(娱乐)both try to do the Same tiling. They ty to make PeOPle feel good:1. D匚 PetreIS WOrkS 60 hours a week, because heA. gives his PatientS medical adviceB. takes Care Of 159 PatientS a WeekC

22、. SingS On televisionD. has his OWn TV ShOW2. Dr. PetreIS, SO he is Caned a Singing doctor.A. has been a ClOCtOr for ten yearsB. always IOVed to SingC. is POPUIar With his PatientSD. also SingS to his PatientS On TV3. In his TV show, Dr. PetrelA. SingS and gives medical adviceB. SingS about differen

23、t diseasesC. StartS to explain diseases With a SOngD. SingS IOVe SOngS he WrOte4. Dr. PetreIs, ShOW is POPUlarA. in LaS VegaSB at medical SChOOlC. With PeOPle WhO Iike his Singing D With PatientS in MOntreal5. Dr. PetreIS SayS he IikeS toA. help PeOPle SingB. make PeOPIe feel betterC. do the Same th

24、ingD make difficult PeOPle Smile(15 BDACB)【答案与解析】这篇文章描绘在MOntreal -个有趣的医生,他不但给病人 治病,还在自己的节Ll中为病人唱歌,给他们带来欢笑。1. BO第1段告诉我们He takes Care Of 159 PatientS a week,如此多的病人, 难怪 He WOrkS 60 hours a Weeko2. DO山第2段的He also SingS to them On television,我们可得知他被称为a Singing doctor 的原因。3. Ao 根据第 2 段的 The doctor StartS

25、the ShOW With a SOng and then gives InediCal advice,我们便可知道Dr. Petrel在他的节U中干些什么。4. Co 根据第 3 段的第 2 句 The PrOgram is Very POPUIar With his PatientS andWith PeOPle WhO enjoy his Singing 可推知答案为 CoDr. Petrel受欢迎的不只在LaS VegaS这些地方和Patient这些人。5. Bo 最后一句的 They try to make PeOPIe feel good 告诉了我们 Dr. PetrelS 想 干

26、什么。(4)One Of the best-kiiown AmeriCail WriterS Of CIliIdI,en,s books is AIfred Strong, Or DOCtOr Strong, as he is better known to readers everywhere Now; an art ShOW Caned UDOCtOr StrOng FrOm Tllen to Now" is travelling around the Umtecl States. The PiCtUreS and drawings ShOW the history Of DOC

27、tOr StrOngDOCtOr StrOng first became famous almost fifty years ago When his first CIlildren's book WaS PUbIiSbed. SmCe then, he IlaS Writteil fbty-five books that have SOld more than One hundred million COPieS around the world.DOCtOr StrOng,s books are known for thei, easy USe Of WOrdS and COIOr

28、fUL hand-drawn pictures. TheSe drawings bring Iife to his imaginary CreatUreS. The Cat in the Hat, HOrtOn the ElePhant, The GrinCh WhO StOle ChriStmas, and hundreds Of OtherS The San DiegO Museum, in California, OrganiZed the art ShOW .It included about tluee IlUndIed DOCtOr StrOng,s Original(最早的)dr

29、awings and SOnIe Of his writings.MOSt OfDOCtOr StrOng,s books, although Written in a Rumy way, have SenOUS messages FOr example, i MC ElligOfS POOL Ile describes the danger Of POllUtion. He discusses the arms race in The BUtter Battle Book, Written in nineteen eighty-four.DOCtOr StrOng is almost eig

30、hty-four years OId now. He SayS he never Planned to Write StOrieSjUSt for ChiIdren He SayS he WriteS StOrieS that interest PeOPIe Of all ages He SayS he USeS easy WOrdS SO that everyone, even a child, Can UnderStand1. AIfred StrOng is a famousin the United States.A. doctorB. artistC. WriterD reader2

31、. DOCtOr StrOn2 first became famous inA. his eighties When an art ShOW WaS travelling around the United StateSB. his fifties When his drawings and WritingS Were PUbIiShedC. nineteen eighty-four When IIiS book MeEligOfS POOl WaS PUbliShedD. his thirties When his first book WaS PUbliShed3. DOCtOr StrO

32、ng,s books are VeIy POPUIar i AIneriCa becauseA. they are StOrieS about animals SUCh as cats, elephants and SO OnB. they are Written in easy WOrdS With COlOUrfUl PiCtUreSC. he OrganiZed the art ShOW in CalifOrniaD. they are Written in a funny Way4. HiS PUrPOSe in Writing many SUCh books isA. to ShOW

33、 his Original PiCtUreS and drawingsB. to OrganiZe a SPeCial art ShOW Of his OWnC. to make his readers IaUgh Or Smile When they read his booksD. not OnIy to interest PeOPle but to expose (UnCOVer) SOme SeriOUS SOCial PrObIemS【答案与解析】本文介绍了美国著名作家StrOng博士及其作品的风格。1. CO 细节题。根据文章第 1 句 One Of the best-known

34、AmeriCan WriterS 可推 知此题答案为C。2. Do推断题。比较文章第2段第1句中的fifty years ago及最后一段的第 1 句 almost eighty -four years OId now 就可推知此题答案为 Do3. BO 细节题。根据文章第 3 段第 1 句 known for their easy USe Of WOrdS and colorful, hand-drawn PiCtUreS 可推知此题答案为 Bo4. Do推断题。根据文章的第4段和第5段可以推知此题答案为D。(5)JameS Cook, at the age Of forty, WaS Se

35、nt by England to explorc(探索)the PaCifiC Ocean. On his third voyage, as CaPtain in Charge Of two ships, the DiSCOVery and the ReVOlUtion, he Came UPOn a group Of UnknOWn islands WhiCh he named the SandWiCh ISIandS after his friend, the Earl(白 爵)of SandWich. TOday the islands are known at the HaWaiian

36、 Islands.When COOk SaiIed into a PrOteCted bay(海湾)of One Of the Iarger islands. The native greeted him With CUriOSity(fW)and respect. SOme historians Said that the islanders, WeICOnIed him, believing he WaS the god, PrOteCtOr Of PeaCe and agriculture The islanders Were short, StrOng PeOPIe With a Ve

37、ry Wen-OrganiZed SOCial system.The men fished and raised CrOPS The WOmen PrePared for the Children and Inade ClOthing for the men and ShOrt SkirtS for the women.1 The islands Were namedA. the HaWaiian ISlandS by JanIeS COOkB. the Earl Of SandWiCh by JameS COOkC. DiSCOVery by JameS COOkD the SandWiCh

38、 ISIandS by JameS COOk2. When he Ianded there JameS COOk found the islanders WereA. COldB. friendly C. angryD SatiSfied3. WhiCh Of the following is tue?A. The natives Were tall and healthy.B. The men mainly WOrked OUtSide.C. The WOmen did nothing but IOOk after ChiIdrenD The natives Were Very CUriOU

39、S about everything【答案与解析】本文讲述了著名探险家库克发现the SandWiCh ISIandS的过 程。1 D。细节题。根据WhiCh he named the SandWiCh ISIandS afte, IliS friend, the Earl(伯爵)of SandWich.可推知此题答案为Do2. Bo 推断题。根据 The native greeted him With CUriOSity and respect 可知岛 民对库克还是比较友好的。3. BO推断题。根据The men fished and raised CrOPS可以知道,男子在外面 干活。(6

40、)When the famous dancer Fred AStaire WaS interviewed for a job by a HOlIyWOOd producer, the movie "expert turned him down, saying, UCan,t sing. Cant act. DallCeS a little.” HerjS another stpid HIiStake WheIl the g,eat SCielItiSt AlbeIt EinStein WaS at SChOOL his teachers COnSidered him rather d

41、ull. And a final story, the famous POliSh PiaIliSt PadereWSki WaS told by a teacher that he'd never be a SUCCeSS as a Perfbnner because the middle finger On each hand WaS too ShOrtWhat IeSSOnS Can be ClraWn from these three experiences? First, true genius(天才) CannOt be SUPPreSSed(Ikfll). FOr SOm

42、e reason Or Other it WOrkS its Way out. SeCOneI, early judgments Of a PerSOn,s abilities may be Ullfair OrjUSt WrOng Third5 When there is a real determination to succeed, ObStaCIeS fall by the WaySideThe famous motto Uad astra Per asperan, Can be translated as "To the StarS tlnougl IIardSIlips,

43、 Astaire, EinStein and PadereWSki PrOVed their CritiCS WrOilg1. WhiCh Of the following best expresses the main idea Of the passage?A. Fred AStaire WaS a famous dancer.B. TrUe ability Will always make itself known.C. SOme PeOPIe never get discouragedD AIbert EinStein PrOVed his teachers WrOng2. Whell

44、 PadereWSki,s teache,s told him he,d never be a success, they WereA. being humorous B. cheerful, though COnCernedC. SOmeWhat hesitantD SeriOUSIy mistaken3. UAd asa Per asperan is USed in the PaSSageA. as a motto for the tlee men,s IiVeSB. to SlIOW the VakIe Of LatinC. to Send the reader to the CliCt

45、iOnaryD to POint OUt that genius is always recognized early4. The Writer Of the PaSSage thinks that the readerA. knows that the three Inen Were SUCCeSSfUl InenB. SOmeday dreams to become Iike One Of the menC. SynIPathiZeS With(同情)the POOr teachers Of the three menD knows that Fred AStaiI,e WaS an ac

46、tor famous for pefbnig ShakeSPeare PlaySA. he WaS a driverB. he WOrked in a factoryC. he had a IOt Of WOrk to doD he had WOrked there for a IOng time2. MrS Lang did all housework becauseA. She COUldn,t find any WOrkB. She thought her husband WaS tiredC. her husband SPent all time in gamblingD. She W

47、OUldn71 StOP her husband gambling3. , SO he WaS PUt into IOCkUPA. Mr. Lang Often gambledB. Mr. Lang WaS Iate for WOrkC. Mr. LalIg didn,t help IIiS Wife at homeD. Mr. LalIg WaSn5t POIite to the POIiCe4. The WOman had to IeaVe Mr. Lang becauseA. he didn,t IOVe her any IOngerB. Ile WOUldn7t StOP gambli

48、ngC. he had been PUt into IOCkUPD. he WaS hardly Sent away by the factory5. WhiCh Of the following is right?A. The boy hoped his father to be PUt into IOCkUP again.B. The boy thought his father needed SOme POIiCenIen.C. The boy hoped his father to StOP gambling soon.D. The boy hoped his mother to CO

49、me back(16 CBDAAB)【答案与解析】本文讲一个赌棍想要赌钱,因此叫他的儿子把风,可他的儿 子却把警察找来的故事。1. Co 细节题。根据第 1 段第 2 句话 AS a driver, he WaS busy but he WaS Paid much可知答案为Co2. B。推断题。根据第 1 段第 3 句话 HiS Wife WaS an able WOman and did all the housework. When he Came back, She took good Care Of him and he never did anything at home可知答案为B

50、o3. AO 推断题。根据 HiS Wife told him IlOt to do it but he didn,t IiSten to her. She had to tell the POIiCe 可知答案为 Ao4. Ao 细节题。IR据 he hated her very much and the WOmall had to IeaVe Ilim 可知答案为AO5. BO 语义理解题。根据最后一句话 I SaW there weren't any POIiCeman outside, daddy, SO I Went to the CrOSSing and asked SOm

51、e to COme 可矢U答案为 Bo(2)136 CreStVieW CirCIeDOVen COnneCtiCUtJanUary 16, 1995GaiIder FUnlitlIre StOreStamfOrd, COnneCticut, 09876Dear Sir,I am Writing about your JanUary bill, WhiCh I am returning With this letter. I am not going to Pay this bill. LaSt month I bought a table and four ChairS for $65.5O

52、. They Were Sent to me On DeCember 18. That night One Ieg Of the table broke While my Wife WaS PUtting OUr dinner On it. It fell On One Of the chair, and that broke, too. OUr $ 2.50 Steak(牛刑F)Ianded On the floor, and the dog ate it.I SPOke to the SaIeSmen WhO had SOld me the table and the chairs. He

53、 told me to Write you a Ietter. I WrOte you On DeCember 20. Saying that I WaS not going to Pay for the furniture. On DeCenIber 21 SOme men Came and took it back to the store.PleaSe do SOnIething about your records I do not Want to receive another bill for the furniture WhiCh I returnedYOllrS tnlyAIb

54、ertS RObbinS1. FrOm the Ietter We Can COnClUde that Mr RObbinS had actually Paid for the table and the four chairs.mind?John: They COUldn,t agee On any. WIwIWVerhe SUggeSted a girs name, SIle said, "I Ilate that IIame !v SOme PeOPIe have VeIy StrOng feelings about namesKate: I think InOSt PeOPl

55、e do. SOmetimeS I CleCided IlOt to Iike SOmeOne I havef t even met, just because I don't Iike his nameJohn: That reminds me Of SOmething I read a few days ago. SOmebOdy had found OUt that SChOOl ChiIdren With Certain names get IOW marks in SChOOl just because Of their names.Kate: Their family na

56、mes?Jolm: No, their first names That's What the article Said1. Tlle first SentellCe “Has you, sister's baby arrived yet?V meansA. HaS your SiSteFS baby COme here yet?B. HaS your SiSter ,s baby reached you IlOme yet?C. HaS your SiSteIjS baby been Sent to you yet?D. HnS your SiSter given birth

57、 to that baby yet?2. WhiCh Of the following is NOT true according to this passage?A. FrailCiS is boy's name.B. FralICeS is a gi,s IlameC. FranCiS and FranCeS have the Same PrOnUnCiatiOnD. There is no difference between FranCiS and FranCeS3. ACCOrding to the passage, We Can infer that a nephew is

58、A. a baby boyB. a baby girlC. the SOn Of one,s brother Or SiSter,sD. the daughter Of one brother Or SiSter,s4. Reading the passage, We Can know.A. AmeriCanS have Only first namesB. AnIeriCanS have OnIy family namesC. AmeriCanS have both first names and family namesD. AmeriCanS have either first names Or family names【答案与解析】本文是一篇对话,是JOhn和Kate关于人


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