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1、大学英语四级写作大学英语四级写作n第一部分 四级写作要求及命题方式n第二部分 四级写作部分的评分原那么及规范n第三部分 四级写作 谋篇 n 全文的“框架认识n第四部分 四级写作 成段n全文的“纽带认识n 第一部分n四级写作要求及命题方式考试大纲对写作部分的要求: n?大学英语四、六级考试大纲?对与短文写作的五项要求:n1.考试时间:30分钟。n2.文章长度:120-150个词左右。n3.题型:情景作文、段首句序写作文、关键词作文、书信写作、图画或图表作文、命题作文。n4.言语:能正确表达思想,意义衔接,语句照射,无艰苦语法错误。n5.内容:四级作文的命题普通涉及学生的日常生活,如学生的学习、校

2、园生活、体育和休闲活动、社会实际等。或是一些常识性的话题,如社会问题、科技和文化的新趋势或新景象等。普通情况下不会出现专业性太强、超越大学生认知程度的话题。四级写作命题的趋势n历年四级写作命题:n2007年12月:What electives to choose 阐明文:论述景象+分析缘由+结合本身n1、 各学校开了各种各样的选修课; n2、 学生选课有不同的缘由; n3、 就我而言.n2007年6月:Welcome to our club运用文:海报:阐明n1、本社团的主要活动内容n2、参与本社团的益处n3、如何参与本社团四级写作命题的趋势n历年四级写作命题:n2006年12月:Spring

3、 Festival Gala on CCTV议论文:正反观念论述+阐明、论述本人的观念 n1、许多人喜欢在除夕观看春节联欢晚会n2、有些人却提出取消春节联欢晚会n3、在我看来 n2006年6月:An Announcement for a Voluntary Program运用文:招募志愿者海报:阐明n1、校学生会组织一次暑假志愿活动现招聘志愿者n2、本次志愿者活动的目的、内容及安排n3、报名条件和联络方式 四级写作命题的趋势n历年四级写作命题:n2005年12月:Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists?n议论文:景象+正反观念论述+阐明

4、立场n1名校校园正成为旅游新热点n2校园能否应对游客开放,人们看法不同n3我以为 n2005年6月:Teachers Day 记叙文n1. 向教师致以节日的问候。n2. 回想一件教师的教导中难忘的事情。n3. 我如何报答教师。 四级写作命题的趋势n历年四级写作命题:n2005年1月:A Campaign Speech 口语作文:演讲稿n1、他以为本人具备是什么条件才干,性格,喜好可以胜任学生会主席任务? n2、 假设中选他将会为本校同窗做什么? n2004年6月:A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction 口语作文:导游词:阐明nYour role

5、: a tour guide nYour audience: a group of foreign tourists nYour introduction should include: some welcoming words the schedule for the day a description of the place the tourists will be visiting 四级写作命题的趋势n历年四级写作命题:n2004年1月:A Letter in Reply to a Friend运用文:书信n1建议报考的专业及理由 n2报考该专业的根本条件 n3该当如何备考 ? n20

6、03年6月:An Eye-Witness Account of a Traffic Accident综合性文体:记叙+阐明/议论n假设他在某日某时某地目击一同车祸,就此写一份见证书。 见证书须包括以下几点:、n1、车祸发生的时间及地点 n2、他所见到的车祸情况 n3、他对车祸缘由的分析 四级写作命题的趋势n历年四级写作命题:n2003年1月:It Pays to Be Honest 议论文:论述景象+阐明立场+观念n 论述n1. 当前社会上存在许多不老实的景象 n2. 老实利人利已,做人应该老实 2002年6月:Student Use of Computer 图表作文1. 上图所示为某校大学生

7、平均每周运用计算机的时间: 1990年2 hours、1995年4 hours、2002年14 hours,请描画其变化; 2. 请阐明发生这些变化的缘由可从计算机的用途、价钱或社会开展等方面加以阐明;3. 他以为目前大学生在计算机运用中有什么困难或问题。 四级写作命题的趋势n近年四级写作命题的趋势:n1.描画景象、分析缘由、个人看法仍是四级考试写作部分主要调查的重点 ,备考的主要突破口应集中在阐明文、议论文和运用文上图表作文也要给予注重。n2.运用文增多,文体的综合性加大表达了四级写作命题越来越倾向于调查学生的英语实践运用才干和综合运用才干,意味着学生要可以察看、分析和处理问题。值得考生留意

8、的是:今后四级写作部分,将会在一篇文章中测试考生多种写作才干,既有记叙又有议论,甚至还需进展一定的阐明。四级写作命题的趋势n近年四级写作命题的趋势:n3.2006年6月四级改革后,新四级的写作标题与校园生活亲密相关,学生普遍觉得亲切,体裁包括两篇运用文,一篇议论文,一篇阐明文。不仅如此,新四级写作题中提供的文章框架明晰,思绪比较明确。可以利用一些“经典句式和“万能模版 写出及格作文。第二部分n四级写作部分的评分原那么及规范四级写作部分的评分原那么及规范n评分原那么:nCET作文题采用总体评分Global Scoring方法。阅卷人员就总的印象给出奖励分Reward Scores,而不是按言语点

9、的错误数目扣分 。四级写作部分的评分原那么及规范n评分原那么:nA.作文能否表达主体思想:即是要求文章切题,全文一致,无不相关细节内容;例如:n Traffic is one of the essential activities for people in big cities. Each day, by various means of transportation, heavy loads of goods and a great number of passengers are conveyed to and from every corner of the city. Some pa

10、ssengers carry with them breakfast to eat during the trip and some leave home so late that it is possible for them to reach office on time. Therefore, they look very awkward and embarrassed. 未能表达主题思想四级写作部分的评分原那么及规范n评分原那么:nB. 组织构造能否合理:组织构造表达在全文条理清楚、组织衔接调和、擅长运用衔接语以加强文章的逻辑性方面。例如:nA Lasers have found wi

11、despread application in medicine. Lasers plays an important role in the treatment of eye disease and the prevention of blindness. The eye is ideally suited for laser surgery. Most of the eye tissue is transparent. The frequency and focus of the laser beam can be adjusted accordingly so that the beam

12、 “cuts inside the eye with minimal damage to the surrounding tissue. Lasers are effective in treating some causes of blindness. The interaction between laser light and eye tissue is not fully understood.nA 段中堆积了很多独立的句子,相互间缺乏逻辑照应关系,显得晦涩难懂,没有条理。四级写作部分的评分原那么及规范BLasers have found widespread application

13、in medicine. For example, they lasers play an important role in the treatment of eye disease and the prevention of blindness. The eye is ideally suited for laser surgery, because most of the eye tissue is transparent. Because of this transparency, the frequency and focus of the laser beam can be adj

14、usted accordingly so that the beam “cuts inside the eye with minimal damage to the surrounding tissue. Lasers are also more effective than other methods in treating some causes of blindness. However, the interaction between laser light and eye tissue is not fully understood.B 段中运用了衔接语划线部分,使整段条理清楚,流畅

15、调和。四级写作部分的评分原那么及规范n评分原那么:nC. 语法文字能否有艰苦错误;nD. 卷面规划能否整洁,常见的卷面要求包括:nA字体端正明晰、易于辨识;nB规范大小写;nC词间空格;段前缩进;nD正确运用标点符号;nE防止拼写错误、减少涂改。四级写作部分的评分原那么及规范n评分规范:n1.总分值15分n 2.评分规范分为5个等级,即14分,11分,8分,5分和2分n 3.阅卷人根据阅卷规范,对照样卷评分,假设以为与某一分数如8分类似,即定为该分数即8分;假设以为稍优或劣于该分数,那么可加一分即9分或减一分即7分四级写作部分的评分原那么及规范n评分规范:n 详细的评分规范:n样卷实例第三部分

16、n四级写作 谋篇n全文的“框架认识 四级写作 谋篇 全文的“框架认识n文章及段落的构造n1.文章构造n 引言段n n 正文段n 结语段1. 引言段开门见山表达中心思想论述景象;引出问题引言段开门见山表达中心思想论述景象;引出问题2. 正文段内容围绕全文主题进展论述、评论。正文段内容围绕全文主题进展论述、评论。3. 结语段应予引言段相照应,或总结,或提出建议、或提结语段应予引言段相照应,或总结,或提出建议、或提供处理的方法供处理的方法 四级写作 谋篇 全文的“框架认识n文章及段落的构造n2.文章三部分的比例n字数:120-150词n句子:10句n每一段的句数应根据主次关系,合理分配,普通的命题作

17、文为:中间部分稍大,两头部分稍小。既要防止“头重脚轻,也要防止“头轻脚重。n例如:n 引言段引言段2句句2句句3句句3句句正文段正文段6句句5句句5句句4句句结语段结语段2句句3句句2句句3句句n文章的写作顺序:nStep1:审题:标题是文章灵魂,具有高度的概括性和指点性,考生要全面、深化准确了解标题所传达的意义,并判别标题所显示的详细文体,即是阐明文还是以论文;段落提纲是写作的背景资料,据此可确立文章的协作范围。其次,在正确了解文章标题和段落提纲的根底上,构思文章的主题思想。 四级写作 谋篇 全文的“框架认识n文章的写作顺序:nStep1:审题:n例如:命题 Trying to Be A G

18、ood University Studentn1. 做优秀大学生的必要性n2. 做优秀大学生的必备条件可以从德智体等方面谈n3. 我计划怎样做 四级写作 谋篇 全文的“框架认识经过审题,我们发现这一命题并不是单一的议论文文体。第一段要求写“必备要性why, 需求用议论的写作方法;第二段要求写“必备条件what, 需求用阐明文的写作方法;第三段要求写“怎样去做how, 需求用描画的写作方法。可见这又是一篇综合性文体的作文。第一段要有论点和论据,而且可以从正反两面来论述。如:做优秀大学生会怎样;不能做优秀大学生会怎样;所以我们要做优秀大学生结论。 四级写作 谋篇 全文的“框架认识第二段是阐明文体,

19、特点是要从几个方面或几条来阐明一个问题,就同某一机器的阐明书一样经过1、2、3阐明它的用途。就这一命题来说,我们从3个方面德智体来阐明做优秀大学生的必要条件。第三段为描画文的写作方法,以“I为中心描画一个如何做的过程。本段的主语多为人称代词,要与第二段相照应进展描画。 四级写作 谋篇 全文的“框架认识n文章的写作顺序:nStep2:列提纲:近年来的四级考试写作命题中都为考生提供了提纲,按照提纲写就能保证不会出现严重的跑题和偏题。考生需求仔细思索三段写作提示之间内容上的联络,将其转化为三个有效衔接的段落主题句。 四级写作 谋篇 全文的“框架认识n文章的写作顺序:nStep3: 拟定主题句:主题句

20、的胜利组织是确保不会跑题、偏题的前提。可以先将所给的段落中文提纲译成英语,如:n1.It is very necessary to be a good university student.议论文体主题句n2.A good university student should have some basic qualities. 阐明体主题句n3.What shall I do in the future to become a good university student? 描画体的主题句 四级写作 谋篇 全文的“框架认识n但是直接将这些翻译过来的中文提纲作为每一段的第一句话不但呆板、突兀,

21、而且使这三个段落成了三个互不相关的独立段落不能构成全文内容上的完好和构造上的一致。我们还要思索段落间的衔接,衔接问题,在主题句前加上“承上启下的短语或句子。n实践写作中可以调整为:n1. If we want to be successful in the future, it is very necessary for us to be a good university student firstn2. To be a good university student, we must have some basic qualitiesn3. As a university student

22、myself, I shall do my upmost to become a good university student in the futuren文章的写作顺序:nStep4: 正文写作:对所列提纲进展充实,必要的细节补充。以提纲为指点,对文章的主题,整篇规划进展通篇思索,同时运用句子、段落写作方面的技巧,力求文章切题达意,构造合理,首尾衔接。 四级写作 谋篇 全文的“框架认识n文章的写作顺序:nStep5: 检查、修正:考生应留出时间对文章进展检查,每改掉一个较大的语法、句法和用词错误,就是给本人加分,防止了被减分的能够。可以从以下几个方面检查:n1. 确保文章的主题思想明确,文

23、章不跑题,偏题。n2. 确保细节与主体亲密相关。n3. 确保句子与句子之间、段落与段落之间衔接得当。n4. 确保文章无标点、拼写、大小写、语法方面的错误。 四级写作 谋篇 全文的“框架认识 Sample: The Future Career I Like Best In the past three years of my college life I have never ceased to think what kind of work I shall take up upon graduation. Although my ideas are not consistent, I have

24、 now decided on a college teacher as my life long career.全文主题 A variety of reasons have led me to choose this occupation. 段落主题句经过上段“career的同义词occupation来作为段落间的衔接手法. First, teaching is learning.理由一To make my lectures more instructive and stimulating, I have to read more books, explore more knowledge

25、and gain a better understanding of the world the very thing I enjoy in my life. Second, teaching means freedom and independence理由二. As a teacher Im free to use my own decisions, a privilege not everyone can have. Sample: Finally, I like teaching because it offers a certain peace of mind理由三. No more

26、rushing to catch a morning bus, no more anxiety to please a boss, and no more worries about my paycheck which is steady, if not handsome. Nothing, not even a big salary, can compensate for the opportunity to continue learning, the satisfaction of being my own boss, and a gentle peace of life 总结上一段的三

27、个方面. 本文经过陈说法引出“I have now decided on a college teacher as my life long career 这一全文主题。第二段的段落主题句采用“career的同义词“occupation 来承上启下。“A variety of reasons 阐明选择教师这一职业的理由是多方面。作者随后有“first, second, finally来拓展段落主题,使段落内层次清楚。作者还运用了层次主题句的写作方法。文中在“first “teaching is learning, “second 和“finally之后各用了层次主题句,先概括,然后进展阐明,使

28、层次重点突出。文章最后用 “continue learning, the satisfaction of being my own boss, and a gentle peace of life 来分别重申上段提到的3个方面,防止了简单反复。使全文意义衔接。第四部分n四级写作 成段n全文的“纽带认识n引言段的写作:文章的开头由引言部分提出景象或议题和文章的中心思想组成。提供本文将要论述的话题背景,并自然地引出全文的主题。引言段的胜利与否尤其能给阅卷教师留下深化的印象。 四级写作 成段 全文的“纽带认识n引言段的写作n1主题法:陈说景象+阐明立场。阐明文和议论文中最常见的方法。这种方法开门见山

29、直接指出文章的主题,不会导致离题和偏题。n例如:标题为“No More Video Games的命题,开头可用主题法。n Teenagers are spending far too much time and money in video games these days景象陈说作引言. In my opinion, video games should be done away with. They are nothing but a waste of time, money and energy. 中心思想. 四级写作 成段 全文的“纽带认识用于句首提出论题或景象的句型用于句首提出论题或

30、景象的句型 Recently , has become the focus of the society . has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life . Nowadays there is a growing concern for Nowadays it is common to hear /see has become a common occurrence in our daily life . Nowadays more and more people are beginning to

31、 be aware of the seriousness of It is only during the last /past few years that man has become generally aware that In recent years , there is a general tendency that Nowadays has become a problem we have to face . 阐明本人观念的短语或句子:阐明本人观念的短语或句子: in my opinion as far as Im concerned as for me for my part

32、 from my point of view Personally, I would prefer As I see it, I prefer To my mind/my way of thinking, one should never After considering/pondering the issue, I shalln引言段的写作n2对立法:文章一开头列举人们对所讨论问题所持的不同观念。然后笔锋一转,点出作者本人对这个问题的看法,普通用于论说文。n例如:标题为“My View on Easing School Childrens Study Burden, 开头可为:n 四级写作

33、 成段 全文的“纽带认识2对立法 Ever since the easing of school childrens study burden is advocated by educators 一些人的观念.Some teachers and parents frown on it, saying it will exert bad effects on the children对立方点。 I think easing school childrens study burden will do good to school children both physically and menta

34、lly. 阐明立场,引出中心思想 四级写作 成段 全文的“纽带认识用于比较、论述不同观念的常用句型用于比较、论述不同观念的常用句型 1.Some people like / prefer , while others are / feel inclined to 2.There are different opinions among people as to Some believe Others hold 3.Some people claim that is superior to Others , however , disagree with it . 4.Some people b

35、elieve Others maintain Still others claim 5.Some people suggest Others , however , hold the opposite opinion . 6.On the one hand , people tend to On the other hand , they feel 7.Some people argue that Others , in contrast , believe that 8.Although more and more people come to believe there are still

36、 others who insist that n引言段的写作n3描写法:经过生动地描写把文章要讨论的主题、事物、景象反映出来,以引起读者的兴趣。可用于记叙文,也可用论说文。n例如:标题为“Why College Students Take a Part-Time Job, 开头可用笼统地描写引出主题:n 四级写作 成段 全文的“纽带认识n引言段的写作n3描写法:n Nowadays college students are seennwaiting on tables, cleaning in stores, advertising innstreets, tutoring in famil

37、ies and doing whatevernwork they can find描写作引言. It has becomenfashionable for college students to do some oddnjobs in their spare time. 引出中心思想 打工的普n遍性n 四级写作 成段 全文的“纽带认识n引言段的写作n4定义法:指经过对文章要讨论的主题,尤其是人们不太熟习的主题进展释意来引出话题。n例如:标题为“Should Euthanasia安乐死 Be Advocated, 开头可为:n Euthanasia, a quiet and easy death

38、, or “mercy killing 下n定义, has become a heated topic among people recently.n Many people applaud it and argue the euthanasia should ben advocated in our society. 中心思想 n 四级写作 成段 全文的“纽带认识n主体段的写作:选取适宜的素材分论点或是分析列举缘由、益处、害处等运用恰当的写作方法对文章的主题思想进展充分的论证、论述。 四级写作 成段 全文的“纽带认识n主体段的写作:n段落构造structure四级写作的主体段落构造包括:用段

39、落主题句the topic sentence开头和用拓展句the supporting sentence 进展论述、论述或举例阐明。 四级写作 成段 全文的“纽带认识段落:段落:段落主题句段落主题句 拓展句拓展句1拓展句拓展句2拓展句拓展句3主题句的特点:1.具有明确的观念 2.有一定的概括性,内容详细,有所限定下面的句子都是不错的主题句:1Advertisement is an important link between producers and consumers today. 2The library supplies people with knowledge of all kin

40、ds. 3Nowadays ,the computer has found wide applications in many fields. 四级写作 成段 全文的“纽带认识n主体段的写作:n拓展句的要求:1.对主题句进展延伸论证和阐明,受主题句中心思想的制约,防止与主题句无关的细节。n2.留意与主题句之间的过渡和衔接,适当运用过渡词、句。n3.留意在各拓展句间运用表示并列关系的衔接词或短语,使段落构造、层次明晰、有条理。 四级写作 成段 全文的“纽带认识 例如: My choice of traveling by train is based On the following three

41、reasons 段落主题句. Firstly, traveling by train is the safest way for a long distance journey 拓展句1. Seldom have we heard of train accident because train runs on tracks and is hardly affected by whether拓展句. Secondly, it is very economic to travel by train 拓展句2. Train ticket wont cost so much as that of ai

42、r flight and saves much more time than sitting in a bus拓展句. Finally, we feel much more comfortable to sit in a train that is spacious and offers a good view of the landscape outside the window拓展句3,对其拓展包含在从句中. 表示主体段各分论点拓展句间层次并列的词和短语: first, firstly, to begin with, in the first place, to start with se

43、cond, secondly, in the second place, still, furthermore, also, and then, next, besides, moreover third, thirdly, what is more, last, last but not least, and equally important too, in addition, finally 拓展句中常用的理由,观念关键词:拓展句中常用的理由,观念关键词: 影响学习影响学习/任务:任务:interfere with studies/work 追求学习追求学习/职业:职业:pursue o

44、nes academic interest/professional career 学习知识学习知识/技术:技术:pursue/acquire knowledge/technology/skill 被看作学习的被看作学习的典范:典范:be held up as a good example 交流阅历交流阅历/知识:知识:share experience/ideas/problems/knowledge 发扬发扬/起到重要作用:起到重要作用:play an important/active/great role/part 逃学逃学/缺课:缺课:skip school/a class/a meet

45、ing/a lecture 抓住时机:抓住时机:grab/seize/take the opportunity 得到时机得到时机/信息:信息:enjoy/gain/ access to an opportunity/information 拓展句中常用的理由,观念关键词: 辞去任务/学习:leave/quit ones job/work/school 参与考试/竞赛等:participate in/enter for the examination/ contest, race 开阔眼界/兴趣:broaden ones horizon/interest/outlook/expand broad

46、en/enlarge ones mental horizon 培育对的兴趣、自信心:develop/foster ones interest/confidence 阅历变化/困难/艰险:undergo/experience great changes/ hardships 表现出自自信心:project ones confidence 妨碍了胜利:stand in the way of success, be an obstacle/barrier to success/growth 妨碍了开展:hamper/impede/stunt the development of 把时间花/浪费在:s

47、pend/waste time doing sth., put in hours doing sth. n结语段的写作:最后一段通常用一、两句来概括主题,终了全文。好的结尾往往能起到“画龙点睛的作用,令人回味。 四级写作 成段 全文的“纽带认识n结语段的写作n1总结式:对全文的内容进展概括或总结。n例如:标题为:“Why College Students Take a Part-Time Job, 可这样结尾:n The significance for college students ofndoing a part-time job means more than money andnex

48、perience: It will broaden their outlook and exert anprofound influence on their personality and life. 四级写作 成段 全文的“纽带认识n结语段的写作n2复述式:经过反复对引言部分提出的观念,已到达强化主体、首尾照应的效果。n例如:标题为:“The Necessity of Voluntary Blood Donation, 可这样结尾:n Since voluntary blood donation is nbeneficial to the blood receiver, to thendo

49、nators themselves and to the society, whyndont we all join in the line? 四级写作 成段 全文的“纽带认识n结语段的写作n3展望式:对文章讨论的问题提出处理方法,同时对问题的处理充溢自信心;对开展中的新情况,新事物寄予厚望,并向读者展现良好的开展前景,以加强文章的感染力。n例如:标题为:“Why Do I Choose to Live in The Suburbs, 可这样结尾:n Living in the suburbs is becoming a predominant pattern, and with the im

50、provement of traffic and perfection of services, it will prove to hold great superiority over city life. 四级写作 成段 全文的“纽带认识n结语段的写作n4建议式:对文章讨论的问题提出处理方法和建议n例如:标题为:“The Advantages and Disadvantages of Tutoring, 结尾可以提出这样的建议:n Generally speaking, the disadvantages of private tutoring overweigh the advantages. Therefore, greater emphasis should be laid on classroom teaching and practice, on the improvement of teaching quality and the tapping of the pupils potentialities. Only in this way can a new generation be healthily brought up.n 四级写作 成段 全文的“纽带认识n结语段的写作n结语段写作中应留意的问题:n1.留意坚持结语段与主题


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