1、to informto persuade to entertainFunctions of business writingEvery business message is designedto achieve a specific business objective. Its success depends on what it says and to what extent it induces a favorable response from the reader.|Messages to inform are used to convey the vast amount of i
2、nformation needed to complete the day-to-day operations of the business. | In addition to providing information, some business messages must also influence the readers attitudes and actions. |To secure the desired response, it is necessary to have an adequate knowledge of the English language and an
3、 understanding of human nature. The writer should have an acquaintance with the particular interest and, if possible, the emotions of the reader. |Criteria for Effective Business Writing A business message is considered successful when (1) the receiver interprets the message as the sender intended i
4、t and (2) it achieves the senders purposes. -six Cs principles: Courtesy, Correctness, Conciseness, Clarity, Concreteness, Completeness.|1. Courtesy (礼貌礼貌) By courtesy we mean treating people with respect and friendly human concern. Effective writers visualize the reader before starting to write. Th
5、ey consider the readers desires, problems, circumstances, emotions and probable reactions to their request.|2. Correctness (正确正确) Correct grammar, punctuation and spelling are basic requirements for business writing. In addition, correctness means choosing the correct level of language and using acc
6、urate information and data.|3. Conciseness (简洁简洁) Effective writing is conciseeach word, sentence, and paragraph counts. Conciseness means to write in the fewest possible words without sacrificing completeness and courtesy. Conciseness will give emphasis to the message.|4. Clarity (清楚清楚) Clarity tel
7、ls the reader exactly what he or she wants and needs to know, using words and a format that make your writings totally understood with just one reading. |5. Concreteness (具体具体) Business writing should be vivid, specific and definite rather than vague, general and abstract, especially when the writer
8、 is requiring a response, solving problems, making an offer or acceptance, etc.|6. Completeness (完整完整) Include all the necessary information and data in the message because information and data can help senders get receivers responses and achieve desired objectives. |Achieving the desired effects is
9、 a matter of writing skill and of under-standing how people respond to words. It involves keeping certain attitudes in mind and using certain writing techniques to work them into your letters.|1. Conversational Style A lettera good letterreflects the personality of the writer and also should be plea
10、sing to the reader. People who write with a sense of personal contact have a better chance to make what they say interesting and convincing. Such language is warm and natural. The following are some helpful suggestions:|2. Resisting Tendency to Be Formal There is a misconception that big words and d
11、ifficult words are preferred in business letters, but the result of such words is a cold and unnatural styleone that does not produce the goodwill effect you want your letters to have.|3. Avoiding the Old Language of Business Good writers take care to avoid stale expressions. See Sample 1|4. You-vie
12、wpoint You-viewpoint is to focus interest on the reader. It is a technique f o r p e r s u a s i o n a n d f o r influencing people favorably.|In a broad sense, you-viewpoint writing emphasizes the readers interest and concerns. It emphasizes you and your and de-emphasizes we and our. |5. Accent on
13、Positive Language People enjoy and react favorably to positive messages. Positive words emphasize the pleasant aspects of the goal and tend to put the reader in the right frame of mind. They also create the goodwill atmosphere. Negative words may stir up your readers resistance to your goals.|6. Sin
14、gling Out Your Reader To single out your reader in a letter, you should write for his or her particular situation. What you say throughout the letter should make it clear that the reader is getting individual treatment. |7. Using the Readers Names Using the readers name in the letter text is another
15、 way to show that the reader is being given special treatment. It makes the reader feel that his/her identity as individual is recognized.|8. Avoiding Anger The effect of angry words is to make the reader angry. With both writer and reader angry, the two are not likely to get together on whatever th
16、e letter is about. |Basic Patterns of Business Writing 1. Directness in Good-news and Routine Messages 2. Indirectness in Bad-news messages 3. Indirectness in Persuasion |Dear Sir: We wish to acknowledge receipt of your credit application dated February 17 giving trade and bank references, and we th
17、ank you for the same. Please be advised that credit accommodations are herewith extended as per your request and your order has been shipped.|Hoping you will give us the opportunity of serving you again in the near future, we remain|Very truly yours,|Dear Sirs: Thank you for sending so promptly the
18、trade and bank references we have asked for. I am glad to say that your order has already been shipped on the terms you requested.We hope you will give us the chance to serve you again.|Very truly yours,Sample 1-1例例 1-1中的第一封信语气显得生硬中的第一封信语气显得生硬,语言也有些语言也有些老套老套,例如例如acknowledge receipt of your credit ap
19、plication, Please be advised, Hoping we remain等等,读起来难懂读起来难懂,而且没有亲切感而且没有亲切感. 而第二封信而第二封信比较口语化比较口语化,一读便懂一读便懂,更有效地传更有效地传达了信息达了信息.|We have received your request for permission to use our computers during the next session for summer school. We are pleased to inform you that you may use all 15 of the lapto
20、p computers you requested. Would you please come in and fill out the necessary paperwork any time before April?|Good news, Jessica! All 15 of the laptop computers you requested will be available to use during the next session of summer school. Please come by the office before April 1 to fill out the necessary forms.Sample 1-2例例1-2是写给同一请求的两封回信是写给同一请求的两封回信,内容相同内容相同,但写作风格截然不同但写作风格截然不同.前者采用的是以自我前者采用的是以自我表现为中心的协作风格表现为中心的协作风格,后者采用的是以对后者采用的是以对方为中心的写作风格方为中心的写作风格.后者简明、亲切后者简明、亲切.|Group 1 We cannot understand your
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