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1、2022年安徽省滁州市全椒县中考英语一模试卷一、单选题(本大题共10小题,共10.0分)1. You are two close friends.Please do notabout such small things.()A. talkB. worryC. argueD. care2. There is a lot of ice on the ground today.Please walk.()A. slowlyB. seriouslyC. normallyD. certainly3. There is noflight to Hefei,so we have to change plan

2、es in Beijing.()A. wideB. earlyC. fastD. direct4. -Don't you play the violin?-No,but my sister does.Actually,she*s pretty goodit.()A. withB. forC. atD. to5. We wear ourin the season of winter.They keep our hands warm.()A. glovesB. glassesC. trousersD. caps6. -That's a beautiful cat.I wonder

3、who it.-It might be the Browns'.I'm not sure.()A. looks for B. belongs to C. depends on D. sticks to7. 一 Joe,do you play basketball ?一 No,I don't play any sports.But I knowto play chess.()A. whenB. howC. whereD. why8. My brother isn't here.Heabroad at the moment.()A. traveledB. has t

4、raveledC. travelsD. is traveling9. I can't attend the meeting, but I am sending someone to speak for me.()A. in personB. at firstC. in factD. for example10. - It was so kind of you to give me such an interesting book.Thank you.-.I've got a lot of books at home.()A. Here you areB. Thafs for s

5、ureC. You're welcomeD. Never mind二、完形填空(本大题共20小题,共200分) All the teachers and students in our school were excited about the school talent show these days.Finally,the day of the talent show (1 D.The math teacher,Miss Turnbow surprised everyone( 12)doing magic tricks (戏法).No one knew she was such a

6、 great(13)before.She turned a T-shirt into a beautiful flower and she took a live bird out of a hat.The next person to(14)was Abby.She played Here Comes Santa Claus on the piano.Everyone thought playing a Christmas song in the middle of May was( 15), but they still clapped (拍 手).Margan showed everyo

7、ne her talent by doing a swing dance.She didn't do(16), but the students still liked it.Now it was Tim's(17).Tim tried telling funny jokes,but no one(18).He tried and tried,but his jokes weren*t( 19).Finally when he began to leave,he tripped (绊倒)over a chair.Everyone laughed so(20)that Tim p

8、retended (假装)to fall again.The students laughed even more.Tim thought that next time he wouldn't tell jokes.He would just pretend to trip a lot.11.A. arrivedB. passedC. missedD. went12.A. onB.inC. atD. by13.A. doctorB. magicianC. singerD. actor14.A. performB. danceC. callD. dream15.A. interestin

9、gB. relaxingC. strangeD. exciting16.A. wellB. eitherC. everD. already17.A. dateB. turnC. changeD. time18.A. appearedB. repairedC. preparedD. laughed19.A. oldB. educationalC. funnyD. scary20.A. loudlyB. carefullyC. earlyD. luckilyReading plays an important role in growth and development of a person.l

10、t is one of the best(21)one can have.It improves your imagination and offers you knowledge.Books are your best friend as reading helps you(22)your confidence and make you happy.Once you start reading daily,you will(23)a whole new world of knowledge.When you start developing the habit of reading dail

11、y,you will get(24)in it.Reading can help you grow mentally (精神上)and give a new(25)about everything in life.Good books can positively influence people and guide you in the(26)direction in life.The more you read,the more you enjoy reading.Reading helps you to increase your£27)skills,which are thi

12、ngs like grammar and vocabulary.Reading will help you(28) and lessen stress.Reading improves your creativity and improve your understanding of life in a better(29).Reading also inspires (激励)you to write,and by doing that,one will surely fall in love with(30).If you want to develop some good habits i

13、n life,then reading should be on the top of your list.21.A. habitsB. promisesC. secretsD. choices22.A. cut upB. build upC. put upD. give up23.A. preventB. avoidC. experienceD. afford24.A. tiredB. surprisedC. boredD. interested25.A. decisionB. opinionC. memoryD. progress26.A. rightB. highC. tallD. sp

14、ecial27.A. lifeB. businessC. workD. language28.A. improveB. relaxC. changeD. think29.A. yearB. placeC. wayD. time30.A. talkingB. reviewingC. writingD. playing三、补全对话(本大题共1小题,共5.0分)31.根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多 余选项。A: Excuse me?B: Yes?A: J1LB : Well,it is near here.Just cross the street and

15、turn left at the comer.The train station is on the right hand side.A: (2)B: Of course,It is in the bank over there.A: (3) Do you have any idea if they can change Euro into USD there?B: I am not sure.But you can go there and ask.A: OK. And I wonder if you could tell me where I can find a toilet.B: We

16、ll. (4)A: That's fine.B: You're welcome.A.Thank you for your help.B.Ifs very kind of you.C.You are joking.D.Can you show me the way to the train station ?E.By the way,do you know any ATMs near here?F.Could you tell me how to get to the nearest bank?G.I think you can find it at the train stat

17、ion.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)四、阅读理解(本大题共17小题,共34.0分)AYou don't like to be fat,do you? But how do you stay in shape? Several people are discussinghow they stay in shape.I work and live in a small city,so I often ride my bicycle.I like to cycle around most of the time and I also like to walk everywhere.! tr

18、y to walk to a lot of different places.Linda / United StatesI like to go running two or three times a week.But to be honest I'm not the best runner.I probably walk for fifteen minutes,then run for ten,and then walk for another fifteenminutes.1 really like running but at the moment it's quite

19、 cold outside.So I usually go to the gym and use the treadmill (跑步机).Every week I go to the health club.I like to exercise with others.lt makes me relaxing.I also do some push-ups before going to bed,but sometimes I forget to do that.I also try to control what I eat.I eat less meat and more vegetabl

20、es.32. How would Matthew prefer to go to work? A. By bike.B. By car.C. By bus.D. By subway.33. What do Linda and Paul both like doing? A. Climbing. B. Running. C. Swimming. D. Walking.34. What can we learn from the text? A. Matthews home is very far from his office.B. Linda can run fast for half an

21、hour.C. Paul likes running outside in winter.D. Aki tries to keep a good eating habit.BKate came back to school after the winter holiday.She told everyone in her class about the snowman she had built."It was 15 feet tall.It was so huge that I needed a ladder (梯子)to put the hat on top of its hea

22、d/' Kate said.During lunch,Kate told everyone what a great skater she was. "I was going faster than anyone else on the hill/' Kate said. "I think I set a world record. *'During recess (休息),Kate explained to everyone how she had built an igloo (冰屋)from the snow. "It had fiv

23、e rooms J Kate said.n We almost moved into the igloo because it was twice as big as our house.*Just then,it began to snow.All the kids cheered as big white snow was falling down from the sky.Sarah,who had listened to Kate's stories all day,smiled.She said to Kate, “Now you can make us a big snow

24、man and an ig!oo!And we can watch you set a new record in skating.'1 Kate*s face turned red.She quietly went back inside and didn't say anything else about her winter vacation.35. When did the story probably take place? A. On the first day of winter.B. On the first day of school.C. On the fi

25、rst day of December.D. On the last day of school.36. What did Kate's classmates all do when it began to snow? A. They all cheered happily.B. They all ran out of the classroom.C. They all jumped happily.D. They all ran to the playground.37. What did Kate do after she went back to the classroom? A

26、. She continued her story.C. She laughed loudly.B. She kept silent.D. She fought with Sarah.38. What lesson do you think Kate learnt? A. People will like you if you tell stories.B. Vacations should be spent with family.C. Few people are your true friends.D. It is best to talk about something you hav

27、e actually done.cDear Johanna,How are you? My name is Melissa.I've been looking forward to having a pen pal for a long time now.I hope we can become great friends.Ever since I got your name and address from my teacher,Mrs.Sands J have been thinking about what to write.First,! thought of giving y

28、ou a description of what it's like to go to school here in Minnesota,but then I found you could look up Minnesota on the internet and read about it yourself.Then I had the idea to tell you about my family,but I realized that the story of my little brother losing a tooth or the time we got a new

29、kitten might be kind of boring. After that,I thought about asking you questions about what it's like to live in Belgium,but I was afraid you might think my questions were silly.I guess I can tell you a little about myself.ln fact,you've probably already learned one thing about me.I sometimes

30、 have a hard time making up my mind!I hope you will write me back anyway.Yours sincerely, Melissa39. How did Melissa first hear about Johanna? A. She saw an ad in the newspaper.B. She got Johanna's name and address from her teacher.C. She read about the pen pal program on the Internet.D. She got

31、 a letter from Johanna.40. According to Melissa,which topic might be boring for her letter? A. Going to school in Minnesota.B. Johanna*s life in Belgium.C. Her personal life at school.D. Something about her family.41. Why does Melissa decide not to ask Johanna what Belgium is like? A. Because she th

32、inks her questions might sound silly.B. Because she visited Belgium in the past.C. Because she does not want to get to know Johanna.D. Because she already has a pen pal in Belgium.42. What is the main idea of Melissa's letter? A. She wants to become friends with Johanna.B. She does what Mrs.Sand

33、s tells her to do.C. She lives in Minnesota.D. Her little brother recently lost a tooth.DYou might know that wind vanes (风向标)tell you which way the wind is blowing and that thermometers (温度计)tell you how hot or cold it is outside.But do you know that airplanes can be used to study hurricanes (飓风)?On

34、 November 1 st,an airplane flew through a dangerous hurricane.People on the ground controlled the plane,so nobody was inside it.However,it was full of equipment used to take pictures and record data (数据)as the plane passed through the storm.While large planes can safely fly over a hurricane,looking

35、at a hurricane from above doesn't tell scientists everything they want to know.This is because most hurricanes get their energy from warm water in the ocean.Scientists wanted to learn more about what happens when wann ocean water meets the air in a hurricane.So,they sent out the small remote-con

36、-trolled plane.The plane studied how clouds formed and measured the temperature of the air and water.lt also recorded many pictures of the storm.Scientists are still studying the information they collected using the plane.Many hope it will help them better understand how hurricanes form and move so

37、that people can be better prepared when a hurricane comes.43. Why did scientists need a plane that could fly through a hurricane? A. Because they were afraid to fly above the hurricane.B. Because they wanted to be closer to where the air meets the water.C. Because the hurricane was in their way.D. B

38、ecause they'd like to see the hurricane from above.44. What CANT the small remote-controlled plane do? A. Study how clouds form.B. Measure the temperature of the air and water.C. Record pictures of the storm.D. Carry tourists.45. In which part of a magazine can we read the text? A. Science and t

39、echnology.B. Sport and health.C. Travel.D. Culture.EIf you love all things about ancient Egypt (埃及),there is good news.Egyptologists (埃 及古物学者)have discovered the "lost golden city".A team of archaeologists (考古学家)have discovered a 3000-year-old city under the sands.The city,Aten,is the larg

40、est ancient Egyptian city ever found.Archaeologists first found Aten back in the summer of 2020.lt lies near Luxor,which is famous for the Valley of the Kings (帝王谷).Dr Zahi Hawass is one of the leading Egyptologists.He said," Many foreign teams searched for this city and never found it.When the

41、 team Aten,they were surprised to discover that it was in such good condition.The city had walls that were 3 meters high!After several months of careful work,the team has found many exciting things.Betsy Bryan is a professor of Egyptology at Johns Hopkins University.She said the city was the "s

42、econd most important archaeological discovery since the tomb of Tutankhamun (图坦卡蒙 墓)."This is because she believes it will help us learn about what Egyptian life was like during one of its wealthiest periods (时期).Howard Carter discovered Tutankhamun tomb near the Valley of the Kings in 1922, ne

43、arly a century ago.The team hopes that in the future they will discover more tombs with treasure.So,who knows what people could discover next?46. What does the underlined word "uncovered" mean in Chinese? A.到达B.游览C.标注D.发现47. What does Betsy Bryan think of the discovery of Aten? A. It will

44、help to learn about the history of ancient Egypt.B. It is the most important discovery.C. It will help to discover more treasure.D. It will help to bring more visitors.48. What's the best title for the passage ? A. A Huge CityB. Ancient Egyptian City DiscoveredC. Egyptian HistoryD. Life in Egypt

45、五、任务型阅读简答(本大题共1小题,共6.0分)49. Long time ago there lived a man.He believed that he could read the future in the stars.He called himself an astrologer (占星家)and spent his time at night looking at the sky.He was always busy worrying about future and villagers often came to him,hoping to know what their fu

46、ture will be like.One evening he was walking along the open road outside the village.His eyes were watching the stars.He lost in thoughts about the future.As he was looking at the stars,he kept walking without looking down.Suddenly,he fell into a well.There was not much water in the well,but he beca

47、me all wet.He tried to climb out,but he couldn't He started shouting for help and soon the villagers came.As they pulled him out of the well,one of them said, "You try to read the future in the stars,and yet you fail to see what is at your feet!This may teach you to pay more attention to wh

48、at is right in front of you,and let the future is taken care of by itself.'1(1) Why did the villagers often come to the man ?(不超过 15 个词)(2) What happened to the man while he was watching the stars one evening? (不超过 5 个词)(3) What can you learn from the story?(不超过 15 个词)六、单词拼写/单词释义(本大题共5小题,共5.0分)5

49、0. It is believed that he is one of our h (英雄).51. I lay down on the sofa and soon fell a (睡着).52. Jane lifted the box up and r (冲)out of the office.53. Yesterday's concert was really a s (成功).54. All his father cares about is his s (社会的)life.七、书面表达(本大题共1小题,共20.()分)55. 假如你是李华,上周末你所在的班级参加了城市文明志愿服

50、务行动,请你根据以下提示内容给你的好朋友Jenny写一封电子邮件。地点:雪峰公园劳动项目:(1)扫地、浇花;(2)捡拾游客们丢弃的垃圾,清洁座椅;(3)擦拭儿童游乐场的设施;(4)要求:(1)包含所有提示要点,并适当发挥;(2) 80100词,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Jenny,We went to Xuefeng Park last weekend.How about you? What did you do last weekend?Yours,Li Hua答案和解析1 .【答案】C【解析】talk谈论;worry担心;argue争吵;care照顾;根据句意,你们是两个亲

51、密的 朋友,可知不要为这种小事争吵。故选:C=你们是两个亲密的朋友。请不要为这种小事争吵。首先要判断各个选项的汉语意思,然后结合句意选择恰当的一项。2 .【答案】A【解析】slowly慢慢地;seriously严肃地,认真地;normally正常地;certainly当然;根据句意,地面上有很多冰,可知要走慢点。故选:A。今天地面上有很多冰。请走慢点。首先要判断各个选项的汉语意思,然后结合句意选择恰当的一项。3 .【答案】D【解析】wide宽的;early早的;fast快的;direct宜接的。根据so we have to change planes in Beijing”所以我们必须在北京

52、转机”可知,没有"直达航班"direct flight.故选:D。没有直飞合肥的航班,所以我们必须在北京转机。形容词的种类有很多,要根据具体语境选择适当的形容词,抓住关键词句,分析用法, 完成试题。4 .【答案】C【解析】be good with"和某人关系好”;be good for"对有好处";be good at”擅长be good to”对友善"。根据"你不拉小提琴吗?"和答语"我姐姐拉小提琴",可知她很擅长 拉小提琴。故选:C。-你不拉小提琴吗?一没有,但我姐姐拉小提琴。事实上,她很擅

53、长。本题考查介词的用法,在熟知所供词的含义基础上,根据句意,从而判断出正确答案。5 .【答案】A【解析】gloves手套;glasses眼镜;trousers裤子;caps帽子;根据句意,它们可以使 我们的手保暖,可知戴着手套。故选:Ao我们在冬季戴手套。它们可以使我们的手保持温暖。在理解名词意思的基础上,根据具体语境,仔细分析,完成试题。6 .【答案】B【解析】look for寻找;belongto属于;depend on依靠;stick to坚持;根据句意,回答 是“它可能是布朗的",可知问的是它属于谁。故选:B。-那是一只漂亮的猫。我想知道它属于谁。-可能是布朗的。我不确定。牢

54、记动词短语的词义及用法,进行比较分析,选择正确答案。7 .【答案】B【解析】A. when什么时间B. how如何C. where哪里D. why为什么。根据But I know to play chess.可知是指:但我知道如何下国际象棋。故选:B =-乔,你打篮球吗?-不,我不玩任何运动。但我知道如何下国际象棋。熟悉疑问词接不定式的用法,结合题意,给出答案。8 .【答案】D【解析】根据句意可知,空处的动作正在进行,应用现在进行时,构成形式为:be doing; 主语"He"是第三人称单数形式,故助动词应用is,travel的现在分词是traveling., 故选:Do我

55、弟弟不在。他目前正在国外旅行。熟记现在进行时的用法和含义,结合选项得出正确答案。9 .【答案】A解析】根据but I am sending someone to speak for me,可知是指:我不能亲自参加会议, 但我派人代表我发言。A. in person亲自B. at first起先C. in fact事实上D. for example 例如。故选:Ao我不能亲自参加会议,但我派人代表我发言。熟悉介词短语的用法,结合题意,给出答案。10 .【答案】C解析】Here you are 给你;That's for sure 那是肯定的;You're welcome 不用谢;

56、Never mind 从不介意。根据前句句意“你给我一本这么有趣的书真是太好了,谢谢你”和后句句意” 我家里有很多书”可知,要回答"不用谢",其它选项语意不通。故选:Co你给我一本这么有趣的书真是太好了,谢谢你。一一不用谢。我家里有很多书。考查情景对话,要根据所表达的内容,用正确的单词和短语、恰当的句型和准确的时态。1120.【答案】A、D、B、A、C、A、B、D、C、A【解析】(1) A.考查动词。A.arrived到达;B.passed通过:C.missed想念;D.went去;根据"The math teacher,Miss Turnbow surprise

57、d everyone"数学老师,Turnbow 小姐让每个 人都很惊讶,可知才艺表演的日子到了,所以选arrived。故选A。(2) D.考查介词。A.on在上面;B.in在里面;Cat在;D.by通过;根据"She turned a T-shirt into a beautiful flower and she took a live bird out of a hat"她把一件 t 恤变成一朵漂亮的花,还从帽子里拿出一只活鸟,可知她凭借神奇的魔法使每个人大吃 一惊,因此选by。故选D。(3) B.考查名词。A.doctor医生;B.magician魔术师;C.

58、singer歌手;D.actor演员;根 据"She turned a T-shirt into a beautiful flower and she took a live bird out of a hat"她把一件 t恤变成一朵漂亮的花,还从帽子里拿出一只活鸟,可知没人知道她是一个魔术师。故 选Bo(4) A.考查动词。A.perform表演;B.dance跳舞;C.call打电话;D.dream做梦;根据 "the day of the talent show”才艺表演的日子,可知下一个表演的人是Abby,因此选performo 故选Ao(5) C.考查形容词。A.interesting有趣的;B.relaxing令人放松的;C.strange奇怪的; D.exciting令人兴奋的;根据"but they still clapped (拍手)”但是他们仍然拍手,可知大 家认为在五月中旬唱圣诞歌曲很奇怪。故选C。(6) A.考查副词。A.well 好;B.either 也;C.ever 甚至;D.already 己经;根据"but the stud


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