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1、12广告的定义w “广告是将各种高度精炼的信息,采用艺术手法,通过各种媒介传播给大众,以加强或改变人们的观念,最终导致人们行为的事物和活动。 ”广告的定义3广告手段 (Advertising Media)1. Press Advertising 报刊广告2. Television and radio Advertising 电视和无线电广告3. Outdoor and Transport Advertising 露天广告和交通广告4. Window and Point-of-Sale Display 橱窗和销售点陈列广告5. Exhibition and Trade Fairs 展览会和商品交

2、易会6. Direct Mail Advertising 直接邮件广告7. Cinema 电影广告4广告的功能w广告具有信息功能 (informative function)w 美感功能(aesthetic function)w 表情功能(expressive function)w 祈使功能 (vocative function)w英美现代广告学认为,广告的作用在于: 1. Information (提供信息) 2. Persuasion (争取顾客) 3. Maintenance of Demand (保持需求) 4. Creating Mass Markets (扩大市场) 5. Qual

3、ity (确保质量)5广告的作用可见一斑The codfish lays a million eggsThe helpful hen lays oneThe codfish makes no fuss of its achievementThe hen boasts what she has doneWe forget the gentle codfishThe hen we eulogizeWhich teaches us this lesson That it pays to advertise6什么是广告语?w 广告语是指广告中的语言,它就应该包括各种广告中所有的语言文字信息,即广告中的

4、语音、词语、句子(包括歌词)、文字(包括拼音字母)、标点符号和文字图形(由文字构成的图形或文字和实物及其图形的结合) -曹志耘广告语言艺术 71.广告的语言特点及英译:w玩弄辞藻w使用警策句,以发人思考,从而注意广告中的商品w言简意赅,简洁易懂w使用大众化口语体 8玩弄辞藻w 堆砌形容词和形容词最高级 finest food, most attractive surroundings and a friendly disposition (餐馆广告) Incredible sale: beautiful, beautiful, beautiful lynx and mink, top qual

5、ity, latest styles fur garments (服装广告)w 夸大其辞, 以耸听闻 Our Sunday Brunch Buffet Is A Legend In Its Time (餐馆广告)w 运用押韵法 BETA Builds it Better (家具广告) Spend a dime, Save you time(电器广告) Never Late, on Fathers Day (礼品广告)9使用警策句或套用名句w No dream is too big. (高级轿车广告)w If you think getting only one cavity a year is

6、 OK, By 1990 youll have 10 holes in that theory. (牙膏广告)w To smoke or not to smoke, that is a question. (香烟广告)10 使用大众化口语体w 例如:”航空牌“人造皮革箱 用料上乘,做工精细,款式新颖,价格合理,规格齐全,欢迎选购。 “Aviation” Artificial Leather Suitcase Selected materials, fine workmanship, modern designs, reasonable price, various specifications

7、. Order welcome.11“雪莲”牌羊绒衫 北京生产的”雪莲”牌羊绒衫,系选用优质的山羊绒作原料制成.本品具有色泽鲜艳,手感柔滑,穿着舒适,轻,软,暖等特点,由于该产品品质优良,做工精细,花型,款式新颖,尺码齐全,受到过外消费者的热烈欢迎. “Snow Lotus” Cashmere Sweaters “Snow Lotus” Cashmere Sweaters from Beijing are made from superior Chinese Cashmere fibre. They are lustrous in colour, supple, light, warm and

8、 comfortable to wear. Owing to their fine quality, excellent workmanship, novel designs and styles, and complete size range, they have gained popularity from consumers abroad. 12 以前我的头发干枯,粗糙,难以梳理,自从用了潘婷营养洗发露,头发变得健康,亮泽。因为潘婷营养洗发露含有独特的维他命原,能由发根渗透到发尖,其全新改良配方,能加倍保护头发,免受损害,令头发分外健康,加倍亮泽。My hair was dry, co

9、arse and unmanageable. But from the time I began to use Pantene Pro-V Treatment Shampoo, it has become healthy and shiny. This is because Pantene Pro-V treatment Shampoo contains unique Pro VB5,which deeply penetrates your hair from root to tip. Its new improved formula gives your hair extra protect

10、ion against damage, leaving it healthier and shiner.13欢迎到青岛来 这里有美丽的风景,激动人心的奇观,一流的设施,高效的服务你可以在美丽的沙滩上,金色的阳光里,恣情嬉戏,尽情享受Welcome to Qingdao Here you will see beautiful scenes, breathtaking wonders, First-class facilities and efficient services. You can bask, indulge, and luxuriate on the beautiful beache

11、s, and in the golden sunshine.14招聘、招标类广告w 例如: 聘请钢琴教师 现聘请一钢琴教师教一五岁女孩弹钢琴。每周两次,每次两小时在家上课有意者请打电话 Wanted A piano teacher to teach a 5-year-old girl at home. 2 hours each time, twice a week. Call 0298306814.15商标的英译w 1. 直译法: “皇冠” (Crown);“自然美” (Natural Beauty)w 2. 音译法: 汉语拼音: “海天”(Haitian);“红塔”(Hongta);“太极”

12、(Tanji) 适当调整:“新科” (Shinco);“康佳”(Konka);“格力(Gree)”;“美的(Midea)”16w 3. 音意结合法: “黛丝”洗发水(Daisy); “方太”厨具(Fountain); “海信”(HighSense); “乐百氏”饮品(Robust) w 4. 转译法: “联想”:Legend (Lenova) “统一”食品: President “正广和” 纯净水: Acquarius 17大众审美心理与商标翻译w “芳芳” 牙膏: Fang Fangw “白象”电池 : White Elephant w “金鸡”鞋油 : Golden Cockw “玉兔”

13、: Jade Rabbit ( White Rabbit)w 藕粉: Lotus Root Starchw “船”牌床:Junk w “蝙蝠”牌电扇:Bat 18广告口号(slogans)、广告语句(catch-phrases)的特点w 吸引力 (attractive - catch the readers attention)w 创造力 (creative - project an image)w 说服力 (persuasive - urge the reader to act)w 影响力 (impressive - produce an impact)19w 你不理财,财不理你If you

14、 leave “Managing Money” alone,Money will manage to leave you alone w 中药材广告:“药材好,药才好。” Only fine medicinal herbs Make fine herbal medicines.20w 茅台酒的广告语:茅台一开,满室生香;国酒茅台,渊源流长。Mao-tai - a vintage liquorA VIP treat which diffuses the finest aroma;A national favor that won a 1915 diploma Originated in 135

15、B.C.)w 茅台酒的另一条广告语:国酒茅台,酿造生活的品味。Mao-tai: A liquor of national status that makes your life gracious. 21w Butlins the right choice. w Dont labour the point, or be conservative in your choice, or liberal with your money. Come to Butlins for the real party. w Great Party Ahead. w “布特林旅游公司您的正确选择。 w 不要劳烦讲个

16、没完, w 不要保守,也别犹豫, w 不要放任自由地乱花钱。 w 到布特林旅游公司,参加实实在在的聚会吧。 w 盛大的聚会正等着你!” 22直译法w “一切皆有可能” (李宁服饰) Anything is possible. w “给我一个机会,还你一个惊喜” (嘉亨印务) Give me a chance, and youll have a big surprise. w “拥有完美肌肤的秘诀” The secret for perfect skin. 23转译法w国酒茅台,相伴辉煌。wGood and vigorous spirit. w运动休闲,我行我速。wGo my own way.w

17、我有我的品质。wWhat we do, we do well. 24仿译法w 爱您一辈子(绿世界化妆品) Love me tender, love me true. w 一册在手,纵览全球(全球杂志的广告语) With a copy of The Globe in your hand, the world unfolds before you so grand. w 中原之行哪里去?郑州亚细亚。(亚细亚商场) While in Zhengzhou, do as the Zhengzhounese do - Go shopping in the Asian Supermarket. w 随身携带

18、,有备无患;随身携带,有惊无险。 (速效救心丸) A friend in need is a friend indeed. 25“美的”牌家用电器的广告语w“美的” 家电, 美的全面、美的彻底wMidea home appliances are beautiful-beautiful from head to toe, beautiful inside out.26“三优”牌家具的广告语w优良的质量优惠的价格优质的服务wUnrivalled quality Unbeatable prices Unreserved service27“三包”承诺w我们实行“三包”:包修、包退、包换wWe offer 3-R guarantee, namely guaranteed repair, replacement and refund.28集邮杂志的广告语w方寸之间,深情无限wOn these tiny postage stamps Philatelists friendship “franks”29全球杂志的广告语w 一册在手,纵览全球w With a copy of The Globe in your hand, the world unfolds before you so grand. 30故事会杂志w 为您提供美,为您提供乐, 为您提供爱,


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