



1、2019届高三测试考试英语试卷(二)【含答案及解析】姓名_班级_ 分数_题号总分得分、单项填空1.With more and more people involved in the matter,the_ became tenseA.caseB.conditionC.situation_ D.function2.She looked at the map, _ her memory of the life onthe isla ndA.relaxi ngB.relievi ngC.remi ndingD.refreshi ng3. That day,Icame to realize the:T

2、hose who bringsun light to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.A.truth_B.messageC.story_D.belief4.What you referred to at the meeti ng is a _problem.A.universal_ B.toughC.troublesome_ D.com mon5.Our hope immediately _ after heari ng the n ews that wewould have one more cha neeA.roseB.

3、in creasedC.liftedD.grew6. The labelto my luggage has disappeared,so it第1题【答案】7. It is a great _ to hear such beautiful music inthe concert hallAwealth BpleasureCtreat_ Dentertainment8. Not until her daughter apologized to her did her anger _Awent awayBfaded awayCbroke awayDgot away9. Those who area

4、lways _ _ their work ought to beseverely punishedAavoidingBescapingCslighting_ Dlessening10. Thanks to the advanced technology,we live in an ageof bettered communicationThis has many _ well beyondthe role that parents seem to play in the lives of their children who have left for collegeAdirectionsBc

5、onclusionsCimplications_ Dassessments参考答案及解析【解析】试题分析;句倉陣看越来越多人奉涉到事件中,迭的情形变得紧张了situation: the汛迅of affairs:took me more time to findit out with the help of theclerksat theAstuck BjoinedCposted Dattached第6题【答案】combination af cizcujTstajices第2题【答案】【解析】试题分析;句意:她看着那个地图激起了对岛上生活的回忆9refxeah: to stinula-te (t

6、hs xemcry)第3题【答案】A【解析】试题分析;句意:那天,我转于明白了这个茸理;给他人生活带来阳光的人们不可能让光明远寓自己o Imth: a proven ci ver ified principle or st a t&jn&irt; fact第4题【答案】【解析】试题分析;句意;祢在会议上提到的是一个棘手冋题t卫耳h: dificult oa troublsojne to do or desl with第5题【答案】【解析】试题分折;句意;巴剧我们拥有昇一次机会的消息后我们的藉望立即上升。fise: IQincxease in.str engtli;dlegxe:

7、 ; intensity【解析】卿分析;句希贴在我行李上的标签消失了,所以有书暉职员的帮助,为找到它我还是花了更多的 时间Qtach: to fasten ox affix : join: connect;例句:tach labels to thi口鸵befoie you. file them讪ay”第7题【答案】【解析】试题分折;旬意;在音乐厅昕到这么美妙的音乐是很樗的乐事*pleasure; sgmethin -that sives g aTEtirdsenjoyneiit ox del igh+第8题【答案】E【解析】试题弁析;句意:直到女儿向她道歉,她的愤怒才消退。dieway: graduallydiminish fade or subside: slovrlyGOMCto an end第9题【答案】C【解析】试题分折;句蘇对工作无观的人们应该受重罚八耳册:to treat as uniimpoxtor tiiLin.g第1


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