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1、金融专业文献选读课程简介课程编号1240344049课程名称金融专业文献选读课程性质必修学 时64学 分4学时分配授课:64 实验: 上机: 实践: 实践(周):考核方式闭卷考试,平时成绩占60% ,期末成绩占40% 。开课学院经济学院更新时间 适用专业金融学、信用管理学先修课程金融学、国际金融学、保险学课程内容:金融专业文献选读课程是经济学院金融系所开设的专业选修课。本课程通过对中国银行业的综述、银行监管、中国的外汇体制、银行中间业务、银行信贷、投资银行业务、银行反洗钱业务、保险业务、金融职业伦理等相关内容的学习,使学生既能掌握现代国际金融业务,又能运用英语进行银行业务操作及管理。本课程同时

2、要求学生具备国际金融、商业银行经营与管理、金融学等相关金融专业课程基础。Brief Introduction Code1240344049TitleFinancial documents Selected ReadingsCourse natureElectiveSemester Hours64Credits4Semester Hour StructureLecture:64 Experiment: Computer Lab: Practice:Practice (Week):AssessmentClosed book examination, usually results accounte

3、d for 60%, the final grade accounted for 40%.Offered bySchool of EconomicsDateforFinance、Credit ManagementPrerequisiteFinance、International Finance、InsuranceCourse Description: This course is the elective subject for the finance and credit management major students. The content of this course includ

4、e: overview of the banking industry in China, banking supervision , Chinese foreign exchange system, intermediary services, loans, investment banking, money laundering, insurance, ethics. The mission of this course is: 1st, to the students know the knowledge of modern international finance business;

5、 2nd, to let the students know how to use professional English dealing with international banking operation and management. The students are required to learn some fundamental course, such as international finance, commercial bank operation and management, finance and so on.金融专业文献选读课程教学大纲课程编号1240344

6、049课程名称金融专业文献选读课程性质必修学 时64学 分4学时分配授课:64 实验: 上机: 实践: 实践(周):考核方式闭卷考试,平时成绩占60% ,期末成绩占40% 。开课学院经济学院更新时间适用专业金融学、信用管理学先修课程金融学、国际金融学、保险学一、教学内容Part One Overview of the Banking Industry in China1.1 The Role of the Banking Sector in China(中国银行业的作用)1.2 The Central Bank Reform(中央银行改革)1.3 Vigorous Development of

7、 the Commercial Banking Sector(商业银行的蓬勃发展)1.3.1The role of the banking sector in the Chinese economy has increased dramatically.1.3.2 The wholly state-owned commercial banks (formerly known as the specialized banks) as a group continue to have a dominant share in the banking industry.1.3.3 With China

8、s entry into the World Trade Organization, China has decided to implement a phased reform of the wholly state-owned commercial banks.1.3.4 The reform of the financial system and particularly the diversification of banking institutions have increased competition in the banking sector and improved fin

9、ancial services in China.1.4 Increased Openness of the Banking Sector(银行业的对外开放)1.5 Strengthened Banking Supervision(加强银行监管)1.6 Priorities of the Further Banking Reform(深化银行业改革的优先次序)China will continue to pursue a sound monetary policy, and seek refinements in the conduct of monetary policy by relyin

10、g mainly on indirect policy instruments. 1.6.1 open market operations will be expanded, and the quality of the relevant decision-making will be improved to optimize the timing and scale of open market transactions. 1.6.2 rediscount business will be further developed 1.6.3 the required reserve system

11、 will be further improved. 1.6.4 efforts will be made to gradually increase market influence over the degree to which interest rates vary around the central bank rates, with money market interest rates as the key intermediate rate determined by market supply and demand. 1.6.5 The further reform of t

12、he wholly state-owned commercial banks will aim at introducing best modem banking practice, improving the ownership structure and corporate governance. 1.6.6 Further efforts will be made to facilitate more effective market discipline. Transparency and the information disclosure of the Chinese bankin

13、g industry will be brought up to international standards. 1.6.7 China will encourage the commercial banks to carry out business innovation and personnel and salary reforms to improve the incentive structure. 1.6.8 The reform of the rural credit co-operatives will focus on clarifying ownership and im

14、prove governance. 1.6.9 The central bank will speed up the reform of the supervisory and regulatory system, enhance the independence and professionalism, and improve its ability to coordinate financial supervision and monetary policy, to control moral hazard, and to identify and cope with banking ri

15、sks. China will also reform the accounting system and enhance market discipline by increasing the supervisory role of law firms, accounting firms, rating agencies and other intermediary organizations.教学难点:理解中国银行业股份制改革的必要性及影响。教学重点:掌握深化中国银行业改革的优先次序。Part Two Banking Supervision 2.1 Importance and Objec

16、tives of Banking Supervision(银行监管的重要性及监管的目标)2.1.1 Characteristics of Banks and Importance of Banking Supervision (银行特征和银行监管的重要性)2.1.2 Objectives of Banking Supervision (银行监管的目标)2.1.3 Preconditions for Effective Banking Supervision (有效银行监管的必备条件)2.2 Licensing Process(金融机构的市场准入程序)2.2.1Phases of the Pro

17、cess(执照许可的阶段)2.2.2 Factors Evaluated by the Chartering Authorities(执照许可主管部门评估的要素) 2.2.3 Basle Committees Requirements on Bank Licensing(巴塞尔协议对银行执照的要求)2.3Arrangements for Ongoing Banking Supervision(银行持续性监管的安排)2.3.1 Risks in Banking(银行业风险) 1、Credit risk(信用风险) 2、Market risk(市场风险) 3、Liquidity risk(流动性风

18、险) 4、Operational risk(操作风险) 5、Legal risk(法律风险)6、Reputation risk(信誉风险) 2.3.2 Development and Implementation of Key Prudential Rules and Requirements(主要的审慎性原则与要求的完善与实施) 1、Capital adequacy(资本充足率) 2、Asset Concentrations(资本集中)3、Asset Quality-Loan Classification System and Adequacy of Loan Loss Reserves(资

19、产中贷款质量分类系统与贷款损失准备金的充足性)4、Liquidity(流动性)5、Risk Management and Internal Controls(风险管理与内部控制)2.3.3 Methods of Ongoing Banking Supervision(持续银行监管的方法)1、0ff-site Surveillance(非现场检查)2、On-site Examination and the Role of External Auditors(现场检查及外部审计的作用)3、Supervision on a consolidated basis (合并监管)2.4 Resolving

20、 Problem Bank Situations(对问题银行和倒闭银行的处理)2.4.1 Resolving Problem Bank Situations (对陷入困境银行的处理)2.4.2 Dealing with failing banks(对倒闭银行的处理)教学难点:中国银行业面临的主要风险。教学重点:巴塞尔资本协议对银行业监管方面的相关要求。Part Three The Chinese Foreign Exchange System 3.1 Overview(概述)3.2 Exchange Arrangement(汇率制度)3.3 Foreign Exchange Operation

21、s of Financial Institutions(金融机构外汇业务)3.4 Supervision of Foreign Exchange Accounts(外汇账户监管) 3.4.1 Foreign Exchange Accounts With Domestic Institutions (境内机构外汇账户) 3.4.2 Overseas Foreign Exchange Accounts (境外外汇账户管理) 3.5 Current Account Transactions (经常项目) 3.6 Capital Account Transactions (资本项目) 3.6.1 Ov

22、erseas Investment (海外投资) 3.6.2 External Borrowing in Loans (国际商业贷款) 3.6.3 External Guarantee (对外担保) 3.6.4 Registration System for External Debt(外债登记制度) 3.7 Reporting of Balance of Payments Statistics(国际收支统计申报) 3.8 Foreign Exchange Business(外汇业务)3.8.1 Foreign Exchange- Some Definitions(外汇-一些定义)3.8.2

23、Banks and the Foreign Exchange Market(银行与外汇交易市场)3.8.3 Foreign Exchange Quotations (外汇报价)3.8.4 Financial Instruments(金融工具)教学难点:理解资本项目可兑换及外汇风险的防范。教学重点:中国外汇体制改革的相关内容。 Part Four Intermediary Services4.1 Intermediary Services(中间业务)4.1.1 Relationship between Bankers and Customers (银行与客户之间的关系)1、Debtor-Cred

24、itor Relationship(债务人-债权人关系)2、Principal-Agent Relationship(委托人-代理人关系)3、Bailor-Bailee Relationship(寄托人-受托人关系)4、Safekeeping(代客保管)4.2 Settlement- Payments and Funds Transfer(结算-支付和资金转移)4.2.1 Introduction(简介)4.2.2 Negotiable Instruments(流通票据)4.2.3 International Settlement(国际结算)4.3 Trust Services(信托业务)4.

25、4 Lease(租赁业务)4.5 Factoring(保理业务)教学难点:各项中间业务的操作流程及特征。教学重点:中间业务的类型。 Part Five Loans 5.1 Categories of Loans(贷款种类)5.1.1 Common Loans(普通贷款)5.1.2 Particular Loans(特别贷款)5.2 Credit Planning(信贷计划)5.2.1 Assets and Liabilities Management(资产负债管理) 5.2.2 Profitability and Budgetary Control(收益率与预算控制)5.3 Borrower

26、Screening(借款人筛选)5.3.1 Credit and Finance Analysis(信贷和融资分析)5.3.2 Credit Line5.3.3 Feasibility Study and Project Appraisal of Long-Term Lending(长期贷款的可行性研究和项目评估)1、The Analysis Framework(分析框架)2、The Scope of Feasibility study(可行性研究范围)3、Project Timing Schedules(项目时间安排)4、Cost and Benefit Stream and the cal

27、culation of financial rate of return(成本和收益流以及财务报酬率的计算)5、Economic Analysis of Project(项目经济分析)5.4 Credit Risk Management(信贷风险管理)5.4.1 Credit Portfolio Management(贷款组合管理) 5.4.2 Credit Origination and Management(信贷的产生和管理)1、Target Market Screening(目标市场筛选)2、Credit appraisal(信贷评估)3、Credit Approval and Cont

28、rol(信贷审批和控制)4、Problem Recognition and Remedial Measures(问题的发现及补救措施)教学难点:掌握贷前风险评估及贷后风险管理环节。教学重点:信贷计划的实施及如何有效进行信贷风险控制。Part Six Investment Banking 6.1 Backgrounds(背景)6.1.1 Who can Offer Investment Banking Services(谁能够提供投资银行服务)6.1.2 The History of Investment Banking(投资银行的历史)6.1.3 Factors Behind the Evol

29、ution of Investment Banking(投资银行业发展的因素)6.2 Investment Banking Activities(投资银行业的业务活动)6.2.1 Underwriting New Issues(承销新发行的证券)6.2.2 Transactions(Dealing and Broking)(交易买卖业务和经纪业务)6.2.3 Fee Banking(收费银行业务)6.2.4 Prospect of Investment Banking(投资银行业的发展前景)教学难点:了解我国投资银行业发展现状及与国际投行的差距。教学重点:投资银行主要业务种类。Part Sev

30、en Money Laundering7.1 Money Laundering and Crime7.2 Benefits of Laundering Money7.3 Some History7.4 Money Laundering Schemes7.5 The Money Laundering Process7.6 Preventing Money Laundering7.7 Customer due DiligenceKnow Your Customer7.8 Effects of Money Laundering教学难点:理解如何有效开展反洗钱工作。教学重点:了解洗钱业务的各种表现、我

31、国反洗钱业务发展现状及反洗钱领域国际合作。Part Eight Insurance8.1 Introduction 8.2 The Insurance Market 8.3 The Types of Insurance8.3.1 Life Insurance 8.3.2 Personal Property and Liability Insurance 8.4 Automobile Insurance 教学难点:了解国内各种类型保险业务发展现状及不足之处。教学重点:了解各种类型保险业务及索赔流程。Part Nine Ethics9.1 Ethical Behaviour9.2 Types of Ethics9.3 Politics3739.4 Good Ethics Means Good Business教学难点:了解金融伦理对从事金融职业者的意义。教学重点:了解金融伦理的含义。二、教学要求Part One Overview of the Bankin


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