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1、Unit 4Cyberspace网络空间知识详解1 .likelyadj.有可能的,有希望的adv.或许;很可能(回归课本 P4)In a book with lots of pictures and charts,I am likely to.对于一本有许多图画和图表的书,我很可能归纳拓展It is likely that.很有可能sb./sth.is likely to do sth.有可能做某事(朗文 P1318) Children who live in the countrys rural areas are very likely tobe poor.住在这个国家农村地区的孩子大多

2、是贫穷的。例句探源易混解析probable ,possible ,likely(1)三个词均可用 It is.that.结构。(2) 只有 likely 可以用人作主语。(3)possible和 likely 后可接不定式,而probable 不与不定式连用。(4) 三个词均表示 “可能的”,但 likely 和 probable 所表示的可能性大, possible表示的可能性小。 (朗文 P1802)Young driversare farmore_likelyto have accidentsthanthe older drivers. ( 朗文 P1773)You need to lo

3、ok at the possible consequences of your actions. (牛津 P1577)It is probable that the disease has a genetic element.1(2010 年高考江西卷 ) Do you enjoy your present job?_.I just do it for a living.A Of courseBNot reallyCNot likelyDNot a little解析:选 B。句意:你喜欢现在的工作吗?不怎么喜欢。我只是为了谋生而已。 not really事实上不是;of course当然; n

4、ot likely绝不可能,绝对不会; not a little非常。根据句意选B。2 .affectvt.影响; ( 疾病等 )侵袭(回归课本 P8)Peter Taylor finds out how computers and the Internet aregoing to affect our lives.彼得泰勒发现了计算机和互联网将如何影响我们的生活。归纳拓展be affected by被感动 / 侵袭,受的影响be affected with被侵袭(2010年高考湖南卷)Althoughher disease has affectedhereyesightandforced h

5、er to the sidelines ofthedance floor ,she refuses tofallintoself-pity.尽管她的疾病影响了她的视力并且使她无法跳舞,但是她并没有自怨自艾。例句探源易混解析affect, effect,influence(1)affect 只能用作及物动词,其含义是“使发生变化” ,因此“影响”这一词义还可以引申为“感动,感染” 。(2)effect用作名词,着重指影响的“结果”或“作用”。常用于词组 have an effecton 中,词组的意思相当于affect。effect也可以用作及物动词,但意思完全不同,作“使发生,产生结果”解。(

6、3)influence既可用作名词,也可用作动词,通常指通过说服、举例等对行动、思想、性格等产生不易觉察到的、潜移默化的影响。常用的短语搭配:have aninfluence on sb./sth.对某人 / 某事物有影响。 (牛津 P1046)What exactly is the influence of television on children? (牛津 P32)The south of the country was worst affected by the drought. I tried to persuade him,but with little or no effect

7、.2 (2011年 南京 模 拟 )Thestrongwindhasabad_ournewly-planted young trees. What s more , it _ many people riding bikes on the road.A effect on; affectsBaffect on; effectsCeffect in;affectsD affect in;effects解析:选 A 。考查 effect 和 affect 的用法。 effect影响,为名词, have a badeffect on sth. 对有不良影响; affect影响,为动词。3 .atta

8、ckvt. & n. 攻击,袭击; ( 病等 )侵袭,发作( 回归课本P8)In the future , terroristsmay“ attack ” the world scomputers ,cause chaos ,and make planes and trains crash.在将来,恐怖分子有可能袭击全球的电脑,导致混乱并使飞机、火车相撞。归纳拓展under attack遭到袭击personal attack人身攻击heart attack心脏病发作make an attack on/upon.对发起进攻,抨击 It was said that the flu firs

9、t attacked Mexico.据说这次流感最先侵袭的是墨西哥。 We made an attack on the enemy at midnight.午夜时分我们向敌人发起进攻。例句探源3 完成句子Some small towns in Iraq _(仍在遭受袭击 )答案: are still under attack4 .offern.& vt.提供,供应(回归课本P8)Already,users can buy books,find out about holiday offers,book tickets,and get all sorts of information f

10、rom the Internet.使用者已经能够从网上购书、查到度假信息、预定(车 )机票甚至获得所有类型的信息。offer sb.sth.offer sth.to sb.提供给某人某物offer to do sth.主动提出做某事offer money for sth.出钱买东西offer sth.for money开价卖东西offeradvice/suggestions/congratulations/the price提出劝告 / 建议 / 表示祝贺 / 出价accept one s offer接受某人的建议 ( 好意归纳拓展例句探源 (2010 年高考浙江卷 )The offers a

11、re from private landlords,agencies andindividuals looking for other co-renters.这些提供来自于寻找其他的合作承租人的私人业主、公司和个人。 Many foreigners offered to do some rescue work in the earthquake.在这次地震中许多外国人主动去做一些救援工作。易混解析offer,provide ,supply(1)offer提供,侧重主动给予, 多指具体的事物。 多用于 offer sb.sth.或 offersth.to sb. 。(2)provide供应;供给

12、,表示为应付某种需要而提供某物,所提供的东西一般是具体的事物,也可以是帮助、经验、机会、答案、例子等抽象的东西。一般用于provide sth.for sb.与 provide sb.with sth.。(3)supply补给;供给;提供,只用于具体事物,侧重补充所需要的东西,有时可以与 provide 互换。经常用于supply sth.to sb.或 supply sb.with sth.。 (朗文 P1040)They ve offered us60,000 for the house.Shall we takeit? (牛津 P1595)We are here to provide a

13、 service for the public. (牛津 P2029)Foreign governments supplied arms to the rebels.Foreigngovernments supplied the rebels with arms.4 (2011 年温州模拟 )Can I help you ,sir? I d like a sandwich and a cold cola.How much do you _?A offerB chargeCaffordD spend解析:选 B。答语后句句意为:你收多少钱?charge 收取 ( 费用 );offer提供;aff

14、ord买得起; spend 花费。5 After I waited for a very long time,the manager made a phone call to meyesterday _ me a good job at last.A givingBprovidingCsupplyingDoffering解析:选 D。句意:我等了很长时间之后,昨天那位经理给我打来电话,最终提供给我一份不错的工作。 offer “提供”符合句意和结构, B、C 两项的句式结构不对, A 项含义不对。5 .rejectvt.拒绝,不接受;抛开,丢掉n被拒绝或抛弃的人或物(回归课本 P11)Reje

15、ct suggestions反对建议归纳拓展rejecta gift/apossibility/anopinion/asuggestion, 拒绝接受一件礼物 / 一种可能性 / 一条意见 / 一项建议reject a request拒绝请求reject ones idealist view去掉唯心的观点rejects from an officers training course军官培训课程不合格者例句探源6 We_his idea for a music club,and decided to have an art clubinstead.A acceptedBdisagreedCre

16、jectedD agreed解析:选 C。accept 接受; disagree 不同意; agree 同意, disagree/agree后接宾语时要与介词to/with/on搭配; reject拒绝。根据后半句“决定举办美术俱乐部”可知,应该是“否决”了办音乐俱乐部的建议。6 .fancyvt. 想要做;幻想n想像,设想,喜欢,爱好(回归课本 P11)And do you fancy going to the dance on Saturday night?在星期六晚上你想跳舞吗?归纳拓展 (牛津 P725)She didn t fancy the idea of going home i

17、n the dark.她不喜欢黑夜回家这个主意。 (朗文 P793)Sorry ,but I don t fancy going out tonight.对不起,今晚我不想出去。 (朗文 P793)Fancy seeing you here.真没想到会在这见到你。例句探源7 完成句子(1)He _(把自己想像为 )a great general.答案: fancied/fancies himself as(2)Children usually have a_(生动的想法 ) 答案: lively fancy(3)I_ (认为 )he will act quickly.答案: fancy7 .s

18、uggestionn.建议,提议(回归课本 P11)Make suggestions提供建议归纳拓展例句探源 (2010 年高考福建卷 )This suggests that firms that are able to relay clearly their message to the public will be in a pole position to attractshoppers.这表明那些能清楚地向公众传递信息的公司将是吸引顾客的主力。 I suggest that she (should)go out at once.我建议她立刻出去。 All the evidence su

19、ggests that he stole the money.所有的证据都表明是他偷了钱。 Do you have any suggestions?你有什么建议吗?8 My suggestion is that we_to cut back on production and reducethe amount of things we make and buy.A tryBwill tryCmust tryDcan try解析:选 A 。My suggestion 的内容是 that引导的表语从句,谓语动词须用虚拟结构 (should) do。句意:我的建议是,我们应当尽量削减生产,减少制造和

20、购买物品的数量。9 (2010 年舟山模拟 )Do you agree to the suggestion _we have aparty the day after tomorrow?A whichBwhereCthatDwhen解析:选 C。考查同位语从句的引导词。句意为:你同意后天我们召开一个晚会的建议吗?从句意看,suggestion后面的从句为同位语从句,且语意完整,故用 that引导, that在名词性从句中没有任何意义,只起连接作用。8 .settlevi. 定居vt.解决(回归课本 P14)The history of the city goes back 650 years

21、when the Maorissettled in the area.这个城市的历史要追溯到650 年前,当时毛利人定居在这个地区。归纳拓展例句探源10 It was forthis reason that her uncle moved outofNew Yorkand_in a small village.A settled downBsettling downCcame alongDcoming along解析:选 A 。come along 走过来,快点,进行,一道去; settle down定居。空格前有连词 and 说明所填选项与 moved 是并列谓语,所以排除B、D 两项。句意

22、:正是由于这种原因她叔叔搬出纽约,在一个小村庄定居。9 .viewn风景;视野;观点(回归课本 P14)Inthecity ,you can enjoyan amazing view fromtheSkyTower.在这个城市,从天空宝塔你可以欣赏得到令人惊异的景色。hold different views持不同的观点come into view看得见,出现in view (of sb./sth.)在的视野中in one s view 在某人看来in view of鉴于;由于view on/about/that.有关的看法 / 意见归纳拓展 (朗文 P1715)The only view A

23、big red ship came into our view.一艘红色的巨轮出现在我们的视野中。 In view of the weather,we canceled the outing.由于天气的原因,我们取消了此次郊游。例句探源11(2011 年长春模拟 )If you stand here,youll get a better _ ofthe river.A sightBviewCsceneDscenery解析:选B。句意:你如果站在这儿,就能够更好地观看这条河流。view 常指从某一特定地点看到的景色、风景。10 .averageadj.平均的;一般的,普通的;n平均数(回归课本

24、P14)It has a warm climate with plenty of sunshinethe averagetemperature in January(summer)is 23.4 and in July (winter)it is 7.8.这里气候温暖阳光充足: 一月份 (夏天 ) 的平均气温是 23.4 摄氏度,在七月 ( 冬天 )是 7.8 摄氏度。the average of.的平均数above/below (the) average在一般水准以上 / 下on (the/an) average按平均数计算up to (the) average达到水准average out

25、. 算出的平均数be of average height/intelligence中等个子 / 智力归纳拓展例句探源12The company earned a lot of money.As a result,the member s personalincome rose an _ of 15 percent.A commonBusualCaverageDordinary解析:选 C。an average of平均有。句意:公司挣了很多钱。结果,员工的人均收入增长了15%。11 .come true实现,变成现实(回归课本 P7)Which of the predictions in th

26、em have already come true?它们里面的哪些预言实现了呢?易混解析realize , come truerealize 和 come true都有“实现 (理想、愿望等 )”之意,但用法不同。(1)realize是及物动词,常用于sb.realize sth.结构。(2)cometrue是不及物动词词组,通常用表示理想、愿望等的名词作句子的主语,不能用于被动语态。 He realized his dream by means of working hard. His dream came_true at last.13We have had a wonderful pla

27、n,and the next step is to make it come_.A outBonCtrulyDtrue解析:选 D。根据后句句意“下一步就是要把它变为现实”。可知 come true正确, C 项 truly 为副词,句中 come 为连系动词,其后要跟形容词作表语。 A 、B两项含义不对。12 .hang on别挂断 ( 电话 ) ;紧握不放(回归课本 P11)Just hang on a second.稍等,别挂断。归纳拓展例句探源 After I hung up/rang off,I remembered what I had wanted to say.我挂上电话以后才

28、想起我原来想说的话。 Some kids hang about in the street after school.一些孩子放学后在街上闲逛。 (朗文 P1030)Hang on !I ll be back in a minute.等等,我一会就回来。14 Hello , may I speak to Mr.Li, please? _ , please.He s coming.A SpeakingBHang onCOKDYes解析:选 B。根据“ He s coming ”可知是要对方“别挂断电话,等一下”。故B 项正确。13 .get in touch (with)(与 ) 取得联系(回归

29、课本 P11)Get in touch. 取得联系。归纳拓展keep/stay in touch with与保持联系;继续关注某事物be in touch with与一直有联系be out of touch with与一直没有联系;不再了解( 某物 )lose touch with与失去联系例句探源15How could you_each other again when you were separated?A get in touch withBbe in touch withCkeep in touch withD communicate解析:选 A 。根据句意“你们分开后是怎样又联系上

30、了”可知,强调的是无联系到联系的动作,所以选A 。communicate 和 with 连用。14 .be up to从事,正在干事;由决定(回归课本 P11)What are you up to this weekend,John?约翰,这个周末你打算做什么?归纳拓展be up to sb.to do sth.应由某人做某事be up to sb. 由某人来决定up to( 数目 ) 到之多;直到 ( 用于表时间的名词前 )up to now 到目前为止 (用于现在完成时 It s up to parents to teach their children manners.应由父母来教给他们

31、的孩子礼仪。 It s up to you to decide whether to leave or to stay.是走还是留你说了算。例句探源16完成句子Shall we go to the cinema this weekend? _(你来决定吧 )答案: It s up to you句型梳理1【教材原句】.,“it_is_clear_that we are going to see a huge growth inshopping on the Internet.”(P8),“很显然,我们将会看到网上购物的大幅度增长。【句法分析】句中 it 为形式主语,真正的主语为that”引导的主

32、语从句,在主语从句中, that不作句子成分,但不可以省略,主语从句常用it 作形式主语,当然也可以将从句臵于句首直接作主语。 There are few clouds in the sky.It is clear that the weather will soonturn out fine.天上几乎没有什么云彩了,很显然天气很快就要转晴。 John works very hard.It is quite possible that he will pass the CollegeEntrance Exam next month.约翰学习非常刻苦,他通过下月的大学入学考试是完全可能的。归纳拓

33、展it替代后面that引导的从句作形式主语的句式有:(1)Itis adj.(clear ,apparent,obvious,possible,probable,likely,certain,natural.)that-clause(谓语形式用陈述语气 )(2)It is n.(a pity ,shame ,one s duty,no use ,no good , no wonder ,nosurprise.)that-clause(谓语形式用陈述语气 )(3)It isp.p.(said ,believed , known , recorded , estimated ,announced

34、,expected.)that-clause(谓语形式用陈述语气17_ disappeared as time went on that he was afraid of climbinghigh mountains.A ItBThatCWhatDWhich解析:选 A 。考查 it作形式主语。句意:随着时间的推移,他对爬高山的恐惧感消失了。首先忽略as time went on这一时间状语。就会发现that从句是真正的主语。而四个选项中只有it 可作形式主语。2 【教材原句】But I still find_it_hard_to_imagine.(P12)但我还是觉得令人难以想像。【句法分析

35、】本句型中的 it 是形式宾语,指代后面的不定式to imagine ,而形容词 hard 在句中则为宾语补足语。在“find 宾语宾语补足语” 句式中,find 的含义为“发现,觉得”或“发现处于某种状态”,其常见结构有:(1)find 宾语形容词 / 副词 / 介词短语;(2)find 宾语现在分词( 现在分词与宾语是主谓关系或表示动作的进行或持续 );(3)find 宾语过去分词 ( 过去分词与宾语是动宾关系或表示动作的完成);(4)find 宾语名词 ( 名词与宾语是系表关系 ) (牛津 P754)You may find your illness hard to accept.你可能

36、觉得难以相信自己患病。 (牛津 P754)She woke up and found herself in a hospital bed.她醒来发现自己躺在医院的病床上。 Have you found anyone to replace her yet?你找到代替她的人没有? I found my vase broken on the ground.我发现我的花瓶碎在了地上。18So difficultdidIfind_toworkout theproblemthatIdecided to ask my partner for help.A myselfB usCthatD it解析:选 D。

37、考查“ find 宾语宾语补足语”结构。本句是so 引导的倒装句,可还原为: I found it so difficult to work out the problem that I decided toask my partner for help.根据句子结构可推知用it 作形式宾语,而真正的宾语为后面的不定式短语to work out the problem。3 【 教 材 原 句 】In1985, theNewZealandgovernmentmade_the_whole_country_a_nuclear-free_zone.(P14)在 1985 年,新西兰政府使全国成为无核区

38、域【句法分析】 “make宾语宾补”这一句式结构中 make 为使役动词,常构成如下结构: In 1949 , they made Beijing the capital of New China.在 1949 年,北京成为新中国的首都。 Can you make it suitable for children?你能不能使它更适合孩子? We made him monitor of our class.我们选他当班长。【温馨提示】表示官街、职位的名词作宾补时,其前无冠词。19完成句子(1)电脑使英语学习更加容易。Computers make _ easier to learn English

39、.答案: it(2) 他大声喊叫,使整个房间都能听到他的声音。He shouted to make himself _ across the room.答案: heard(3) 他们让她等了几个小时。They made her _ hours.答案: wait for作文指导复合句什么是复合句复合句由一个主句和一个或多个从句组成,主句表达的是重要信息, 从句起到补充修饰的作用。 一个组织严密的复合句通常在包含大量信息的同时,还要正确地反映信息间的逻辑关系。【佳句选粹】 There is a rumor that he has married a widow.【分析】本句属于复合句,由“主句同位语从句”构成。 “ he has married awidow ”作为“ rumor ” 的同位


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