



1、英语课外阅读一(一)Connie Talbot is a great singer. She was born on November 20, 2000 in England. She is young, but she is well-known all over the world.Connie was born in a poor family. Her parents had to work in other cities and earnedmoney. She began to live with her grandmother when she was 18 months old

2、. Connie' sgran dmother liked singing. She often sang to little Connie. Connie showed her interestjn singing when she was a baby. She liked to sing with her grandmother. She even sang in her dreamConnie's family was so poor that they had no money to send her to a music school. They could onl

3、y buy a CD player for her. Connie used the CD player to learn singing every dayWhenConnie was seven years old, she took part in the Britain's Got Talent. Her beautiful voice surprised everyone. They couldn't believe their ears! Connie's excellent performance won her the second place in t

4、he talent show.After that Connie soon became famous. She made many albums, Such as Over the Rainbow and beautiful World. She also gave many concerts around the world. Connie's beautiful voice won her lots of fans and made her one of the most popular singers in the world. 一、全文翻译康妮塔波特是一位很棒的歌手。她于 2

5、000年11月20日出生于英国。她很年轻,但在世界上 很有名气。康妮出生在一个贫困的家庭。她父母不得不在其他城市工作赚钱。她18个月的时候就开始和她的奶奶一起居住。康妮的奶奶喜欢唱歌。她经常给小康妮唱歌。康妮很小的时候就对唱歌很感兴趣。她喜欢和她的奶奶一起唱歌。她甚至梦里都在唱歌。康妮的家庭很贫困,以至于他们没有钱送她去上音乐学校。他们只能给她买一个CD机。康妮每天用这个CD机来学习唱歌。康妮7岁的时候,参加了英国达人。她动听的嗓音使每个人都很惊讶。他们简直无法相信自 己的耳朵!康妮的完美表演使她在达人秀中获得了第二名。从那以后,康妮很快走红。她制作了许多专辑,比如彩虹星光和美丽的新世界。她还

6、在世界各地举办过许多演唱会。康妮动听的嗓音使她拥有许多粉丝,并成为世界上最受欢迎的歌手之o二、词汇收藏1. interest/ Intrest/n 。兴趣 II v.使感兴趣I had no interest in the competition.我对那次比赛没有兴趣。Your st .ory interested me你的故事使我很感兴趣。2. take part in参力口; 参与She takes part in the activity actively.她积极地参加活动。3. excellent/ eksolont/ adj.优秀的;精彩的He is an excellent sin

7、ger 。他是一位优秀的歌手。4. performance/p'fo:mns/.n. 表演They stood up and clapped hands for their performance.他们站起来为他们的表演鼓掌。5. make sb +n.是某人成为You make me a fool.你把我当傻子啊6. in the world在世界上Which is the largest city in the world?世界上最大的城市是哪个?三、长难句分析Connie's family was so poor that they had no money to sen

8、d her to a music school。康妮的家庭很贫困,以至于他们没有钱送她去上音乐学校。本句中的“ so。that意为“如此以至于用来引导结果状语从句;so用来修饰形容词或副词。(二)We all know that smiling is a kind of body language. In fact, it is not just a bodylanguage. It also has some different benefits. Let' s learn about the benefits of smiling.First of all, smiling can

9、 reduce stress. Although it's not easy to keep smiling whenyou are in stressful situations, smiling can reduce stress. That's true. Sometimes, smiling can help people get rid of stress, Even listening to others ' laughter and seeing smilingfaces can help you keep calm and relaxed.Secondl

10、y, smiling is good for your health. For example, it can strengthen your immunesystem. It's said that keeping smiling can help you fight against many kinds of diseases.That's why we often advise some patients to be happy and keep smiling.Thirdly, smiling can improve your mood. Next time you a

11、re feeling down, try putting ona smile. And then your mood will change for the better.Lastly, smiling can help you make friends easily. Whenyou smile at others, they usually regard you as a polite and friendly person. Then they are willing to make friends with you.Therefore, no matter what happens,

12、please keep smiling every day一、全文翻译我们都知道微笑是一种身体语言。其实,它不仅仅是一种身体语言,它还有一些不同的益处。让我们了解一下微笑的益处吧。首先,微笑能够减少压力。尽管当你在有压力的情况下要保持微笑是很不容易的,但微笑能减 少压力。那确实是真的。有时,微笑能帮助人们摆脱压力。甚至听别人的笑声和看笑脸也能帮助你 保持镇静和放松。第二,微笑对你的健康有好处。比如,它能够增强你的免疫力。据说保持微笑能够帮你对抗多 种疾病。那就是我们经常建议一些病人要开心并保持微笑的原因。第三,微笑能够改善你的心情。下次当你觉得沮丧的时候,试着微笑一下,然后你的心情就会 变好。

13、最后,微笑能够帮你更容易地交到朋友。当你对别人微笑的时候,他们会把你视为有礼貌而友 好的人。然后,他们就会愿意和你交朋友。所以,不管发生什么事情,请每天保持微笑。二、词汇收藏famous plays 今天,我们学习一些著名的戏剧。当老师是件辛苦而有压力的工作。1. learn about 了解,获得,学得Today we are going to learn about2. stressful/ stresfl/adj.有压力的Teaching can be a tiring and stressful job3. get rid of 除掉,去掉;It is important for us

14、 to get rid of the bad habits in the beginning.对于我们来说,在开始去除坏习惯是重要的。morning but all day.4. keep calm 保持冷静。Keep +adj. 保持怎样的状态I kept active, not just in theit keep5.It ' s said that 据说Its said that worry is like a rocking chair: 据说烦恼就像一把摇椅:它让你忙碌,但又让你原地踏步you busy, but doesn' tget you anywhere.6

15、.fight against 与作斗争争吵,反对people tried to fight against being moved to another city, but it was no use.建议某人做某事人们试图抵制移居到另一座城市去,但无济于事7 . that ' s why+句子"那就是为什么的原因“8. Advise sb to do sth9. improve /im'pru : v/ v. 改进;改善You need to improve your English你需要提高你的英语水平。他们总是把红色看作是好运的象征。10. regard /r&

16、#39;gud/ v. 看作;视为 regard as 将看作They always regard red as a symbol of good luck11. polite/pa' laIt/ adj.有礼貌的 politeimpolite-politelyWe all want to make friends.with him because he is polite我们都想和他交朋友,因为他很有礼貌12. make friends with与交朋友He is outgoing and likes making friends with different people.他性格夕

17、卜向, 喜欢与不同的人交朋友。13. be willing to do srh愿意做某事14.no matter what=whatever 无论什么,smiling canalthough 意为“尽管;虽然”,是when引导的时间状三、长难句分析Although it's not easy to keep smiling when you are in stressful situations reduce stress 。尽管当你在有压力的情况下要保持微笑是很不容易的,但微笑能减少压力。本句含有双重复合句, 首先,它含有although引导的让步状语从句,用来引导让步状语从句;从句

18、中的when you are in stressful situations语从句。(三)Nowadays, you can see some orange bicycles on streets in some cities.These orange bikes are from a company. You can order a bike through its app on yourphone. When you find a bike , you can scan its QR code( 扫描二维码 ),then you can use the bike freely 。 You

19、don' t have to return the bike to the former(先前的)place 。 You can park the bike anywhere 。China was known as "the kingdom of bicycles" around 30 years ago. Later on, more people preferred to drive cars rather than ride bicycles. Now, bike rental services are bringing bikes back to peopl

20、e's lives 。Lots of people think bike rental services are very good. Somepeople say that the services are good for the environment. Other people choose to ride bikes in order to keep healthy. All the people agree that using the app to order a bike is easy and convenient. One of the people says th

21、at it is a good way to save money. After all, they don't have to spend their own money on new bikesThe company hopes that more and more people will choose to use their bikes.一、全文翻译现如今,在一些城市你可以看到马路上有许多橙色的自行车。这些橙色的自行车来自一家公司。你可以通过手机上它的应用软件来预约自行车。当你找到一辆自行车的时候,你可以扫描它的二维码,然后你就可以自由地使用它了。你没有必要把自行车归 还到先前

22、的地方。你可以把它停在任何地方。中国在大约30年前是著名的“自行车王国”。后来,更多人宁愿开车而不愿骑自行车。现在, 这种自行车租赁业务把骑自行车又带回到了人们的生活中。许多人觉得自行车租赁业务很不错。有些人说这些服务对环境有好处。其他人选择骑自行车是 为了保持健康。所有人都赞同使用手机应用软件预约自行车简单而便利。其中一个人说这是省钱的 一种好方法。毕竟,他们不必花自己的钱买新的自行车了。这家公司希望有越来越多的人能选择使用他们的自行车。 二、词汇收藏1. freely /'fri : Ii/adv. 自由地You can use it freely 。你可以自由地使用它。2. Re

23、turn sth to把某物还给I must return some books to the library.我必须得把一些书还给图书馆。3. anywhere/ eniwe ?/adv.任何地方You can buy the ballpoint pen anywhere你在任何地方都可以买到这种圆珠笔。刘德华作为歌手而闻名。4. be known as作为而闻名;Liu Dehua is known as a singer.5. prefer to do sth rather than do sth宁愿做某事而不愿做某事I prefer to do homework rather than do housewor


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