1、河西区20192020学年度初中毕业生学业考试模拟试卷(二) 英语本比卷分为第1卷(选挣题,第口寿非选科JK)两部分.第1卷为用I贝至第8页,第II卷为第9取至第12页.试卷珑分120分.考试时间100分钟.答卷时,请你务必将自己的姓名,考生号,考点校,考场号、座收号馍写在答鹿 卡”上,并在规定位置林站考试用条彩码.答题时.务必将答案探马在“苦星卡,上, 答案答在试卷上无效.考试结束后,请上殳“答I®卡”.祝你考试顺利I第I卷注it事项;1 .标题堆出答案后,用2B铅事先“答题卡上对成邂目的答案标号的信息点泳J1. 如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选徐耳他答察标号的信息点.2 .本卷共五
2、大黑,共驼分.-、听力理解(本大题共20小趣.每小剧I分,共2。分)A)在下列每小国内,你将听到一小或两个句子并宿前供选择的A.从C三幅图画.我出与你析所句产内容相匹配的图漏.九年夔英9H卷第1熨C共12页4.BC. By plane.C. Music class.C His fb(M hurts.C.A cap.C. Ites snowy;C. A comparer.C. She likes riding honscs.B) F面你将听到十出时话,每姐对话都有一个向网.根用对话内容,从每蛆所给的A.B、匚三个选项中找册能回答所提问题的黑隹选项.5. How docs the man like
3、 to travel?A. By train.B. By ship.6. What class does Lhy have on Wednesdays?A. Drawing class. B. PE cla&s.7. Whal* wrong whh the man?A. He coughs ak)C B He has a toothache.8. What arc the two speakers diking about?A, A lie.B. A co&t.9. How is the weather in New York?A. IPs cloudy.R lt'ss
4、umiy10. WhaVs on Che woman's desk?A. A phone.B. A purse.It. What sport does Mary like best?A. She like skating, B. Six likes riding bikes.12 Which bus will the man take?A. Bus No. 308 R. Hus Na. 385I ? How did Lucy spend hcweekend?A. She wem lo the bwich.B She went to visit her friend-C She u*et
5、tt to the mountains14 What was Mrke doing ihis morn mg?A. He was playing the piano.B. He was paying the guitarC. He was. playing the violin.九年期英语艮答j|l 2页(共I2正C. To a shoe shop.C. Go straighLC. Ai half past seven.C.14 years, old.C.The life of AmencxC)听下面长对话或独th等段长对话或独白后都有几个问题.从愿中所给的A. B.C 三个选项中埴出最佳选项
6、听下面一段材料,回答第15至第15. Where docs the woman want to go?A. Toa clothes shop, B. To a bank.16. What should the woman do al the fourth crossing?A. Turn left.B. Tum right.17. Whs dews 加 shop close?A. Al &ix.B. At half past tx.所下面一段材料,回答第18至第2。期.18. How old is Judy?A. 10 years old.B. 12 years old.19. Wha
7、t's the English program about?A. L nghsh stones.B. Food around the world20. Whai dsc do wc know about Judy?A. She Tends English books o<i weekdays.B. She finds it hard to learn EnglishC. Sbc only (cams English at school二、的璞埔空(本大共15小题.辟小题I分,共IS分)从下列每小题所给的A、B. C和D四个选项中,速出可以填入空白处的班佳法项.21. Look!
8、There is a monkey eating appe in rhe tree.Enwmonkey is very cute.A. a; aR- a; The Can. an D. an; tlte22. Linda was a manager at a big company. b*ut 业 gave up job when she became a mother.九年教英塔伏号«4K (共12页)A. sheB hersCherD. Iierscir25.26.27.D. looked afterD. fieelO. the longest23. Stephen Hawkin
9、g scory gives me much 10 face all kinds of difficullicsA, chanceB. 1th C. courage D. decision24. John the TV and helped moiher with the housework.A. Iteard from B. turned off C. joined in Pbe soup will better with more salt.A. eatB. lootC. casteJane has hair in her class.A. longB. longerC. longest一H
10、ow old is your daiightef?-. We had a wonderful party for her birthday yesterday.A. Nine; nineB. Ninc;nmtfi C. Ninth: ninth D. Ninth; nine28. _I have a ticket, plca?Sorry, sir. All the tickets were MJkJ oul lei) rniniid dgo, A. MayB. NeedC. MustD. Should29. I f«ally enjoyed your class, there iom
11、o sentences di#' quite iin(k;»Uind,A. becauseB. orC. though D. after30. is The girl in * ned ssier?=Ok it's my English teachers daughter.A. WhoB. Which C. What D, How3 L What's your plan for the simmer holidays?一Pve no ideabut I've decided 肌 home and have h good rest first.A. sl
12、ayB. to staj- C. stayed D, staying32. 一How does your hroiher usually go to school every day?He usually to school in my father's car.A. goesa. weiitC. has goneD, will ge33. Hang7hou as (he City of Si IL Tourists like shopping for silk IhegA. knowsB. is knownC was knownD. will be known34. 1 lave y
13、ou Mked the policeman?Yes. He iM us to (urn right into Main Street. There is one on the rigJiLA. if there is a hank near hertB. how can we get to the nearest bankC. v*here can wc find a bankD when we can go to the nearest bank53. hek fell down and hurt hinwcIf badly yesterday.A. Thal's coolEL No
14、thing seriousC.lt doesn't matterD. Tm sorry u> hear (hni三、完胫地空(本大然共10小期,每小看I分,共10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各剧所给的A、B. C和D四个选项中选出最 佳选琥The other day I was doing some shopping, A man who was untidy, walked towards a group of us at the checkuuM收银台)heard him talk tn the man in front of me,叫 don't want
15、to 5t«l (偷)from this score. wovld you 36 me some foodrThe man prctw)dcd 4 假装 not to hear him. I waited 箝 for my turn 10 be 也 bulk never came.38 lacked himJQn I buy yousomdhingloalT'He . .J? accepted The man got a bag and began puning “炸三角)in the bog. He topped and I asked him hou many he ha
16、d got and he replied IO.The cashier (tftfflfi) looked at me doubtfully(怀疑地 j and 1 hen added tbein to 40 order. After I was through, the man Siiid he wanted 30nle(hing to drink, too. The cashier swmM S be kiting a dose eye on him. I admitted (承认)I was too, us I didn't wan? him tn ccal anything _
17、 41 ! I told the cashier that if he got "n) _42 . I'd just pay fur it.Fmally. we bu(h ended up kaving the 43 , bw he stood righl outside holding the 5ame5as in hi$ hartds 和M king to himsdf. Or maybe he -as talking "ilh 44_ _ who he Ibouht was there- This inafi1? circumstances (情 况)sadd
18、ened me How many of the honwMw so suflcr from a mental (精和1 的> 45_ ? Maybe thafs even whai 3 him to be homeless J ,的 thought about tfic watchful eye (he mhier and I kqn over him. I hoped to meet him again someday maybe wc can sit down and hiir lunch together.36.A. borrowB. buyC. catch0. sell37.A.
19、 patentlyB. hurriedlyC. finallyD. carefully38.A. SoB. AndC. ButD.Or39A. friendlyB gladlyC. wcxriedlyD. carefully40.A. herB. myc, hi5D. I heir41.A. neither& ahoC. tooD. either42.A. drinkB. bagCzmosaD. lunch43.A、cinema& theatreC. restaurantD. store44.A anybodyB. nobodyC. someoneD. everyone45.A
20、. abilityB. effortC. illnessD. experience四、阅读理解(本大题代15小罐.每小瓜2分,共30分)国读下面的也文.从每小J«所给的A, B、C和D四个选质中选出一个录佳选项.ADear Marjorie,rm having I roubles at school. 1 find it dlflitull to get dov*n to work in (he evenings and 1 can* concentrate (全神资注)on miything at the moment. 1 spend most of my time lisien
21、rng to music or WMfehing IV instead of doing my homework when I am at hom* The other students in my class axe much berrer than 】am aid I have problcns 的彳th following (he lessons as m-cII. I can't always lake down the important things my teacher v” because I write so slowly. She has 【old me that
22、I'm failing behind with my studies. Pm not gouC at writing and I usually hund in my homework late because I put。汗 doing it until the minute. So I often have to invent different excuses Io tell my iisacher why I haven! done Ibe work. I1m sure Pm not going io get through my final exams in July. Pm
23、 now so far behind tliat I don、know bow F m going to catch up with them. My teacher <pen wrnc time going through my homework with me but she found so many mistakes that【fcH even more depressed (沮丧).Whai do you suggest I do?YounsGeorge46. Geo咨 usually 一 when he is at home.A does his homeworkB. lis
24、tens to muskC. concentrates on his studyD. gels ready for the final exams4Z Why can't George take down rhe iniportant things his teacher sys?A. Uecaine he can t write 悔st enough.B. Because the teaschcr speaks too fast.(Bcca咏 the teacher speaks too much.D. Because he ain't hear the teacher cl
25、oarly.48. What made George feel wone?A. lie fell behind his classmates.Fie didn't pass the final examC< Me didn't liand rn the homework on time.D He made a lot of mistakes in his hroneworl49 Acxwrding to the passage, il is clear (hai George has probkins with his.A.后而ly0. studyC. teachersD
26、. friends九年级美方0:密第5页(共12页)5。, Why does George think it'% difficuh to CMCh up with his classmales?.A. Because his teacher dcxrsrft want to help himB Because his classmates always lawgh M him.C. Because he falls very far behind his classmates.D Because he has TOO much homework to do.BMany years ag
27、o, my dad got heart disense (疾痛)and had 3 be sent to the hospilaJ. He 8uldn" work for a king time so he decided Io be a volunteer at a children's hosprtal.IhcfT was a girt who could not walk because of a disease. She wouldn't do anything and was very sad. My dad decided to help her. He
28、started visiting her in her room, bringing paints, brushes ag some white paper He put the brush in hb mouth and began to paint. He didrfl use his hand at all. Only his head moved. After finishing the p阳urc, he said to the gkL ”ook,】 can paint without hand. You can also do anything you want. You shou
29、ld not be so 5ad." Ik tried his beM to teach the girl to paint the piclune.At lasit Ihc girl began (u paint herself and karnt to walk bravely. However, the doctors ftlt surprised that ihere was nothing else they could do fcr the giri and the> let the girl leave the hospital. Severul months h
30、iler. my dad received a call from the little girl. She said she could walk. She mailed my dad a picture she had drawn. At the bottom iT read, 1,Thunk you for helping me JMy dad would cry whenever be told us 山山 story- flc would say that Iwc can be more powerful than doctors, and my cM died just a few
31、 months after the little gid gave him the picture.51. Why did rhe wrilcr's father decide lu be a volunteer at a children's hospital?A. He liked chiIdneti.B. He knew dx:gjrl.C. He had tn be sent to the hospitalD. He cuuldrfi work fora long time because of his disease.52. I low did the writer&
32、#39;s father help the little girl?A. He began to visit the girl in her room with paints, brushes and some white paper.B. He enoounigcd the girl by painting witlout hand.C. He told the girl she cnuld &)anything she wanted.D. AR of the above.53. Why cHd (he doctors let the girl leave the Iwspital?
33、A They thought they could do notfiing to help herR- The girl didn't want to stay there.C The girl began to paint herself.D The girl learnt to walk bravely.54. What happened to the girl before she left the hospital?A. She could walk.B. She begiin to paint hyrself. ,C. She gave a call to the write
34、r's lather.D. She mailed the writer、father a picture she had drawn.九年债就班试卷第(共12页)55. What's the main idea of the passage?A. The inaji helped i加 girtB. You can do anything you want.C- Lcve is powerful.D. The girl was badEy ill.cStress (IE A) is everywhere in our everyday |ifcr Not only men Im
35、ve il but also women qnd young people.The most imporunt reusons of stress are: deaths diseases, exams, making money, getting Eamedp moving houses, changing jobs, ending friendships and so on.How do you know whether you have stress? Could you give your answers to the following questions?Stress testDq
36、 youYesNoeasily get angry?often sleep badly?get headaches a lol?take sleeping pills (药片)?find il difllcult to relax?usually hide your feelings?find it diflicult to put your heart into somctiing?If you answcL'Yes" I。more than two of these quzstions, you are one of those people with strew. Sq
37、 what can you do aboul it?【Ring rdaMiig exercises lalking with friends and listening 10 light music are all usual w»ys of relieving (减轻)stress. However doclors now say that there are easier people should laugh and smile more often. Wlien you la监h and smile, your body jeJaxes. They also W people
38、, especially men, should more often, because crying is the natural way of relieving stress.56. Which of the fallowing is not the reason of stress?A. Taking ewuns.B. Clanging jobs.C. Taking sleeping pills.D. Making money.57. Which of the lowing is true?A. Women ajid young people never have stressB. S
39、tress is everywhere in cur everyday liffe、C. People who answer "Nolo all of the quesiims have great stress,D. People who answer "Yes11 to more than two of die quEions have no stress.58. The "" in the Iasi passage should be the word -tA. cryB. laughC. smileD. smoke59. According to
40、 the passage, what、the easier way to relax your body?A. Talking with friencis.B Listening to light music.C. Doing relaxing exercises.D. Laughing, smiling and crying.60. The main idea of (he piusagc is .A. about stress and how to relieve your stressB. that there are many reasons fbr ha精ng stressCr th
41、at【毒沙】由1内 and siiiiling mure can help relieve your stressD that doing the Stress Test 讴 a good way to help you to live a better life五、补全对话(本大典共5小题,得小题I分.共5分)根据对话内容,从方框内选界恰当的句子将对话朴充充整.I埴项中有两项是多余的)A. Where is it?":B. If s on your rightC I'm going to buy books.D. How can I get there?E. How lon
42、g does it take to get there?F. Why don'i you take a bus?G. What's it about?A: Good aftemcMMi, What are you oing to do?B: 61A: Oh JO buy books? You are out? Why not go 1O ihe Readers, Room?B: The Readers' Room? 62A; It is a place where students can exchange their old books with others.B:
43、Thal pounds great! 63A: It's next to the Peopled Hospital, across from the Cit* ParkB: Oh, ifs a link Mr, 64A: You can take tlie No. 7 bus to get there-B: 65A: It takes IS minutes to get there,D: Thank you very much.九年级英语试希第8页C文12页)河西区2019-2020学年度初中毕业生学业考试模拟试卷(二)注事项,1 .用黑色字迹的生字思将答案写在“答题卡'上.2
44、,本卷共四大题,共犯分.六、完成句子(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共I。分)根«S所皓巾文意思完成句子,每空U填一包.66 .这个湖很大.它占据了这个公园一半多的面积.昧 lake is very big. It over half of the pari area.67 .我妈妈在打扫房间,收拾东西.My mother is cloning the house and thing.68 .我«去澳大利亚观光.rd like to in Australia.69,我九岁时去小电台求过职.I pan-rime jobs in small radio stations at t
45、he age of nine.70 .这即玩具汽车正在这个商店中出售.This kind of toy c&r is in the shop.七.任务用阅读(本大题共5小题,15小题I分,共S分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成句子.A long time before J was bom, my grandma and grandpa moved into the bouse on BeechwcxKl Avenue- They had a young family of4 little girb.During that time, work was hard to find, so
46、Grandpa did whatever jobs he couldr He worked on a iarm during the week and on weekend he and Grandma grew some of their own food in die garden.Everybody worked to keep the garden growing. All summer long, the family ate food from the garden and enjoyed ihc bcauriful flowers. Grandma made jam (果 舒)w
47、ith strawberries, tom aloes, pears and peaches. It was good to cat through the long winter.The fhinily grew up, and before too many years had passed, the grandchildren came to visit. Grandma and Grandpa still planted their garden every spring. Everyone still enjoyed the good (bod from ihe garden and
48、 always look some home.Grandchildren grew up. and grandparents grew older. It became harder for Grandma and Grandpa to keep up the garden. So llvey made it a little smaller There was still plenty tto eat from the garden and lovely flowers to enjoy.Then one summer when Grandpa was eighty-nine years o
49、l& all he could do was to watch trom his chair as the vegetables grew and the roses came out Summer slowly went away, and Grandpa died before it was trme to bring in ihc harvest (丰收,7L There were people in graE>dparents, family a long time before the writer was bom.72. The life then was very
50、.73. Grandchildren took their grandparentse vegetables home because 二74. As time passed by, grandparents made Tlw guden smaller because a75. The best title for the passage ts.九年级英串试卷第2页(共门页)As媒合填空(本大翘共10小IS,每小题1分,共I。分)根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词.使短文意思完整.O» Jan 23. Wuhan was locked down. Hua Yucliea a m
51、usic teaclwr at Wuhans (langhua Elementary School, saw a n 76 on Wcchat looking for volunteers to fight the virus (i 毒).She registered (登记)at once.uAt first. liad no idea what kind of work 1 was going to d©/ Hua said. "But as a Wuhan grrlv I knew I must do &77 for my hometown, even tho
52、ugh I am just a 女 78 personand cannot rescue,救助)patients as doctors do:'Being a volunteer in Wuhan for more than 30 days. Hua was tilling in where help was most n 79 . She sent medical workers io arc! from work. She t 80 the temperaiurts of drivers at loll (收费)stations. She worked 配 a broadcaste
53、r (广播员)at a hospital.llOn our teanu eveoone is contributing (出一份力)silenily. There's always someone who arrived e 81 than me. does more work and leaves later,H Hiia said. he volin)teers arc P82 responsibiSity (觉任)around. I fed energetic充满活力的)w 83 I'mworking with them/1As her parents1 only chi
54、ld. Hua didn,t tell them that she would do volunteer work at first ibf fear that tFiej- would worry about her. However, wlien she f 84 told them, they supported (支持)her.Huu said she wanted to share her volunteer experience w 85 her $tudents. She would talk to them about what they should do when the
55、epidemic (传染病)is over九、书面表达(本大且共15分)86.在即将告别母校的时刻.你想表达你对学校,4W.同学的美好回忆和祝耦.请根划下面表格列举的要点,以The I美£ Momcnl Held M I。(难舍时刻)为期,用英语写一篇短文,表达你对他的的感情美好的回忆校园:悠久的历史,液厚的文化氛围 老牌|教学优秀,知霞丰富,富有爱心同学,互扪帮助.亲如兄弟蛆妹祝福与希望校园更加美丽,闻名:拥有更多的名师个人的决心努力学习.迎接大考,今后参考词汇丁文化氛围cultural atmosphere«>(1)词数,的100个.(2)开头和结尾已给出,不计入
56、总词数. C3)要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥.The Last Moment Held on toHow Times flics? We jus! leaving our lovely junior high school. I have w many great memories here of the 14st three years.I am proud that _ Ail my best wishes to my school and ixchefs!九年缎英语试卷第12页(共12页)河西区2019-2020学年度初中毕业生学业考试模拟试卷(二)英语试题参考答案及评分标准评分说明,I
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