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1、指对各个国家指对各个国家(China, Great Britain, the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zea1and, Japan, Russia, India, Egypt, Cuba, etc. )的介绍的介绍(包括历史、包括历史、地理地理),以及对人口增长,以及对人口增长(popu1ation growth)、土地、土地(land)、粮食、住房、粮食、住房(housing)、污染、污染(pollution)、环、环境保护境保护(environmental conservation)等问题发表意见。等问题发表意见。就公共场所吸烟、随地吐痰


3、如何保护环境;环境保护与经济发展应如何保护环境;环境保护与经济发展孰优先;日常生活中怎样进行环境保护;动物保护孰优先;日常生活中怎样进行环境保护;动物保护和人类生存孰优先;人口增长与环境。和人类生存孰优先;人口增长与环境。单词dispose of, burn, bury (landfill垃圾场),dump倾倒,recycle 回收plastic bags塑料袋, drinking cans饮料罐biodegradable packaging 可降解包装,throwaway 可丢弃的disposable 可丢弃的discourage v. 不鼓励一、话题常用单词一、话题常用单词1. envir

4、onment n. 环境2. nature n. 自然3. natural resources 自然资源4. energy n. 能源5. pollution n. 污染6. plastic n. 塑料7. rubbish/trash 垃圾8. protect vt 保护9. recycle vt 循环, 回收,再利用10. pollute vt 污染11. spit vi 吐痰12. low-carbon adj 低碳的13. renewable adj 可再生的14. win-win adj.双赢的15. environmentally-friendly adj 环保的 一、话题常用单词一

5、、话题常用单词A.环境污染的原因环境污染的原因(1)cut down trees 砍伐树木砍伐树木(2)pollute the environment/air 污染环境污染环境/空气空气(3)lead /water /noise/air /white pollution铅铅/水水/噪音噪音/空气空气/白色污染白色污染(4)The rubbish was everywhere.到处是垃圾。到处是垃圾。(5)send out smoke and poisonous gases into the air排放排放烟雾和有毒气体烟雾和有毒气体(6)pour waste water into rivers

6、 without being treated往往河里排放未经处理的废水河里排放未经处理的废水二、破坏环境的后果二、破坏环境的后果(1)acid rain 酸雨酸雨(2)abnormal climate气候异常气候异常(3)global warming 全球变暖全球变暖(4)sea level rise 海平面上升海平面上升(5)greenhouse effect 温室效应温室效应(6)extinction of animals 动物灭绝动物灭绝(7)be harmful to/do harm to. 对对有害有害(8)flood many low-lying cities 水淹低洼城市水淹低洼

7、城市(9)drought/flood/sandstorms sweep across. 干旱干旱/洪水洪水/沙尘暴横扫沙尘暴横扫10)smog/haze 雾霾11)environmental pollution 环境污染12)at the cost/expense of our environment 以牺牲环境作为代价13)the overuse of natural resources 自然资源的过度利用三、环保措施三、环保措施(1)plant trees 植树植树(2)sort rubbish 垃圾分类垃圾分类(3)protect the ecology 保护生态保护生态(4)save

8、energy/water节约能源节约能源/水水(5)go green生产或使用绿色产品生产或使用绿色产品(6)protect the environment 保护环境保护环境(7)ride bicycles to work 骑自行车上班骑自行车上班(8)develop renewable resources可再生资源可再生资源(9)fight against pollution 与污染作斗争与污染作斗争(10)sustainable development 可持续发展可持续发展三、环保措施三、环保措施(11)eco-friendly products 生态友好的产品生态友好的产品(12)dea

9、l with rubbish properly正确处理垃圾正确处理垃圾(13)recycle textbooks/trash 课本课本/垃圾回收利用垃圾回收利用(14)ban smoking in public 禁止在公共场合吸烟禁止在公共场合吸烟(15)improve our living conditions 改善居住条件改善居住条件(16)keep the balance of nature 保持自然界的平衡保持自然界的平衡(17)stop / keep/ prevent sb from doing 阻止某人做阻止某人做(18)ban the abuse of plastic bags

10、禁止滥用塑料袋禁止滥用塑料袋(19)dont litter/spit everywhere 不随地扔垃圾不随地扔垃圾/吐痰吐痰三、环保措施三、环保措施(20)reduce the use of single served chopsticks 减少使用一次性筷子(21)equip cars with pollution-control devices 给汽车安装上控制污染的装置(22)take action/take measures to do sth 采取行动/措施做某事(23)raise the awareness of environmental protection 提高环保意识 (

11、24)take the responsibility to protect our environment 承担保护环境的责任 (25)call on/ appeal to sb to do sth 呼吁某人做某事三、环保措施三、环保措施protect the environment 保护环境 plant trees and flowers 植树种花 save water 节约用水 use paper bags 使用纸袋 put rubbish into the dustbin 垃圾入桶 do something useful 做一些有用的事情 use shopping baskets 使用购

12、物篮 refuse plastic bags 拒绝塑料袋 recycle the waste 废品再利用 purify dirty water 净化脏水 四、环境状况blue sky and fresh air蓝色的天空,清新的空气 green hills and clear water 青山绿水 air/noise/water pollution 空气/噪音/水污染 throw rubbish everywhere 到处扔垃圾 plastic bags 塑料袋 pour dirty water 倒脏/污水 polluted water 被污染的水 五、五、话题常用话题常用句型句型 A.描述现

13、状分析原因描述现状分析原因1. With the development of science and technology, the environemtal pollution is becoming more and more serious. 随着科技的进步,环境污染越来越严重2. People lack the sense of protecting the environment. 人们缺乏保护环境的意识 3. Some people pay no attention to the environment that they live in.有些人对他们居住的环境毫不在意。4. P

14、eople throw rubbish everywhere, which makes the environment seriously polluted.人们到处扔垃圾,这使得环境受到了严重的污染。五、话题常用句型五、话题常用句型5. People have been cutting down too many trees, which caused birds and animals to lose their natural habitats.人们一直在过度砍伐树木,导致鸟类和动物失去了他们的自然栖息地。6. While travelling , people are often ca

15、ught in haze or smog, which is very dangerous for people 出行时,人们经常会遇到雾霾或大雾,这对人们来说非常危险。五五、话题常用、话题常用句型句型 B、采取措施、采取措施1. Now more and more people have come to realize how serious the problem is. 现在越来越多的人已经意识到问题的严重性2. Environmental protection has caused global concern recently 近来环保已经引起了全球的关注。3. It is high

16、 time that we took immediate measures to protect our environment/earth 该是我们立刻保护我们环境/地球的时候了4. It is our obligation/duty to keep our environment clean 保护环境整洁是我们的职责。5. We should take good care of the forest and plant more trees instead of cutting down them so as to improve our living conditions.为了改善我们的

17、生存环境,我们应该爱护森林、多种树,而不是靠砍树五五、话题常用句型、话题常用句型 B、采取措施、采取措施6. Everyone should raise the awareness that its our duty to protect our mother earth. 每个人都应该提高保护地球的意识。7. On no account should we develop our economy at the cost of our environment.无论如何我们不应该牺牲我们的环境来发展我们的经济。8. We students should form the good habit o

18、f picking up the rubbish that we see anywhere.我们学生应该养成随手捡垃圾的好习惯9. To protect the environment, the government should pass laws to prevent people people from throwing rubbish everywhere 为了保护环境,政府应该通过一些法规来阻止人们乱扔垃圾。10. In my opinion, the best solution to this problem is to carry out the system of praise

19、 and punishment firmly.依我之见, 解决问题的最好办法就是惩奖并用。六六、采取、采取措施措施 C.呼吁号召呼吁号召1. only in this way can we enjoy fresh air and live a healthy life 唯有这种方式我们才能享受新鲜空气,活得健康。2. To cherish the environment is to love ourselves.爱护环境就是爱护我们自己。3. Only by this means can we stop the air from being polluted.只有这样我们才能阻止空气被污染六、

20、采取措施六、采取措施 C.呼吁号召呼吁号召stop/prevent/keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 Everyone knows the environment is to us. 人人都知道环境对我们很(某种利害关系) Something must be done to 必须采取措施来(某种目有) As time goes by, our environment is getting 随着时间的流逝,我们的环境变得越来越(某种变化) We should to protect our environment. 我们应该(采取某种行动)来保护环境。 We hav

21、e only one earth, so we should do our best to protect it. 我们只有一个地球,要尽力保护它。What should we do to protect our environment? 我们应该怎样做去保护环境呢? 六、采取六、采取措施措施1.We should plant more trees to keep water and earth from running away. 我们应该多种树防止水土流失。 2.We should often ride a bike or walk instead of driving cars. 我们应

22、该骑车而不开车。 3. We shouldnt pour the dirty water into the river. 我们不应该把脏水倒入河里。 4.We shouldnt use the plastic bas too often. 我们不应该太常使用塑料袋。 5.We can use paper bags or shopping baskets. 我们可以使用纸袋或购物袋。六、采取措施六、采取措施6. We cant throw rubbish here and there (everywhere). 我们不能到处扔垃圾。 7. We can help clean up the pub

23、lic places. 我们可以帮忙清洁公共地方。 8.We should save water and electricity. 我们应该节约用水/电。 9. We can use both sides of the paper when we write . 当我们写东西时,可以两面纸都写。 10. In a word, if everyone pays more attention to our environment, there will be less pollution and our lives will be better.(结束语) 总而言之,如果每个人都关注环境,就会少点

24、污染,我们的生活就会更美好。 七、佳作欣赏七、佳作欣赏范文一有关雾霾范文一有关雾霾:假如你是李华,David是你的美国网友。他对目前中国出现的雾霆天气很关注,来信向你询问此事。请你给他写封回信。主要内容如下:1.感谢他的关注。2.简介雾霾 (smog) 天气给人们的身体、生活带来的危害3.谈谈你的感想。Dear David,Im glad to receive your letter. I have learned from your letter that you are concerned about the smog which frequently appears in some ar

25、eas of China. Thank you for your concern. Im also very worried about such terrible weather because it has brought much inconvenience or rather harm to peoples health such as traffic jam, road accidents, bad coughs, throat hurts and ever lung cancers and so on.As everybody knows, a good environment c

26、omes from good protection. So we should do what we can to make a difference. Try to drive less and choose air-friendly products. Only when everyone has the environmental awareness can we have cleaner air.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon and sharing your good ideas. 七、佳作欣赏七、佳作欣赏范文二:有关低碳生

27、活范文二:有关低碳生活:1. 低碳生活受到人们的普遍欢迎低碳生活受到人们的普遍欢迎2. 低碳生活方式低碳生活方式非常有好处非常有好处3. 我们应该如何去做我们应该如何去做Live a Low-carbon LifeAs is known to us all,our environment is getting worse and worse,and a low carbon life is becoming more and more popular among people. A low carbon life can be of great use for us.It can help s

28、ave energy and cut down the pollution. It can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that is the main cause of greenhouse effect, and can help keep our environment beautiful and clean.Therefore, we should live a low carbon life. First of all, when we go out, we should take a bus or ride a bike instead

29、of driving a car. Cars not only let out carbon dioxide but also waste energy. Second,we had best not use plastic bags which can bring about the white pollution. We should use the environment-friendly bags. Third, its of great use to plant trees. Trees can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Fi

30、nally, we should start with small things. Therefore, as students, we ought to turn out the lights the moment we leave,turn off the tap in time,and reuse our textbooks and so on. 基础写作基础写作: 介绍介绍“世界环境日世界环境日”2009年年6月月5日,在墨西哥举办了每年一度的日,在墨西哥举办了每年一度的“世世界环境日界环境日”纪念日活动。请根据如下表格,写一纪念日活动。请根据如下表格,写一篇介绍篇介绍“世界环境日世界

31、环境日”的短文。的短文。名称名称世界环境日世界环境日时间时间每年的每年的6月月5日日历史历史1972年,为了纪念斯德哥尔摩人类环境大会年,为了纪念斯德哥尔摩人类环境大会(the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment)的的开幕而设立开幕而设立目的目的提醒全世界注意人类活动对环境的危害;要求各国政提醒全世界注意人类活动对环境的危害;要求各国政府在这一天开展各种活动来强调保护和改善人类环境府在这一天开展各种活动来强调保护和改善人类环境的重要性的重要性2009年世年世界主题界主题地球需要你地球需要你联合国际力量,应对气候变化联合国际力量,应对气候变

32、化(Your planet needs YOU!Unite to combat climate change)2009年中年中国主题及国主题及目的目的减少污染减少污染行动起来行动起来(Reduce pollution Take action.) 引导公众关注污染防治,积极参与节能减排引导公众关注污染防治,积极参与节能减排(energy-saving and emission reduction)写作内容写作内容1.以上表格的所有内容;以上表格的所有内容;2.你对设立世界环境日的看法。你对设立世界环境日的看法。基础写作基础写作: 介绍介绍“世界环境日世界环境日” Every year on June 5 people all over the world take part in World Environment Day (WED). The day


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