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1、动词时态动词时态讲与练讲与练 现在时现在时过去时过去时将来时将来时过去将来时过去将来时一一般般 进进行行完完成成 完完成成进进行行各种时态一览表各种时态一览表do doesdidwill doshallshould dowouldam is doingarewas doingwereshallwillshould be doing wouldhave done hashad doneshall have donewill should donewouldhave been doinghashad been doingshall will have been doinghave been doi

2、ngshould wouldbe doing 普通如今时普通如今时do / does一、表示现阶段经常性的动作形状特一、表示现阶段经常性的动作形状特 征。征。 The director (be) at home . Our school (have ) a big playground. Billy Crystal often (host) the Academy Award. She (like) stand-up comedy very much .二、表示客观真理,书报的标题,小说、戏剧、图、文二、表示客观真理,书报的标题,小说、戏剧、图、文等的引见。等的引见。 Scientists t

3、old us the earth (move) around the sun . The scene (change) back to the park . Laughter (be) good for your health .ishashostslikesmoveschangesis三、用于方案、决议、时辰表、,句中常有时间状语,但仅用于少三、用于方案、决议、时辰表、,句中常有时间状语,但仅用于少数几个表示数几个表示“挪动的动词:挪动的动词:come , go , arrive , begin , leave , return , start , stop , open , close 等

4、等,可表示将要发生的动作。可表示将要发生的动作。1.The plane (leave) for Paris at eight this evening .2.The meeting (begin) at half past two tomorrow afternoon .3.What time the shops (open) ?四、在时间、条件状语从句中,用普通如今时表示将要发四、在时间、条件状语从句中,用普通如今时表示将要发生的动作。生的动作。1.When he (be)18 years old , he will join the army .2. Take an umbrella in

5、 case it (rain) tomorrow .3.I wont go to his party unless she (send ) an invitation. leavesbegins do openisrainssends 如今进展时如今进展时am / is / are doing 一、表示如今或现阶段正在进展的动作,常与一、表示如今或现阶段正在进展的动作,常与now , at present 等连用。等连用。1.We (have) an English class now.2. the baby (sleep) next door?3. At present the enviro

6、nment (pollute) seriously .二、少数动词如二、少数动词如 come , go , arrive , begin , leave , return , start , stay 等,可以用进展时也可以用普通如今时表示按方等,可以用进展时也可以用普通如今时表示按方案即将发生的动作。案即将发生的动作。 I (leave) for tomorrow . Sally (stay) in her aunts home when she is in Britain .are having Is sleepingis being pollutedam leavingis stayin

7、g1.表示觉得、情感、心思形状的感官动词动词如表示觉得、情感、心思形状的感官动词动词如smell , taste , sound ,look , feel , need hear ,like ,love, hate , know , want , wish , forget 等无用于进展时。等无用于进展时。2. 特殊词语:特殊词语:happen ,take place, come about, break out 表示发生的词,表示发生的词,come into being构成,构成,belong to 属于等词无被动属于等词无被动留意:留意: 如今完成时如今完成时 have / has don

8、e have / has done一、表示过去发生的动作对如今产生的影响或结果,一、表示过去发生的动作对如今产生的影响或结果,句中没有详细时间,常与句中没有详细时间,常与already , never ,ever , yet , just , recently , so far 等连用等连用 。1.She already (come) here . 2. We never (be) in a palace . 3. He (go) to Fuzhou .(去了还没回来去了还没回来)4. He (be) to Fuzhou .去过曾经回来了去过曾经回来了二、在时间二、在时间 / 条件状语从句中,

9、表示未来某时曾条件状语从句中,表示未来某时曾经完成的动作。经完成的动作。I will go with you when I (wash) the clothes .has comehave been has gonehas beenhave washed三、表示过去开场的动作继续到如今,也许还继续继续下去,常和三、表示过去开场的动作继续到如今,也许还继续继续下去,常和since ,for 表示一段时间的状语,或表示一段时间的状语,或so far , now , recently ,lately 等词连用。等词连用。1.So far, Crystal (host ) the show eight

10、 times .2.We (study) English for seven years (since 1999 ) .3.Now I (finish) my homework . have studiedhave finishedhas hostedsince 用法小结:用法小结:1.引导的从只能用普经过去时,主句要用如今引导的从只能用普经过去时,主句要用如今完成时。如:完成时。如:We (be) friends ever since we (meet ) at school . have been met他会翻译吗?他会翻译吗?.Its a long time since he joine

11、d the army . 2. Its a long time since he was in the army .3.Its four years since my father worked in that factory .4. Its four years since my father started work in that factory .他参军曾经很久了。他还在部队他参军曾经很久了。他还在部队他不在部队曾经很久了。他不在部队曾经很久了。我爸爸不在那工厂任务有四年了。我爸爸不在那工厂任务有四年了。我爸爸在那家工厂任务有四年了。我爸爸在那家工厂任务有四年了。2. since 从句

12、中的短暂性动词可翻译为从句中的短暂性动词可翻译为“自从做某事以自从做某事以来曾经多久了,但延续性动词那么应译为来曾经多久了,但延续性动词那么应译为“不做某多不做某多久了久了 如今完成进展时如今完成进展时 have/has been doinghave/has been doing表示动作从过去某一时间开场,不断延续到如今,而且很表示动作从过去某一时间开场,不断延续到如今,而且很能够还要延续下去。能够还要延续下去。与如今完成时的区别在于:它强调动作的延续性,在没有与如今完成时的区别在于:它强调动作的延续性,在没有时间状语时,它表示动作延续性动词仍在进展,而如时间状语时,它表示动作延续性动词仍在进

13、展,而如今完成时那么表示动作曾经终了。今完成时那么表示动作曾经终了。 Look out ! Jim (paint) the door .强强调油漆未干调油漆未干 Jim (paint) the door . (油漆能够已干了油漆能够已干了) I (wait) for him for an hour but he still hasnt come . There he is ; I _ (wait) for him for an hour . They are tired ; they _ (work) in the field .has been paintinghas paintedhave

14、 been waitinghave waitedhave been workingExErcisEsExErcisEs( )1.A: Are the Browns still in Australia ? B: . Its years since they lived there . A. Yes B. No C. Im not sure . D. Of course( ).When tomorrow , I will serve tea to him . A. he will come B. does he come C. he comes D . will he come( )3.The

15、police searching our neighbors house . What do you suppose ? A. are ; has happened B. is ; is happening C. is ; would happen D. were ; did happen ( )4.If you him , please go to his home early . A. will help B. helps C. help D. dont help( )5. Why tired ? I the house the whole morning . A. are you ; h

16、ave cleaned B. do you ; was cleaning C. do you look ; have been cleaning D. are you looking ; am cleaning BCAAC 普经过去时普经过去时 did ( didnt do) 或或 were ( werent) / was ( wasnt) 记住常用的动词过去式和过去分词记住常用的动词过去式和过去分词 一、只表示动作发生在过去,或过去常发生,与如今无关。一、只表示动作发生在过去,或过去常发生,与如今无关。常与常与 yesterday , last week, two months /years

17、 ago 等等连用。而如今完成时那么强调过去发生的事情对如今产生连用。而如今完成时那么强调过去发生的事情对如今产生的结果或影响。的结果或影响。 I ( watch) the comedy before . I (watch) the comedy last year. have watchedwatched二、普经过去时在虚拟语气中的运用二、普经过去时在虚拟语气中的运用 用过去式表示对如今事情的假设用过去式表示对如今事情的假设 固定句型:固定句型: Its ( high / about ) time (that) sb. did sth./should do should不可省,表示不可省,表

18、示“早就到了该做某事的时候早就到了该做某事的时候了了 If I (have) time , I would attend the lecture . I wish it (be) spring all the year round . He looks as if he (be) an artist . If it (be) not for the rain ,the crops would die . Its (high) time we (that) (leave) . 2.Its (about) time he (that) _(fetch) his son from school .

19、hadwerewerewereleftfetched 过去进展时过去进展时was / were doing一、表示过去某一时辰或某一阶段正在进展的动作。一、表示过去某一时辰或某一阶段正在进展的动作。What she (do) this time yesterday ? She (practise) gym. In 2000 they (study) in a university . 二、用于故事中情节、局面的描写。One morning , a hunter ( walk) through a forest when he met a bear .All the students were

20、busy this afternoon . Some (sweep) the floor . Some (carry) water . Others (clean) the desks and the doors .was doingwas practisingwere studying was walkingwere sweepingwere cleaningwere carrying三、有些表示三、有些表示“挪动的动词:挪动的动词:go , come , leave , arrive , set out , take off 等,的过去进等,的过去进展式常表示过去未来时。展式常表示过去未来

21、时。1. John told us they (leave) for London the next week and that they (come) to say goodbye that evening .四、区别普经过去时和过去进展时:四、区别普经过去时和过去进展时:1. He was writing a letter yesterday evening . 2.He wrote a letter yesterday evening . 他知道这两句的意思有什么区别吗?他知道这两句的意思有什么区别吗?1、他昨晚不断在写信。能够还没写完、他昨晚不断在写信。能够还没写完2、他昨晚写了一封信

22、。写完了、他昨晚写了一封信。写完了were leaving were comingExercises 1. A: Look , where are you going ? You are walking in the wrong direction. B: Oh , I . A. didnt notice B. wasnt noticing C. havent noticed D. am not noticing 2. A: You neednt have paid for it . B: You are right . Nobody the tickets . A. was collecti

23、ng . B. collected C. had collected D . will collect 3. A: Ouch ! You are standing on my foot . B: Im sorry , but I to A. dont mean B. havent mean C. am not meaning D. didnt mean 过去完成时过去完成时 had done一、表示过去某一时辰或某一事件之前曾经发生一、表示过去某一时辰或某一事件之前曾经发生或完成的动作、形状,即或完成的动作、形状,即“过去的过去,可译过去的过去,可译成成“在那之前曾经做了某事。常用在那之前曾经

24、做了某事。常用 by , before , when 等引起的时间状语。等引起的时间状语。 By the end of last week we (study) five books . I (reach) the station before six oclock . You (be) in this school for a years before / when I came here .had studiedhad reachedhad been If you (come) yesterday , you would have met him . We wish we (arrive)

25、 there two hours earlier . He speaks English so fluently as if he (study) English in England before . Only if I (take) his advice .二、在虚拟语气中二、在虚拟语气中 had done 表示对过去事情的表示对过去事情的假设。假设。三、在三、在 no sooner than 和和 hardly / scarcely / rarely when 句型中表示句型中表示“刚刚就就,主句的谓语动,主句的谓语动词用词用 had done(过去完成时过去完成时) ,从句中用,从句中

26、用did普经过去普经过去时时 。 I hardly (enter) the room when I (hear) a loud noise . We no sooner (reach) home than it (begin) to rain .had comehad arrivedhad studiedhad takenhad enteredheardhad reachedbegan表示将要发生的动作或情况:表示将要发生的动作或情况:When you (be) able to give us an answer ?I (think) it over .We ( not be) free to

27、morrow .The agreement (come) into force next spring .The meeting (not last) long ; just have a little patience .when I (make) the copy ? 普通未来时:六种表现方式普通未来时:六种表现方式一、一、 shall shall第一人称表未来第一人称表未来 / will do / will dowill bewill thinkshall /will not bewill comewont lastshall make二、二、be going to do 表示计划、预备

28、做的事表示计划、预备做的事 How you (spend) your holidays ? He (be) a host after he graduates . Look at the clouds. I think it (rain) soon . Watch out ! The basin of flowers (fall) . I feel terrible ; I (throw) up . There (be) a lot of trouble about this .are going to spendis going to beis going to rainam going t

29、o throwis going to fall表示如今已有迹象阐明即将发生、一定要发生的事表示如今已有迹象阐明即将发生、一定要发生的事is going to be 与与will区别:事先经过思索的用区别:事先经过思索的用 be going to , 否那么否那么就就 用用will ;will还可以可以表示情愿的还可以可以表示情愿的意思意思三、三、be doing be doing 表示未来时,主要表示按方案、安排将表示未来时,主要表示按方案、安排将要发生的动作或事。要发生的动作或事。四、四、be to do be to do 表示按方案安排要发生的事或用来征求对方意见,也常用表示按方案安排要发生的事或用来征求对方意见,也常用于宣传官方的方案或决议,以及制止、命令等。于宣传官方的方案或决议,以及制止、命令等。用于用于ifif引导的从句,表未来或是想要做的事情引导的从句,表未来或是想要做的事情后来将注定要发生的事后来将注定要发生的事 If we (succeed) , we must rely on the masses .are to succeed2. He (regret) this decision .他未来一定会对这个决议懊悔的。他未来一定会对这个决议懊悔的。is to regret六、六、be about to 表示即将发生某事,由于它本身带有表示即将发生某事,由于它本


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